Author's Notes: Hello there! Apologies for the wait. Believe it or not, this chapter was actually going to be even longer than it already is, but I figured I could move some content to the next one and leave this one with a fun little teaser at the end.

Quick word of thanks to WindbornesWord for pointing out a mistake that I made with the name of Yoruichi's Zanpakutō. If I was going for 'Lightning Priestess' than Inazuma Miko would've been a better name. However, 'Inazuma On'na' could be read as 'Lightning Lady/Female' or 'Lightning Maiden', which I think fits Yoruichi quite well. I like 'Lightning Maiden', so I'm going with that.

Not much in the way of action in this chapter. It's a split between lore and Soul Society politics, along with a little bit of mother-son bonding. If you're here for high-octane Shonen fights, well, you're shit out of luck this time.


Chapter Sixteen: Shadows of the Past

While Yoruichi had initially wanted to hold off on the debriefing until the following morning, the walk back to camp had given her enough time to reconsider the matter. As much as Yoruichi might want to give her subordinates a chance to rest, there were important matters that had to be attended to. An immediate debriefing definitely was needed, and she would have to be very careful with how she went about it given just what had happened today. Between Shisui's mysterious artifact and Itachi unlocking the Sharingan in front of Soi-Fon, there was some very sensitive information that had to be handled with no small amount of discretion.

As soon as they'd returned to their base camp, Yoruichi had decided to make the initial debriefing a private conference. The command tent had already been set up the night before, along with mats and cushions for a small group. She now sat at the head of the gathering, with Soi-Fon on her right and Kisuke on her left. Joining them were Itachi, Shisui, Visaelya, and Aika. The rest of the officers who had been inside the Moon Tower when the battle had broken out were on a meal break; Yoruichi would convene a separate meeting with them once she was through with this first one.

To their immense credit, the subordinates she'd summoned had answered without fuss even though Yoruichi was sure that they were worn out and probably just wanted to eat and go to sleep. They certainly looked tired, particularly Aika and Visaelya, but they were here nonetheless. She was actually surprised to see that Itachi didn't look nearly as worn out as the two of them; given that today was his first time using his Shikai, Yoruichi had expected him to be winded from the increased expenditure of energy.

He really is full of surprises, she thought, I still can't believe how much his power shot up today. I figured the Sharingan combined with his Shikai would significantly elevate his spirit energy, but I didn't expect the rise in output to be quite this dramatic.

Granted, Itachi wasn't giving off a great deal of energy at the moment; with his Zanpakutō sealed and his eyes back to normal, he was once again regulating his output like any other Soul Reaper would outside of combat. Still, Yoruichi wasn't blind to the transformation that had taken place within her Sixteenth Seat. Unlocking both his Shikai and Sharingan simultaneously had opened a floodgate inside Itachi, and even at rest the spirit energy flowing through him now was considerable.

What would he be capable of once he began training with this newfound power? How would he wield it when it was combined with his prior knowledge of the Sharingan's capabilities? He'd already demonstrated an ability to adapt his Shikai to specific circumstances through his little trick with sheathing her gauntlets in the spirit energy-infused flames to blunt the wild discharges from her Shikai, and that was only his first time wielding it. Once Itachi had enough time to practice and explore the new power of his Zanpakutō, Yoruichi was sure that he would discover all sorts of creative and innovative ways to apply its strengths in battle.

Exploring the potential of her Sixteenth Seat's Shikai would have to wait, though; they had more pressing business to attend to at the moment. Taking a moment to allow everyone to get comfortable, Yoruichi then leaned forward slightly to get things rolling.

"Sorry to call you all in here so quickly," she began with an apologetic smile, "I'm sure you all want nothing more than to eat and get some shuteye, and I promise you'll be able to do both as soon as we wrap this up."

Kisuke tried and failed to stifle a yawn. "I gotta say, today took more out of me than I thought it would. This is definitely one of our more interesting missions, that's for sure."

"A bit too interesting for my liking," Soi-Fon dryly quipped, "A boring patrol in the Seireitei suddenly sounds quite appealing by comparison."

Shisui gave a weary nod. "No argument here."

Visaelya shook her head, her complexion a bit paler than normal. "I'm still having trouble believing it all. Those really were wights we fought up there... and that means…"

"Yes," said Yoruichi grimly, "There was a wraith in the depths of the Moon Tower."

Aika gulped nervously. "A… a wraith? I thought… I thought those were just… just myths. Fables made up by parents to spook naughty children with…"

"I wasn't even aware of that," said Shisui.

"Nor was I," Itachi chimed in.

Both Uchiha were looking at her in patient anticipation, and Yoruichi knew that they deserved answers. "Wraiths are exceptionally rare, and for good reason; the power and skill needed to create them no longer exists in the modern Soul Society. They're phantoms of a bygone age… one where spell casters pushed to the absolute limits of their craft and beyond, channeling raw might and the very fabric of the afterlife itself. The Central Forty-Six would prefer that such techniques remain buried in the sands of time; they prefer the much more orderly and controlled Kidō spells that are taught at the Academy."

Itachi's eyes narrowed. "You told me earlier that they're essentially the product of a resurrection in reverse; where someone in the Soul Society brings back someone who has entered the cycle of reincarnation and whose spirit has travelled back to one of the Realms of the Living. The spell casters of old really had that kind of power?"

Yoruichi sighed; she hadn't been looking forward to this bit. "Only one did… and, believe it or not, you've actually heard her name before. Itachi, do you remember what I told you regarding the origins of one of my secret techniques? The one where I take on some more… primal traits, shall we say?"

The young man's onyx eyes closed for a moment as he considered the question, but judging from how quickly they opened again it clearly hadn't taken long for Itachi to find that particular memory. "Yes… you said it was a spell created by one of your ancestors, and she was considered to be perhaps the greatest caster ever born into your clan. You called her the Lady of Midnight, correct?"

Yoruichi nodded. "Good memory."

Shisui and Aika appeared to be drawing a blank, but Visaelya's eyes widened ever so slightly at the mention of that name. "The Lady of Midnight… you mean the Black Sorceress of the Shihōin Clan?"

"One of her less than flattering monikers, yes," Yoruichi replied solemnly, "Then again, in the end it's hard to say that she didn't earn it. I'm surprised you know that much, Visaelya. It wasn't just the Central Forty-Six that tried to scrub her name from the historical records, after all; the Shihōin Clan wasn't exactly proud of her either when it was all over, and they don't like to share information about her."

"Records about her are hard to come by," Visaelya admitted, "but there are a few in the Drakken Clan archives. Besides, her story is one of the more fascinating ones out there regarding the spell casters of the old kingdom. No matter how much the Central Forty-Six might want to act as if she never existed, it's awfully difficult for them to completely sweep her under the rug."

"So, who exactly was she?" asked Aika.

"The eldest daughter of that generation's head of the Shihōin Clan," Yoruichi answered, "She had two younger sisters, each of whom went on to excel in different fields. One was a peerless warrior, and the other was a phenomenal assassin and scout. Collectively, at the time they were known as the Three Gems of the Shihōin Clan. The Lady of Midnight was recognized at a very young age as a prodigy in the art of spell casting, so no expense was spared in developing her abilities to bring glory to the clan. Back then, prominent casters were known as Mages, and they were highly sought after by the old kingdom. Having one as the eldest daughter of a Great Noble House was seen as a sign of destiny and providence, which only served to further the resources that the clan devoted to her training. Had they known just how far she would push those talents of hers later on, though, perhaps they would've reconsidered."

"What was her real name?" asked Shisui.

Yoruichi shook her head. "I don't know. In all the surviving records I've read of that time period, none make mention of it. Even official family trees don't have it; it's been cut out of all of them."

"That's a shame," said Itachi, "Regardless of whatever her later actions were, removing her entirely from the historical record was a disservice to the clan. It denied them the opportunity to learn from the past."

Kisuke nodded. "That's a good way to put it."

"I disagree," argued Soi-Fon, "Some names are better off forgotten."

Itachi's gaze met Yoruichi's. "What do you think?"

Yoruichi shrugged. "Honestly, I'm on the fence. On the one hand, given that what we just fought was a direct result of her descent into darkness, I'm not exactly feeling charitable about her today. However, I do believe in taking a hard look at the past in order to avoid repeating mistakes, and having more knowledge about her available would definitely help in that regard."

Shisui leaned forward slightly. "If she was responsible for all the trouble we had to deal with today, her power must've been incredible. Captain-class at least, right?"

"More than that," Yoruichi answered, "If even half of what the old records say are true, at its peak her power and skill would've allowed her to take on at least half of the Captains in the Thirteen Court Guard Squads, and that's even with their Lieutenants providing backup."

Aika actually recoiled a bit at that. "You… you can't be serious, Captain!"

"Oh, she very much is," Kisuke chimed in, "Hell, she's probably underselling it based on what I've read."

"The old records tend to embellish certain things," Yoruichi countered, "It's best to be cautious when reading them, especially when it comes to some of the more… fantastic deeds she performed, so to speak. Still, even taking the history with a grain of salt, she was impressive no matter what way you look at it."

Visaelya had a rather thoughtful look on her face. "The Drakken Clan's records tend to focus more on her later years since those are when she went from celebrated to cursed, but from what I understand she used to be a great hero, right?"

"Very much so," Yoruichi replied, "It makes her fall all the more tragic, really. All her good deeds marred by what she became in the end and the horrors she left behind… her legacy's much more complex than most give her credit for."

"What happened?" asked Itachi, "She sounds like an intriguing figure."

Yoruichi had to resist the urge to smile. It was only natural that Itachi would take an interest; as someone with a rather controversial past himself, he was probably the one that could empathize most with the subject matter out of the gathered Soul Reapers. She was curious to see what his opinion would be once she finished her tale.

"Well, bear in mind that we don't have the whole picture," she cautioned, "The broad outline of her story has survived the millennia, but the details are harder to pin down thanks to all the efforts to remove her from history. I'll tell you what I know, just remember that even I don't have a comprehensive grasp on the particulars, and this is a member of my clan we're talking about here."

Kisuke grinned. "Oh, is it story time now? I've heard this one before, but I'm always down for a repeat. It's a personal favorite of mine!"

Soi-Fon shot him a scowl. "This isn't for your personal amusement, Third Seat Urahara!"

Kisuke chuckled and shook his head. "You really need to learn to lighten up, Soi-Fon."

"I for one would rather put levity aside for the moment and focus on what the Captain has to say," Visaelya interjected.

Aika nodded. "Yes… I want to hear this."

All eyes were soon on Yoruichi, but she needed a moment to put her thoughts in order. She didn't mind sharing this chapter of her family history with her subordinates even if it was one that the Shihōin Clan wasn't exactly proud of, yet the matter was sufficiently complicated enough that it was difficult for her to figure out exactly where to start. Not for the first time today, she found herself thinking back on her conversation with Itachi regarding the tragedy of the Uchiha Clan.

His story was a lot rougher than this one will be, she told herself, I've got no excuse for stalling.

"All right, then," she said, "I guess I should offer a bit of historical context first for those of you who didn't get the whole 'private tutor courtesy of being a bigshot noble' treatment. This all took place roughly around the same time period that historians consider to be the golden age of the old kingdom. The Andunayans were riding high, and so were the Five Great Noble Houses that had helped them conquer the Soul Society. Even then, though, it wasn't as if things were perfect. Hollows have been an issue for the Soul Society since, well, forever, and they were hardly the only problem."

Visaelya smiled. "The old kingdom governed over much more of the Soul Society than the Central Forty-Six does now, right? From what my tutors told me, The Wild wasn't quite as 'wild' back then as it is these days; much more of it was properly charted, and there were many settlements and overlapping trade routes between the heart of the Soul Society and the outlying territories. Still, even at the height of its power, the old kingdom couldn't exert complete control over all of the Soul Society. It's just too big for any single government to do so."

Yoruichi gave her an approving nod. "Very good, Visaelya. Even with a powerful military and a proactive scouting force, there were still broad swaths where the old kingdom's authority existed in name only. Out there, bandits roamed free, preying on settlements that weren't considered important enough to house their own garrisons. They weren't the only problems, either; all manner of nasty beasties roam in The Wild, and those who can't fight don't last too long against them. Even settlement that did merit dedicated protection weren't free of threats. Away from the prying eyes of the central government and the Principalities, it wasn't hard for corrupt officials to set up shop and enrich themselves off the labors of the common folk. In short, the 'golden age' might've shined bright in the major population centers, but it still cast plenty of shadows if one knew where to look for them."

"Those shadows have only become more prominent since the fall of the old kingdom," Soi-Fon grimly added, "Most attempts to establish and maintain settlements beyond either the Rukon District or the Principalities have been doomed from the outset due to lack of protection and resources. The Wild has effectively been ceded to Hollows and other assorted beasts, not to mention bands of marauders. This recent initiative from the Central Forty-Six to seek out suitable places for new outposts is frankly long overdue."

Yoruichi saw Itachi's brow furrow in thought. "If the Lady of Midnight was born into the Shihōin Clan, then she wouldn't have had to face these shadows for quite some time. She would've been surrounded by those who only knew the golden age."

Yoruichi smiled; she appreciated her Sixteenth Seat's ability to cut to the heart of an issue so succinctly. "You're right about that. She was born in the Shihōin Clan estate in the Seireitei, and from what I understand the bulk of her early life was split between there and our ancestral homeland to the southwest. You'd think that journeys between the Seireitei and the Shihōin Clan's Principality would at least offer a hint or two that not everything in the Soul Society was fine and dandy, but such trips are typically made in heavily escorted caravans. Travel was much the same then as it is now; nobles would typically ride in closed carriages that are designed to have all the luxuries an aristocrat would need for such a long trek. The only time they typically leave those boxes of opulence and wealth is just to stretch a bit, and normally the officer in charge of guiding the caravan will take care to make sure they stop in areas that have been cleared of commoners beforehand. Still, it's impossible to completely keep the outside world at bay no matter what one might try, and it didn't help that the Lady of Midnight was rather inquisitive by nature. Keeping the reality of the world away from her was always going to be a losing proposition."

"Perhaps, but she still would've been sheltered from the worst of it," Shisui mused aloud, "Whatever exposure she might've had in her early years probably wouldn't be enough to decisively pierce the bubble the clan had built around her."

Yoruichi smirked. "Normally you'd be right about that, but it's another matter entirely when the noble daughter in question has a rebellious streak. She excelled in all her lessons and gained a reputation for devoting exceptionally long hours to practicing spells, but being a model student and a model noble are two very different things. Still, the clan might've been able to curb some of her behavior if it weren't for fortune throwing a wrench into their plans… or perhaps it was fate. They are two sides of the same coin, after all."

"What happened?" asked Aika.

A surprisingly eager smile appeared on Visaelya's face. "Oh, I know this part! Captain, if I may be so bold…"

"You want to be the one that tells this next bit of the story, right?" Yoruichi finished for her with a chuckle, "Hey, I won't stop you. I think you've earned the right to a bit of fun after all the work you put in today!"

I think I know why she wants to be the one to tell this part, she mused as she briefly glanced back and forth between Visaelya and Shisui, Someone's been bit by the romance bug…

For his part, Shisui gave Visaelya a teasing smirk. "You're suddenly full of energy. I didn't think that rejuvenation barrier I used on you earlier was that effective!"

Yoruichi could've sworn she caught a hint of a blush flash across Visaelya's cheeks, but it was only for a moment and it hardly stopped her Eighteenth Seat from countering. "Perhaps your spell casting has greater efficacy than you realize."

Shisui laughed. "I doubt that very much!"

Visaelya cleared her throat. "Let's get back to the topic at hand, shall we?"

"Yes, let's," Soi-Fon muttered.

"Since the Lady of Midnight was adept at spells rather than physical combat, the Shihōin Clan naturally took steps to ensure her protection," Visaelya began, "One common measure for Great Noble Houses is to assign a dedicated bodyguard, and that's what happened here. Since she was still young, the clan wanted to make sure that at least one of her protectors was around her age so that she'd have someone she could make friends with. Ultimately, her personal escorts were chosen from one of the Shihōin Clan's vassal families and consisted of a master swordsman and his apprentice. From what I understand, the apprentice and the Lady of Midnight initially butted heads, but eventually they became… close."

Aika giggled. "I think I know where this is going!"

Visaelya smiled. "Well, you know how those old love stories go; at first they can't stand each other, and eventually they can't live without each other. It would be quite a while before they reached that latter state, though. In the meantime, the Lady of Midnight was able to rope the apprentice bodyguard into some of her more rebellious antics, and one of these escapades involved sneaking out of the Shihōin Clan estate in the Seireitei. In fact, they actually managed to get clear of the Seireitei itself, which I believe was her goal from the beginning."

"So, they found themselves in the Rukon District then," said Itachi, "I take it this proved to be a rather eye-opening experience for the young prodigy?"

Visaelya nodded. "Quite so. Then as now, the parts of the Rukon District closest to the Seireitei were quite comfortable, but these weren't the areas that the Lady of Midnight wanted to see. So, the two of them made their way further out, and it wasn't too long before they began to notice the declining standards of living for souls as they ventured towards the outlying districts. If I recall the story correctly, the apprentice was the cautious type; several times he tried to convince her to turn back, but she kept pressing forward. Eventually, they found themselves in one of the… rougher districts, to understate the matter."

Shisui grimaced. "That must've been quite a shock for the sheltered sorceress in-training."

Visaelya sighed. "Yes, it was. She had an academic knowledge of the lower classes, but this was her first time seeing them in person. I suppose that alone would've left an impression, but it wasn't just poverty that she bore witness to. Even during the height of the old kingdom's power, the higher-numbered sections of the Rukon District were not to be taken lightly. No matter how she might've tried to disguise herself for her excursion, it was plain as day to the inhabitants that she came from a distinctly well-off background. She and her bodyguard were quickly set upon by thieves, and while the two of them did manage to scare off their attackers, they both were forced to kill some of them in self-defense. It was the first time both of them had taken a life, and it was an experience that neither of them would forget anytime soon."

"I can understand that," Aika murmured.

"I think we all can at this point," said Kisuke.

"I take it the two of them quickly returned to the Seireitei after the encounter, then?" Itachi guessed.

Visaelya nodded. "They did, although their absence had not gone unnoticed. The master of the apprentice bodyguard had gone to check up on them earlier and had quickly realized that they were missing. An alarm had been raised, so I'm sure you can imagine the fury of her parents when the clan heiress and her young protector attempted to sneak back into the estate. Needless to say, with the guards on high alert the two of them were caught quite easily."

"What happened to the apprentice bodyguard?" asked Shisui, "I'm assuming the girl would've gotten let off with a slap on the wrist, but since her protector was of a lower station, he probably got it worse."

Visaelya smiled. "You would think that, but the Lady of Midnight interceded on his behalf. It might surprise you to learn that she actually accepted full responsibility for her actions. I'm sure her parents hoped that this was a sign she'd be changing her ways, but… well, I believe she simply didn't want to lose the one person who'd been willing to take her beyond the estate walls to see the parts of the Rukon District that her parents hadn't wanted her to. The master swordsman did take a more active role in keeping an eye on both his apprentice and the clan princess in order to avoid a repeat of the incident, but from that point on the Lady of Midnight and her handsome young bodyguard were basically inseparable. The bond between them would deepen over the years… and it would have some very serious consequences down the line."

Yoruichi saw a glint in Itachi's eyes as one of the puzzle pieces fell into place for him. "The apprentice bodyguard… he was eventually made a wraith, wasn't he? Was it him that we fought earlier?"

Visaelya shook her head. "You're only partially right, Itachi. She did eventually turn him into a wraith, but he was not the one that you, Lady Yoruichi and Soi-Fon fought tonight."

Soi-Fon's eyes narrowed. "How do you know that?"

"Because the one we fought tonight was the weakest of the five," Yoruichi answered for her, "Visaelya, you must've felt me release my Shikai… and only my Shikai, right?"

Visaelya nodded. "Yes. Were it any of the four, I'm assuming you would've required more power… and for the bodyguard, you definitely would've needed your Bankai. After all, she made sure to raise him as the strongest of the five. Although we are kind of jumping ahead in the story here…"

"Watch out, kids!" Kisuke laughed, "Spoilers!"

Yoruichi gave an exasperated sigh. "Kisuke, you already know this story. Nothing here's going to be a spoiler for you. Try to take this seriously for the sake of the others, all right?"

Kisuke chuckled, but there was a knowing look in his eyes; he knew her well enough to recognize when she really wasn't in the mood for his antics. "All right, all right. I'll keep the commentary restricted to providing helpful context."

"Why can't you restrict the commentary to keeping your mouth shut?" Soi-Fon grumbled.

"Commentary aside, I suppose I did throw the narrative off a bit," Visaelya lamented.

Itachi shook his head. "It's my fault. I should've withheld my thoughts until you'd finished."

Yoruichi decided it was time for her to step in and take the reins again. "Don't worry about it. I'm actually pleased that you caught that so quickly; nice to see that the energy you exerted in today's fight hasn't dulled your wits. Visaelya, mind if I jump back in?"

"Of course, Captain," she replied, "This is your clan that we're speaking of, after all."

"So, where do things go from here?" asked Shisui, "It's obvious that the clan's princess wasn't going to let herself remain behind the walls of the estate forever, and it's not like the clan would've been able to hold her back after her powers had developed further. What was next for her?"

Yoruichi smirked. "Definitely not what the family had in mind for her, that much is for sure. Normally, aspiring Mages had three prospective career paths; serving a Great Noble House, serving the kingdom's central government directly, or building up their own private archives and testing grounds for further research into spell casting, eventually turning their personal libraries into schools of sorcery. Since she was the eldest of the three clan heirs, the family had obviously ruled that last one out. After all, they wanted her to take on a position of prominence in preparation for the day that she would eventually assume power at the head of the clan. Serving the clan or the kingdom directly as a Mage would've put her on the path to that quite nicely. She had other ideas, though."

"Said ideas involving the world beyond the confines of the Seireitei and the clan Principality, right?" Itachi guessed.

Yoruichi grinned. "You hit the nail on the head, Itachi! She was determined to see the broader Soul Society for herself, to understand the shadows of the golden age and combat them. Serving the nobility or the heart of the kingdom was never a palpable option for her. In order to do that, though, she needed to get out, and she spent a considerable effort preparing for the day when she'd make her big escape."

"Where did she plan to go?" asked Aika.

"Into The Wild," Yoruichi answered, "She'd done a great deal of research on the settlements out in the expanse between the Rukon District and the Principalities, but she knew that there was only so much that academic study would teach her. She was determined to get out there for herself and gain a firsthand understanding how the Soul Society functioned off the beaten path, as it were. Of course, she'd already gotten her bodyguard roped into the scheme too. By then he was an apprentice in name only; just as the Lady of Midnight's skills in the art of spell casting had grown considerably in the years since the Rukon District incident, so had her companion's abilities in swordsmanship. In fact, before his fall he would actually be recognized as one of the finest swordsmen of his generation in the Soul Society."

Itachi scratched his chin in thought. "What about his master? Even if his student had grown to the point that instruction was no longer needed, it sounds like he was still at least officially both his teacher and commander. I can't see him going along with what his pupil and their ward had planned given his actions during the Rukon District incident."

Yoruichi winked. "Believe it or not, the master wasn't actually as strict and unbending as his earlier behavior might suggest. Sure, at the time of the Rukon District incident he wasn't exactly pleased with his student, but that was only because he'd put both himself and the woman he was charged with protecting in danger by going along with her scheme rather than stopping her. At that time, his skills still needed refining. By the time the Lady of Midnight was ready to take flight from her gilded cage, so to speak, it was another matter altogether. The master swordsman was prepared to let them go, but on one condition; the two of them had to defeat him in a sparring match first."

Shisui raised an eyebrow. "A former apprentice swordsman and a budding Mage against a seasoned fighter? That sounds like it would've been interesting to watch."

