What happened to everyone after the end of Angel Beats? Well, what if they got to live again? Imagine if everyone from the Afterlife were all reincarnated in the same place, going to the same school. This is the love story between Yui and Hideki Hinata, though they don't remember the lives they had before the current ones they have. Though, it could be certain that they could gain their memories as time passes by. Will they be able to remember their past life? Will they become friends again? What could be the possibility that they would all find each other again and become great friends, and the chance of Hideki and Yui becoming close - and the chance that he might be able to fulfill his forgetful wish that he had made to her in the past?

(A/N: I know everyone has different age gaps, but here for the sake of this story, the age gaps would be 1-2 years apart, but still be really close friends, but because this MY fanfic, I want to say that if they are younger and in the same classes, it because that person is really smart and excelled in the subject to be able to be in that class.)


Everyone who was at the Shinda Sekai Sensen were either Humans that still had a purpose to live. Like there was something that they still had to achieve, there was a purpose why they were still there. At Shinda Sekai Sensen, there was more than just humans, there were - NPCs living there too. There was one human who wanted to let everyone go on and live their life. The SSS Afterlife squad called her Angel, but her real name is Kanade Tachibana. Everyone just called her Angel for short. No one knew what really happened if they ever achieved their dream - they would be at peace is what they found out near the end, and everyone was happy. That was Kanade wanted the whole time, for everyone to be able to live their life, to be able to come to understand everything in the end.

The only ones who were left near the end were:

1) Hideki Hinata

2) Ayato Naoi

3) Yuri Nakamura

4) Yuzuru Otonashi

5) Kanade Tachibana.

Everyone else had made peace. Rather it had been before the battle had started or during the battle. Yuzuru was the one to help everyone pass on, to be made at peace, to have accomplished everything that they needed to do. Though there is one person that Hideki Hinata couldn't stop thinking about as he fought on that battlefield. Yui.

(A/N: During this flashback, this is what is said during the ENGLISH DUB of the anime, I took everything said and put here. Of course, the punctuation isn't the same, but the words and actions are similar.)


"Well, I'll marry you!" Hideki said coming out from the shadows.

This surprised both Yui and Yuzuru as they turned around to face the noise they heard. In the process of Yui being in shocked, she dropped the bat that she was holding on to.

"Hinata..." Yuzuru said as he watched his friend walk closer.

"I'll marry you," Hinata said again, as he walked closer to Yui. "I'm serious, I mean it Yui."

Yui stared at him in shock, but then her face dropped as she muttered the words. "You wouldn't. I mean..You don't know the real me, do you?"

"No matter what you were like or what you did in your previous life. I'd still marry you today; no matter what terrible physical handicap you had"

"You know, I couldn't walk, I still couldn't stand."

"I said, No matter the Handicap," Hideki started off with, as Yui looked at him she was shocked. "Even if you couldn't stand or walk, even if you couldn't have kids, even so...I'd still marry you."

Yuzuru just stayed quiet, watching what was happening between the two. He was shocked to see what going on. He's never seen Hinata look at someone with so much passion.

"I would!" Hideki said. Yui started to smile. "I wanna be with you forever and ever. The Yui I met here wasn't a fake." He started to walk closer until he was standing right in front of her. "You're Yui. No matter where we met, I would've fallen in love with you. Even though it's a 1 in 6 billion chance we meet, even if you were already paralyzed when we met."

The sweet moment between - made Yui happy and tears started to fall down her face because this was something she never thought she would hear her Senior say to her. Though He kept on talking, even Yui was silent.

"I'd marry you and I'd make you happiest woman alive." Hideki looked down at her. "If only you would say yes to me."

Yui looked up at him, with tears in the corner of her eyes. "You'd never meet me." She said in her quiet voice. "I was bedridden at home you know."

That was when Hideki stared off into space, looking at the sky thinking of a way on how the two of them would end up meeting; that way they would end up falling in love and getting married. "I'd be- I'd be playing my baseball. One day I would send a baseball flying right through your window. When I go to retrieve it, you'd be there." He started off with his love story. "That's how we'd meet."

At this point, Yui was starting to believe every word, picturing it on how it would all go down in her head. Of course, Hideki kept on talking to her as the sun was setting.

"We'd start talking and have so much fun, that I would start visiting you every day. I'd start taking care of you, how's that sound?" He asked her wondering what she would think about it.

"Good," Yui answered. She sighed, "Say, when that happens my mom would be there for me, taking care of me, all on her own with no help, could you lighten her load?" Yui looked at the ground as she didn't know what he would say.

Hideki looked at her, smiling, "Count on it."

Yui closed her eyes, as tears came flowing down her face, "I'm glad that - " And with those last words, Yui vanished. Knowing that one day she and Hideki would meet and that he would be there, ready to marry her in her next life, no matter if she was handicapped, no matter was going to happen. They would meet. On the ground, there wasn't a Yui anymore, just a baseball helmet and the baseball bat.

That's what he was thinking about - his promise to Yui. Something he thought that would never happen, something that couldn't happen so fast. How old were they? No one knew anymore, not that it matters since no one aged since they died. There are times that people would wonder. Was he going to make a good husband? There were many things that he could think about - how he was the who fucked up his life near the peak of life. Becoming part of a baseball team, not being able to catch that one ball - A Fly Ball to Second. As he was about to leave, someone stopped him handing him drugs, which led to him dying, getting hit by a truck.

