Ever since he had been expelled from the Garrison, Keith had lived by himself. He had all the basic necesities: water, food, a home (no matter how small it was); to continue a moderately normal life style.

From time to time, Shiro would come by to keep him company. On the alpha's occasional visits, Shiro would supply Keith with entertainment. The books, the old VHS tapes, and even the countless thoughtfull conversation had all been greatly appreciated. Even if Shiro was only here at intervals, he felt like pack; his precense was comforting, easy to be around.

That was before the Kerberos mission. He had thought that he had been alone before the 'crash' that had 'ended Shiro's life', but now without the other alpha, he really was, undeniably, alone.

Without realizing it, Keith had clung on to Shiro after the Garrison. He had been like a brother to him. Shit,- at some point he even had a crush on him.

Shiro had been his life-line. He had supported Keith, even - no, especially, after what had happened.

So, you can imagine that after Shiro's 'death', Keith had been devastated. He completely shut himself off from the world. He dwelled inside his shack of a home and consumed himself with his... research, I guess you could call it.

Every so often, Keith would ponder what Shiro would have to say about his anti-social behavior. Shiro would go into overpritective-alpha mode, Keith mused. Say he "Needs to get some fresh air."

Keith only knew what he had been taught before being expelled. So, him being only around 13 at the time, hadn't received the awkward lecture in class about the basics of Mating. Keith was oblivious to the importance mate-bonding, nesting, courting, breeding, and mating; in fact, he didn't even know what mist of those things were!

His small world had only been made up of his shack, his research, and mourning the loss of his 2-person-pack Alpha.

So, you can't really blame him for putting away the strange-smelling, human-sized pile or clothes gathered on his floor.

A/N: So, apparently, more than half of my chapter was deleted in the uploading process. Thanks to a random guest, I was alerted of this (THANK YOU!). I'm to lazy to re-write all of it again on my phone, so I'll wait until I get my laptop back up and running, then I'll make a knew chapter with the next part of the story. I'm sorry, but all the details have been lost in my mind, so I only added a quick ending instead of filling it all in. Thanks for even considering reading the stuff I write. I really appreciate it!