Yoruichi laughed. "You could say that! I've lost count of how many songs and poems were composed about it; so many survived the archive purges that happened later on that I'm convinced people preserved them simply to spite the powers-that-be for attempting to suppress such literature. While they all embellish details to varying extents, the point that they all agree on was that it was indeed quite a fight. We don't have time for the detailed version, but suffice to say that the two of them passed the master's test with flying colors. The clan might have wanted him to stop the two of them, but he kept his word and took no action to prevent their subsequent departure."

Kisuke gave her a knowing smirk. "Pay close attention, kids; this next bit is our Captain's favorite part of the story!"

Visaelya giggled. "I think I can guess why!"

Yoruichi was surprised to see Itachi actually crack a small smile at that. "This sounds like it'll be fun."

Shisui was apparently in full agreement. "Don't keep us hanging, Captain!"

Yoruichi grinned. "I'll admit, I do enjoy retelling this next bit. I certainly never get tired of it, anyway. You see, normally you'd expect our budding heroine and her companion to try and slip away quietly under these circumstances. That wasn't what the Lady of Midnight had in mind, though. She wanted to send a message with her departure, and she did so in a manner that would've made Kūkaku very proud!"

Soi-Fon rolled her eyes. "That woman… she's never been one for subtlety."

Shisui chuckled. "So, she left with a bang, I take it?"

Yoruichi's smile took on a rather mischievous look. "Literally! You see, while her studies regarding spells were primarily focused on their application towards sealing, barriers, combat, and healing, she wasn't blind with regards to the… oh, let's call it the entertainment value of her craft. Spirit energy combined with fireworks can make for quite a spectacle, and a skilled enough caster can make sure that said spectacle is one that will be seen for miles around!"

Aika laughed. "I bet her parents weren't happy about that!"

Yoruichi joined her. "No kidding! The details are a bit hazy, but apparently, she enchanted some of the fireworks so that when they went off, they actually spelled out messages in the sky… messages that included several expletives that good daughters of nobility are definitely not supposed to know. She might've eventually gained a reputation as an elegant and refined sorceress, but in her early days she apparently had a knack for profanity that would make a sailor proud! Suffice to say that the incident caused a fair bit of embarrassment for the Shihōin Clan, but if I were in her shoes… well, I'd probably feel like it was worth it."

"Quite a way to make a statement," said Itachi, a thoughtful look in his eyes, "She certainly wasn't shy about leaving on her own terms. Seizing her independence must've meant a great deal to her."

"I can relate to that," Visaelya murmured.

I don't doubt that a bit, thought Yoruichi, Visaelya's current situation with her clan probably means she can identify a great deal with this part of the story. Poor girl… noble family politics are never easy to deal with, and the Drakken Clan's self-absorption only makes things worse. I hope things improve for her on that front eventually, but knowing that family's capacity for holding grudges from the smallest slights it's likely going to take a while…

Soi-Fon shook her head in disdain. "If the estate guards had been doing their jobs, they should've stopped that display before it even started, along with her escape. They were grossly negligent in their duties."

Yoruichi waved her finger at her bodyguard like a teacher taking a student to task. "Now, now, Soi-Fon; don't be so hard on them. After all, they had been hit by an enchantment of hers right before the big getaway… one that, if I recall the tales correctly, put them in a state that resembled severe inebriation."

Itachi got a good chuckle out of that. "I don't recall our instructors at the Academy showing us any spells like that."

Shisui shook his head in amusement. "No kidding. We seriously missed out. I bet Jiraiya would get a kick out of that sort of spell."

Visaelya rolled her eyes. "Let's agree not to tell him about it, all right? He's troublesome enough as it is."

"I don't think you've got anything to worry about on that front," Kisuke chimed in, "I've been trying to recreate that spell for a while now and haven't had much luck. Jiraiya's got his talents, but if I haven't been able to pull this spell off yet then I highly doubt that he'd be able to do it anytime soon."

"You'd think someone would try to write a spell like that down," Aika mused aloud, "It sounds incredibly useful for infiltration missions. Shouldn't the finer details have been recorded somewhere?"

Yoruichi shrugged. "That would've been nice, but when you're deemed such a threat that those in power want to erase evidence of your very existence, there's plenty of material that would be handy for others that gets swept under the rug. It bites, but that's unfortunately how things played out here."

"She doesn't sound like that much of a threat as of right now, though," Itachi commented, "A gifted and rebellious daughter that would give any noble family trouble, sure, but hardly the kind of threat that prompts rulers to expunge any trace of them from history. How did she go from defiant and intelligent Mage to a figure of dread and terror?"

Yoruichi shook her head. "It wasn't overnight, that's for sure. Like Visaelya said earlier, she used to be a great hero, and at this point in the story that heroic career was just getting started. Her fall didn't come until much later, and it wasn't as if she just suddenly one day embraced darkness and jumped over the edge. There was a lot more to it."

Itachi nodded, a knowing look in his eyes. "There usually is."

You would understand that better than most, she thought somberly, Itachi…

"So, where exactly did they go?" asked Shisui, "I know you said The Wild, but they can't have just run off into the expanse without some kind of destination in mind, or at least a first stop."

"True enough," Yoruichi conceded, "She actually did have a rough course in mind. You see, she wanted to get a broad feel for the overall state of the Soul Society and its ills. To accomplish that, she started by heading off to the southeast. From there, her plan was to chart a counterclockwise path, one that would take her and her companion on a long trek across the lands between the core of the Soul Society and the Principalities."

"The Shiba Clan's Principality is to the southeast of the Seireitei, right?" asked Aika.

"That's correct," Yoruichi answered, "and as it so happened, the clan's leadership was less than stellar at the time. They were focused on currying favor within the Seireitei, and as a result they paid less attention to their ancestral homeland. Due to that, the borders of the Principality weren't well patrolled, so the outlying lands had become a haven for all manner of miscreants. This had originally been a minor problem, but neglect had allowed it to fester to the point that bandits and other such outlaws had become the de factor rulers of several villages in that region. Needless to say, their treatment of the people who lived in those villages was less than cordial."

Shisui raised an eyebrow. "That bad, eh? Not what I'd expect from the Shiba Clan."

"That sort of negligence is the exception rather than the rule when it comes to that family," Visaelya pointed out, "As one of the Five Great Noble Houses, they are supposed to maintain a robust scouting and defense presence within their Principality, as well as project power into the lands just outside their borders for the sake of security. They're normally quite proficient in such regards, but this particular chapter in history wasn't one of their finer moments."

"They were complacent back then," Soi-Fon added, "Since the old kingdom was riding high during those days, some nobles began to slack off when it came to matters of defense and law enforcement. The common folk are always the ones that end up paying the price for such negligence."

"And it was into this morass of lawlessness and petty thugs ruling over frightened villagers that the Lady of Midnight and her bodyguard wandered, yes?" Itachi chimed in.

Kisuke smirked. "I'd say less 'wandered' and more 'sought out', if we're being honest here."

Yoruichi chuckled. "Good point. The whole point of her trip was to go looking for trouble, and it didn't take her long to find plenty of it. This might've been a gifted Mage and bodyguard, respectively, but you have to remember that both of them hadn't seen much in the way of real action apart from the Rukon District incident. Bandits might seem like small fries to us, but out there it was just the two of them, and they were both still unsure of what they were really capable of now that they were on their own. That being said, they proved to be quick learners."

"Trial by fire, as it were," Itachi commented.

Yoruichi smiled. "Yes, and one that they passed with flying colors. The two of them spent a few days scouting and gathering information, talking to villagers and assessing the situation. They kept to the shadows by day, and whenever they settled down for the night the Lady of Midnight would enshroud their encampment through several spells to minimize their chances of detection. It didn't take them long to find the bandits' primary base of operations, and even less to study it and determine their plan of attack. When they made their move, the brigands had no idea what they were up against."

"What happened?" asked Aika.

Yoruichi's grin became downright devilish. "It was a thing of beauty. The bandits' camp became engulfed in a thick and unnatural fog. To compound matters, it was the dead of night… midnight, in fact. Between the fog and the natural darkness, the enemy had been rendered all but blind. Then sentries started dropping, struck down by swift and silent sword strikes. Shortly thereafter, blue fire engulfed one of the tents and rapidly began to spread. This enchanted blaze quickly formed a circle, trapping the bulk of the brigands. The fog then began to dissipate, but that did the bandits little good. They were hemmed in… and the Lady of Midnight, standing atop a small cliff that overlooked the encampment, had them in her sights. From there, it was a bloodbath."

Kisuke chuckled. "Between her spells and the bodyguard picking off stragglers, the bandits didn't have a chance. When the morning sun finally came, it illuminated a charred graveyard."

Visaelya shuddered. "Horrible way to go…"

"Ruthless, but effective," said Soi-Fon, "The method needed some refinement, but they had plenty of brigands in the region to practice on."

Shisui nodded. "I bet word started getting around pretty quickly."

"It did, yes," Yoruichi confirmed, "There were no survivors from that first attack, but other outlaws operating in the area saw the smoke from the fire and came to investigate. Our heroine and her companion had already left the scene, so these guys had no clue what they were dealing with. That quickly changed once their camp came under attack at midnight about a week later. This time, though, there were survivors."

"Interesting," Itachi commented, "Was that by accident or design?"

Yoruichi shrugged. "Honestly, I'm not sure. Things get a bit vague here, and one can make a decent argument for either a mistake or deliberate action. Like Soi-Fon mentioned, the two of them needed to refine their tactics, and it's possible that this was simply a case of trial and error where there was enough error for a few lucky stragglers to slip away. However, fear is just as effective a weapon as blades or spells, and it's impossible to rule out the Lady of Midnight allowing a handful of terrified bandits to flee and spread word of what had happened."

Visaelya leaned forward. "Which do you favor, Captain? Mistake or calculated release?"

"A bit of both, actually," Yoruichi replied, "Based on the results of their first attack, I think the two of them had gone into this second strike with the intention of taking out all the bandits in this encampment as well. This camp was set up over a wider area, though, and other factors meant that the exact same tactics as those used the first time wouldn't quite have the same results. However, I believe that our heroine and her companion came to realize the value of letting a few scared-shitless survivors flee so they could spread some of that fear around. If nothing else, it served as a nice little seed for the reputation the two of them would build as their journey continued."

"How long did they stick around in the Shiba borderlands?" asked Shisui.

"A couple of months," Yoruichi answered, "It wasn't just bandits that became aware of what was going on; villagers were starting to pick up on the fact that someone from the outside was actually intervening to help them. The Lady of Midnight and her companion were soon sleeping at inns rather than out in the wilderness, hosted by grateful civilians after they'd dealt with the local brigands. Neither of them had embarked on this undertaking for a reward, but the hard truth is that money matters just as much in the Soul Society as it does in any of the Realms of the Living, so the two of them didn't say 'no' when they were offered compensation."

"A blend of altruism and pragmatism," Itachi noted, "Not unreasonable, all things considered."

Yoruichi smiled. "It worked out quite well for them. In fact, it was in one of those villages that they picked up a new travelling companion. He was a local boy who'd lost his parents in one of the prior bandit raids. When our heroine and her bodyguard took down the group responsible, the young man developed a big case of hero-worship for the two of them. He would follow them whenever they were in town, begging to be taught both spell casing and swordsmanship from them. From what I recall, the tales indicate that the bodyguard thought he was a nuisance, but the Lady of Midnight took a liking to him. Apparently, the kid actually had surprisingly high levels of spirit energy, but he'd never received any sort of formal training. Eventually, the Lady of Midnight decided to take him on as a student, while at the same time convincing her bodyguard to instruct him in the basics of self-defense."

Visaelya's eyes widened in recognition. "Wait a moment… the boy you're talking about… did he…?"

Yoruichi gave a solemn nod. "Yes; he too would be brought back as a wraith down the line."

Soi-Fon closed her eyes for a moment, and when she opened them again, they held a somber look. "I wonder if he would've been so eager to join them if he knew what kind of fate awaited him."

Kisuke simply shrugged. "No one can see the future. Anyone who claims that they can is either a fool or a liar, and quite often they're both. The boy made his choice with the information he had available at the time. That's all any of us can do."

Aika sighed. "It's still sad to think about, though. Travelling with heroes, only to eventually end up as an undead monster… no one deserves that."

"I don't know," Shisui chimed in, "I can think of a few people from my particular Realm of the Living that might deserve that special kind of hell…"

Yoruichi's gaze met Itachi's, and although she was no mind reader, she had a feeling that they were both thinking of one particular individual in that moment.

Danzō Shimura…

Perhaps she should've refrained from such dark thoughts, but after all that Itachi had told her about the man's role in the Uchiha Clan's destruction it was hard for her to resist the temptation. Of course, if any former Shinobi actually did end up transformed into a wraith, then that would be a very nasty can of worms to deal with. Itachi, Shisui and Jiraiya had all proven themselves to be very capable combatants, and the three of them were still in the early stages of their careers as Soul Reapers. She knew that this was just a taste of how formidable former Shinobi were in the afterlife, and she did not want to think about how powerful another Shinobi might be if he or she were turned into an undead abomination.

She saw Visaelya glance at Shisui and raise an eyebrow. "Just what kind of people did you associate with in your old life?"

A surprisingly wistful smile came to Shisui's face, and he shot a quick wink towards Itachi. "Some of the very best and the very worst."

Visaelya gave a bemused shake of her head. "Shinobi… why does your lot have to be so eccentric?"

Yoruichi was a bit taken aback by the very small smirk that appeared on Itachi's face. "You have no idea…"

As amusing as this little side exchange was, Yoruichi knew she had to get things back on track. "In any case, it would be quite a long time before any of the Lady of Midnight's followers became wraiths. Her adventure was still quite young; the Shiba borderlands were only the first stop, after all."

"That's right," said Aika, "and if she was traversing the Soul Society on a counterclockwise course, then the next region on her list would be the lands bordering the Drakken Clan's Principality, right?"

Yoruichi smiled. "Close, but not quite. That clan's always been good about border defense. Of course, being able to survey your territory from the back of a fire drake helps immensely in that regard. How they see anything when their heads are so far up their dragons' asses is a mystery to me, though. No offense, Visaelya!"

She thought for a moment that the clan's notorious pride might elicit a hostile reaction, but much to her relief her Twentieth Seat took it in stride. "None taken, Captain. I'll readily admit that is something we need to work on. I'm sure my uncle could use a lesson or two in self-awareness at the very least."

"That's putting it mildly," Soi-Fon muttered.

"Clan personalities might be better discussed at another time," Kisuke suggested, "Regardless of how entertaining a topic it might be."

"He's right," said Itachi, "If the group's next destination wasn't the Drakken Clan borderlands, then where did they go?"

"A bit further west of those," Yoruichi answered, "In fact, we passed through the general area on our journey out here. I know we didn't see any settlements out there, but back then there were plenty of them. The region wasn't under the Drakken Clan's direct control, but it was considered to be at the periphery of their sphere of influence. They didn't see it as having much value though apart from the trade routes that ran through it. Bandits had to be a bit more circumspect in operating out there, but they could still harass caravans and villages under the cover of darkness."

"Salt convoys were popular targets, if I recall correctly," Visaelya chimed in, "The major ones were always well guarded, but those under the control of less wealthy merchants generally couldn't afford the same level of protection. They either paid hefty bribes or suffered from brigand attacks. Classic protection racket, really."

Yoruichi nodded. "Pretty much. The big-time traders and merchants weren't affected, but the villages tended to rely a lot on those smaller caravans passing through and stopping for rest and supplies as a means of income. With raiders and thugs threatening the less wealthy merchants, that had a ripple effect on the local economy that relied on their business. Since these villages were at the very outskirts of the Drakken Clan's sphere of influence, they didn't get anywhere near the attention they deserved, so this racket had been going on for quite some time. Things were looking pretty grim, with a lot of villages on the verge of outright collapse."

Shisui gave a knowing smirk. "Let me guess; it was into this gloomy picture that our heroes came, right?"

"Hit the nail on the head there," Yoruichi confirmed, "Once she found out what was going on, our heroine couldn't just pass through without doing something to help. She convinced her companions that they needed to stick around and lend aid, so the three of them took some time to get the lay of the area and learn about the outlaws plaguing it. It didn't take too long for them to figure out the most common points of attack, as well as to identify the thugs that were involved on the shakedown side of things. While they weren't all operating under the same banner, there was one particular outlaw band that was stronger than the others. That's where the Lady of Midnight and her companions focused their attention. As it turned out, this had consequences beyond simply addressing the local bandit problem."

"What do you mean?" asked Aika.

Visaelya's eyes widened slightly as the proverbial light flicked on in her head. "Hold on a second… the leader of this outlaw band… wasn't he a rogue noble?"

Yoruichi smiled. "That's right. To be more precise, he was a disinherited second son of one of the Drakken Clan's cadet branches. If I recall correctly, he'd gotten into a rather serious scuffle with a member of the main branch. I think it was over a woman, although there are some conflicting accounts on that one."

Visaelya sighed wistfully, and there was just the hint of a blush on her face. "My personal favorite is the version where the second son of the cadet branch and the member of the main branch fought a duel for the hand of a wealthy merchant's daughter. According to the tale, the daughter actually loved the second son, but her hand had been promised by her father to the member of the main branch. The second son actually won the fight, but being defeated by someone from a cadet branch so infuriated his opponent and embarrassed the main branch that they actually had the victor exiled. Not exactly my family's finest moment, but it makes for a great tragic romance."

Shisui shot her a teasing smile. "I didn't know you were into those kinds of stories!"

Now there was most definitely more than just a hint of a blush on Visaelya's face. "Well, I… I've loved them since I was a little girl! There's nothing wrong with that!"

Shisui laughed. "I never said there was! Jiraiya's right; you really need to loosen up a bit more."

Visaelya looked down in embarrassment, although Yoruichi thought she caught a very small smile appear on her face as she softly murmured her response. "I suppose I could… for you."

Shisui raised an eyebrow. "What was that? Didn't quite catch it."

Visaelya folded her arms and shot him a scowl, although her flushed cheeks completely took the bite out of the gesture. "You should pay more attention when a lady speaks. It's rude to ask her to repeat herself."

Oh, you two, Yoruichi thought as she looked on with no small amount of amusement, I'd say get a room, but that might cause poor Visaelya to faint on the spot!

Kisuke cleared his throat in an effort to get things back on track. "Well, regardless of what version of the story we prefer, the fact remains that our heroine and her companions were dealing with a band of outlaws led by a former noble. Second son of a cadet branch or not, that does come with certain benefits for our exiled aristocrat."

"Such as an upbringing inside an estate with tutors for combat training and spell casting," Soi-Fon chimed in, "Skills that this brigand leader had been putting to good use to further his criminal career."

Itachi's brow furrowed in thought. "Just how powerful was this man?"

Yoruichi took a moment to consider the matter. "Well, at the time, kind of a mixed bag. Soi-Fon's not wrong about the prior training giving him an edge compared to other outlaws, and applied to more than just direct combat; he was able to provide relatively effective leadership and organization to his particular band of brigands as well. However, while his fighting skills were decent, the guy wasn't a prodigy or master swordsman. Also, his spirit energy was initially a bit on the lower side, which is surprising when one considers his pedigree; even cadet branches of the Five Great Noble Houses typically have strong spirit energy flowing through their offspring. Still, we can't exactly call him weak or dismiss the potential he had for growth back then with regards to both combat skill and spirit energy. After all, he gave us quite a fight today."

There was a moment of silence as the bulk of her audience properly absorbed what she'd just said. The shock seemed to hit the group in a ripple, starting with Itachi and spreading out from there. Her Sixteenth Seat's reaction was little more than a slight raising of both eyebrows, but the others were much more noticeable in their responses.

Aika gasped, stunned horror clear in her eyes. "Wait… that was who you were fighting earlier, Captain?"

"A member of one of my clan's cadet branches… was responsible for what happened here?" Visaelya numbly murmured, and Yoruichi wasn't sure if the girl was talking to the group or to herself, "That horrific spirit energy… that was a Drakken?"

"What was left of one," Kisuke answered grimly, "His spirit energy was beyond twisted, but make no mistake; that definitely used to be a member of your clan."

There was a subtle light in Soi-Fon's eyes as one of the pieces fell into place. "The crown, amulet, and ring… he stole those when he was exiled, didn't he?"

"You're close," Yoruichi replied, "The crown and the amulet worn by the wraith we fought today were stolen by the second son when he was forced to leave, but not the ring. That was forged by the Lady of Midnight herself many years later… and it was one of five. We'll come back to that point a bit later."

Shisui shook his head in amazement. "Hard to believe we'd run into something like that out here. I know you told us to be ready for anything when we started this mission, but… well, I don't think any of us were ready for this."

Yoruichi nodded. "Can't really blame you there. I thought I'd run through all possible scenarios in my head on our journey out here, but I still had no idea what we were up against until I saw those images down in the catacombs."

She saw Itachi's eyes instantly narrow in recognition. "The image with the six figures, five of them kneeling… that was the Lady of Midnight and her companions, wasn't it?"

Yoruichi gave a heavy sigh. "Yes, it was. I didn't want to believe it, and the fact that the images were defaced gave me a measure of deniability, but… I think my heart already knew what my head didn't want to accept. Still, I didn't want to jump to conclusions. I wanted concrete proof… and boy, did I get it. I'm just glad that three of us were able to handle it."

"It was a close thing," Soi-Fon commented, "Not a fight I want a repeat of anytime soon, that's for sure."

"We might not have a choice in the matter," Kisuke noted grimly.

Aika glanced over at the Third Seat. "What are you talking about?"

"We'll come back to that later," Yoruichi deflected, rather eager to get things back on track, "We've still got quite a bit of ground to cover before we reach that point. Anyway, long story short, our heroine and her companions were able to defeat this particular outlaw tribe and force their leader to submit. Rather than put him to the sword or turn him into local authorities, though, the Lady of Midnight struck up a deal with him; join her group, and she'd give him a chance to redeem himself."

Shisui looked a bit taken aback by that. "That's quite generous of her… especially given how she and her bodyguard dealt with the earlier bandit groups."

"It is an unusual move," Itachi concurred, "What prompted her to make it?"

Yoruichi shrugged. "I'm not sure, really. There are a few conflicting versions, although the most commonly accepted one is that she took pity on him when she learned of his prior situation. Personally, I think she just wanted to stick it to the big shots that had exiled him in the first place. Taking him on as a follower was basically one giant middle finger to the aristocratic politics of the Soul Society, which I think would fit her personality quite nicely."

Kisuke chuckled. "Another possibility is that she just found him too amusing to kill. Every version of the tale I've heard never fails to mention how he'd almost always be wearing the crown and amulet that he stole from Drakken Clan and strut about like a petty king. The Lady of Midnight might've thought that taking such a man and turning him into one of her followers was hilarious."

Visaelya nodded. "The versions I've heard did make note of her having a rather odd sense of humor, so I can see such an explanation as plausible. Supposedly, the exiled second son also had kind of a bumbling side to him, almost a foolish streak. He had a tendency to make very impulsive decisions, often for no other reason than to simply shock others or gain some short-term amusement. A rather odd character, all things considered."

Yoruichi smiled. "I won't argue with you on that one. The rest of her companions weren't exactly sold on the idea, but given how the whole group became thick as thieves down the line it's safe to say the newcomer eventually grew on them. With a fresh addition to the group in tow and another region's difficulties lessened for at least a little while, it was time for the group to move on. Their course took them into the north, and that's where the nature of their opposition began to change."

"The north's a difficult place for your typical bandits to operate in," Soi-Fon elaborated, "It's harsh land, especially once you get a good way past the Whitefell Mountains. There is an abundance of mineral resources, but farmland's meager, barely enough to support local inhabitants. They rely much more on hunting and fishing, not to mention importing large quantities of agricultural goods from other parts of the Soul Society. Given the importance of those shipments, the supply caravans are almost always very well protected. The people who live in those lands are much tougher than other regions as well, and they're known to be both fierce and unforgiving. In short, there's no easy prey for brigands up there."