Though the question is - where did they go, once they were gone from the Afterlife? Well, here's where they went, and we'll start with Yui...

Yui opened her eyes and saw that she was in some type of waiting room, there was a door, but what was on the other side? Just then the door opened and revealed a woman, holding a clipboard.

"Yui," The woman stated, "Please follow me."

Yui looked at her and then followed, wondering what this place. "What is this place?" Yui asked.

"This place is the in-between."

"I thought where I was before was the In-Between."

"Well, people who had a happy life, come here, those who still had yet to complete everything they wanted are diverted to Afterlife."

"Okay, so what happens in this 'in-between'?"

"Well, you step on a scale, and it tells us if you are to go up to heaven, or be reincarnated to live life all over again."

"So, a scale tells me if I'm to stay dead, or if I'm to go and live a new life?"

"That is true."

Yui looked around the place, and once they came to stop to a giant scale, that had two markings, Heaven or Life. Yui was a bit scared - what was going to happen once she got on that scale? Would there be anything in Heaven for her? She didn't know if her mother was still alive, or how long she's been in the Afterlife. This was going to be taking a big risk. This was going to be something new for her. Having a scale debate rather or not she would be able to live again. This was going to be hard for her, she wanted to be given another chance to live, to be able to get married if she was going to be reborn.

"Alright Yui, step on the scale." The woman said as she smiled.

This was her chance. The scale that would be able to say all. She took her steps forward and got on a scale. It took a while before it would say that one word that would either make Yui happy or make her a bit sad.


That was what the scale had pointed to. Yui's face lit up, and then a door opened, where the woman had Yui follow her. Inside the next room, there were two doors. Heaven. Life. Those were the words on each of the doors. Since the scale for Yui had stated life, the door was unlocked and inside, she saw Masami Iwasawa - it looked Yui was about to say something, but the nurse stopped her.

"I wouldn't say anything to her, she wouldn't know who you are. Once you step through this door, you lose all memories of the Afterlife and the life you had before going to Afterlife. Though, there is a chance, that you may regain these memories." The woman explained.

"So, I step through this door - and I won't remember that I was a singer with the band Girls Dead Monster..." Yui stated. "How long will I be this room?"

"That's up to the person in charge, they will choose when you get to live again, but beyond this room, is another one you go into, once more people show up, in that room, there are pods where you will stay until they are ready to send you." She smiled.

Yui took a deep breath and turned to the woman, "I hope all my friends get reincarnated with me," Those were the last words Yui said as she walked into the room, losing all her memories. Yui made her way to sit next to Masami.

16 years later (Yui)

Today I was going to be starting a new school. Hi there! I'm Yui and I'm sixteen years old. My parents and I moved to this new area this summer, and I had to leave my old school behind, where all my friend were. At this new school, I wish I could make some new friends. I wondered what was going to be happening to me today, which was the start of school. I was going to be running late if I didn't hurry! I threw on the school uniform and headed out the door, running to get to the school - okay so maybe I wasn't running, I lived ten minutes away from the school by walking. Though my parents didn't like it if I was going to be late, so if I was to stay after school, my dad wanted to pick me up. Something about it being a new area. They are really protected! Which I like, I won't lie it's awesome to have parents like this!

Well, how about I tell you what I look like?

Okay, so I have long pink hair, which I like to keep pulled up in a ponytail, and my eyes? Well, those are hot magenta! I wondered what was going to be happening at the new school. Will I make new friends? Will I finally get a boyfriend?! The possbilities were endless!

Character Name and Ages (Plus Grade in High School)

Ayato Naoi - Age Sixteen. (Grade: 10th)

Fujimaki - Age: Sixteen (Grade: 10th)

Hideki Hinata - Age: Seventeen (Grade: 11th)

Hisako - Age: Fifteen (Grade: 10, taking some 11th grade classes)

Hitomi - Age: Sixteen (Grade: 10th)

Kanade Tachibana - Age: Fifteen (Grade: 9, taking some 10th grade classes)

Masami Iwasawa - Age: Sixteen (Grade: 10th)

Matsushita - Age Seventeen (Grade: 11th)

Miyuki Irie - Age: Fifteen (Grade: 10th)

Noda - Age Seventeen (Grade: 11th, taking some 10th grade classes)

Ooyama - Age: Sixteen (Grade: 10th, taking some 11th grade classes)

Shiina - Age: Sixteen (Grade: 10th)

Shiori Sekine - Age: Fifteen (Grade: 9th)

Takamatsu - Age: Sixteen (Grade 10th)

Takeyama: - Age: Seventeen (Grade 11th)

TK - Age: Seventeen (Grade 11th)

Yui - Age: Sixteen (Grade 10th, taking 11th Grade classes)

Yuri Nakamura - Age: Sixteen (Grade 10th)

Yusa - Age: Seventeen (Grade 11th)

Yuzuru Otonashi - Age: Sixteen (Grade: 10th, taking some 11th grade classes)