Disclaimer: Whelp I still don't own anything except my crazy OC. I make no money off this obviously as this is a FANfiction all rights belong to the talented folks who created the world I'm happily mucking about in.

AN: As you can tell from the last chapter things are veering off course of the canon storyline. Thank you to those of you who have followed this story! It gives me the courage to press forward and keep writing!

Chapter Five

Alathea continues to gently touch the Indominous doing her best to keep calm even though she is highly aware that she could easily be killed by those sharp teeth so close to her but at the same time... wasn't it entirely thrilling to brush so close to death? Later she would likely feel the need to have her head examined but for right now she's going with the flow. Owen on the other hand... is having a series of mini heart-attacks watching this though realizing something that caused him to swallow thickly he approaches slowly and with much embarrassment, he ducks some making himself smaller than the delicate-looking female. He could only hope his girls never learned of this or they'd never respect him as alpha again. He makes a low sound in his throat, one that Blue responded to very well, and scoots closer by ducking he put himself lower than the female he vaguely remembered meeting before.

The Indominous snorts heavily but for the moment remains laying on the ground, this new two-leg smelled... strange to her, like the little one before she died but not at the same time. However, as he got within arm's reach she rumbles and then is shocked as she feels the small gentle paw that was touching her nose so nicely bump her muzzle harder. Owen is looking at Alathea like she's lost her damn mind and honestly, she feels like she has as she speaks her voice firm and low, "Now none of that. He's in awe of your beauty. You can't treat people like that when they are not showing aggression." She knew the great white beasty wouldn't understand her words most likely but the tone was one she used when she was dealing with unruly animals, it was her 'I'm the alpha here and you will listen to me' tone, the words were more for the benefit of the man less than 3 feet behind her.

Owen is gobsmacked once more as the Indominous worbles at the small female then she jerks upwards and there is a small yelp from Alathea as she was lifted by a deceptively thin forearm, but at least she heard a rather adorable masculine yelp so she wasn't on her own as the Indominous turns and runs into the trees camouflaging as she goes, not that it would help the two humans hanging from her forearms to hide... but... there were bad smelling ones coming. Alathea glances over at Owen a smirk forming on her lips, "Well... I think this may be far more interesting then I anticipated." her voice is soft and low, "Are the boys alright?" Owen nods as he nervously clings not wanting to be dropped, "Back with their aunt." Alathea looks relieved, "Good." She starts humming softly as the Indominous moves through the undergrowth, Owen is trying to not freak out, "H..how did you know you could talk to her?"

Alathea stops humming to chuckle softly, "I didn't. I knew that it was possible I was about to die, knew that from the moment I made the decision to give the boys my gyrosphere to get them out. It was luck that she responded favorably." Owen is looking at her like she's insane, and possibly she is that was a worry for another time, however, "You... really do love raptors don't you?" Alathea flashes him a bright grin, "Of course I do. Do you really think I would have asked so many questions when I found out what you worked with otherwise?" Owen gives a half-smile, "In Jurassic World? Yes." Alathea snorts softly, "No. My favorite since I was young was the Velociraptor. Still a high contender but I think the beautiful lady carrying us might be my new favorite." she runs gentle fingers over the pebbly skin covering the arm carrying her.

Alathea goes quiet as they are carried before asking softly, "Sweet girl don't you think we'd be safer in your paddock?" Not that she expected to be understood let alone responded to but she felt it needed to be said, preferably before anyone got shot. Because she hadn't expected a response from the great white beasty she nearly jolts out of her skin when the Indominus changes directions still carrying the two odd two-legs. She was smart and starting to comprehend the strange noises slowly but surely and while all of it was mostly lost on her she understood safe and the word paddock translated to territory, and while she had in fact been busy expanding her territory she knew the safest part for her little two-legs would be that place she had freed herself from.