"But the Lady of Midnight and her companions wouldn't have gone up that way without good reason, right?" asked Aika, "If bandits weren't an issue, then what was?"

"Beasts," Kisuke answered, "and we're not just talking Hollows, although the north has always had its fair share of those. There are some real nasty creatures that live up there even in modern times, but back then it was much worse. Even with the Order of the Valkyries and the private militias serving the Starmont Clan, that region has always had difficulty in keeping the nastier specimens of its wildlife under control. Cold drakes are by far the worst of the lot."

Shisui raised an eyebrow. "I thought cold drakes tended to stick to the mountains. They might be fiercely territorial, but I was under the impression that they don't wander too far from the lands they consider to be their own."

"That's the case with the species nowadays," Visaelya confirmed, "but they weren't always so cautious. In fact, back then they were much more aggressive; it wasn't unheard of for entire settlements to be wiped out when a cold drake was in the mood for a feast."

Itachi's gaze met Yoruichi's, and she could tell that his mind was already one step ahead. "I take it that this aggression was curbed after the Lady of Midnight's arrival, yes?"

Yoruichi smiled. "Very good, Itachi. Of course, it didn't happen overnight. More to the point, while the cold drakes were definitely the biggest threat in the area, they weren't the only one. Dire wolves have roamed the north since ancient times, and they're far larger and stronger than the canines you might find in other parts of the Soul Society. They're also one of several creatures that actually incorporate a sense for tracking spirit energy into their hunting methods, which makes them extremely dangerous predators. Humans might not be their preferred prey, but when a brutal winter sets in they become much less picky about what they eat. Their numbers have waxed and waned over the ages as the inhabitants of the north organize hunts to cull the packs when they get too out of hand, but with the cold drakes also pressing down on them their resources were simply spread way too thin. This wasn't going to be a problem that our heroine and her companions could solve in just a few days."

Visaelya shook her head. "Not by a long shot. Cold drakes lack wings, unlike the dragons that inhabit my family's Principality, but they make up for with their incredible resilience. Their scales are notorious for their toughness; their durability can even put legendary sets of Spirit Armor to shame. Even high-level Kidō spells have a hard time piercing their hides. They only possess two weak points; their eyes, and on their backs where the head meets the neck."

"Neither of which would be easy targets," Soi-Fon chimed in, "Cold drakes are highly intelligent and guard their weak spots well. They're particularly fiendish foes for even highly skilled warriors and spell casters to contend with. Do not think of them as merely large and powerful beasts; they have every bit as much battlefield cunning as humans do, and more than a few would-be dragon slayers have found that out the hard way over the ages."

Itachi's brow furrowed. "Since the Lady of Midnight was a Mage, a cold drake sounds like one of the worst possible foes for someone like her. In fact, it seems like her group as a whole would be ill-suited to taking down such a creature. How did they compensate for this?"

Yoruichi chuckled. "Trial and error. It was touch and go for a while, and their first actual encounter with a cold drake damn near wound up being the end of the line. Fortunately, they got their butts bailed out at the last moment by a veteran hunter who was in the area at the time. This hunter did have prior experience with cold drakes, although he'd only tracked them and reported their movements to local militia rather than attempt to take one down himself. Still, that was more knowledge than our heroine and her friends had, so they weren't in any position to say no to his help."

"Did this hunter end up joining them?" asked Shisui.

Yoruichi nodded. "Jumping ahead a bit there, but I guess there's no point in beating around the bush. Originally, they were just going to hire him as a guide and advisor while they were operating in the north, but the Lady of Midnight quickly picked up on the fact that there was more to him than just your typical rugged native of the north. His spirit energy was considerable, and while up to that point he had been self-taught as far as using it, in her eyes he had great potential. He was also skilled with a variety of weapons including the sword, axe, knife and bow. His prowess as a tracker was far beyond that of anyone else in the group, and their need for such an individual over the long-term was hard to deny. In short, he was just the kind of recruit they required."

Itachi looked curious. "What kind of an individual was he?"

"Rather taciturn, if I recall the story correctly," Visaelya answered, "Polite enough when spoken to by others, but I don't think he was much of a people person. Granted, supposedly he had spent most of his life out in the wilderness hunting, so socializing wasn't a skill that he had needed to develop much until he joined up with them."

"He was very in-tune with nature," Kisuke added, "No big surprise when you consider his profession, but it went deeper than that. From what I've read, it seems he had an almost intuitive grasp of most animals, understanding them through their spirit energy as well as by observing natural cues. In fact, his knowledge of them was so comprehensive that he had even formed a bond with a dire wolf of all things, taking the creature as a pet and companion. Imagine the surprise of our heroine and her friends when a wolf larger than most people began licking them like an excited puppy!"

Soi-Fon gave an incredulous shake of her head. "Such a stupid risk, taking a creature like that as a pet…"

Aika smiled. "Maybe, but I bet having a companion like that would've really come in handy for tracking prey."

"Very much so," Yoruichi concurred, "According to the tales, the hunter had spent several years training this wolf so that its hunting abilities far surpassed those of its wild kin. So, when the group decided to take another shot at challenging one of the more overly-aggressive cold drakes, tracking it down proved to be the easy part. Slaying it was more of a challenge, but thanks to their new companion's expertise they at least knew what they were doing this time."

"How did they pull it off?" asked Shisui.

Yoruichi grinned. "Our heroes managed to find some appetizing bait. Thanks to her new friend, she had a better understanding of how to lure a cold drake into a trap. They naturally have a fondness for meat, but each individual specimen has its particular preferences. This one apparently had a taste for goats, which are one of the few livestock animals that do well in the north. They… oh, let's just say that our intrepid heroes borrowed one from a local farm without permission, but with every intention of bringing it back."

"Assuming it survived, of course," Soi-Fon deadpanned.

Kisuke smirked. "Pretty big assumption there."

Yoruichi laughed. "No kidding! Believe it or not, though, the little guy actually came through that operation without a scratch. I imagine the poor thing was scared out of its mind, but it lived to much on plants another day. It probably helped that the Lady of Midnight had a soft spot for animals she considered to be cute. Anyway, long story short, the bodyguard was able to drop from a ledge onto the cold drake's back while it was distracted by the rest of the party, and he was able to find that sweet spot to plunge his sword into. One dead cold drake later, our heroine and her companions were the toast of the nearby village. Even the farmer they borrowed the goat from cut them some slack!"

Aika giggled. "He was probably happy he didn't have to worry about giant lizards eating his livestock anymore!"

"A safe assumption," Itachi concurred, "Were they able to apply the same strategy to subsequent encounters?"

"Not quite," Yoruichi replied, "They had to keep mixing things up. Like Soi-Fon said earlier, cold drakes are smart buggers. The trick that worked on one likely won't work on another, both because of individual varying tastes, other situational factors, and because cold drakes tend to take notice when one of their own falls to humans. Our heroine's hunts got more dangerous from then on out, but with each beast taken down the Lady of Midnight and her companions grew in both expertise and strength. It took several months, but eventually the remaining cold drakes figured hunting in the lower lands was no longer worth the risk. They retreated back up to their mountain lairs, having to settle for prey that was in their immediate territory rather than ranging afar for tastier morsels."

"That still left the wolves, though," Shisui pointed out, "I'm assuming there would've been far more of them than cold drakes, right?"

Visaelya nodded. "Definitely, and unlike the drakes, dire wolves operate in packs. They're not nearly as hard to kill individually, but a group of them is another matter. Their sense for spirit energy in particular makes them difficult to trap if a hunter has particularly strong spiritual pressure. Learning how to dampen one's spiritual pressure is crucial to hunting them, and even then, sometimes the wolves will still pick up on it."

"I've had to tangle with them myself a few times in the past," Kisuke chimed in, "Fascinating creatures, really. My missions at the time didn't give me a chance to study them in detail, though. Wouldn't mind the opportunity to correct that someday."

Yoruichi shrugged. "Well, next time we find ourselves up north, maybe I'll give you some time for observation. Hell, if you can tame one, I bet we'd be able to find all sorts of uses for it with our division."

Aika smiled. "It would make a cute mascot, too!"

Soi-Fon raised an eyebrow. "Twentieth Seat Hirata, have you ever seen a full-grown dire wolf? 'Cute' is the very last thing that they are, I can assure you of that."

Yoruichi giggled. "Oh, I don't know about that. I've seen them a couple of times. Once you get past the fangs and the claws, they're kind of adorable!"

Soi-Fon sighed. "Lady Yoruichi, please don't encourage her."

"How large are typical packs?" asked Itachi, "My travels in my particular Realm of the Living gave me plenty of opportunities to witness wolves on the prowl. Average pack size tended to vary a bit, but there was usually between a score or so to as many as forty."

Yoruichi's brow furrowed as she mulled it over. "Well, I'm not exactly an expert on them, but off the top of my head… oh, I'd say probably around a dozen or so. Since they're bigger than your typical wolves they require more food, which means that larger packs are difficult to maintain. However, sometimes rival packs will actually cooperate if there's a significantly juicy prize on the line. Some of the larger goat farms in the southernmost parts of the northern lands would probably attract that kind of attention."

"While the cold drakes were in their aggressive phase, the dire wolves were naturally considered to be a less pressing threat," Visaelya added, "Of course, once enough drakes had been eliminated that the rest decided to retreat to safer grounds, that gave the Lady of Midnight and her friends a chance to really focus on them. While their sense for spirit energy might've made actively hunting them a difficult process, they were much easier to bait than cold drakes on account of them being far less picky when it comes to meat."

Kisuke nodded. "Their sense of smell is by far their greatest strength, and when they catch a hint of something particularly appetizing, they can oftentimes throw caution to the wind. Our heroine and her companions were able to capitalize on that and begin putting a dent in the packs. It still took them several months to make an appreciable dent in the population, but eventually they got them back down to levels that the local farmers and militias could handle again."

Shisui smiled. "And after that, it was time to move on again, right?"

"You got it," said Yoruichi, "Having wrapped things up in the north, they moved southwest. Their course took them towards the lands between the Rukon District and the Kuchiki Clan's Principality. The nature of the problems they had to deal with out there shifted away from aggressive and dangerous animals back towards more familiar issues involving people rather than beats."

"Bandits, I presume," said Itachi, "Were the Kuchiki Principality's borderlands poorly defended like those of the Shiba Clan back then?"

Yoruichi shook her head. "No. Quite the opposite, in fact. The Kuchiki Clan's actually the wealthiest of the Five Great Noble Houses, and they guard that wealth fiercely. Their ancestral homeland had always been very well protected. However, those defenses are all predicated around warding off exterior threats and keeping the trade routes running through the Principality secure. They're highly proficient in dealing with brigands and the like, and they routinely mount expeditionary strikes into the regions just beyond their immediate borders in order to project force and act as a deterrent. What they're absolutely atrocious at handling, though, is internal corruption… and given enough time, that kind of rot inevitably seeps outwards."

Visaelya gave a solemn nod. "I remember this part. The Kuchiki Clan has always tried to present a pristine image; the noblest of nobles, if you want to go that far. However, that family has produced its share of greedy and egotistical lords as well, just like the rest of the Five Great Noble Houses. The only difference is the lengths that the family will go to in order to prevent word their misdeeds from leaking out, not to mention shielding them from outside accountability when secrecy fails. They take pride in administering their own internal justice, but one can just as easily argue that they take far too long to administer said justice in the first place."

Shisui raised an eyebrow. "So, it was a corrupt member of the renowned Kuchiki Clan that our intrepid heroes had to deal with?"

Yoruichi sighed. "Yes, and one of the very worst, in fact. On the surface, he didn't look like much. He wasn't a firstborn of the clan, or even second. In fact, I think that particular generation of the family had something like seven or eight children. The one that our particular story is concerned had been pretty far down the line of succession and inheritance, and it showed; he was bitter and resentful, and chose to vent his frustrations through gambling, drinking and whoring. They tried to snap him out of it with heavy doses of that famous Kuchiki Clan discipline, including intense warrior training that they hoped would at least get him to channel his anger into something useful. No matter what they tried, though, they couldn't make a breakthrough with him. He didn't want to change; he was far too petty and vindictive for that. Obviously, the Kuchiki Clan wasn't going to give such an individual any real semblance of authority even within their own Principality, and he was far too embarrassing to send to heart of the Soul Society. So, they shuffled him off to one of the trade towns along the eastern border of the Principality. Officially, he was the chief customs official, but the family had been sure to invest all real authority into his deputy, and everyone knew it. Originally, it wasn't a bad idea; it did keep him out of the eyes of the broader Soul Society for the most part, and since that family's obscenely rich even by noble standards it wasn't hard for them to set him up with a substantial stipend to keep him out of trouble."

Kisuke gave a rueful chuckle. "Unfortunately, it wasn't enough. The guy's gambling habit got even worse, and there was only so much that the clan would tolerate even from someone they'd already written off as a lost cause. He was well aware of that, and so he started to look for alternative income streams, so to speak."

Shisui's eyes narrowed. "I'm going to hazard a guess that this involved getting into some less-than-legal activity. Am I on the right track?"

"You got it," Yoruichi answered, "While he might've been set up as a figurehead official, he still had full access to all information regarding who and what was passing through the checkpoint at his particular border. Needless to say, there are quite a few ways that enterprising criminals can make use of that kind of knowledge. All the guy had to do was drop a few hints at his favorite gambling halls, and in practically no time at all he turned himself into a major player in the local criminal underworld."

"What did he get into?" asked Aika nervously.

"It started out small," Yoruichi replied, "Skimming choice goods from shipments here and there, forging fake documentation to allow people to pass through the checkpoint that otherwise would've been denied entrance, and other such crimes. Not the sort of things that would've caught the attention of the Lady of Midnight and her companions at first glance. However, this had been going on for quite a while, and the operation had expanded considerably. With fresh funds that the Kuchiki Clan couldn't trace at his disposal, he was able to buy off the deputy that his family had charged with actually overseeing the day-to-day business of the checkpoint. From there, things began to escalate."

Itachi's brow furrowed. "How bad did it get?"

"Pretty bad," said Yoruichi, "His operation grew into a full-on crime ring. Smuggling and extortion became rampant, and he got most of the checkpoint staff on the payroll. From there, he set his sights on bigger scores. A large chunk of the Kuchiki Clan's wealth comes from the fact that their Principality has some of the most fertile farmland in all of the Soul Society. As such, the villages in borderlands and beyond tend to rely on shipments from them to supplement their own harvests and make sure they have enough on hand for the winter. In order to further line his pockets, this guy started holding up those shipments, officially for contraband searches but in reality, to shake down the merchants. They had to pay exorbitant bribes to get through, and to make matters worse this checkpoint was along one of the safest trade routes, meaning he always had a steady supply of merchants who would have no choice but to make the payments. The costs of those bribes inevitably got passed along to the people who had to purchase their goods to survive. To make matters worse, goods began to 'disappear' from the caravans of less-wealthy merchants only to be resold at inflated prices on what became a rapidly-growing black market."

"That's not even the worst of it," Soi-Fon added grimly, "This guy had… other interests apart from simply lining his pockets."

Aika shuddered. "How low did he go?"

"All the way to the bottom," Yoruichi answered, "There were more than just caravans leaving the Principality and heading to villages or the heart of the Soul Society. Those outlying villages relied on selling their goods within the Kuchiki Clan's homelands for income. That means large groups of villagers would come to the Principality and pass through the checkpoint… and that included plenty of women."

A dark look came to Visaelya's eyes. "I've done some reading on organized crime in the Soul Society. From what I understand, attractive girls from the countryside go for a high price at the underground brothels within the Principalities and the core of the Soul Society. I imagine it was the same back then as it is now."

Yoruichi nodded. "You're not wrong. When the families of these girls came through the checkpoints with their caravans, the corrupt customs chief and his underlings kept an eye out for any that they thought would be worth selling. Once the families settled down in town to rest for the night, that's when they made their move. The girls were kidnapped and forced into slavery, and any family that tried to get them back found not only their daughters being held hostage, but also their cargo and thus their livelihood. By the time the operation got this far, practically the entirety of the checkpoint staff were in on it. They were very good at keeping a lid on things, so word never reached the Kuchiki Clan about what their disgraceful son was doing. Word did get out to the countryside villages though, courtesy of the families that returned home… and it was there that the Lady of Midnight and her companions discovered what was going on."

"As you might imagine, this didn't sit too well with our heroine," Kisuke added.

"I bet," Shisui quipped.

Itachi looked thoughtful. "Obviously, she would want to stop it, but the big question would've been how. These weren't common brigands or beasts, after all. Corrupt to the core though they might've been, officially the disgraced son and his men were all officials in the employ of one of the Five Great Noble Houses. That's an entirely different sort of beast to take on, as it were."

Yoruichi smiled. "You're right about that. It definitely wasn't a threat that they could attack head-on. They had to rely on patience and cunning before making their move. After all, a direct strike would've brought down the ire of the Kuchiki Clan, especially if they didn't have solid evidence to back up corruption charges. Disgrace or not, this was still one of the clan's sons that they were going after. Great Noble Houses protect their own, even when those being protected really don't deserve it."

Visaelya shook her head vehemently. "It's disgraceful. Clan pride is all well and good, but it shouldn't come at the cost of the general well-being. This sorry excuse of a Kuchiki was preying upon honest citizens and making their lives an utter hell. The clan should've thrown him to the wolves, not given him a government post!"

"The Kuchiki Clan of the present day would've done just that," said Soi-Fon, "Great Noble Houses still protect their own, but that shameful past episode convinced the family to tighten up their internal discipline. It can still take time for offenders to be properly punished, but this was a particularly egregious case that they're quite eager to avoid a repeat of."

Yoruichi nodded. "It definitely wasn't a good look for the clan, and it would only get worse. The Lady of Midnight became determined to not only bring this particular piece of scum to justice, but to do so in a way that would give the Kuchiki family no choice but to reform."

Kisuke smirked. "She concocted quite the bold scheme to accomplish that, too."

"What was the plan?" asked Shisui.

Yoruichi grinned. "A good old-fashioned sting operation! Basically, she and her companions accompanied a village trade caravan that was going to the Kuchiki Clan's Principality for regular business. In order to entice this corrupt official, she disguised herself as a farmer's daughter accompanying her family."

Itachi raised an eyebrow. "Wouldn't she have stood out regardless of any attempts to disguise herself? As a daughter of the Shihōin Clan, her appearance would've been rather distinctive compared to that of local girls."

Yoruichi giggled and batted her eyelashes at him. "You've got another daughter of the Shihōin Clan right here, Itachi! You trying to say something?"

She could've sworn she caught just the hint of a blush flash across his face, if only for a moment, and he recovered quickly enough. "Only that someone from your family would look different from the people who live in the Kuchiki Clan's Principality or the surrounding region. It'd be difficult for her to pass as one of the countryside farmgirls that the official's operation was targeting."

She was tempted to try teasing him a bit more, but now was hardly an appropriate time for it. "You are correct about that. However, her solution to that was one that I think you'd appreciate. You see, her abilities as a Mage had grown considerably over the course of her journey thus far. She was always looking for opportunities to experiment and push the boundaries of her capabilities, and this was a perfect chance for her to try out a spell she'd been working on. It was an illusion technique, one where she could alter how people perceived her appearance. Not a perfect one; she had to supplement the spell with clothing that fit her role, and she did dirty herself up a bit as a finishing touch. Still, the effect as a whole got the job done. When they made it to the checkpoint, the official's lackeys took the bait without hesitation."

"Her bodyguard couldn't have been happy about this," Aika pointed out, "Where was he and the rest of her companions while this was happening?"

"Disguised as peasants with the caravan," Yoruichi answered, "Once they were sure that she'd drawn the necessary attention, they shadowed her and the lackeys. One of the villagers had agreed to play the part of her 'father' in order to sell the deception, and he was with her when the two of them were led into a gambling hall. The setup was simple; he'd try his hand at the dice, win a few rounds before those running the operation inevitably decided that it was time for his 'luck' to run out. Then he'd start losing, eventually having no choice but to use his 'daughter' as collateral when the bill came due."

Shisui nodded. "A simple enough plan. Provide bait that the enemy will find sufficiently enticing, and blend in with a group that are already considered to be marks for the con. The corrupt official and his lackeys would already be predisposed to underestimating villagers from the countryside, so the idea of being undermined by someone from that very group wouldn't occur to them. Hopefully the villager playing the part of her 'father' was ready for what he was getting himself into."

"From what I recall of the tale, it seems he was made of pretty stern stuff," Visaelya commented, "The Lady of Midnight provided the funds for the game. Since they were spoils taken from bandits they had defeated earlier in their travels, I believe she likely found some amusement in using stolen coin as part of a plan to bring down a criminal operation."

Kisuke chuckled. "Yeah, that sounds about right. The stories always agreed that she had a particular fondness for making the justice she dished out poetic in nature if the opportunity presented itself."

Yoruichi licked her lips in anticipation; she always enjoyed this part of the story. "Yup, and this was very much a case of karmic retribution. Anyway, long story short, her 'father' lost badly enough that she was taken in exchange. They hauled her off to a nearby warehouse where they were holding other girls they had taken from recent caravans. Typically, they would keep them locked up for a few days while they lined up buyers. The building was lightly guarded; the thugs were used to watching over poor and defenseless women. Needless to say, they weren't ready for a Mage to be dropped into the midst, and that's not even counting her companions that had been shadowing her and her captors the whole time. Before the guards knew what was happening, she'd already knocked most of them out with spells, and the few that were still standing didn't last long when her bodyguard showed up."

"I'm assuming that she needed them alive for interrogation," said Itachi, "It wouldn't do much good to just take out the low-hanging fruit while leaving the corrupt official at the heart of the operation unscathed, after all."

Yoruichi nodded. "You're not wrong there. The guys she and her friends had taken out were all grunts, but they still knew enough about the ins and outs of the operation to be useful. Some of the higher-ranking goons in the crime ring came to see what was going on when their flunkies failed to report, and naturally it didn't take long for the Lady of Midnight and her companions to capture them as well. With just how thoroughly corrupt the staff at the checkpoint were, they obviously couldn't just hand them over to local authorities. They needed to draw in the big shots, and seizing the rotten son of Kuchiki Clan that had started this whole mess definitely got the desired attention."

"If I remember correctly, I think it was another son of the Kuchiki Clan that served as the family's initial representative on the scene," said Visaelya, "One of the culprit's elder brothers, I believe."

Yoruichi smiled. "Good memory. It was actually the third eldest son of that generation. Smart young man, although the stories all agree that he was a bit on the shy side. He was a decent swordsman too, although not exactly outstanding. His real talent lay in spell casting. I think the clan actually had an eye on grooming him to be the Mage of the bunch. He might not have been the Lady of Midnight's equal, but he definitely had plenty of skill and power. Unfortunately for the clan, he was rather impressionable and idealistic… which meant that they had a problem when he met the Lady of Midnight and her companions."

A knowing look came to Shisui's eyes. "I think I see where this is going. He wound up being rather taken with our heroine, didn't he?"

Yoruichi laughed. "More like smitten, really! Poor guy developed a crush the moment he laid eyes on her. She was quick to notice, too… and she wasn't above taking advantage of it."

"She turned him into an ally," said Itachi, and Yoruichi knew that his mind was already moving several steps ahead, "She recognized how useful it would be to have a member of the Kuchiki Clan on her side in this matter. Having another son vouch for her case would make bringing the corrupt one to justice much easier."

