AN: This story deals heavily with the topic of rape, featuring a graphic rape scene in the first chapter. As well, there will be other potentially triggering content down the line, so proceed at your own caution. You have been warned.

It was eerily silent. The soft glow of street lights casting looming shadows on the walls, the cool night air sending a shiver down his spine. It was almost like walking in a ghost town, not that he minded. The silence was welcoming, he could focus easier. Listen to the sounds of his drumming footsteps, or his soft breaths. Anything to clear his head.

Work stress had begun to grow, too much to do, nothing going anywhere. He needed to take some time, clear his head, figure something out. Return in the morning with a clear plan, get something productive done. The was a loud hoot and he turned his head to look up, spotting the glowing eyes of a catowl on the roofs opposite. He should work on things one at a time, stop taking on multiple tasks at once, sort out the simpler stuff, get them completed before moving onto the meatier tasks. The catowl flew off, disappear into the night with a rustle of feathers, it's hoots growing distant. He had a domestic abuse case, maybe he could work on that, it shouldn't take too long.

He rounded the corner of the street, crossing the empty road, the wind nipped at his face. Then he could move onto the satomobile theft, get that done, all he'd have left was the murder case. He smiled to himself. The first two cases shouldn't take him too long, he'd be onto the exciting stuff in not time. He wouldn't have to worry about the Chief pressing him for deadlines as much. Maybe he'd get some free time for once, he could hit the gym, or go visit Wu, maybe check up on his family. That'd be nice.

He paused himself. He should probably head back. He needed to sleep and it was who-knows how late. He turned in his tracks, pulling his jacket tighter around himself. It was getting cold. The dull gold of the streetlights seemed to have dimmed, although it may have just been his imagination. He hadn't been paying much attention before, it probably was. The shadows seemed bigger too, cast up the walls menacingly. He remembered fearing them when he was young, scared that they'd attack him whilst he slept. Their shapes flickered as he passed, his own shadow adding to their menacing illusions. Were he still a child, he'd probably be scared now. But he knew better. Shadows couldn't attack him.

They seemed to move out of the corner of his eye. He was growing tired, it was probably the fatigue, his eyes playing tricks on him. He was the only person out. They couldn't have moved. He picked up his pace, turning into another street. The echoing silence filling his ears. Maybe detective work was starting to make him paranoid? He should ask Lin for holiday leave, maybe a bit of relaxation could help.

He was grabbed, a strong arm wrapping around his torso, hand across his mouth muffling his startled yelp. He flailed, panic consuming him, kicked backward. A loud curse. He slipped out of their grip. Run. He stood frozen. Run! He couldn't, earth had managed to snake it's way up his legs, locking him in place, the tight panic in his chest invading his lungs. His fists flickered with the same bright flame of his fearful eyes, he was trapped. Do something dammit! He could fight. Maybe his fire could scare them off? He doubted it. They already had the upper hand, he had no mobility, he couldn't move.

His earthen prison was slowly creeping up his body, extinguishing his flame. He willed himself to control his breath, calm himself down. This guy probably just wanted money. The moment he saw there wasn't any, he'd leave. Right? "You're a pretty little thing, aren't you?" He tensed completely, the feeling of hot breath in his ear, mingled with the scent of alcohol. A drunk. Wouldn't listen to reason. He wracked his brain for options, feeling a hand grab his face, caressing his jawline. A soft hum. "Such a pretty boy."

His eyes widened in realisation. No! He struggled, doing little to free himself. Jerking away from the mans touch, he felt sick to his stomach. This can't be happening. His mind swayed as he was struck round the head, blinking rapidly in attempt to regain himself, his vision swam. He felt himself collide with the ground, a dull pain stretching up his side. Get up! He tried. He tried desperately to pick himself up, fight back, do something.

The earth had locked itself round his wrists, pinning him to the ground. He could feel the man behind him, watching his desperate struggles, probably growing excited. His stomach lurched at the thought. He could feel the mans hands on him, exploring his body. He struggled to breathe, to move, to do anything. He hoped someone would come along, find them, prevent this from happening. He could barely force a word out, his throat seemed to have closed up completely in his panic.

He could feel the hands pulling at his trousers. He kicked out, thrashing, trying to get him off. He was pressed further into the ground, hands held tightly on his hips, nails raking him. His eyes and lungs were beginning to burn as his lower body was stripped, hands caressing the places he didn't want to be caressed. Fight back! He was scared, terrified. This was happening and he couldn't do anything to stop it. A silent scream left his throat as he was violated, he could feel the tears streaking down his face, falling into his mouth. It hurt, spirits, it hurt. Like he was being torn apart from the inside, burning from the inside out.

He didn't know how long it continued. He didn't even notice that he was alone once more, left in a heap on the ground. He needed to get up. Go home. Clean. He managed to push himself up into a kneeling position, his thighs were caked with bruises and blood. He doubled over, vomiting onto the pavement, feeling his insides recoiling in horror. He stood, pulling his clothing back on, feeling the dripping begin to run down his legs, staining his trousers. His legs felt like jelly.

He hugged the wall for support on the way back, it was difficult to walk. Down there still hurt so much. He could hear the ragged gasps of his breath, the soft click of the lock as his door opened, limping into his apartment. He needed to shower, to clean, get this filth off him.

The shower burnt his skin, but he didn't care. He reached for the soap, scrubbing himself raw, watching the red-tinged water swirl down the drain. He let his head rest against the wall as his shoulders shook with sobs. Curling into himself, hugging his knees to his chest, feeling the water drum down on him. He could still feel hands on him, resting on the bruises, caressing his skin with a burning intensity. Still hear the whispers, smell the alcohol on the breath.

The feelings still lingered long after he'd gotten out of the shower, seated on his couch, hands wrapped around a mug of tea. He could see the shadows creeping up his walls, even as he stared blankly ahead into nothing. He should get some sleep. Forget this ever happened. Cover himself in so many blankets that no-one would be able to touch him again. He should sleep.

The moment he close his eyes, he could see the man, his shadowy figure standing over him. He drew his knees up, sobbing into them as the uneven breaths wracked his body once more, the same constricting fear wrapping itself around his mind. He couldn't sleep. He wouldn't sleep, he was too scared. Scared of it happening again, of seeing him again. He'd stay awake. And then in the morning, he'd go to work. And he would be fine. Because he would forget about it by then. He needed to forget.

AN: This is most definitely the darkest thing I've written yet. Came completely out of the blue as well, so I'm not 100% sure where I'm going to go with it either, guess I'm just gonna have to improvise.

Anyway, I hope you managed to enjoy this, even if it was disturbing and incredibly dark, even for my standards.

Reviews aren't necessary, but I would appreciate them as they help me know you enjoyed this and would like to see more down the line, so please drop a review if you enjoyed this.