Welcome to my new story!

I don't own rotg



The wind howled furiously and shadows grew across the cold tarmac as horses, made out of black sand, crept out of the trees. Their hooves made no sound as they advanced closer and their their neighing echoed into the cold, night air. Five figures stepped away from the horses as they came closer until their backs pressed against each other. The silver rays of moonlight shone upon them, revealing the many cuts and wounds that were littered across their bodies. It had been the perfect ambush.

A strange figure rose out of the shadows as if he was rising out of water; his yellow eyes cut into the blackness of the night. He began to chuckle cruelty as he saw his enemies, cornered and bleeding. His nightmares began to whine louder, sensing their master's excitement and the nightmare king laughed again, breathing in the crisp night air as the wind howled around him. It had been the perfect ambush.

In his pale hand a long knife formed out of the shadows, made out of pure darkness; its point was sharp and covered in a strange black liquid.

"Oh my…" Pitch Black said, a thin smile forming on his lips, "why such long faces?"

One of the figures, who was leaning heavily on a shepherd's crook, bravely took a small step forward; a larger hand brushed against his and the spirit looked back to see another pair of blue eyes once filled with wonder, now with worry. A brief, reassuring smile flickered on the winter spirit's face for a second and then he turned back to the yellow eyes, meeting them with icy blue ones. The wind whistled again and blew the white locks away from his eyes and the spirit glared at the Boogeyman with hatred. This spirit was Jack Frost, bringer of winter and fun- and he wasn't ready to be defeated.

"What do you want?" Jack shouted angrily, standing a little straighter. Pitch grinned and his horses neighed again, swarming closer. The other guardians stepped back again but the spirit stayed where he was, refusing to back down.

"I like your sharpness, Jack." Pitch narrowed his amber eyes, "it would be useful to have that kind of sharpness in my nightmare army…"

Shouts of rage cane from the other guardians and a large paw took hold of Jack's blood-stained sleeve, pulling him away urgently; the spirit gladly followed Bunny's tug and for the first time he worried about his own safety. The nightmare king dropped his smile, however, and sighed.

"But I know that won't work anymore…" he said and walked closer to the guardians, keeping his eyes locked onto Jack's. The Boogeyman ran a long, boney finger across the blade he held in his hand and his smile dropped. The wind suddenly stopped roaring and the horses grew silent.

"What I want…" Pitch murmured, suddenly seizing Jack's chin; the spirit tried to pull away desperately and the guardian tried to help, but the Boogeyman refused to let go, and dug his sharp nails into his pale skin, drawing blood.

"What I want…is Jack Frost's blood soaked on my blade!" Pitch abruptly let go and pushed the spirit away, twisting his knife. The guardians immediately surrounded Jack; the spirit shrank away even further, his eyes wide and fearful.

"Never!" Tooth shouted and clenched her fists; Sandy pulled out a golden dream whip, Bunny clutched his boomerangs and raised them in the air, and North drew his swords, pointing them at Pitch. The nightmare king growled, glaring at them angrily.

"Attack!" He screamed to his nightmare army, and the horses began to charge towards the guardians, neighing in high pitched, excited tones.

Jack watched as his friends wearily readied themselves for the upcoming attacks, and he realised, with a jolt, that this may be their last battle.

Or maybe just his last battle.

Suddenly everything seemed to move in slow motion: the charging horses, the shouts and battle cries, Pitch, laughing as his nightmares raced past him. It all seemed unreal.

He didn't bother to prepare himself as the nightmare horses began to pounce on him. He didn't bother to lift up his staff. He didn't bother to try and defend himself. All he did was watch the guardians as they struggled in battle.

The wind howled again and small snowflakes began to fall from the night sky as Jack began to slowly walk forward, towards Pitch without looking up. His limbs felt heavy, and the wounds he had gathered started to make themselves known on his body again. All he wanted to do was run away; run away from the fight, away from his death- he wanted to go back home, to the Pole, and watch as North made some more toys for Christmas. For once he wished he was a coward.

But he knew that couldn't happen.

Jack caught sight of Pitch among his army, staring back at him with amber eyes gleaming smugly. He knew what Jack was going to do and the spirit cursed himself for being so predictable. He turned his gaze towards his friends, who were loosing badly and getting trampled on by nightmares and it filled him with a new kind of determination among his dread.

"Stop!" Jack yelled. The horses immediately sprang off the guardians and re-formed the intimidating circle. Pitch grinned and twisted the blade in his hand again; the moonlight refined its metal edge and sharp point. Jack started at the blade and closed his eyes.

"I'll do it." He whispered, "I'll do it."

"No." Bunny muttered. "No!" He tried to leap forward but the horses pinned him down, and they did the same to the other guardians. The pooka's cries faded from Jack's ears and was replaced with the wind whistling in his ears; it soothed him, strangely, and he no longer felt his heart pounding inside him. To him, everything became peaceful and the blunt truth was numb in his brain.

Jack began to walk forward to his death, keeping his eyes on only the nightmare king until he was only a few centimetres away from him and felt his cold breath against his cheek. He closed his eyes and focused on the wind.

A sudden pain surged through his whole body, stemming from his stomach, and the spirit screamed a long, piecing scream.



"You monster!"


Jack screamed again and instinctively clamped his hands on his stomach, looking down to see a knife blade firmly stabbed inside. He tried to stop the blood gushing out of his wound but it only caused his hands to be covered in the red substance. His breaths started to come in gasps and he didn't even realise he had collapsed onto the ground until he felt gentle hands pick him up carefully. Jack coughed and forced himself to open his eyes so he could see the guardians that were looking down to him, faces etched with fear and worry.

"Will…will you stay with me?" Jack spluttered in barely a whisper to North, who was the one holding him. The spirit didn't hear the Cossack's answer and began to cough again weakly, a little dribble of blood spilling out of his mouth. Black spots invaded his vision and his breath hitched.

What was happening?

Why was everything growing darker?

"I'm…sorry…" Jack murmured and closed his eyes, falling into the strong lull of sleep.

Jack Frost didn't die.

The guardians fled the battle they had been forced to fight in and performed emergency surgery on the spirit. However, soon after the spirit fell into a deep coma, intended to be full of nightmares.

One of Pitch's last tricks.

The nightmare king wanted Jack Frost to suffer if he was going to live, and what better way would that be than to trap him in a endless nightmare? That had been the black liquid's purpose when he spread it carefully on the blade's point. To make a never-ending torture.

But Pitch had underestimated the sandman's power.

Though unable to bring dreams to Jack, Sandy managed to stop the nightmares and put the spirit into a dreamless sleep. The guardians waited for Jack to wake up, but he never did.

A few days later, Pitch invaded the North Pole, desperate for revenge on Jack Frost. The guardians decided to hide the spirit in the one place that the nightmare king would never search.

In his rage, Pitch sent out his army to ambush the guardians that remained; they fought the best they could but without the familiar winter spirit fighting beside them. And so they lost the battle, and the Boogeyman had finally won.


Darkness has taken over the world and nightmares rule dreams. Pitch made sure that Santa, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy and the Sandman ceased to exist; the children began to stop believing and the world has lost hope.

But the nightmare king still isn't satisfied; he still hasn't found Jack Frost and kill him like he intended to. He had searched the globe, but has not found him.

The places that the guardians once called home have been abandoned, and the guardians themselves have disappeared.

Only they, and the man in the moon, know where Jack sleeps and are desperately hoping that he will awaken.

But the spirit of winter still sleeps, oblivious of the world changing around him.

Please could you review this once you read it, even if you have something bad to say…I'm not sure if this will intrigue people and if the plot seems promising…

So yeah- please review!