Yoruichi grinned. "Exactly. He managed to get the ball rolling pretty quickly, sending word to the head of the family so that they could arrange a proper inquiry and trial. As luck would have it, the family patriarch was actually in the Principality taking a break from the aristocratic politics at the heart of the Soul Society, so setting everything up wasn't that difficult. However, there was one problem. You see, not all of the corrupt son's lackeys had been rounded up, and those that were still at large made an attempt at freeing their boss."

Aika raised an eyebrow. "That's a surprising display of loyalty. I would've thought that such thugs would fend for themselves if their leader got caught."

"They'd become used to the easy lifestyle they'd gained while under his leadership," Kisuke pointed out, "They were short-sighted and thought that springing him while taking out his captors would help things go back to business as usual. I almost have to feel sorry for the idiots; they really had no idea who they were up against."

Soi-Fon shook her head disdainfully. "They were two-bit thugs with too much greed and not nearly enough brains. They deserved what they got when they attempted that ridiculous jailbreak stunt."

Shisui chuckled. "I take it the attempt to free their leader went poorly, then?

Yoruichi rolled her eyes. "That's putting it mildly. Sure, they managed to get past the guards outside, but the Lady of Midnight, her companions and that other son of the Kuchiki Clan were part of the inner layer of security. The thugs had tried to make their move at night when everyone was sleeping, but our heroine and her companions had organized themselves into shifts just in case something like this happened. There was a brief bit of fighting, but the thugs were doomed from the start. It wasn't really much of a scuffle, although it did give the third son of the Kuchiki Clan a chance to show off his combat abilities… and the Lady of Midnight took note."

The look in Itachi's eyes was all Yoruichi needed to know that he saw where this was going. "He became the fifth companion… and, eventually, the fifth wraith."

Yoruichi gave a solemn sigh. "Yeah, he did. It's a shame, really. From what the stories say, it sounds like the guy was a real sweetheart."

Aika shook her head. "I don't understand. It sounds like she genuinely cared for the people she travelled with. If that was the case, though, why would she turn them into undead monsters?"

Yoruichi closed her eyes for a moment as she gathered her thoughts. "In a way, I think it was because she came to care so deeply for them. All the adventures she had with them, the time she spent with them… from what I've read, it sounds like those were some of the happiest days of her life. In that light, what happened years down the road… well, we're getting ahead of ourselves here. Remember, these were the early days. They were all alive and well, and their adventures had only just gotten started."

"What happened with the Kuchiki Clan?" asked Shisui, "From what you and Visaelya have said so far, it sounds like they would've had an uphill fight in bringing the corrupt son to justice even with another son of the family on their side."

"That's putting it mildly," Visaelya chimed in, "Things got even worse once the family realized that it was a member of the Shihōin Clan at the heart of this affair. Those two Great Noble Houses get along fine nowadays, but back then things were a bit rocky. The fact that it was the eldest daughter of the Shihōin Clan they were dealing with here definitely ratcheted the tension up. After all, it wasn't exactly hard for them to interpret this as the Shihōin Clan interfering in the affairs of the Kuchiki Clan's Principality, even though her departure from the clan estate at the start of her journey had been very public and obviously against the will of her family."

Soi-Fon nodded. "The situation was a delicate one. Noble families have a tendency to make things much more complicated than they should be. The Shihōin Clan actually had to dispatch an envoy to the Kuchiki Clan's Principality to help smooth things over. It wound up being one of the Lady of Midnight's aunts that took on the role, and naturally a considerable amount of time was required for her to make the trip. In the meantime, the corrupt son was held under house arrest while the Lady of Midnight and her companions because guests of the Kuchiki Clan."

Kisuke smirked. "I don't know if 'guests' is really the right word. They were under almost constant watch, to the point that you could almost consider them to be under a milder form of house arrest than the corrupt son. The Lady of Midnight was less than happy with this arrangement, but her companions managed to convince her to avoid rocking the boat any further, so to speak."

"No kidding," said Yoruichi, "Suffice to say that they kept things from blowing up in everyone's faces, but it was definitely touch and go for a while there. Eventually they had a proper trial, and the crime ring that had thoroughly taken over the checkpoint and strangled trade with the outlying villages was decisively dealt with. Our heroine's aunt tried to convince her to return home, but she was having none of it. Her mindset was firmly that of an adventurer now. She had tasted the true vastness of the Soul Society, and she wasn't about to give that up anytime soon."

"Her family was probably less than pleased with that," Shisui ventured.

"Of course," said Visaelya, "but it wasn't like there was anything that they could do about it. With her power and that of her companions, she could travel across the Soul Society in full confidence that she could deal with any threat that came her way. In the face of just how strong she had become, the Shihōin Clan would've had to physically restrain her, and at that point it was likely that only her sisters could've accomplished such a feat."

"And neither of them was anywhere near the Kuchiki Principality," Soi-Fon added, "As far as the Lady of Midnight was concerned, after the trial she was free to go wherever she wished. That third son of the Kuchiki Clan naturally tagged along, not caring that the rest of his family was against it. Given how it all ultimately ended, they were right to be concerned. Still, they couldn't have known what fate would befall him, especially since it wouldn't come until many years later."

"Where did they go next?" asked Itachi, "If they continued following the rough course they'd been on since the start of the journey, they would've wound up drawing near to the Shihōin Clan's Principality. From what I understand, it seems like that's a particular region the Lady of Midnight would want to avoid for the time being."

Yoruichi nodded. "She would eventually go to the clan's ancestral homeland, but she wasn't ready for that just yet. Instead, she and her companions actually went deeper into the Kuchiki Clan's Principality."

Aika looked confused. "Really? Why? Given all that had just happened, wouldn't she be less than welcome in those lands? Even if she and her friends had taken down a criminal operation, the fact that they had tangled with a son of the Kuchiki Clan in the process would've made the family quite eager to get rid of them."

"They certainly had worn out their welcome with the Kuchiki Clan," Yoruichi conceded, "but it was another story with the common folk. Word of what had happened at the checkpoint spread quickly, and their popularity got quite a boost as a result. People became eager to host them as a way of giving thanks for what they had done; the corruption of the Kuchiki Clan's disgraced son had been an open secret, and given just how much business had been forced to go through that checkpoint people far and wide were grateful that the source of their woes had been ousted. However, the newfound fame didn't mean much to the Lady of Midnight and her friends. You see, she had already made up her mind as to her next destination. The reason they were going deeper into the Principality was that she had her sights set on its major port city. She wanted to charter a ship, and she was taking the most direct path to it."

Shisui raised an eyebrow. "A ship? Where in the world did she plan on taking it?"

Yoruichi leaned forward. "Think about the era in which they lived in. What was out at sea to the west of the Kuchiki Clan Principality?"

Itachi beat Shisui to the punch. "The island where the old kingdom had been founded before its conquest of the Soul Society."

Yoruichi smiled. "Exactly. Our heroine's powers had grown considerably over the course of her travels, but there was still so much more that she wanted to learn, and she knew that island was where she would be able to advance her knowledge to the next stage. Remember, the spells crafted by the old kingdom were on a whole different level than what we practice today; much was lost in the aftermath of the downfall, particularly due to the Central Forty-Six censoring records in their efforts to make sure that the kingdom couldn't rise again. At the time that our heroine and her friends lived, that island's people and culture were at their peak, a wellspring of ancient knowledge just waiting to be accessed. It was the group's first time at sea, and the voyage was rough, but eventually they reached their destination. They spent no less than three years on that island, all of them devoting themselves to further developing their abilities."

"What made her think that she would be given access to the knowledge they held, though?" asked Aika, "She was an outsider, after all."

Yoruichi shook her head. "Perhaps, but she was more than that. Remember the lineage of the Five Great Noble Houses; each one of them had a princess of the royal family marry into them during the conquering of the Soul Society. Shihōin, Drakken, Kuchiki, Shiba, and Starmont; these are not just noble lines, but royal ones, no matter how much the Central Forty-Six likes to downplay that these days. The Lady of Midnight's blood ties gave her the access she desired, and she took full advantage of it."

Visaelya sighed wistfully. "To be able to examine the archives held on that island… I must admit, I'm jealous of her. So much was lost when the Head Captain laid waste to it during the downfall."

"Much of it was priceless beyond measure," Soi-Fon concurred, although there was a dark look in her eyes, "However… some things are better left forgotten. The knowledge that sprang from that island was both a blessing and a curse."

Kisuke nodded somberly. "The Andunayans were at the cutting edge of spell casting in the Soul Society. They ascended to great peaks… but the shadows cast by those mountains of knowledge were very dark."

Once again, Yoruichi saw that Itachi had already drawn the logical conclusion. "The knowledge needed to create wraiths… she found it there, didn't she?"

Yoruichi's eyes narrowed. "Yes. Theories regarding the flow of souls between the Soul Society and the various Realms of the Living, the potential for reversing that flow and the possible consequences of it… no one had yet put it into a cohesive picture, but it was all there. When she wasn't training with her friends, she would spend countless hours delving into the knowledge of casters long dead, discovering the pathway to many abilities that we would consider to be unnatural for souls. Much further research down the line would be required on her part to bring it all together into her final dark masterpieces, but it was on that island that the foundations were laid. She still had that powerful desire to make a difference for the better in the Soul Society, but her passionate search for knowledge that would aid her efforts proved to be a double-edged sword."

"Did her companions know what she was reading up on?" asked Shisui.

"I'm sure they had their suspicions," Yoruichi answered, "but I doubt that any of them could really appreciate true depth of the material she was studying. Remember, she was the kind of spell caster that comes along only once in a thousand years; she was far beyond her friends when it came to that sort of research. Only another highly seasoned and gifted caster would be able to fully comprehend the tomes she poured over for hours on end. Her companions might've picked up a few hints that her studies were going in a dark direction, but it's unlikely that they understood just what she was really getting into. Besides, it would still be many years before she would begin to put the darker aspects of this newfound knowledge to real use."

Visaelya smiled. "On a brighter note, I believe it's around this time that the tales take a turn for… well, the romantic. Three years was a long time to pass on that island, and her thoughts weren't just on her studies."

Kisuke chuckled. "Ah, I'd forgotten about that. I should've known that our other resident Great House noble would bring that up."

Yoruichi couldn't help but give a small laugh at that. "You're right! Well, I suppose it was natural. After all, her journey had begun quite some time ago… and one young man had been with her from the very start."

"The apprentice bodyguard," said Shisui, "although I suppose he was far past being an apprentice by this point."

Yoruichi nodded. "You've got that right. He'd grown as much as her, and she hadn't been blind to it. Now a master swordsman in his own right, and one that had dedicated everything to protecting her, not to mention being pretty easy on the eyes if the tales are to be believed… well, is it really a surprise that sparks had begun to fly? Suffice to say, with only training and studying to occupy their time on that island, the feelings that had been slowly growing throughout the course of their travels finally boiled over. There are varying accounts as to how it happened, but they all have this much in common; about one year into their stay, things suddenly got very hot and steamy beneath the starlight on that island. From that point forward, they never so much as considered the possibility of taking another partner. The two of them… they knew that they were meant to be together."

Visaelya's smile grew slightly, and Yoruichi could detect more than a hint of wistfulness in it. "In the last of the three years that they spent on that island, the two of them wed. There was an absolute uproar when word made it to the mainland; needless to say, her parents hadn't planned on her marrying her bodyguard. I remember my tutor's disapproval when she told me about that part, saying it wasn't proper behavior for a noble's daughter… and she got rather angry when I said that I found it romantic. She tried to disabuse me of that notion, but… well, suffice to say she had little success in that endeavor."

Shisui gave her a teasing grin. "You were the type of girl who hid her fascination with romance novels from her parents, weren't you? Do you got a stash hidden away in your room back at the barracks?"

Visaelya's face turned bright red at that. "I… that's none of your business!"

"That wasn't a 'no'," Shisui pointed out.

Soi-Fon cleared her throat. "Let's stay on topic, shall we? We need to get through this sometime tonight, after all."

Visaelya quickly concurred, although Yoruichi didn't fail to notice that it came a bit too hastily. "Yes, I quite agree!"

"So, what was next?" asked Itachi, "I presume that the knowledge gained on the island where the old kingdom was born would've been of invaluable aid in her quest to improve life in the Soul Society. Did she have a plan to apply that knowledge when she returned to the mainland?"

Yoruichi nodded. "She did, but first she wanted a place to safely store and organize that knowledge, somewhere that she could return to in order to update and expand upon the information and techniques that she had researched during those three years away from the continent. It was customary for Mages to construct their own libraries down the line, but she wanted to get a head start on things. So, the ship she chartered to return to the continental Soul Society didn't take her to the same port in the Kuchiki Clan Principality that she'd originally departed from. Instead, that vessel made its way south, eventually showing up in the Shihōin Clan Principality's primary port."

"What kind of reception did she get?" asked Shisui.

Yoruichi smiled. "A warmer one than you might think. Her parents were back at the estate maintained by the family in the Seireitei, so she didn't have to worry about facing them just yet. One of her sisters, the warrior, was also in the Seireitei, but the younger one was in the Principality and on hand to greet her when the ship arrived. In fact, if the stories are right, it seems she even knew exactly which ship the Lady of Midnight and her companions would be on. I know the tales all agree that she was an incredibly gifted assassin and spy, but I find it hard to believe that she would've had intelligence sources at that point in her life that could've told her precisely which ship her older sister and her friends would be returning to the continental Soul Society on. If I had to guess, I'd say that she detected them through their spirit energy; being able to sense people at great distances was supposed to be another talent of hers. Anyway, she didn't care about the political sensation that had blown up when the Lady of Midnight married her bodyguard; she was just happy to see her oldest sister again."

"What was she like?" asked Aika, "The younger sister, I mean."

Yoruichi gave it a moment of consideration. "A bit of an enigma, actually. Friendly enough, and as her manner of greeting her oldest sister shows she certainly cared about her immediate family. However, given her areas of expertise, it's no surprise that the clan accounts all mention her secretive nature. She always played her cards close to the chest, even when it came to family. She wasn't a full-on warrior like the middle daughter or a spell casting prodigy like her eldest sister. Speed, stealth and deception were her calling cards… not to mention a ruthless streak. She wasn't an honorable fighter by any stretch of the imagination; she would do whatever it took to win, no matter what kind of dirty tricks were required to get the job done."

"A perfect encapsulation of Squad Two's combat doctrine," Itachi noted, "She would've done well in our division."

Yoruichi smirked. "Are you really surprised? The majority of this division's Captains have come from the Shihōin Clan. My family's philosophy is Squad Two's philosophy; our fondness for speed and the shadows inform our doctrine."

Itachi nodded. "I wouldn't expect anything less."

"Secrecy and deception are all well and good," said Shisui, "but what about contingency planning? The younger sister couldn't have gone to meet her sibling without being aware of the political ramifications behind her return and her new marriage. Did she at least have some kind of idea as to how to address that?"

"It wasn't her place to do so," Yoruichi answered, "At the time, although her prowess in the art of assassination and espionage had advanced tremendously, she was still very much focused on refining her abilities and planting the seeds of her own intelligence network. Family politics weren't something that she participated in much during those days; she preferred to leave it to her parents. She would eventually inform them of the Lady of Midnight's return, but she delayed sending out the message for a few crucial days; she wanted to buy her sister some time to plan her next move."

"She must've begun commissioning architects for her library in this time period," Visaelya mused aloud, "All the tales state that the initial structure was completed around this point in her life, but her parents likely would've refused to allow construction had they been physically present in the Principality when she arrived. To lay the groundwork and have construction commence far enough along that it would be pointless to stop it by the time her parents returned to the Principality would've required a considerable amount of resources and talented personnel."

"She'd likely already figured out a rough idea for what kind of structure she wanted while on the ship heading back to the continent," Kisuke guessed, "That's the only thing I can think of that would explain how quickly it got put together. Once she had the plan, all she had to do was marshal the appropriate resources. Having a friendly sister on hand and no meddlesome parents in the Principality at the time was a stroke of good fortune."

"No argument there," said Yoruichi, "She'd already transcribed the material that she'd read on the island, so she had plenty of material that she wanted to categorize and secure quickly. The structure was actually rather modest in initial appearance, but that was because she'd ordered that the bulk of it be underground. Initially it had a few main subterranean vaults, but there was plenty of room for expansion, and indeed it had more than its share of growth over the ages. A shame that it was demolished after her fall; I would've liked to see it for myself. We're getting ahead of ourselves here, though. The important bit was that it was up and running by the time her parents returned to the Principality, and she'd already shifted the bulk of her study materials to it. The defenses consisted primarily of unique and powerful barrier spells that she'd come up with over the course of her studies, along with several nasty traps for anyone who managed to slip through those outer wards without her permission."

"That structure was more than just a library," Visaelya added, "If I recall correctly, the stories say that it also served as a place of shelter for the Lady of Midnight and her companions as well. It was fully equipped with living quarters for the lot of them, and while they might not have been luxurious, they were certainly more than adequate for their needs. I believe she had to make use of it in that capacity quite quickly; she wasn't eager to face her parents at the clan's ancestral palace."

Shisui shook his head. "Maybe, but a confrontation was inevitable. She had to have realized that."

"Of course, she did," Yoruichi replied, "but none of us are ever really eager for an argument with our parents. I'm pretty sure that's remained true throughout the ages, and this instance was hardly any different. Anyway, after a few days of sending messengers back and forth, she finally went home and had it out with her mother and father. Things got pretty heated; they were demanding the marriage be annulled, and she flat out refused them. Eventually they relented, but it was clear that a rift had been torn between them."

"Did they disinherit her?" asked Aika, "She might've been the eldest daughter, but there were her two sisters as well."

"I'm sure they considered it," Yoruichi replied, "but in the end that wasn't really a viable option. The surprise wedding with her bodyguard had been a big enough scandal on its own, but disinheriting their eldest daughter would've been another one entirely, especially given her clearly demonstrated talents. Rebellious or not, her abilities already rivaled that of the master spell casters of the time period, and she was just getting started. Her parents figured that if they could no longer exert direct control, they could at least attempt to influence her from here on in and try to convince her to use her powers for the benefit of the clan."

"Shortsighted," said Itachi, and Yoruichi didn't miss that slight hint of disdain in his voice, "Thinking of what she could do for the clan rather than the Soul Society as a whole. Whether in the afterlife or the Realms of the Living, some things never change…"

Yoruichi saw him share a look with Shisui, and Squad Two's Tenth Seat gave him a small nod. The Captain had figured Itachi would sympathize with the Lady of Midnight in this part of the story; after all, the young man certainly knew a thing or two about prideful clans.

Sorry if I accidentally rubbed the old wounds with that, Itachi, she thought, I wasn't trying to draw parallels between my ancestors and the Uchiha, but I suppose the similarities here would be impossible for you to ignore.

Shisui returned his gaze to Yoruichi a moment later. "Were they able to exert any of that hoped-for influence?"

Yoruichi shook her head. "Not really. The family tried to at least keep things civil between each other and put on a front for the outside world, but it was clear the damage had been done. She spent most of the subsequent weeks in her library, only going to the clan palace to occasionally share a meal with her parents and catch up with them. I believe they at least attempted to maintain a loving family relationship, but the fact that her parents couldn't accept the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with as an equal spouse remained a bitter point of contention. The clan's grown a bit more egalitarian and tolerant since those days, but it's been a slow process… one that still needs plenty of work."

Visaelya gave her a knowing nod. "All of the noble families in the Soul Society could use some fresh effort on that front."

Yoruichi smiled; her Eighteenth Seat had pleasantly surprised her with that small gesture of solidarity. "You're right about that. Anyway, it wasn't like our heroine would stick around for much more family drama. After she was satisfied that everything was in order with her library and that the clan had no way to interfere with her marriage legally, it was time to hit the road again. This kicked off a cycle that would repeat many times over the span of the next few centuries; she and her companions would travel far and wide across the Soul Society helping people, periodically returning to the Shihōin Clan Principality so she could update her library with newfound knowledge and spell theory. As you might imagine, her fame grew considerably over this time period, and it was her penchant for delivering justice well after sundown that gave rise to the moniker that's endured over the millennia."

Itachi leaned forward slightly, his gaze locked with Yoruichi's. "She might've been a hero in those days, but we already know she didn't remain one. So, where did it all go wrong?"

Yoruichi sighed. "It began with bitter disillusionment. No matter how many individual villages they saved from bandits or overly aggressive fauna, or how many corrupt officials and their lackeys that they removed from positions of power, it never seemed to be enough. For her and her companions, the so-called 'golden age' had lost its sparkle. The heart of the Soul Society and the strongholds that were the five Principalities remained secure and prosperous, but people in the lands between continued to suffer while the central government and the powerful nobles did little to help. At this point, her reputation was very strong and still positive amongst the people, so she decided to finally go to the Seireitei itself to see what could be done to bring about meaningful action from those who were supposed to be governing over all of the Soul Society."

Soi-Fon shook her head, and there was more than a hint of disdain in the gesture. "Fool's errand. Whether it's the Central Forty-Six or the rulers of the old kingdom, those who control the Seireitei and Rukon District have never really cared about what happens in the lands beyond. Golden age or dark age, some things never change."

Visaelya apparently felt otherwise. "It was still worth the effort. So few people even make an attempt. She had great personal power and a strong reputation backing her, not to mention steadfast allies. There was more going for her than most."

Kisuke nodded. "True enough. Even with the scandal regarding her marriage making her rather infamous amongst the nobility, she was still the eldest daughter of the Shihōin Clan. Her very name had power, and if nothing else it could certainly draw attention from the movers and shakers within the old kingdom. Looking at it objectively, she had at least a chance at being heard and making her case for greater involvement from the central government in the protection and wellbeing of the outlying regions."

"Perhaps," said Itachi, "but things didn't go the way she wanted them to, did they?"

"There was some initial progress," Yoruichi answered, "The royal family was interested in meeting her, so she was able to present her arguments to the top of the food chain. Promises were made to 'look into the matter' and 'explore possible solutions', but in the end they were empty words. On the one hand, the lack of action's understandable; governing the Seireitei, the Rukon District, and watching over the Realms of the Living and the balance of souls is a very tough job. The manpower requirements alone are incredible. However, the old kingdom didn't lack for troops and resources back then. They could have formed expeditionary forces or militias, dispatched scouts to the areas she'd designated as trouble spots, organized economic relief for struggling villages, yet all she ultimately got from them were token gestures. Needless to say, she was less than pleased with them."

"How bad did it get?" asked Shisui.

"There wasn't any outright violence, if that's what you're getting at," Yoruichi replied, "That being said, her contempt, disgust and fury were hardly disguised. After about a year or so in the Seireitei, she washed her hands of the place. She publicly denounced the rulers of the kingdom as incompetent and self-interested, caring only for palace intrigue and personal advancement rather than the Soul Society as a whole. It caused quite the political firestorm, but she didn't care. She and her companions soon returned to their journeys across the Soul Society, doing the work that they now knew its rulers would not. Had that been the end of it, she still would be remembered as a hero, but her anger and disdain for the governing elite was not so easily suppressed. It festered and grew, and when combined with just how broad her knowledge had become, how great her power had grown… it was only a matter of time before she lashed out. She tried to fight it by throwing herself into her work, along with savoring her time with her beloved husband and their growing family, but in the end, it only delayed the inevitable."

She closed her eyes for a moment as she gathered her thoughts; she wanted to make sure that she properly conveyed the next part of the story. "Years passed… then decades… then centuries. Those descended from the royal family live significantly longer than other souls, even if it's through the bloodlines of the Five Great Noble Houses rather than the core family. Why do you think that the Head Captain has lasted so long? Even with all that time, though, it wasn't enough. No matter how many journeys the Lady of Midnight and her companions went on, each time they could only temporarily improve life in the regions they went through. More importantly for her was the advancing age of her friends; none of them were anywhere near as young as they once were. In those latter years, her mind became more and more consumed with research… particularly into the lore and knowledge that she had uncovered on that island long ago. In order to continue fighting for what she saw as the good of the Soul Society, she sought to permanently extend her own life and those of her dear companions."

