This story is written for the Season 6 Daily Prophet Issue 4 Challenge. My prompt was to write about an anti-hero, I chose Draco Malfoy. I also used the prompt "This is either madness, or brilliance." /(Will Turner) "It's remarkable how often those two traits coincide." – Jack Sparrow and "The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease forever to be able to do it." —J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan

Draco Malfoy and a group of trusted friends were gathered in the Room of Requirement. Draco waited patiently for everyone to stop talking.

"We have gathered here today to create a resistance against Voldemort. Why, might you ask? Because Muggle-borns aren't that different from us. They are people just like us, they have magic, they learn, and they are human. Sure, they have not been raised like us but otherwise, they are like us," Draco said to his friends and housemates. He continued telling the group his plan.

"This is either madness or brilliance," Theo Nott said

"It's remarkable how often those two traits coincide," Draco retorted.

"Are you guys quoting Will Turner and Jack Sparrow?" A half-blood asked.

Theo and Draco looked at them and asked in sync,"Who?" .

"Nevermind," The half-blood said.

"Before we end this meeting, I have one question for all of you. Are Muggle-borns really that different from us?" Draco asked before dismissing them. The next day many came up to him and said no before vowing to help the fight against Voldemort. Soon Draco's little resistance was not so little, having almost all of Slytherin join. The Slytherins soon started their plan. The plan was to help the other students. After detention (which was casting the cruciatus curse on the other students), members of the Slytherin Resistance would dress up in Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, or Hufflepuff robes and carry the first years back to their respective common rooms. As well as helping the others limp back.

Neville had gotten detention for something, he didn't care to listen so he didn't know for what. Detention was run by the Carrow twins. They started by doing attendance so they would know if anyone skipped. It was over fifty percent Gryffindors and no Slytherins. Detention was having the Slytherins who were training to be Death Eaters practice the Cruciatus Curse on you. There were so many Muggle-borns and first years in the room. All screaming out in pain. It was so loud. After detention, some of the first years could barely move. Every day after detention some of the older students that were in detention helped the first years get back to their common rooms. Even though Neville was in unbearable pain he carried two first years that had passed out. Like always they all went back together with their housemates and the Slytherins dressed up as their housemates. One day when Draco was helping the Gryffindors back he encountered Neville Longbottom.

"Longbottom, it is time to start Dumbledore's army again, is it not?" Draco said to the boy he had tormented for years. Neville nodded in agreement.

The next day Neville addressed the Gryffindor common room.

"It's time we started Dumbledore's Army again," Neville said. Murmurs started and Neville waited, knowing that in time they would stop.

"I once heard a quote that I would like to tell all of you, The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease forever to be able to do it. It was said be J.M. Barrie, when writing the Muggle story Peter Pan," Neville said during the first meeting of the reformed Dumbledore's Army. Neville then confirmed what everyone had suspected.

"The Slytherins have created a resistance. Some have volunteered to teach us how to counter some of the Death Eater's spells," Neville said. After that, everytime the D.A. met, one or two of the Slytherins taught them how to counter a couple of the Death Eater spells.

Months later in the battle of Hogwarts, many were surprised to see the Slytherin Resistance fighting flawlessly with the D.A.