I did it. It was done, I graduated. I looked around at the crowd of family, friends, and loved ones who were seated above us graduates. It felt unreal. It was in a flash, gone, never to come back. And suddenly, I was just really, really… sad? I sat there wondering, not for the first time in the past two hours, about the Host Club, what I had left behind.

I didn't think much about them anymore, at least not in the past few months dealing with graduation fast approaching. But, sitting there now, I couldn't help but realize just much I was missing. I got my degree. I got my job. I got my future. But I did it alone. I hadn't seen them as often as I'd have liked, other than Haru. Besides her, I was just… there. I missed him. And yeah, I dug my grave, I'll lie in it, sure, but I don't regret it - I just still miss him.

Sighing, I shifted in my seat, noticing it was time for my row to exit the auditorium. Walking down the aisle, I glanced up at the seats, trying to find Haru and her dad since they said they'd be there. Honestly, I wasn't too hurt to not see them; it was still crowded and people were milling about to leave themselves. I decided I would just call her.

Got my phone out, dialed for Haru, and waited on the line for the click. And I -


I snapped the phone shut.

The phone rang after a few moments. I just, I didn't know what to do. Maybe after all these years I just got real fucking weak in the knees hearing his voice and just fuck.


"You know it's rude to hang up, right?"

I let out a short breath of disbelief. He still had time to be annoying. "Ha, you're right, sorry. Stupid question: why are you on the line?" I gripped the phone tighter, hoping the words I wanted came out.

A pause. "You should ask why we're all on the line - you're on speaker, Chi."

"Everyone?" My fingers went slack til the phone nearly dropped.

"Yeah, Chi. Come outside."

Chaos. I bolted. I had to be there. I had to be there. I had to be there. With them. I knew now what was stupid of me was to just let them fade away. Yeah, fucking stupid of me, but what did I know? I was a teenager in love with family issues and insecurities. Hell, I'm still insecure with issues. Goddamn it, I may always be, but I was trying my hardest to be present and alive.


I leapt. I flew. I don't fucking know. I was on him in a second. And there were tears, lots of them. It was blurry and a whirlwind, but they were there. He was there.

He started to whisper in my ear. "I know, it's okay. It's alright."

I hated being weak, sure, but goddamn if for once I could be allowed to be weak it was now.

"What are we? Chopped liver?"

I laughed, with my whole body, even. I kept a hand on Kaoru's shoulder and turned around to see everyone I loved. My parents were near the back smiling to themselves, Ranka beside them smirking at the display of affection. I blushed a little, but said fuck it. I was happy.

They were all there. My friends. I missed them. My vision went blurry again and I thought I would start blubbering. Strong, smooth hands took hold of my shoulders and pushed me forward to the mass of people waiting to be hugged. I stumbled a little before righting myself.

I wiped my eyes, trying to get the worst of the tears out of the way before laughing again. Hikaru stood beside Mori with a soft smile, one I'm sure nobody outside of this group would ever see. And in that moment I saw them and each of their countenances. Haruhi looking pleased and bored somehow at the same time. Tamaki was sobbing into a hankerchief my mother had given him, big puppy eyes visible over the fabric. Kyouya stood by silently, with a near invisible smile on his face, his eyes shifting from me to Kaoru every few seconds. Hunny was in a similar state to Tamaki, holding trying to hold in his tears while they ran on down his face. Mori, oh, sweet Mori, he looked like his family was reunited. And we were. And I can't believe it took us so long.

I straightened my spine before clearing my throat. We were still in a mildly crowded area, though this had to be said now.

Clearing my throat again, I glanced around at everyone one last time. "I -" I took a deep breath. "I'm not sorry. I had to do this." The smiles faltered a bit. "I am, however, sorry I did it how I did it. I didn't need to be alone. I -"

"Damn right," Hikaru said shortly, raising an eyebrow at me.

"As I was saying," I said, "I'm sorry. I'll say that for the next few years, but I want you to know I'm sorry." I noticed the parents whisper to one another before slinking away from us. I smiled at that. I'd tell them thank you later. "Basically, I didn't fuck up, and I don't regret choosing college, but I did miss you guys. A lot."

I looked around at the group of misfits and princes and weirdos I fell in love with, and I knew I made the right choice. We were grown now. We were better now. We weren't the Host Club anymore. We were family, officially.