Aika's eyes widened at that. "She was after immortality?"

"She wasn't the first," said Kisuke, "There have always been those across the ages that have sought to escape the cycle of souls and live forever. The difference between her and them was her brilliant intellect… and just how far she was willing to go in pursuit of that dream."

Yoruichi nodded. "As she began to devote more time to that research, her ties with her family deteriorated. She became distant from her sisters, and even her husband and daughters began to find her difficult to approach. It must've been painful; all the stories indicate that she loved her bodyguard and the children they'd had with all her heart, and that love was no small factor in her increasingly frantic studies. She was desperate to stave off the inevitable… and in that desperation, the dark seeds that had been planted so long ago on that island began to bear fruit. That fruit required watering, though… more specifically, watering through blood."

She saw Visaelya grimace. "My family's archives aren't as extensive as yours on the matter, Captain, but from what I remember… she began using captured criminals from her journeys in experimentation, right?"

"Oh, yes," Yoruichi replied grimly, "Devising new spells to draw out their spirit energy, their very life force… vaults in her library soon became devoted to dark sorcery the likes of which the Soul Society had never seen before. She kept it hidden from all, but of course those closest to her became suspicious. However, by the time anyone voiced serious concerns, it was far too late. Her companions were in their final years… and all too soon, they began to fade. What all the criminals, Hollows and wild beasts could not accomplish, old age finally did. Each death hit her harder than the last. Her husband was the last to go… and that snapped what little remained of her restraint. Their children were all grown up, but they had still chosen to stay with their mother and father. She couldn't put them at risk, so she sent them to live at the family palace, safely removed from the fell arts that she was preparing to perform. Even then, drowning in the depths of despair, she did not stop loving them. If only that love had been enough to pull her back from the brink."

"Who did she turn first?" asked Itachi, a dark look in his eyes, "Which of her companions was the first to be awakened as a wraith?"

Yoruichi sighed. "The disgraced second son of the Drakken Clan cadet branch… the one we fought today. She used him as proof of concept, including pioneering the rings that amplified their power and helped anchor them in their twisted forms, and thus as a wraith he's the weakest of the five. The other four were brought back soon after, each one stronger in turn as she refined her process… with her husband as the last and by far the most powerful. All five would answer to her and her alone... and they would be called to serve very quickly."

Shisui's eyes narrowed. "Let me guess; the clan was finally onto her, right?"

Yoruichi nodded. "Yes. She wasn't the only one who had grown powerful over the years. Both of her younger sisters had trained relentlessly, each becoming masters in their respective fields. They had been investigating her for quite some time, and had marshalled forces for an arrest. Unfortunately, they'd underestimated just what she was now capable of. When they stormed her library, she was ready for them. With all five wraiths under her command… it was a slaughter. Her sisters survived, but only because there was still just enough of her humanity left that she couldn't bear to have them killed. So, she fought her way out and fled into the night, her undead companions in tow… now truly Servants of Midnight."

Visaelya shuddered. "When word spread about what she had done… the entire nobility was in a state of panic. Reversing the flow of souls and creating undead beings of such staggering power were testament to just how far beyond them her power really was. Taking her down became priority number one for not just the Shihōin Clan, but the old kingdom itself. Every military resource in the Soul Society was mobilized for the ensuing hunt. What made matters even worse was when her sisters reported what had happened to those killed by the wraiths; the fact that they had become wights and had to be taken down again, this time by the two women who had commanded them, added yet another dark layer to the tragedy."

Aika shook her head mournfully. "How awful… did it really have to come to that?"

Soi-Fon gave her a hard look. "She crossed lines that no one in the Soul Society should ever cross. Her reasons behind it don't matter. There are very good reasons why the arts she practiced are outlawed under penalty of death these days. The flow of souls is integral to the balance between the Soul Society and the Realms of the Living. Tampering with the flow is to risk apocalyptic destruction. Putting aside the fact that she threw her ethics completely out the window with her experiments, reversing the flow of souls, even for just a few people who were precious to her, is one of the worst taboos in all of the Soul Society. As Soul Reapers, it is our solemn duty to maintain that flow and ensure that it is not disrupted in any matter. She was the eldest daughter of a Great Noble House; she understood the responsibility that comes with wielding spirit energy as well as anyone else in a similar station."

Kisuke reluctantly nodded. "As much as I'm for pushing boundaries when it comes to Kidō, even I have my limits. She went too far; it's as simple as that. Her family should've stepped in much sooner, and she was smart enough to know that what she was doing could never be condoned. Since her research had already born its dark fruit, all that could be done now was damage control."

"By 'damage control', I presume you mean tracking down and killing the Lady of Midnight and her wraiths," said Itachi, "Although, given that we encountered one of those wraiths today, I can only assume that slaying them was beyond the capabilities of those charged with hunting them back then."

"That's right," Yoruichi answered, "The Soul Society had never seen anything like it before. If you thought today was bad, imagine how things were back then when they had to fight all five of them together under the command of the Lady of Midnight. Not only were they incredibly powerful in their own right, but simply throwing the old kingdom's armies at them wasn't an option; that approach was tried, and it simply resulted in hosts of soldiers being slain and raised as wights. Brute force wasn't an option, although that didn't stop them from trying. In all this carnage, her original mission was lost. She was no longer acting to help the people of the Soul Society; she was simply trying to escape accountability for her actions. The rebellious noblewoman who had improved the lives of so many common folks was gone and only a sorceress lost in the depths of despair remained."

There was a thoughtful look in Visaelya's eyes. "All the accounts I was exposed to in the past sought to emphasize her forbidden spells and how she had become a monster in the pursuit of eternal life, but hearing it like this… she sounds more like someone who was simply lashing out at the world in grief. Her fall didn't come about because she pursued forbidden knowledge; it was because she couldn't handle her sorrow at losing the people closest to her. It doesn't excuse what she did, but… well, it definitely gives the latter part of her story more depth than the versions I'd heard before."

"Well, the tutors you learned those versions from were in service to your family," Kisuke pointed out, "Given the Drakken Clan's rivalry with the Shihōin Clan, it's only natural that they would seek to emphasize the more horrific and sinister aspects of the tale. After all, it's the fall of one of the Shihōin Clan's prodigies; no offense, but your ancestors probably took no small amount of satisfaction in watching that whole affair unfold."

Visaelya sighed. "I suppose you're right… my family does tend to lend a disproportionate weight to our grudges."

Yoruichi smiled and shook her head. "I wouldn't worry too much about it in this case. Grudge or not, in this case the Drakken Clan had plenty of reason to be pissed off at my ancestors. The bit with the son of the cadet branch joining the Lady of Midnight as one of her companions could be brushed off easily enough, but in the many battles she had with the forces of the old kingdom after she went on the run, your clan lost some pretty prominent members. They weren't the only ones; warriors from all of the Great Noble Houses fell in that long hunt before it was finally concluded."

"How did they defeat her?" asked Shisui, "Based on everything you've said so far, she'd be a daunting opponent even for Captains in the modern-day Thirteen Court Guard Squads. I felt your spiritual pressure spike today; you were throwing around quite a bit of power in that clash. Sure, it wasn't your Bankai, but it was nothing to sneeze at either. You told us that the wraith encountered today was the weakest one, so taking on all five along with their master and any wights they had in support would be no small task."

Yoruichi nodded. "They definitely had to work at it. Once the finally got it through their head that conventional armies were the wrong way to go, a great council was held in the Seireitei. Rather than the royal family calling the shots, though, it was largely dominated by the Five Great Noble Houses; the High King of the time served more as a debate moderator and intermediary rather than a direct commander. It was clear that pure quantity wouldn't cut it, but at the same time they couldn't match the enemy one for one. After all, this was the most powerful spell caster in generations that they were dealing with here, and her undead servants had centuries of collective combat experience under their belts. An elite task force was eventually put together, consisting of the finest warriors, Mages and assassins the Five Great Noble Houses could offer. They're known to history collectively as the Great Hunters, and boy, did they have their work cut out for them."

"Tracking her wasn't the hard part," Soi-Fon added, "The old kingdom was actually quite efficient at pursuing its enemies when it was properly focused. The problem, naturally, was how to go about defeating her. The Great Hunters did outnumber their foes, but it was only by a ratio of less than three to one. Since at the time no one knew how to actually destroy the wraiths, the best they could hope for was to seal them. They had Mages that were sufficiently skilled and powerful enough for such a task, but they would have to protect them and buy them time to properly perform the sealing spell. The Lady of Midnight and her Servants were constantly on the move, and since she was the one being hunted it meant that she could dictate where their confrontations took place."

"And they had several confrontations," Kisuke chimed in, "In the first few, the Hunters were lucky to escape with their lives, and even then, some of them were severely wounded. Some of their Mages were powerful healers, but treating the wounded naturally took time, and of course it gave their target a chance to put distance between them and her. Each subsequent encounter was deadly, but even as they fought for their lives they learned about their opponent. Eventually, they had enough collective knowledge and experience to formulate a plan to finally bring the whole affair to a close, but putting it into effect was definitely a case of easier said than done."

"How'd they pull it off?" asked Shisui.

"Both of her sisters were members of the task force," said Yoruichi, "They knew her better than anyone else in the group. It hadn't escaped their notice that she'd gone out of her way to spare them each time they had fought. They could see that she clearly still cared for her family… and they used that against her."

A dark look came to Itachi's eyes. "Her children."

Aika's eyes widened. "No… they wouldn't…"

"Her offspring were fully grown," Visaelya reminded her, "They were all adults now, fully capable of understanding what their mother had done… and capable of making an informed decision regarding what to do about it, difficult though it surely was."

"How many did she have?" asked Itachi.

"Three," Yoruichi answered somberly, "The eldest two were girls, and the youngest was a boy. Although she never wanted them to be exposed to danger, she had made sure that they were trained to defend themselves, and they had become capable fighters in their own right. The eldest daughter had picked up her father's affinity for the sword, while her younger sister had become a promising Mage in her own right. As for the son, while he had decent skills in both melee combat and spell casting, he was actually more of a scholar than a frontline combatant. Regardless of ability, though, all three had heard the firsthand accounts from their aunts regarding the raid on the library. For all that they loved their mother, they could see what she had become… and consented to being used as bait for her."

Shisui shook his head. "Even if they were willing, even if their involvement was necessary… that's still a cruel burden to place on them."

Itachi nodded solemnly. "The worst enemy to confront is never a monster or a tyrant; it's someone that's close to you. Close family and friends… they are by far the most difficult to face."

The others gave the two of them looks that suggested they had caught a hint of something deeper but couldn't figure out what it was. Yoruichi knew, though. Both young men weren't talking about Yoruichi's ancestor; they were talking about the Uchiha Clan.

The pain of having to fight one's family is something I pray that I never have to experience, she thought as her gaze lingers on her Sixteenth Seat, Itachi… how you endured it these past fourteen years… I just hope that, between our talk and you finding your mother, you can start to heal.

She forced herself to return her focus to the task at hand; the tale wasn't over just yet. "Word eventually reached her ears that her children had been arrested by the Hunters. I'm sure she suspected a trap, all the more so when she learned where they were being held. It was at an ancient amphitheater in one of the ancient cities of the Shihōin Clan Principality; a town that had been abandoned to the encroaching desert sands long ago. The location was chosen well. There would be no civilians to get in the way, and as a bonus she would have no one on hand for her wraiths to slay and resurrect as wights. A small oasis wasn't too far away, so the Hunters would have a ready supply of drinking water while they waited for their prey. Finally, the amphitheater itself was the perfect kind of structure to facilitate a powerful sealing spell."

"Ancient barriers and seals often incorporated architecture as a means of reinforcing them," Kisuke explained, "The barrier that used to hold the wraith beneath the citadel was deeply intertwined with the Moon Tower itself, for example. It's an art that's mostly been lost since the old kingdom fell. The seals and barriers practiced by Soul Reapers and the Kidō Corps today are mostly meant to be used out in the field on short notice; there's just not as much work put into large-scale stationary barriers as there once was. It's a shame, really."

Soi-Fon gave him a look of stern disapproval. "We have more important things to worry about here than lost barrier techniques, Third Seat Urahara. Keep your priorities in order."

Kisuke chuckled. "Oh, all right. Someone's on a short fuse tonight."

Soi-Fon folded her arms. "You would be too if you had to contend with a wraith instead of mere wights."

"Dial it back, you two," Yoruichi chided her subordinates, "Let's keep things on track here."

Soi-Fon bowed her head. "My apologies, Lady Yoruichi."

Kisuke gave her a contrite nod. "Same."

"So, did it work?" asked Aika, "The trap, I mean."

Yoruichi took a deep breath before answering. "She went to the amphitheater, her five Servants in tow. There were her children, standing in the middle of the stage… and they were armed. The Great Hunters had already taken up position, but their victory was not yet assured. A seal of the magnitude that they had set up cannot be activated instantaneously. There's a charging time as the casters bring it up to full strength, and the casters must be protected during the process; if any one of them lose concentration, then the sequence has to be restarted. The Lady of Midnight instantly recognized the true nature of the trap. After all, a Mage as powerful and skilled as her was intimately familiar with all manner of barriers and sealing techniques. Her expertise should've been a threat, but when she saw that her daughters and son now saw her as a threat… she lost the will to fight. It could've ended right there… but her Servants were another matter."

Shisui raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean? She had control over them, right? She was the one that had brought them back, after all. Besides, they were all loyal to her. If she wasn't going to put up a fight, then they should've followed her lead."

Yoruichi saw Itachi close his eyes for a moment, and when he opened them his gaze met hers. "The one we fought… it wasn't some obedient and mindless creation. Its very existence was agony, and it wanted nothing more than for us to join it in that eternal torment. Whatever loyalty they once had to their master… it was swallowed by hatred and pain, wasn't it?"

Yoruichi nodded. "They had followed her up until this point, but the tortured nature of their new existence meant that their loyalty could no longer be taken for granted. By the time she recognized that, though, it was far too late. In that amphitheater, the last vestiges of deference those Servants of Midnight had for their master finally faded. They were truly unleashed, now… and they wanted the cruelest revenge possible."

"Her children…" Visaelya murmured.

Aika's eyes widened in horror. "No…"

Yoruichi sighed. "Her children were well-trained, but even then… her son fell before he knew what hit him. Her eldest daughter managed to grab her sister and retreat, but two of the wraiths immediately pursued. The Great Hunters had no choice but to leap into action at that point; they couldn't risk any of the wraiths slipping free of the amphitheater. From there… well, the records you'll find in the other Great Noble Houses tend to differ, but those in the archives of the Shihōin Clan include a detail that the others typically ignore. You see, history accredits the subsequent sealing of the wraiths solely to the Great Hunters, but the truth is… they had help from the last source they could've imagined."

"The Lady of Midnight," said Itachi.

"You got it," Yoruichi replied, "I said earlier that she had lost the will to fight when she saw that her children were prepared to stand against her, but that changed when she saw that it was her children that were now in danger. Naturally, the Great Hunters were suspicious, but she focused her efforts solely on the wraiths. The ensuing clash was brutal, and there were plenty of casualties. One of the Lady of Midnight's sisters, the warrior, was among them. In the end, though, the wraiths were finally sealed. As for the Lady of Midnight, she accepted the sentence that had already been passed on her. Her story came to an end in that amphitheater, but the wraiths remained. They might've been sealed, but they were still a threat, and a long-term solution had to be found."

"The sealing spell employed by the Great Hunters sufficed long enough for them to come up with a plan," Kisuke chimed in, "They called in additional resources from the Seireitei, including plenty of additional warriors and Mages. Five sites across the Soul Society were chosen to hold the sealed wraiths; it was deemed far too dangerous to keep them all together in a single location. Menar Issilaya was one of the sites designated for interment. The Moon Tower lent itself well as anchor for this particular wraith's seal. From the account that I found in the citadel archives, the seal held until a particularly fierce Hollow attack hit the Moon Tower itself and disrupted the spell. That's how the wraith was eventually able to break its bonds and slay the inhabitants of Menar Issilaya."

Shisui leaned forward. "Why couldn't the Great Hunters destroy them, though? The Lady of Midnight joined them in that final fight; she made them, so surely she knew how to unmake them."

Visaelya shook her head. "With all due respect, Tenth Seat Uchiha, you're forgetting why these five were resurrected in the first place. These were individuals that the Lady of Midnight cared for so deeply that she was willing to violate practically every law of spell casting and delve into dark sorcery just so she could be with them again. Destroying them would've been the last thing on her mind. Besides, this was an incredibly fierce clash; there was no time for her to give the Great Hunters a detailed explanation regarding her creations and how to dispose of them."

"But what about once the fight was over?" asked Aika, "Wouldn't they have asked her how to destroy them before carrying out her sentence?"

"I'm sure they did just that," Yoruichi answered, "The records don't say what she told them, so we can only speculate at this point."

Soi-Fon shook her head. "Such speculation is meaningless at this point. What matters is that one has been found, and while we did eliminate it, we've confirmed that it was able to break free of its seal. I understand that the barrier was compromised by an outside force, but that does not change the fact that it broke loose all the same. If the weakest of the five escaped containment in the millennia since it was defeated and imprisoned, then there is no reason why the others could not break out as well."

Shisui's brow furrowed. "Something's bothering me. This thing was imprisoned beneath the Moon Tower for a long time. Wouldn't the people guarding it have taken the opportunity to study it in hopes of finding a way to destroy it?"

"I believe they did, actually," Kisuke countered, "The account that I found in the citadel's archives indicates that they figured out which three points needed to be targeted in order to defeat it; the crown, the amulet, and the ring. However, in order to strike those points, they would've needed to open the barrier and seal, and they probably weren't keen on doing that. They likely deemed it safer to simply maintain its prison, and I can't say that I blame them. When this thing got the chance to break free, it seized it immediately and wrought absolute carnage. Had they lowered the barrier before and attempted to destroy it, it's quite likely that it simply would've broken free then and commenced the massacre. They would've needed warriors of with at least Captain-class levels of spirit energy to have a chance at defeating it, as Yoruichi demonstrated today. Even in the old kingdom, fighters with that kind of strength didn't exactly grow on trees. Most of them would've been either in the heart of the Seireitei or monitoring the Realms of the Living."

Visaelya sighed. "That's a shame, but also understandable. That does leave us with a few unanswered questions, though."

Itachi nodded. "The wights, for starters. When it broke free, that wraith clearly butchered the people of Menar Issilaya. We fought our share of wights, but that couldn't have been enough to account for the entire population of the city."

"Itachi's right," said Aika, "Where are the rest?"

"Hard to say," Yoruichi conceded, "I know that when we engaged the wraith, some of the crystals that used to anchor its seal were used to power a portal that wights came through. Did you guys find anything similar in your encounters?"

Shisui nodded. "Yeah, up in the observation room. There was a crystal powering the portal that the wights came through in that room, too."

Yoruichi turned to Kisuke. "What about you?"

Kisuke shook his head. "Found plenty of wights, but no crystals. There was a portal in the entrance hall where wights were emerging from, but it collapsed when the wraith was slain."

"That might be our answer, then," said Soi-Fon, "The portals must've been tied to the wraith. Perhaps it stored the wights in some sort of alternate space through dark sorcery, and only summoned them when it was directly threatened. With its destruction, the rest of the wights might've been destroyed as well."

"We need to know for sure," Itachi argued, "They can't be allowed to leave the Shadow Pass."

Yoruichi nodded. "Agreed. We're going to spend at least a week sweeping the city and the Moon Tower for any mechanisms that might trigger additional portals. I'm not about to let such a threat slip out from under our noses. We will not leave here until we are certain the threat has been completely eliminated."

Shisui cleared his throat, and Yoruichi was surprised to see that he was uncharacteristically nervous. "Captain… loose wights may not be our only potential problem."

Yoruichi's brow furrowed. "What is it?"

"In the observation room at the top of the citadel," Shisui began as his right hand went into the satchel at his hip, "we found something… and we need to figure out to do with it sooner rather than later."

Yoruichi had sensed a strange undercurrent of spirit energy coming from the satchel earlier, but Shisui hadn't immediately brought it up so she had assumed it wasn't a threat. Her eyes widened when he pulled his hand out of the bag and she saw what he was holding. That initial assumption had been correct in the short-term, but now that she knew what he was carrying she understood that the long-term was another question entirely.

"You have got to be kidding me…" she murmured as she gazed at the pyramidal crystal in the palm of his hand.

She wasn't the only one suitably surprised; Soi-Fon's jaw damn near hit the ground, and Kisuke was all but drooling in excitement as he realized what he was seeing. Yoruichi could hardly blame them.

"Impossible," said Soi-Fon, "They were all lost…"

"Lost, but apparently not destroyed," Kisuke countered, his eyes gleaming with curiosity, "A Nalatarin… I never thought I'd see one outside of sketches in ancient tomes. Well, now… today really has been full of surprises."

Yoruichi saw Itachi's gaze go back and forth between the crystal and her. "A Nalatarin? Would someone care to enlighten me?"

"A relic of the old kingdom," Yoruichi answered even as she struggled to process the full implications of what Shisui had just found, "A crystal endowed with the power to see across incredibly vast distances. There were several at the height of the old kingdom's power, but their number began to dwindle as they were claimed by disaster and tragedy one by one… and those that remained were lost in the downfall. When contact with Menar Issilaya broke off, it was assumed that its Nalatarin had disappeared along with the inhabitants. I'd hoped there would be clues regarding its whereabouts when we began investigating this place, but I never dreamed that we'd actually find it."

Visaelya shook her head. "Honestly, I'm still having trouble wrapping my head around it, and I was there when we found it."

Aika nodded. "Same here. I don't know what I was expecting that we would find when we started this mission, but it definitely wasn't something like this."

"It might've been better if you hadn't," said Soi-Fon as she turned to Yoruichi, a knowing look in her eyes, "This is going to cause problems."

Yoruichi was glad to see that her protégé was already thinking along the same lines as her. "You've got that right."

Itachi looked puzzled. "Why would this be an issue? Our mission to the barrow of the old kingdom during our student days gave me the impression that the Soul Society was on the lookout for artifacts from that era. We were helping Squad Twelve collect them for study, as I recall. Wouldn't the same apply here?"

"In theory, yes," Yoruichi answered, "but there are artifacts, and there are artifacts. This one is definitely the latter."

"No kidding," said Kisuke as he scratched his chin in thought, "This is definitely going to be a problem."

Visaelya nodded, and Yoruichi could tell that she too had grasped the potential ramifications. "A find like this is unprecedented. For a Nalatarin to resurface after so long… this is going to cause an uproar in the nobility. The Five Great Noble Houses will be at each other's throats trying to get their hands on this thing."

Yoruichi saw a subtle shift in Itachi's gaze as the light of comprehension dawned. "If any one House had something like this in their possession, it would alter the balance of power amongst the aristocracy…"

"Exactly," Soi-Fon confirmed, "which is why we need to be very careful about how we handle this."

"Yes," said Yoruichi softly before she gave her gathered subordinates a stern look, "We need to keep this as compartmentalized as possible. Shisui, how many people know that you found this?"

"Only those that are in this tent right now," her Tenth Seat answered.

Yoruichi sighed with relief. "Good. In that case, here's how we'll play this. Shisui, I want you to give the Nalatarin to Kisuke for the time being. He'll keep it safe until we return to the Seireitei."

Shisui nodded and passed the artifact to the Third Seat without complaint, although Yoruichi did note his gaze lingering on the crystal as Kisuke stuffed it into a satchel. She couldn't blame him; she could only imagine what it must've been like to first lay eyes on it up in the observation room of the Moon Tower. Still, she was pleased to see that he was willing to relinquish it so easily, especially given that there were plenty of nobles and high-ranking Soul Reapers she could think of who most certainly would have protested.