Owen blinks at Alathea, "Um..." Alathea, however, looks just as surprised that the Indominus had changed directions. This is to say nothing of the absolute confusion going on in the command center as they verify that the Indominus Rex is heading away from the main park which it had been streaking towards and back out towards where it's paddock is. No one could understand what is going on and it is really throwing a kink in one particular man's plans to use the raptors for a field test which has him in a particularly nasty mood. There was a lot of money sunk into that raptor pack and not nearly enough to show for it. First, it was Grady stonewalling now the perfect target was making things difficult! The pacing angry man was finally booted out of the main control room by Masurani who was getting quite annoyed. Claire and the boys come in moments later, Claire actually looking concerned, "Grady is still out there somewhere..."

It's Grey who points, "Look!" Causing both adults to look at the banks of screens, "Where is that Lowrey?" The man in question startles at being singled out, "It's the Indominus Paddock..." They are watching in stunned silence as said beastie moves in with her 'little two-legs' still held against her chest, Owen was recognized immediately the female... not so much until Grey gasps, "That's Alathea! She's alive!" They watch concerned as the Indominus carries them in deeper and Lowrey changes the camera view from 'observation' to 'nest' and watches as the Indominus settles into her large nest with Alathea and Owen tucked against her with a low rumble. They watch as Alathea pulls a strangely shaped thing out of her bag and blows through it, again it's Grey with an answer, "Is that... a resonating chamber?"

Lowery looks at it, "Looks like it kid. But that raises an interesting question..." he looks to Masurani, "just what did they cook up in that lab which would respond to a velociraptor's resonating chamber without being a Velociraptor?" Masurani crunches his brows, "That is an excellent question which I believe I need to pose to Dr. Wu." He's starting to look mad now rather than merely concerned, "Look at her behavior... before and now. How long has she been suffering?" Lowery speaks up, "She's about a year old give or take a few days. Originally there were two but the other died." Masurani is glowering, true anger alights in his gaze, "What else do you know?" Lowery looks quite put out, "Not much that I didn't put in the report. The other died less than two months in. As the Indominus Rex was labeled top secret and dangerous by Dr. Wu no one could go in and retrieve it. She ait it after two days."

Claire looks frustrated, "Why did I never see this report?" Lowery blinks, "Uh... because any and all reports about the I. Rex were ordered to be sent directly to Dr. Wu? The order had your signature on it!" The last sentence was squeaked almost frightened because Lowery isn't the bravest man and the look on Claire's face is making him very nervous because she looks absolutely murderous, "My... signature?!" Yep suffice to say the firey red-headed temper she worked so hard to conceal is starting to make an appearance which to those in the command center is almost as startling as the I. Rex cuddling Alathea and Owen in her paddock! Speaking of... down in the paddock Alathea is making herself comfortable as she looks over to Owen a faint chuckle in her voice, "Let me guess... not exactly how you saw your day going huh?"

Owen's look is incredulous, "No... no, it's not. How are you so calm about this right now?" Alathea shrugs, "It will do me no good to panic at the moment. Later I can freak out, right now I need to focus on staying alive." Owen sighs knowing she's right, "Prior military?" he asks curiously as her viewpoint on this sounds like something one of his instructors would have said. Alathea shakes her head, "Nope. You?" Owen nods, "Navy." Alathea pulls out a bottle of water and a bag of trail mix from her bag, "It's not much... but I'm willing to share as it may be some time before we get out of here." Owen lets out a gruff chuckle, "Prepared for anything aren't you?"

Alathea looks thoughtful for a moment, "Almost. I do try but I certainly wasn't prepared for you." The tone almost flirty which causes Owen to blink, "For me?" he asks curiously as he wasn't quite sure what she meant by that nor rather or not that was a compliment. Alathea smirks teasingly at him, "Well obviously. Do you see any other attractive raptor wranglers around here?" The question was asked in such a casual way that Owen has to fight back the feel of heat in his cheeks.

AN: And that's a wrap for this chapter! Sorry it took so long, my muse ran away halfway through and I had to hunt her down. I found her browsing My Hero Academia and Final Fantasy XIV stuff... so she may be plotting... Ah well, something to deal with another day. I hope y'all are staying safe through this crazy pandemic and quarantine!