She met the gaze of her Third Seat. "You've done enough browsing in my family's archives to know the risks, but I'm going to say it anyway; do not try to use that thing. Feel free to study it, but make sure you don't have an audience, and don't activate it. You got that?"

Kisuke nodded, clearly understanding the danger and willing to set aside his curiosity for the sake of the mission. "Understood."

She returned her attention to the rest of her subordinates, knowing that she had to bring the hammer down hard to get her point across. "Listen carefully. Word of this discovery does not leave this tent. I like you all, but so help me, if I find out that any of you have leaked information to someone outside this circle, the Maggots' Nest will be the least of your worries. Do I make myself clear?"

They all nodded in unison, and Yoruichi allowed herself to relax a bit; she didn't like driving up the tension like that, but sometimes it was unfortunately necessary. She genuinely did trust them, but she had to make sure there was no ambiguity regarding the gravity of the situation.

"Good," she said, "Now, here's how this will work. We'll keep this under wraps until we return to the Seireitei. Once we're back, I'll take possession of the artifact and bring it straight to the Head Captain when I deliver my mission report. I'll request Captain Hikifune's presence at the meeting as well; standard procedure is for Squad Twelve to take possession of major artifacts for study and safekeeping. A direct handoff between me and her will minimize the risk of exposure."

"Simple and effective," Kisuke commented, "but we might still have a hitch or two. The artifact's latent spirit energy will draw attention from Soul Reapers with sufficiently attuned senses. Our greatest risk comes from the other Captains and their Lieutenants; there's a distinct possibility that they could pick up on it while you're going to meet the Head Captain."

"And one in particular will definitely be an issue if he realizes what we've found here," Soi-Fon added, looking back and forth between Yoruichi and Visaelya.

Visaelya nodded grimly, fully aware of the subtext. "Yes, my uncle will almost certainly pounce if he detects the artifact. The fact that we found it so close to the Drakken Clan Principality will make things even worse. I give you my word that I will do everything in my power to ensure word of the Nalatarin doesn't leak to them, but once we're inside the Seireitei simple discretion and closed lips on our part may not be enough."

Yoruichi sighed. "I trust you, Visaelya. The real problem is actually going to be the Head Captain. He'll follow procedure to the letter… and that will include delivering a report to the Central Forty-Six regarding our survey of Menar Issilaya. He won't leave anything out, which means the judges will learn of the artifact. They're supposed to be impartial, and their deliberations are meant to remain confidential, but it's an open secret that each of the Five Great Noble Houses has informants amongst their ranks. Once the Head Captain reports to them, the nobility will learn the truth in short order, and that will most certainly include your uncle."

"And that's where the political shitstorm will start," Kisuke quipped.

"Is there any way to avoid that?" asked Shisui, "No matter what we do on our end, from what you've described it sounds like we'll just be delaying the inevitable."

Itachi's eyes narrowed. "Can we expect retaliation from the nobility?"

"Officially, no," Yoruichi answered, "The Head Captain hates it when the aristocracy attempts to interfere in the affairs of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads, so on the surface the nobles will make a show of giving him a wide berth. Unofficially, though… well, watch your backs. Squad Two might be the best at operating in the shadows, but the Great Noble Houses have their own agents who could potentially seek to exact payback. They won't dare to launch any open attacks, but it'll be a good idea for the lot of you to keep your heads down and your guard up for the foreseeable future. I'll make sure that my family isn't among the troublemakers; while I'm sure they'd very much prefer if I turn the Nalatarin over to them, there's a damn good reason why I'm the Captain of Squad Two and the rest of them aren't. They might fuss a bit, but I'll keep them off our backs."

"Couldn't we just… not report what we found at all?" asked Aika nervously, "Maybe just hand the artifact over directly to Squad Twelve before the meeting with the Head Captain? Surely Captain Hikifune would understand, right?"

Yoruichi shook her head. "She'd be sympathetic, but we'd be putting her in an untenable position. She can't afford to watch over the artifact by herself; she's a Captain with a division to run, after all. The most secure place for the Nalatarin is in the high security artifact vaults of Squad Twelve's barracks, and the guards need to be aware of what they're protecting so they can appropriately anticipate threats. Word of the most recent addition to their collection would almost certainly begin trickling down through the ranks of her subordinates, regardless of her best efforts. From there, it would just be a matter of time before the Head Captain found out, and then she'd be in a considerable amount of trouble. The proper channels might give us an inevitable headache, but at least if we're up front with both her and the Head Captain we can contain the blowback."

Aika nodded, and Yoruichi then saw her look at Shisui. "I understand. That being said… I think there are some things we should be keeping secret from them… even if you need to know, Captain. Tenth Seat Uchiha… I'm sorry, but…"

Shisui smiled. "It's all right, Aika; the Captain already knows my little secret. In fact, between the seven of us here, I think the only person who doesn't know now is Third Seat Urahara, at least if what I felt from the fight down in the catacombs is any indication."

Kisuke raised his eyebrow, looking more amused and curious than anything else. "Wait, for once I'm the one that's out of the loop on something? This is a new experience. I suppose now's when you fill me in on the good stuff?"

Yoruichi shrugged. "I guess it couldn't hurt at this point, although it'd be easier to show rather than tell. Itachi, Shisui, do you mind? I promise that word won't spread beyond this tent; Kisuke might have his quirks, but you can trust him."

Itachi and Shisui shared a brief look before turning back to face the others. Yoruichi was surprised to feel her heartbeat speed up ever so slightly; the thrill of anticipation was coursing through her veins.

Sure enough, there it was a moment later; two pairs of crimson beacons blazing in the eyes of her Sixteenth and Tenth Seats. Glancing at Kisuke, she had the satisfaction of seeing him actually look dumbfounded for once, which was a rare sight indeed. Of course, she could hardly blame him; the Sharingan really was unlike anything that she or her Third Seat had ever seen before.

An odd thought passed through her mind; she'd been utterly entranced by Itachi's Sharingan when he had awakened it, yet she hadn't had the same reaction when Shisui had activated his before the two Uchiha had gone to scout out Menar Issilaya. Why was that so? It took her a moment to figure out the answer.

It was the gravity of his gaze, she thought as she looked at the two young men, Shisui and Itachi were both trying to stop the Uchiha coup, but Shisui took his own life before the purge to give Itachi the power of the Mangekyou. Shisui didn't actually have to take the lives of his kin… but Itachi did. The Sharingan Itachi has now is the very same Sharingan that he used when carrying out the massacre of the clan…

It was a haunting realization, and it lent a sense of tragic beauty to the crimson gems that were Itachi's eyes that made his gaze all the more captivating for Yoruichi. Since she was in front of her subordinates, she knew that now was hardly the time to get lost in the solemn grace and splendor that was his Sharingan, but the temptation was still very much there.

It took a moment for Kisuke to recover his composure, and it was clear that his urge to study and research was going full-bore. "Well, now… that's interesting. How long have you known about this, Yoruichi?"

"A while, now," she admitted, "Sorry for keeping you in the dark, but I told Itachi that I'd keep it a secret for him and Shisui. The events of tonight forced both of their hands, though."

Kisuke nodded. "A wraith and wights will definitely do that. Don't worry, I'll keep this between us. That being said, I'd definitely like to get the rundown on what makes those eyes so special."

"I'll admit, I feel the same way," said Soi-Fon just before trying and failing to stifle a yawn, "but it's been a long day… forgive me, Lady Yoruichi, but…"

Yoruichi smiled; given just how fierce the fight with the wraith and wights had been, she was honestly impressed that her bodyguard had lasted this long without showing signs of fatigue. "It's all right, Soi-Fon. At this point, I think I've kept you all up late enough as it is. It's been a very busy day, and we've covered more than enough in this meeting. I'll debrief the other officers that were with us inside the Moon Tower, but I want the rest of you to grab a quick bite and then get some sleep. Anything we didn't cover tonight we can touch base on tomorrow morning before we head back to the city for further exploration."

Kisuke stood up and stretched. "Sounds like a plan to me."

"Same here," said Visaelya as she and the others joined him, "I could definitely use some shuteye."

Aika's stomach growled, and she gave an embarrassed smile. "Yes… food and sleep would be nice."

Shisui grinned as he and Itachi deactivated their Sharingans. "Got that right! I'm starving. How about you, Itachi?"

The Sixteenth Seat nodded. "A meal is certainly in order."

"Actually, would you two mind staying just for a moment?" asked Yoruichi, "I promise it won't be for long."

The two young men exchanged glances before nodding. Her other subordinates looked mildly curious, but ultimately their desire for a meal and rest outweighed any desire for inquiry. It only took a moment for the tent to clear out, leaving just the three of them.

Yoruichi gave them both a warm smile. "You two really earned your keep today. I don't think things would've gone nearly as well if you weren't with us. Thank you for all you did today."

"Aw, shucks, Captain!" Shisui laughed, "You're going to make us blush if you keep this up."

"We simply did our duty," said Itachi, although Yoruichi detected the barest hint of a smile, "I'm just glad we were able to come out of there with no casualties."

"Were it not for the special eyes you two have, that might not have been the case," Yoruichi replied, "That's actually what I wanted to talk about; your eyes, I mean. I know how powerful and useful the Sharingan can be for our missions, just as I know how circumspect you've been about it thus far. The others won't say anything unless you tell them otherwise, and I trust the two of you to make informed decisions about who, if anyone else, you choose to let in on the secret. That being said, please, be cautious. If the other divisions find out about the Sharingan, it could make things… complicated."

"I figured as much," said Shisui, "We've a valuable ace in the hole for Squad Two, after all."

Yoruichi nodded. "You are, but there's more to it than that. The Central Forty-Six is honestly my real concern here. That body is overwhelming composed of arch-conservatives, and they don't like it when people like you are discovered. The Shinobi World is poorly understood by the Soul Society; so very few Soul Reapers have taken the time to study it that our negligence and ignorance on the matter is frankly pathetic. The Sharingan is an aspect of your world that the old geezers would likely react very poorly to. It's a power that they don't understand… and what they don't understand, they fear."

Yoruichi could tell that Itachi instantly grasped what she was getting at. "We don't fit into the way they've categorized the people of the Soul Society. In their eyes, the Sharingan would be akin to the sorcery practiced by the Mages of the old kingdom, particularly the Lady of Midnight. It's outside of conventional Kidō spells and grants us abilities that rival or surpass any Zanpakutō given sufficient development. They wouldn't see us an asset like you do; we'd be immediately labeled a threat."

"A threat to be eliminated with extreme prejudice," Shisui added grimly, "That'd fit the judges' historical tendencies perfectly."

Yoruichi sighed. "Exactly. Shisui, I know you've already been cautious in your use of the Sharingan, and while now more members of Squad Two know about it you still need to be damn careful about when and where you employ it. I'm sure you didn't need me to tell you that, but it's a point that I can't stress enough just the same. Itachi, you're in the same boat now."

"Understood," her Sixteenth Seat replied.

She then smiled. "That being said, I don't want you two to stop using those incredible eyes of yours altogether. In fact, I want to give you both a chance to keep training your visual prowess along with your more conventional Soul Reaper abilities. Itachi, did you ever let Shisui in on that place I took you to for our conversation about your past?"

Itachi shook his head. "No. I know you said I could, but I still wanted to respect your privacy… especially after you'd given me your confidence."

"I understand," Yoruichi replied, "However, when we return to the Seireitei, I want you to let Shisui in on the secret. Same with Visaelya; she's close to you two, and she'll notice if you both disappear for training sessions outside of the Squad Two barracks. You might as well let her in on things. She's already aware of the Sharingan, after all. If we can trust her with a secret like that, I think we can trust her with my little secret training area."

Itachi gave a small smile. "I agree."

Shisui smirked at Itachi. "You've been keeping secrets from me? The nerve, Itachi!"

Itachi looked down. "Sorry."

Her Tenth Seat gave his old friend a pat on the back. "Hey, come on, Itachi! You used to be able to tell when I was just giving you a hard time. It's all good."

Itachi sighed before turning back to Yoruichi. "Is there anything else you need from us at the moment?"

Yoruichi shook her head. "No, that about covers it. Grab a bite and get some rest; Captain's orders."

She smiled again as she watched the two young men leave the tent. Yoruichi had always known that she'd been lucky to get them into her division, but today's mission had proven beyond a shadow of a doubt just how invaluable they really were for Squad Two. Were it not for their prior experience and the power that came from their bloodline, things could've taken a very grim turn.

You two did more than just put in a good showing today, she thought, Squad Two's got one hell of a secret weapon now that both of you have the Sharingan. Once we get back to the Seireitei, I'm going to have to look into reshuffling the ranks a bit; there are definitely a few promotions that need to be arranged after today.

Accolades and advancement would have to wait, though. While Yoruichi had ordered the subordinates that had been in the tent with her earlier to call it a night, she still had other officers to meet with before she could turn in herself. She allowed herself a few moments to stretch and get a yawn out of her system before heading off to collect the next batch; she had plenty of work left to do tonight.


One week later…

Standing just outside the mouth of the Shadow Pass, Itachi supposed that it would soon be known by its old name once word got out. The dark clouds that had blanketed the region when Squad Two had first arrived were completely gone now, replaced by scattered grey and white clouds along with a thin layer of mist that wasn't uncommon at all for terrain like this. If he hadn't seen the land's corruption just a week ago himself, he would've been hard-pressed to believe anyone who had told him of the taint, let alone what had caused it.

Even the river seems to be regaining its vitality, he mused, I imagine it will be safe to drink again within a few weeks' time. To think that slaying the wraith would have an affect like this.

Compared to that fateful first day in Menar Issilaya when Squad Two had done battle with the undead, the rest of the time they'd spent studying the old city and the surrounding region was quite uneventful. Surveys had been conducted, maps updated, inventory taken; it wasn't all that different from what a Shinobi might experience with a large-scale field reconnaissance mission. Squad Two had remained on guard just in case any wights remained or Hollows began to take an interest in their presence, but there had been no signs of either such enemy in the area.

Itachi took a deep breath, savoring the early morning air. This was the last time he would see this part of the Soul Society for who-knew how long; Squad Two's mission was wrapped up, and all that remained now was to return to the Seireitei. He was concerned as to the potential political fallout once word got out as to what they had discovered in Menar Issilaya, but it was going to be about a two-month trek before they'd have to deal with that. There would be plenty of time later to fret and plan; for now, Itachi simply wanted to enjoy the scenery.

"Hell of a view, eh?" came a familiar female voice from behind him, "Take away all those gloomy clouds, and this place really shines."

He looked over his shoulder and saw Yoruichi approaching him, a warm smile on her face. It was rather infectious; he couldn't help but give her a small one in return.

"It's lovely," Itachi freely admitted, "and there's a certain satisfaction in knowing the part we played in bringing it about."

Yoruichi was practically beaming with pride now. "That's the spirit! You're really starting to get into this now. Enjoy that sense of accomplishment; that's one of the rewards we get from challenging missions like this one. It can be downright addictive sometimes."

Itachi nodded. "I can imagine so. It's going to feel strange going back to Seireitei and Rukon District patrols after something like this."

Yoruichi smirked. "Well, the ones you'll get going forward will really just be to pass the time while I find you work that's more suited to your abilities. Don't get me wrong; I still want to make sure you and Shisui have chances to explore the Rukon District and look for other members of your clan, but both of your talents and abilities are wasted on those jobs. It'll take a bit of time and reorganizing once we're back to put things into motion, but I've got plans for the two of you."

Itachi raised his eyebrow. "Is that so? Anything you can divulge here and now?"

Yoruichi giggled. "Now, now, that would be telling! I'm not about to ruin things for you like that! I want to have you squirm in anticipation for a while."

Itachi chuckled. "I'm afraid you'll be disappointed there; I don't squirm."

Yoruichi folded her arms. "Is that a challenge?"

Itachi shrugged. "Only if you wish it to be one."

A mischievous glint came to her eyes. "And what if I do?"

Itachi allowed himself a small smirk in response. "You might need to enlist the help of my mother in that regard, then. I'm sure she would enjoy it."

Yoruichi laughed. "I bet she would! Speaking of which, feel free to take a bit of time to visit her at the Academy once we're back. My report to the Head Captain and the matter of the special item we found out here will keep me busy for a bit, but there's no reason why you can't enjoy yourself. I know Mikoto would be happy to see you and know that you came through your big mission without any injuries."

"Are you sure?" asked Itachi, "It sounds like you're going to have a full plate when we get back; I'm more than willing to help if there's anything I can do."

Yoruichi shook her head. "I appreciate that, and I'll keep it mind, but for now I want you to sit this one out. Soul Society politics might ring a few superficial bells to you given your experience in your particular Realm of the Living, but there are quite a few differences too. When the Head Captain delivers his report to the Central Forty-Six, all of the Five Great Houses are going to try to throw their weight around. It's not going to be pretty."

Itachi nodded. "I understand. That being said, it doesn't sound like any of them really have a chance at getting their way. The Head Captain strikes me as the type that goes by the book, and I can't see him bending to petulant nobles. If procedure dictates that the artifact goes to Squad Twelve for study and safekeeping, then I can't imagine any of the Great Noble Houses getting him to budge on that front."

"That's a good read on the Head Captain," Yoruichi complimented, "I'm with you on that front. He'll stand firm, and the judges on the council won't want to rock the boat either. Things will get dicey for a little while, but eventually they'll blow over and we'll be back to business as usual. I'd just rather you keep your head down to be on the safe side. I don't want you or Shisui getting dragged into this, especially given how the Central Forty-Six might react should they learn of your unique abilities. As long as you two lay low, we should be able to avoid any serious repercussions."

"Very well, then," said Itachi as he turned his gaze back towards the Shadow Pass again, "What do you suppose will become of this place? Do you really think the Central Forty-Six will approve reconstruction of the city?"

"They've got no real reason not to at this point," Yoruichi argued, "The threat's been decisively dealt with, and it offers a chance to reopen a vital trade corridor. The judges might hate anything connected with the old kingdom, but they'd have to be complete idiots to not recognize the strategic and economic opportunities here. They might grumble a bit, but they'll sign off on the work eventually. I imagine the Drakken Clan will be the ones they ask to garrison it; this place isn't exactly far from their Principality, after all."

"Does that bother you?" asked Itachi, "It'd essentially be your family's rival reaping the rewards of your hard work."

Yoruichi shrugged. "I don't mind. The old feuds never really bothered me as much as they do people like Rhaegon. Besides, letting them take charge of the reconstruction and defense might help calm some of the feathers that'll be ruffled once they learn about what we found in the Moon Tower. If it helps keep the peace, then I'm fine with them piggybacking off of our accomplishments out here. Squad Two is who purged the corruption from this place; no one can take that away from us."

Itachi gave her a small and knowing smirk. "And you won't miss the chance to brag that your division killed a wraith in the land that even the Drakken Clan's famous beasts won't go near, right? The old feuds may hold little sway over you, but taking a shot like that would be a good way to get under the Squad Ten Captain's skin."

Yoruichi grinned. "You think you know me, do you? Well… you just might be right!"

Itachi chuckled. "I'll take that as a compliment."

"As well you should," Yoruichi replied before her expression darkened, "although…"

Itachi raised an eyebrow; hesitation was unusual for her. "What is it?"

Yoruichi sighed. "What you really deserve to be complimented for is your performance in the mission. That being said, in order to keep your secret from the Central Forty-Six… I won't be able to give you all the praise you're due in the official report. Think about it; a Sixteenth Seat fighting alongside a Captain and her elite bodyguard against a powerful undead abomination born from dark sorcery? The judges and the Head Captain alike would have some serious questions about how you were able to make such a vital contribution given your relative inexperience. You might've been in the advanced track, and I might know of your past life, but as far as the old man and the Central Forty-Six are concerned you're still a rookie Soul Reaper. Without you, our fight against the wraith could've gone so wrong, but to keep you from drawing the kind of attention you really don't want… your contributions will have to be downplayed. I'm sorry, Itachi... I wish there was another way."

Itachi shook his head; he'd been prepared for this. "You have nothing to apologize for. In order to keep my secret, I've always known that certain sacrifices would have to be made. Don't forget what I once was; fading into the shadows is something I'm quite accustomed to. I didn't unlock my Shikai and Sharingan for glory and praise. I awakened them so I could help you in a fight against a powerful foe... so I could use the strength of my bloodline to protect you."

He saw her eyes widen slightly in response; that clearly wasn't the answer she'd been expecting. "Itachi…"

Itachi gave her a very small smile. "I know you don't need my protection or that of anyone else; your Shikai alone is extraordinary, and I can only imagine how powerful your Bankai is. Still, that is very much how I felt when I awakened that power. The Uchiha Clan has long associated unlocking the Sharingan with strong negative emotions such as fear, anger and hatred. Those were not the emotions that fueled me beneath the Moon Tower, though. After all you've done for me since I came to the Soul Society, I couldn't stand the thought of lacking the strength to help you against such a formidable opponent. I wanted the strength to stand by your side and face that evil together… and to prove that the power of the Uchiha Clan was meant for more than simply pursuing the petty ambitions and grudges that defined us in the Realm of the Living."

She put her hand on his shoulder. "Well, I'd say you did that and more. I won't be able to acknowledge it in the official report, but trust me when I say that your part in all this will not be forgotten. The Head Captain and the Central Forty-Six won't know, but Soi-Fon and I will. You're not some junior officer anymore, Itachi. It will take a bit of time since we're going to need attention from this mission to fade first, but I'll make sure you start getting missions that are a reflection of your true abilities."

"I'm looking forward to it," Itachi replied.

She pulled her hand away, but her eyes were firmly locked with his, and there was an excited gleam within them. "Your Sharingan regained and Shikai unlocked… I can't wait to see where you go from here!"

Itachi gave her a confident smirk. "You won't be disappointed; I promise you that."


Roughly two months later…

Walking through the central courtyard of Shin'ō Academy, Itachi found it hard not to be caught up in a sense of nostalgia. He had only graduated from the institution less than a year ago, yet already that almost felt like another lifetime. His student days felt like an innocent bygone era in light of the mission he had just returned from.

If I'd told any of my instructors that I would be fighting undead horrors from millennia ago within a year of graduation, they probably would've laughed in my face, he mused, I suppose it'd be hard to blame them. Even now, it's still strange to think about.

The journey back to the Seireitei had been thankfully quite uneventful, which meant that Itachi had had plenty of time to reflect on the mission and all that had transpired. He'd used the time well, going over in his head what had gone well and what would require future improvement, and each time Squad Two had stopped for the night he'd entered his inner world to train with Jigoku no Joō. If he'd thought that their sparring session had been intense before, they were positively tame compared to the bouts they'd engaged in since he'd learned her name. Within the confines of that personal space between Soul Reaper and Zanpakutō, Itachi had been eager to experiment with his abilities, and he had made a startling discovery. His eyes weren't the only ones that had awakened during the mission; whenever he met the gaze of the spirit of his sword, the Sharingan was now within her eyes as well.

Training in his inner world was one thing, but what Itachi had really wanted was to practice with his Shikai and Sharingan in the physical realm. Unfortunately, he hadn't been able to do that on the journey home; there was simply too high a chance that someone outside of the close circle that knew of the Sharingan would interrupt his training and learn his secret. Itachi had at least taken comfort in the knowledge that Yoruichi had granted him use of her private training ground, and he had been eagerly awaiting the chance to do just that. However, there was something of even greater importance that he wanted to do first, which was why he had come to the Academy as soon as they'd returned and Yoruichi had given him leave to do so.

Forgive me for my absence, mother, he thought as he wandered the Academy grounds, I know I told you that it would be an extended mission and that you shouldn't worry about me, but after we only just found each other in the afterlife… well, asking you to not be concerned was probably too much.

Classes were in full-swing, and since his mother had gotten into the advanced track just like he had during his tenure, Itachi had a pretty good idea as to where she'd be at this hour. Heading towards the portion of the campus devoted to physical combat training, it only took him a moment to find the Hakuda dojo. He hadn't given the Academy staff any advanced warning of his visit, but unannounced class observation by officers of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads wasn't actually that unusual. It was a way for divisions to scout potential recruits; Yoruichi had done exactly that while Itachi had been a student, and she was hardly the only Captain to indulge in the practice.

Pausing for a moment outside the door, Itachi heard a familiar chorus of cries and shouts that took him back to the time he'd spent here. Drills were underway, which meant his entrance would likely go unnoticed for a few seconds. Satisfied that he'd come at a time where he wouldn't be an immediate distraction, Itachi slid the door open and stepped inside.

The spacious dojo hadn't changed much since Itachi's student days. It was still kept as clean and tidy as ever, and the trainees were in the same lines that he had once spent time in, going through sequences of punches and kicks while the instructor led from the front of the hall. Itachi instantly recognized the grey-haired Akifumi Kato; it was nice to see that the venerable teacher hadn't decided to step down just yet, though with his advancing years his remaining days at the Academy were likely numbered. Scanning the room, it only took him a moment to find his mother.

She was towards the middle of the pack, but her form was clearly a couple notches above that of her peers. Itachi wasn't surprised; she'd done quite well during the skirmish with the Hollows that he'd rescued her from, after all. While it was Soul Reaper Hakuda that she was training in now, the Leaf Village taijutsu that she had from her time as a Shinobi was serving as a solid foundation. Furtively checking out the other students, Itachi noticed that more than a few were giving her jealous looks.

She's likely at the top of the unofficial class hierarchy, he thought, much like Jiraiya and I during our time here.

It was good to know that her skills were serving her well, but Itachi was hoping that she was more than just a good student. Giving the students another look, he saw that several of those closest to her would occasionally give her a nod and a friendly smile, gestures that she would readily return without letting them get in the way of her exercises. Itachi could breathe a little easier now; she had friends here. Then again, he really shouldn't have worried. His mother had been the kindest woman he'd ever known, with her compassion and warmth being one of the few bright spots for him in a childhood that had been tainted by the dark shadows surrounding the clan. Even though she had chastised herself when they had reunited in the Soul Society for giving Sasuke greater attention than Itachi, he had always known that she cared deeply for him. It was only natural that others would recognize her accepting and gentle nature and flock to her.

Some of the students in the front row finally realized that they had an audience, and there was a ripple effect as the whispers worked their way through the crowd. Itachi saw his mother's eyes light up as she met his gaze, and he gave her a small smile and a nod in greeting. She seemed to understand that he didn't want to interfere, because she continued with her exercises without missing a beat.

Instructor Kato was only now aware of the disturbance, and it took him a moment to find the source. "Itachi Uchiha! This is a surprise!"

"Don't mind me, Instructor," he said, "I'm only here to observe today."

The teacher gave him a nod, although the raised eyebrow indicated that he didn't entirely buy it. "Very well, then."

Itachi simply leaned back against the wall as class continued. While he had told the instructor to pay him no heed, naturally the students had other ideas. It was another reminder of the time he'd spent at the Academy; the class would always be abuzz whenever a Soul Reaper dropped by to sit in on lessons and training. Curious eyes naturally drifted towards his Zanpakutō, doubtlessly wondering if he'd already achieved Shikai or not. Itachi couldn't help but notice that he was drawing a disproportionate share of female attention; some things truly never changed.

Jiraiya would enjoy that, I'm sure, he mused, I wonder if he's stopped by here at all since graduation, apart from helping out with this year's student orientation that is…

Drills eventually came to an end, and Instructor Kato proceeded to match the students up for assigned sparring. His mother got paired with another woman, one who was a bit shorter than her and had bright orange hair which fell almost to her shoulders. She had rather pale skin, which contrasted quite sharply with her dark blue eyes. The woman appeared a bit on the timid side, but she still seemed comfortable enough with Mikoto, and Itachi doubted that Instructor Kato would've paired the two of them up for sparring if her abilities weren't at least close to that of his mother.

The teacher gave the signal, and the assigned pairs immediately engaged. There was a moment of hesitation before the orange-haired girl attacked, and Itachi instantly recognized that his mother had waited and let her make the first move.

So, there is a skill gap between them. She's trying to help her build up her confidence and technique.

That's sweet of her, Jigoku no Joō chimed in, I wonder if that girl recognizes the charity she's being given, or if it will really help her in the long run. Hard lessons tend to be the more effective ones.

There's nothing wrong with a more compassionate approach in an environment like this. If the girl doesn't get a chance to build up faith in her skills, she'll be hampered by a lack of self-esteem. My mother clearly recognizes this. Besides, it's not like she's letting her win; she merely allowed her the initiative for this round.

I suppose so. Still, she's soft. I know she wants to join you in Squad Two, but I have to wonder if she's really cut out for it.

She was once a Shinobi, just like I was. She understands what we are called to do. When the time comes, she'll do what is necessary.

We shall see.

Itachi's assessment of his mother had been accurate; while she'd allowed her opponent to take the offensive at first, her defense was solid and her foe could not break through. Leaf Village taijutsu and Soul Reaper Hakuda flowed together in a beautiful display. Mikoto's blocks were all perfectly placed; she was reading her foe well even without the aid of the Sharingan. After a few minutes of letting her foe punch and kick at her as she pleased, his mother finally countered. Catching her opponent's right leg as the orange-haired girl had attempted a high kick, Mikoto effortlessly threw the young woman to the ground. The girl tried to recover, but Itachi's mother pounced with all the grace of a cat, pinning her opponent and forcing her to yield before gently pulling her to her feet a moment later.

See? Hardly taking it easy on her.

A nice display. She has talent. Needs work, though. She missed a few earlier openings.

I'm sure she'd appreciate your commentary.

The rest of the assigned sparring passed without incident, and soon enough it was time for the challenge matches. Itachi was curious to see if any student would call out his mother, but after a few moments it became apparent that no one was particularly eager to challenger her today. A match did get set up a few seconds later, but Mikoto wasn't one of the contestants. Itachi was a bit disappointed; he'd been hoping to see how far she would go to protect her place in the unofficial class hierarchy.

The matches that went by didn't particularly stand out as far as Itachi was concerned. None of them involved his mother, and while a few students did show potential most of them were solidly middle of the road when it came to ability. Itachi supposed that he might've been holding them to too high a standard; they were only first years, after all, and it wasn't like the rest of them had Leaf Village taijutsu as a base to build their Hakuda skills off of.

After the last match came to a close, Instructor Kato motioned for the assembled students to stand up. "That concludes today's training. I will see you all tomorrow. Your Kidō class awaits."

The students began heading towards the door, stopping to grab their Zanpakutōs before heading out. Many of them gave Itachi curious looks, but the Sixteenth Seat paid them little heed. His focus was on his mother, who had lingered behind with the young orange-haired girl from before. After the rest of the class had left, the two of them approached him.

"Mikoto," said the girl accompanying his mother, "is this…?"

Mikoto smiled. "Sure is. Jessica, I'd like you to meet my eldest son. Itachi, this is Jessica Monroe. She's become a good friend of mine since I started lessons here."

Jessica gave him a nervous smile as she held out her hand. "It's nice to meet you, Mister Uchiha."

"No need to stand on ceremony," Itachi replied as he shook her hand, "If you're a friend of my mother, then you can just call me Itachi."

"Oh… thanks," she said, and Itachi thought he detected a hint of a blush.

With introductions out of the way, Mikoto stepped forward and embraced him. "I'm so glad you're back. I knew you said it would be a long mission, but still… I was so worried about you!"

"Forgive me," he replied, "I didn't want to cause you undue stress, although I suppose I was doomed from the start there."

Mikoto shook her head as she released him. "A mother's always going to worry over her son when he's on a dangerous mission. You can't stop that no matter what you try, Itachi."

"How did it go?" asked Jessica, "Your mission, I mean?"

"It was a success," Itachi answered, "I'm afraid I can't say much more than that, though. The details have to remain classified for the time being."

Mikoto nodded. "Of course. How are Shisui and Visaelya? Are they all right? What about Yoruichi?"

Itachi gave her a small smile. "Everyone's fine. We suffered no casualties. Yoruichi should be delivering her report to the Head Captain right about now. Shisui and Visaelya are back at the barracks."

"Good," said Mikoto, "You'll have to bring me by there again sometime; I'd love a chance to visit with them again."

"Mikoto, students aren't usually allowed at the barracks," Jessica pointed out.

Itachi's mother gave him a smile. "Maybe, but officers can invite guests, right?"

Itachi nodded. "We can as long as it's not disruptive. I'll see what I can do, although I don't want to interrupt your studies."

"I wouldn't mind the interruption," said Mikoto with a wink, "I'd love the opportunity to chat with Yoruichi soon. I bet she'd give me all sorts of juicy gossip regarding you!"

"I'm sure she would enjoy doing just that," Itachi dryly replied, already picturing Yoruichi with a mischievous grin on her face.

Jessica tugged on his mother's sleeve. "Mikoto, I know you're happy to see your son, but we need to get going. We're going to be late for Kidō class!"

Mikoto sighed. "You're right. Itachi…"

Itachi shook his head. "Don't apologize. I was actually planning on following you there to observe well. Yoruichi's orders upon our return to the Seireitei were to take a break and spend some time with you. If you're not opposed to it, I'd love to see how far you've come. Since I'm an officer now, I can simply pass off my presence to your instructors as scouting potential recruits on behalf of my Captain."

Mikoto grinned. "In that case, what are we standing around here for? Come on!"

Mikoto and her friend set off, with Itachi following in their wake. He allowed himself a small, content smile; perhaps this really was just what he needed after a long field assignment. If nothing else, he planned to make the most of it.


Sitting next to Captain Hikifune, Yoruichi maintained an air of strict professionalism as she watched Head Captain Yamamoto from across his desk. It was tempting to allow her gaze to drift to the Nalatarin that now sat on the smooth and polished surface, but she knew that the old man would not approve of it. She was sure he'd understand that she wasn't trying to use the artifact, but he would still frown upon the slightest wavering of her attention. That was the Head Captain she'd come to know over her years of service; he expected nothing less than the best from the top officers in the Thirteen Court Guard Squads. Living up to his standards could be quite challenging at times, but this was tempered with the knowledge that his strictness also came hand in hand with a sense of fairness and justice. Granted, it was usually a very tough justice, but it was at least comforting to know that all of her fellow Captains were held to the same exacting standards.

She curiously observed him shift his focus from the report she'd prepared to the Nalatarin itself, and for a moment she wondered if he intended to use it here and now. The old man certainly possessed more than sufficient power for it, and his iron discipline meant that he could likely keep it activated for quite some time regardless of whether or not the artifact recognized him as a legitimate user.

Actually, for all I know, he might truly be a legitimate user, she mused, I mean, he is connected to the old royal family by blood, and he was actually alive during the kingdom's twilight years. Maybe he's got firsthand experience with a Nalatarin…

There was a slight stirring of energy in the room, as if the Head Captain and the artifact were probing each other. It only lasted for a moment, though, before Yamamoto turned his attention to Yoruichi.

"Quite the thorough report," he said, and Yoruichi could've sworn the old man almost looked amused, "It's been some time since you last presented me with such interesting reading, Captain Shihōin."

Yoruichi felt that she could afford a smile; things seemed to be off to a good start. "Glad I was able to give you some decent material, Head Captain."

Kirio nodded, her gaze shifting towards the Nalatarin. "In more ways than one, it would seem. When I heard you'd been dispatched to Menar Issilaya, I figured you'd return with a few artifacts, but… well, I certainly didn't see this coming."

"Indeed," said Yamamoto, "The artifact can wait for the moment, though. Of more immediate concern to me is the nature of the enemy you faced in the catacombs beneath the Moon Tower. You are certain that it was a wraith, yes?"

Yoruichi nodded firmly. "Beyond a shadow of a doubt. It might've been the weakest of the five, but it was still a wraith nonetheless."

Kirio shook her head. "To think that one of those things was interred beneath the Moon Tower, and that its escape was the cause of Menar Issilaya's fall… I suppose it puts that old mystery to bed, but it raises some very concerning questions."

"Yes," Yamamoto replied grimly, "It might've only broken the seal because the barrier was weakened by a Hollow attack from the outside, but the fact remains that it managed to free itself just the same and wreak great carnage. If the weakest of the five was able to slip loose from its bonds, then the other four could just as easily have done the same. They've had plenty of time, after all."

Yoruichi concurred. "They've been out of sight and out of mind for far too long. We know for sure now that they can be destroyed. I recommend that we track down the locations where the other four were interred. We need to confirm if the seals are still intact or if they've been broken over the millennia. If the latter is the case, then we need to hunt down and destroy them."

Kirio scratched her chin in thought. "Where were the other four entombed, though? Accurate records regarding the Lady of Midnight and her Servants have always been difficult to come across outside of the archives of the Great Noble Houses. I'll comb through Squad Twelve's collection, but I cannot guarantee that we'll find a lead."

Yamamoto turned to Yoruichi. "Your family's archives would likely have the most accurate information on the matter."

Yoruichi nodded. "If there are clues to the locations of the other four wraiths, they'll likely be there. I doubt the clan will like us delving into those particular records; you know just as well as I do how eager they are to forget that whole episode regarding the Lady of Midnight and her companions. Even if I were the one doing the research, there'd probably still be some pushback. If I had your backing though, Head Captain, they wouldn't dare stand in the way."

"Then you shall have it," Yamamoto replied, "I'll have a Hell Butterfly sent to your clan's Seireitei estate. Should that prove insufficient, I ask that you invite me to accompany you or whoever you send in your stead to browse the family archives; I find that when I visit a Great Noble House in person, it tends to open many doors that would otherwise remain closed."

Yet again, Yoruichi could've sworn she caught just the faintest hint of an amused look in the Head Captain's eyes. Glancing over at Kirio, she saw her fellow Captain struggling to suppress a smirk; she'd caught it, too.

"I doubt that will be necessary," said Yoruichi, "but I appreciate the gesture just the same, Head Captain. My Third Seat has accessed the archives on my behalf in the past, and while my family wasn't happy about it, they ultimately did allow it. I'm sure they'll be even less thrilled than before, but they should allow it again given the circumstances."

Privately, she had to admit that the thought of the Head Captain showing up on her family's doorstep and cowing them into opening up the archives was actually kind of funny. While she wanted to avoid an incident, seeing her parents sweat a bit in the presence of her boss would almost be worth it.

Yamamoto nodded before turning his attention to the artifact on his desk. "We'll deal with that eventuality when the time comes. In the meanwhile, there's the not inconsiderable matter of this treasure your subordinate recovered from the apex of the Moon Tower. Tenth Seat Uchiha was the one that retrieved it, yes?"

"That's correct, sir," Yoruichi answered, growing a little tense.

Keep your cool, she told herself, You'll have a better chance of keeping the Sharingan a secret if you just act natural. Don't give the old man any cause to suspect that there's more to those two than the report suggests.

The Head Captain's brow furrowed slightly as he regarded her. "And he did not attempt to use it, correct?"

"That's right," said Yoruichi, "My Eighteenth Seat was with him, and she recognized both the artifact itself and the danger it posed. Thanks to her counsel, he was able to retrieve it without incident."

"She was not the only one with him at the time, though," Yamamoto pointed out, "Your Twentieth Seat was with him as well, according to your report. You also mentioned that you shared knowledge of this artifact with your Sixteenth Seat, Third Seat, and your bodyguard. How many others are aware of the Nalatarin?"

"Only them, and the three of us here," Yoruichi replied firmly, "Those that know are those that I believed needed to know the truth, and I was debriefing them all at the same time when the artifact was revealed. I made sure that they all understood what it was and the importance of keeping it a secret. They haven't spoken of it to anyone else; you have my word on that."

There was a heavy pause before the Head Captain finally nodded. "I will hold you to that, Captain Shihōin. Your faith in your subordinates is admirable, and your report speaks highly of their conduct ono this mission. I hope that they continue to prove themselves worthy of that faith."

"They will, sir," Yoruichi affirmed.

The Head Captain seemed to relax a bit, and Yoruichi actually detected a bit of weariness in his demeanor; that wasn't like him. She suspected she knew what the source of it was, and she got her answer a moment later.

"In any case, I don't see your subordinates being an issue here," said Yamamoto, "However, I must give your report to the Central Forty-Six, and that will very much be a different story."

Kirio shook her head in disdain. "I can already picture it. I'd be surprised if some of the old farts didn't drop dead from heart attacks on the spot."

"I highly doubt they would appreciate being referred to as such," the Head Captain admonished her, "I will let it slide in the privacy of this office, but do not forget yourself, Captain Hikifune. The Central Forty-Six has ears of its own, after all."

Kirio nodded. "Of course, Head Captain."

Yamamoto shifted his gaze to Yoruichi. "You know what will happen once the report is delivered, I presume."

"I already discussed that with my subordinates," Yoruichi answered, "They know things might get a bit… exciting for a while."

The Head Captain actually chuckled at that. "Exciting… I suppose that's one way to look at it. I will do what I can to keep pressure from the Great Noble Houses from impacting your operations, but I'm sure that your own family will be reaching out to you through private channels. Are you prepared to rebuff them?"

"Of course," Yoruichi replied matter-of-factly, "My family has enough artifacts in its private collection as it is; they can afford to miss out on one or two."

Kirio sighed and gave Yoruichi a pitying look. "Given the nature of this particular artifact, I think they'll be more than a little upset at 'missing out' on it. You're going to be in for a rough few weeks at least.

Yoruichi shrugged. "It's nothing that I haven't dealt with before. No different than saying no to all the suitors they've tried to line me up with over the years."

"But it won't just be your own family that you'll be facing pressure from," Kirio pointed out, "Captain Drakken's niece is your Eighteenth Seat, right? Even if you trust her to not leak information, that won't mean much after the Head Captain delivers the report to the Central Forty-Six. Her family will try to use her position against you the instant they realize what's going on."

Yoruichi nodded grimly. "Believe me, I'm well aware of that, and so is she. She's tougher than she looks… although this definitely will be a test for her."

"A test that will show how strong her dedication to duty truly is," said Yamamoto, "I hope your Eighteenth Seat is up to the challenge. Speaking of your junior officers, there is one more matter in your report that I'd like to discuss. You indicated that your Sixteenth Seat unlocked his Shikai during the mission, yes?"

Yoruichi smiled. "That's right. Itachi did well to awaken it under such pressure, and it proved most useful in helping to deal with the wights."

Not to mention the wraith, she thought, I'm sorry that I had to omit that bit, Itachi. You already told me not worry about it, I know, but still… I wish I could give you the credit you deserve.

"I suppose he will not remain Sixteenth Seat for much longer, then," Yamamoto replied, and Yoruichi saw a very small smile beneath that massive mustache of his, "Your report mentioned it was a fire-type. I'd like the chance to see it for myself sometime."

Yoruichi's smile remained, but that was just a mask now; she needed to play things very carefully here. "I'm sure he'd be honored by your interest, but he's indicated to me that he wants time to further develop it in private. Right now, it's still very raw and requires considerable refining."

Plus, there's the fact that I don't know if he can use his Shikai separately from his Sharingan, and Itachi doesn't know that yet either.

The Head Captain nodded, seemingly not in the mood to press the issue at the moment. "I understand. Given what he demonstrated during his test following the soul fracture incident, I'm sure that he'll give his training the diligence and effort that it deserves."

Yoruichi had to refrain from sighing with relief, instead settling for a more genuine smile. "You can count on that, Head Captain."


Across the table from him, Mikoto raised her cup. "Congratulations on unlocking your Shikai! I'm so proud of you, Itachi!"

All Itachi could do was sheepishly smile as he raised his cup with her before taking a sip from its contents. The tea was quite refreshing, and he took a long swig in order to give himself a bit more time to compose himself. Having his mother praising him again after so long was something he still wasn't quite used to, although the feeling was rather pleasant.

You're lucky that your Captain's not present at the moment, Jigoku no Joō teased, I can just picture her having a bit of fun with your flustered expression, and your mother would probably join her!

I'm sure she would.

Academy classes had ended for the day, and Itachi had decided to treat his mother to a teahouse in the Seireitei that he'd grown rather fond of since graduating. They'd arrived just a little while ago, and their drinks were still quite warm. The early evening crowd was still trickling in; it wouldn't be long before the dinner rush was in full swing.

"Thank you," he said, "I'm glad it happened when it did; things weren't looking so good when it activated."

Mikoto sighed. "You really can't tell me anything about your mission beyond that? Surely you can at least give me a general idea as to what it was about!"

Itachi shook his head. "I'm afraid not. We made a few politically sensitive discoveries, and right now Yoruichi's concerned about potential blowback. Until things die down, I'm afraid there's not much I can tell you about the mission itself."

His mother frowned. "Itachi, I want to support your growth as a Soul Reaper, but… the whole mess between the clan and the village was 'politically sensitive', to put it mildly. I saw what that did to you, even before… that night. You said that you've spoken to Yoruichi about what happened with the clan, so she should know better than to involve you in anything like that."

Itachi shook his head. "This isn't anything like what happened with our clan. You have my word on that. We just found a few things that are going to ruffle some feathers around here. Once the initial furor subsides, I'm sure Yoruichi would be fine with me going into greater detail as to what happened. For now, all I can ask is that you trust me."

Mikoto gave him a soft smile as she reached across the table and took his hand. "Itachi, of course I trust you. I just don't want you to get caught up in anything like… well, you know."

"I can't make any promises," Itachi countered, "Squad Two's mission profile is about as close to that of Shinobi as any of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads gets. Since Yoruichi knows about my past now, she also has a greater understanding of my experience and how that enhances my abilities and skillset as a Soul Reaper. As I advance through the ranks, I suspect that missions involving noble intrigue and political espionage are eventually going to crop up."

"You're probably right," Mikoto conceded grimly, worry clear in her eyes, "but still… she's got other Soul Reapers who can handle matters like that, right? It wouldn't have to be you."

"That depends on the mission," Itachi argued, "The day could come when there's one that's perfectly suited to my unique blend of experience and skill. That being said, I know an assignment like that wouldn't be one that she'd give to me lightly. She understands the toll that the clan downfall took on me… the price I paid to carry out the mission. I can't predict the future; I have no way of knowing what sort of sensitive mission I might get down the line. However, I trust Yoruichi's judgment. I owe her that faith at least… and a good deal more."

Mikoto sighed before smiling again. "I see… I would hope that she doesn't give you any assignments like that, but given the nature of Squad Two I suppose it'd be impossible to rule such a scenario out. If you really do trust Yoruichi that much, then I will, too. I know we only spoke for a little while, but I can tell that she really does care for you. I'm glad she's the Captain you decided to follow… and she's very lucky to have you in her division."

Itachi shook his head. "The lucky one is me. I don't know if any of the other Captains would've accepted what I've done. Yoruichi… she was willing to listen to it all. Every dark deed… all while withholding judgment, and in the end still accepting me as her subordinate and placing faith in me."

Mikoto's smile grew a little at that. "That really meant a lot to you. I can see why… you have no idea how often I thought of you after I passed on. That horrible night… I could only imagine how it devastated you. The pain that your father and I felt was fleeting, but yours had only just begun. I'm glad that you found someone here who gave you what you really needed; a willing ear, an open mind, and a warm heart."

Itachi looked down at his tea, his mind flashing back Yoruichi's embrace of him after his dark tale. "I suppose that's one way to put it."

There was a knowing look in his mother's eyes. "She's become very important to you, hasn't she?"

Itachi struggled to find an appropriate answer, but his thoughts were derailed when he sensed a familiar spirit energy approaching. Turning towards the entrance of the teahouse, he saw none other than Jiraiya enter the establishment a moment later. The Legendary Sannin's gaze immediately found his, and Itachi had a feeling that Jiraiya hadn't come here by accident.

"Well, now, look who's finally back in town!" he called out as he made his way over, "Good to see you're still alive, Itachi!"

"Jiraiya," Itachi answered with a nod, "What brings you here?"

"Oh, come on, that's how you greet me?" Jiraiya replied, faking a wounded sigh, "I thought we were friends by now, Itachi! How about actually showing it?"

"You know how my son is, Jiraiya," Mikoto chimed in with a smile, "He's never going to be as outgoing and expressive as someone like you."

Jiraiya grinned. "Hey, Mikoto! Fancy meeting you here. You two got room for one more?"

"I suppose so," said Itachi, shooting Jiraiya a no-nonsense look, "provided your hands don't start wandering."

Jiraiya gave a hearty laugh. "All right, all right! No need to be paranoid, Itachi. I'll behave myself."

Itachi wanted to believe Jiraiya, but the fact that the notorious Pervy Sage had then proceeded to sit down right next to his mother did little to ease his suspicions. He resolved to keep a very close eye on his fellow former Shinobi, just in case he got any ideas.

One of the waitresses came by take Jiraiya's drink order before conversation resumed, with Jiraiya wasting no time in getting down to business. "You know, there's been a few juicy rumors circulating since you guys got back. Sounds like you had a pretty exciting mission."

Itachi's eyes narrowed; Yoruichi should've only just finished delivering her report to the Head Captain a little while ago. Had Yamamoto already gone to pass it on to the Central Forty-Six? Was the Nalatarin securely in Squad Twelve's possession now, or had something gone wrong?

"What sort of rumors?" he asked, his voice barely above a guttural growl; he needed to make damn sure Jiraiya got the hint about how serious this affair was.

Jiraiya chuckled. "Something about you guys going to a haunted city, for starters. I mean, since this is the afterlife, you'd think ghost stories would be redundant, but there are some wild ones about the place your division supposedly went to! Some kind of phantom that even Hollows are afraid of? A cursed valley? What kind of mess did you get yourself into on this one, Itachi?"

Itachi allowed his demeanor to soften somewhat; if those were the type of rumors going around, then the truly sensitive bits regarding his assignment were probably still concealed for the time being. "I'm not at liberty to discuss the matter in detail. Sorry, Jiraiya; operational security. Give it a few days, though, and I imagine you'll find that the rumors will become much more interesting."

Jiraiya smirked. "So, it's going to be like that, huh? Ah, well, I suppose I can wait a bit. You're back alive, so that's the important part. Shisui and Visaelya doing all right?"

"We suffered no losses," Itachi answered between sips of tea, "No major injuries, either."

Jiraiya grinned. "In that case, how's that lovely Captain of yours doing? You were out in the wilderness with her for a few good months; did you two get any quality alone time together?"

"It was a mission, not a sight-seeing tour," Itachi replied curtly.

There was a mischievous glint in Jiraiya's eyes. "That wasn't a 'no', Itachi!"

Mikoto giggled. "He's right, Itachi! All that time out there… you must've had at least a little bonding time with Yoruichi."

Pressed on two fronts, now, he mused, I should've known that she'd side with Jiraiya here…

"As I said before," he countered, "I can't discuss the details of the mission. Sorry, but you'll get no gossip from me."

Jiraiya shook his head. "And here I was hoping that you had lightened up a bit…"

Mikoto smiled. "Well, I suppose it can't be helped. Itachi, can I at least tell him what you told me earlier? It's a mother's prerogative to brag about her son's accomplishments, after all."

Itachi couldn't help but give her a small smile in response. "There's no harm in that."

Jiraiya raised an eyebrow as he turned to Mikoto. "Oh, what did I miss earlier?"

Mikoto was beaming with pride now. "Itachi awakened his Shikai during the mission!"

Jiraiya looked at Itachi, his eyes widening slightly. "Really? Your grouchy sword finally decided to play nice?"

Who is he calling grouchy? The nerve of that buffoon! Itachi, release me so I can set his hair on fire; I have to show him his place!

I think in the middle of a teahouse is a poor time and place for such retribution.

I'll make you pay in his place during training should you continue to restrain me like this.

I'll just have to take the hit, then.

Itachi kept his cool demeanor as the spirit of his Zanpakutō muttered all manner of interesting curses inside his head. "Yes, she did. I'll show you sometime, provided it's somewhere without an audience. As it turned out, unlocking my Shikai allowed for another awakening as well."

The look in Jiraiya's eyes was all Itachi needed to see that he'd gotten the underlying message. "Is that so? Well, we really need to find some time to train together, then. I'm looking forward to seeing what you're capable of now."

Itachi nodded. "That makes two of us. How are things going on your end?"

Jiraiya shrugged as the waitress returned with his tea. "Can't complain. Still no Shikai for me, but I'm making progress in other areas. My Rasengan's getting closer to its old strength with each passing day, and I've been doing some experimenting with other old Shinobi tricks as well. It's been slow going since I have to balance that with my duties as an officer of Squad Eight, but I'd say things are looking promising."

Itachi leaned forward slightly, keen to learn more. "What other ninjutsu are you attempting to recreate?"

"I'm trying to keep it basic for now," Jiraiya replied, "Manipulating spirit energy in the same manner that we did chakra isn't exactly easy, as I'm sure you're aware. Some of the techniques from our old lives may truly be beyond us as souls, although right now it's too early to say for sure. For the moment, I'm focusing on manipulating it within the body, particularly my hair; I want to see if I can pull off some of my old offensive and defensive techniques with it."

"I see," said Itachi, "I've been so focused on developing my abilities as a Soul Reaper that I'll admit I've neglected efforts to revive my old ninjutsu techniques, at least those outside of taijutsu. Your training in this area seems to have borne fruit, though. I can think of more than a few ninjutsu that would come in handy in our new line of work. I'll have to incorporate those studies alongside training with my Shikai."

Jiraiya smiled. "Well, now that you've awakened both your Shikai and your old ace in the hole, I'd say you'll probably make some damn good progress with reviving ninjutsu. You were renowned as a prodigy back in the Leaf Village, so I'm sure you'll make strides in no time at all once you give it proper focus. Of course, don't go getting ahead of yourself; I'm not about to slow down anytime soon."

Itachi nodded. "I'd expect nothing less from you."

"You two better not work yourselves too hard," Mikoto chimed in, "It's important to take some time to relax now and then, too."

Jiraiya laughed. "Oh, trust me, I won't argue with you there! Itachi's another matter, though. I think relaxing is still something of a foreign concept to him."

Itachi couldn't suppress a small chuckle. "Well, we all have areas where we need to improve."

"And this is one that you've always had trouble with," Mikoto pointed out, "I know you enjoyed training with Shisui back when you both were alive, but that was still far too work-related to really count as relaxing. What you really need to do is find yourself a new hobby, Itachi."

"I read Jiraiya's latest novels whenever they hit the shelf," Itachi argued, "Doesn't that count?"

Mikoto's eyes actually widened for a moment before she started laughing. "Oh, Itachi… I never thought that you would enjoy stories like that!"

"Hey, now!" Jiraiya bristled, "What's that supposed to mean? I write quality young adult material, you know! Squad Nine's Seireitei News Magazine consistently has me in their Top Ten Author's list; I've been there since I picked the pen back up. I'm a hit in the afterlife, which are words that I never thought I'd utter before… well, dying."

Mikoto shook her head, although she was having considerable difficulty in tamping down her laughter enough to actually speak coherently. "Jiraiya… I didn't mean anything bad by that! I just… I never expected Itachi to be into… that kind of material!"

He gave his mother a small smile. "Neither did I when I was alive. Death tends to change one's perspective, I suppose."

"Ain't that the truth," said Jiraiya, "Well, I did dedicate the first book of the new series to you, so I'm glad you've kept up with it. Always nice to have a fan that's also a friend."

"Friends were always in short supply for Itachi," Mikoto added, smiling softly, "I'm glad that he's been able to forge new friendships here."

Jiraiya chuckled. "Well, we got off to a rocky start. Still, we managed to smooth things over. Getting some key information and context definitely helped."

Mikoto looked back and forth between Itachi and Jiraiya. "Key information… Itachi, did you tell him…?"

Itachi nodded. "Yes, I did. Jiraiya knows the truth about what happened that night, mother."

"I see," she said quietly before looking at Jiraiya again, "I'm sure it wasn't an easy tale to believe."

Jiraiya sighed. "That's putting it lightly. Hearing that the Third Hokage had retroactively signed off on it was the hardest to accept. Not to diminish what happened to your family, of course… it's just that part was the one that really got me."

Mikoto shook her head. "It's all right. You were one of his three students, right? It's never easy when we learn truths that our mentors would prefer remain hidden."

Jiraiya took a long and thoughtful sip of his tea. "You're not wrong there. It doesn't change the respect I have for my old teacher, but… it's definitely something I'd like to talk to him about when we finally find him."

"That's right," said Mikoto, perking up a bit, "Itachi told me a while back about the project you, him and Shisui are working on. Have you had any luck tracking down others from the Shinobi World?"

"About that," said Jiraiya as his gaze shifted to Itachi, "I might have a lead."

Itachi's brow furrowed as he took another sip from his drink. "What is it?"

"About a week ago, I decided to branch out a bit from our current search grid," Jiraiya replied, "Well, it was actually kind of an accident; I was following our grid, but a Hollow incursion shook things up. I might've been off duty, but I was still the closest Soul Reaper in the area, so I moved in. There was only one of the beasts, and it wasn't anything special. I dispatched it pretty quickly. No civilians were hurt, but the creature's appearance naturally caused a panic. In the chaos, one of the people that was fleeing dropped something."

He fished inside his robes and pulled out what looked like a small copper coin before passing it to Itachi. It didn't match the Soul Society's general currency, and as Itachi inspected it he realized that it likely wasn't meant for broad circulation. One side of the coin was completely blank, but the other had a very familiar design etched into it.

A swirl with a small triangle jutting out from the left.

The symbol of the Hidden Leaf Village.

Itachi looked up at Jiraiya. "What district was this dropped in?"

"North 62," Jiraiya answered.

"Interesting…" Mikoto murmured as she looked at the design, "I don't recall the Hidden Leaf Village having currency like this."

"I don't think it's actually money," Itachi argued, "It's more a like a token. Perhaps meant to signify belonging?"

"You're thinking it could be used like a password?" asked Jiraiya, "Show to someone to prove you were from the Leaf Village when you were alive?"

Itachi nodded. "That's my guess. Yours?"

"About the same," he replied, "Flash it to a sentry and gain entrance to the Hidden Leaf's enclave here in the Soul Society, or something like that. Of course, it's all just speculation right now. Still, you making the same guess as me definitely makes me more confident about it."

"Did you see who dropped it?" asked Mikoto.

Jiraiya shook his head. "Thanks to the panic stirred up by the Hollow, it was a pretty hectic scene. By the time I took out the target and found the token, whoever dropped it was long gone."

"Was it really dropped on accident?" Itachi mused aloud, "The fact that you were in the area at the time, and a well-known Leaf Village Shinobi too…"

Mikoto looked concerned. "Do you think it could be a trap? Someone from the Shinobi World with a grudge against Jiraiya?"

"I did consider that," Jiraiya conceded, "The more time I've had to think about, though, the less I'm willing to buy it. There was no way I would've gone in that direction if that Hollow hadn't shown up, and to my knowledge people can't just summon those things. I suppose someone could've been in the area and saw me approaching, might've decided that this was an opportunity and improvised, but I don't think it's likely."

Itachi nodded. "I think you're right. Besides, look at the craftsmanship on this thing. This isn't some poor improv job; whoever created it has had the time to perfect their art. It's likely a standardized design at this point."

"So, does this mean that some people from our old village have managed to reunite out there in the Rukon District?" asked Mikoto.

"It points in that direction," said Jiraiya with a smile, "and it's the first real lead we've had on this project."

"It's definitely worth following up on," Itachi concurred, "Mind if I borrow this? Shisui will want to see it."

Jiraiya nodded. "Sure. In the meantime, looks like North Rukon is where we should be concentrating our search. We can draft up a new grid, maybe go from North Sixty to North Seventy?"

"Sounds good to me," said Itachi, "We can always expand out from there if the trail goes cold."

Jiraiya grinned. "All right, then! Nice to finally pick up a lead on this… not counting your mother, of course."

"I don't think I would really count as lead in any case," Mikoto replied, "Before Itachi found me, I hadn't run into anyone from the Leaf Village in the Soul Society, or from the Shinobi World at all for that matter. If I did, I didn't recognize them."

"That could always change," Itachi noted, "You'll have six years at the Academy, meaning you'll have plenty of time to observe students from not only your class, but those above it as well, not to mention the new ones that will come in as time passes. If you see anyone that looks familiar or suspicious, let us know."

"How?" asked Mikoto, "I don't have a reliable way of reaching out to you; the only times I get to talk to you are when you come to visit me."

"She's got a point, Itachi," said Jiraiya.

Itachi gave it a moment of thought. "I'll talk to Yoruichi later. The Stealth Force has members that help with security at the Academy, so she should be able to get one or two of them to act as points of contact. From there, it'll be a simple matter for them to relay messages to me."

"That should work," Jiraiya concurred, "but you'll have to be careful; I'm assuming not many members of Squad Two or the Stealth Force know about this little project of ours."

"You're not wrong," Itachi admitted, "We'll have to work out some kind of code system. Actually, we can probably use the old Leaf Village Shinobi covert communications code language. The Shinobi World hasn't really drawn much attention from the Soul Society, which means the people running the place aren't familiar with its intricacies. In situations like this, it gives us a considerable advantage."

Mikoto smiled mischievously. "So, I get to play the part of spy while inside the Academy? My student days sound like they're about to get much more interesting!"

"Try to act like nothing's different," Itachi advised, "We don't want you to draw unnecessary attention."

Mikoto rolled her eyes. "Itachi, I was a Shinobi before I became your mother, remember? I know it's been a while, but I'm still quite familiar with the basics of espionage and infiltration."

"I know," Itachi replied, "I just don't want you to get kicked out of the Academy."

"Oh, don't worry," said Mikoto, smiling again, "I happen to be a favorite of most of the instructors. It'd take quite a bit for them to consider throwing me out. Nevertheless, I'll be careful and stay out of trouble if it makes you feel better, Itachi."

Itachi nodded. "Thank you."

Jiraiya leaned back, a satisfied grin on his face. "You know, I had a good feeling when I woke up this morning, and now I know why. After all this time without a lead for our little project, things are finally looking up!"

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves," Itachi chided him, "We've just got one clue to go off of here, and the trail could go cold quite easily."

His mother shook her head. "Come now, Itachi. You really should be looking on the bright side here!"

Jiraiya chuckled. "Well, you know what they say; old habits die hard. As Shinobi, we were trained to expect the worst and plan accordingly. Still, I'd say this bit of good fortune calls for a celebratory drink. How about you, Itachi?"

Itachi raised his cup of tea, a very small smile appearing on his face. "Yes, it certainly does."


Three days later…

"So, how bad is it?" asked Soi-Fon as she dutifully followed in Yoruichi's wake.

"Take a wild guess," Yoruichi grumbled.

Soi-Fon sighed. "I see. Well, we knew this would blow up in our faces eventually. I suppose it's better to get the ugly parts over with sooner rather than later."

Yoruichi reluctantly nodded. "I know. That doesn't mean I'm looking forward to this."

The Head Captain had given her appropriate forewarning before passing her report onto the Central Forty-Six, and Yoruichi had anticipated something like the meeting she and her bodyguard were on their way to playing out. Nothing would really come of it; it was more or less just a formal setting for a certain aggrieved Captain to get some whining onto the official record. She doubted the Head Captain was looking forward to the coming spectacle any more than she was, but the old man's insistence on playing by the book here meant that they had no choice but allow things to play out.

No matter how big of a tantrum Rhaegon throws, the Drakken Clan's not getting the Nalatarin, she thought wearily, Head Captain Yamamoto will firmly reject him on that, and the same goes for the other Great Noble Houses. This whole meeting's just going to be one big waste of time.

Yoruichi had been hoping for a bit more time before a meeting like this would be necessary. She'd only just gotten her family to allow Kisuke access to the archives in their Seireitei estate to begin research two days ago, and that wasn't nearly enough time for him to have compiled all the information she needed. At this point, she could only pray that the Head Captain would keep matters focused on the artifact and hold off on the subject of the wraiths until her Third Seat had given her the necessary data.

"Who's going to be in attendance?" asked Soi-Fon, "Apart from Squad Ten and Twelve's Captains and the Head Captain, I mean."

"My money's on Squad Six and Squad Eleven's Captains being there," Yoruichi answered, "They're both from Great Noble Houses, after all. No doubt their families are angling for a shot at the artifact themselves. If they think they're going to get it, they'll be sorely disappointed. The Shiba Clan's going to be interesting; their only current active duty member is Isshin, and he's Squad Ten's Third Seat. I'm not sure if he'll be there or not. It's entirely possible that Rhaegon might try to keep him out in order to cut down on the competition, as it were. I supposed we'll find out soon enough."

Soi-Fon's eyes narrowed. "The Nalatarin is secure, right?"

"Kirio has it locked away in Squad Twelve's high-security vault," Yoruichi replied firmly, "Her division might not be the most powerful in terms of combat potential, but they take securing artifacts very seriously. That thing's not going anywhere anytime soon."

"No matter how big of a fit the Great Noble Houses have over it?" Soi-Fon pressed.

"The Head Captain won't budge on this," said Yoruichi, "They know that, which is why the heat's going to come down on us. Hope you're ready for a scorching."

"Whatever it takes, Lady Yoruichi," Soi-Fon answered, "I'll stand by you no matter what."

Yoruichi couldn't resist a smile. "I know."

The doors to the meeting room were just at the end of the hall. She'd passed through them countless times since becoming a Captain, but this was a part of the job that Yoruichi would freely admit that she still didn't particularly like. Yes, it was good to hash out disagreements and disputes in a formal setting, but so many times they just felt like petty arguments that distracted from their real mission.

They were the Thirteen Court Guard Squads; their mandate was to protect the balance of souls. They were supposed to have an eye towards the big picture and act to ensure continuity and equilibrium between the afterlife and the various Realms of the Living. If there was any sort of job where politics should have been firmly locked out, this was definitely it. The stakes were simply too high for petty disputes and aristocratic posturing; it only sowed discord and made them less effective as a whole.

It's a good thing that our main enemies are all external forces, she thought, Hollows, wights, wraiths; they're creatures of carnage and death, and fighting them is relatively straightforward. If we ever pick up an enemy that know how to play the political game and can exploit our internal divisions, we're really going to be in trouble.

"Here we go," Yoruichi muttered under her breath as she pushed the doors open.

Stepping into the meeting hall with her bodyguard in tow, her eyes briefly darted back and forth as she took stock of the attendees. She was pleased to see that her predictions had been mostly correct, although the Captains she had anticipated being here were also accompanied by their Lieutenants, and in the case of Squad Ten both its Lieutenant and Third Seat were present. By tradition, she should've brought her Lieutenant as well, but she'd learned the hard way that Marenoshin Ōmaeda rarely had anything of value to contribute at gatherings like this. The fact that he was easily cowed by those that were higher up in the social pecking order certainly didn't help matters. Soi-Fon was quite another story; while she had respect for the other Captains and Lieutenants, she also had the backbone required to hold her own and argue with them should the need arise.

Too bad I can't just kick Ōmaeda out and make her my Lieutenant instead, she mused wistfully, Oh, that'd make life so much easier…

At the far end of the hall was the Head Captain, with Lieutenant Sasakibe hovering just behind him to the right. Yamamoto gave Yoruichi a brief nod of acknowledgement as she entered, but apart from that he was as inscrutable as ever. Even with his power severely tamped down to avoid harming the weaker attendees, his simple presence gave the air in the room an almost oppressive weight. The other Captains and Lieutenants were arrayed in two rows descending from the Head Captain's left and right respectively. Traditionally, Captains from even-numbered divisions occupied the row to the Head Captain's right, while those from odd-numbered divisions took the left. The rows went in descending order, which meant that Yoruichi as Squad Two's Captain had the distinct honor of having the spot just to the right and front of the Head Captain. She'd always found it to be a mix of blessing and curse; the position made it easy to make an argument directly to the Head Captain since she didn't have to fight from the back of the hall to make her voice heard, but it also meant that she had a front row seat whenever the old man felt he had to put his foot down.

Since this wasn't a full Captains' meeting, the rows were shorter than usual, although the presence of junior officers did compensate a bit for that. This thankfully meant that the gauntlet Yoruichi and Soi-Fon had to run was a short one, and it also made it easier to make a quick assessment of the other attending officers.

The row to the Head Captain's left was quite short today, seeing as of all the odd-numbered divisions apart from the first only Squad Eleven was putting in an appearance today. Captain Torrence Starmont's fierce grey eyes narrowed as her gaze briefly met his, and it wasn't hard at all to detect a hint of animosity. The two of them had never really had any personal problems with each other in the past, but Squads Two and Eleven did have something of a rivalry due to one being focused on the more shadowy aspects of warfare while the other prided itself on direct combat. Doubtlessly the man had been pestered by his clan non-stop since the Head Captain had informed the Central Forty-Six of the Nalatarin's discovery, and his likely annoyance at the petty politics of the matter was probably fueling the hostility she sensed from him. His lumbering brute of a Lieutenant seemed bored more than anything else, which was hardly surprising; to Yoruichi's knowledge, Gosuke Kiganjō had never shown any particular interest in the administrative side of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads. It was actually mildly impressive that his Captain had managed to drag him to the meeting in the first place; the man could be quite obstinate if the mood struck him.

Squad Eleven's Captain and Lieutenant were both incredibly formidable Soul Reapers, but any intimidation factor that might've normally accompanied their presence was significantly dampened when one glanced at the significantly longer row of officers opposite them. Both Squad Six's Captain and Lieutenant were closest to the Head Captain, although the empty space between them and the old man would soon be filled by Yoruichi and Soi-Fon.

Captain Ginrei Kuchiki was one of the old lions of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads. Although Yoruichi was reasonably certain that the head of the Kuchiki family was nowhere near as old as the Head Captain, his long gray hair, weathered face and thick white mustache were clear indicators that he was definitely getting on in years. The rumor-mill pegged him going on indefinite leave within the next half-century or so, and Yoruichi was aware of a betting pool amongst the junior officers laying stakes on when he would finally step down. Yoruichi had been tempted to join in, but the sharp look in his slate-grey eyes was all she needed to know that he was by no means ready to cap off his career just yet.

She was actually rather grateful for that; over the years, she'd found the elder Kuchiki to be a stabilizing force amongst the Captains. Calm and quiet were his default settings, but when he did speak it was with clarity and decisiveness. He was as aloof as one would expect a high-ranking noble to be, but Yoruichi didn't consider him to be arrogant like plenty of other members of the aristocracy were. Rather, his seemingly-apathetic demeanor came from his extreme patience and desire to hear other viewpoints before making his perspective known. Nevertheless, he still very much carried that firm belief in law-and-order that characterized so many members of the Kuchiki Clan, which meant that he could be too rigid at times for Yoruichi's liking. Still, she respected both his experience and skill, and even in his advancing age she knew that he remained one of the finest Zanjutsu masters in all of the Soul Society. Anyone who underestimated him would quickly come to regret that mistake. Apart from the usual Soul Reaper robes and Captain's haori, the only personal touch Ginrei had added to his uniform was a white scarf that, while on the surface appearing to be quite plain, Yoruichi knew to be in fact worth more than ten Seireitei mansions. Only a keen eye would recognize it as such, though, which Yoruichi found to be rather amusing; other nobles flaunted their wealth for all to see, but Captain Kuchiki treated his as something that only those with sharp eyes and sharper minds should be privileged to comprehend.

Standing behind and to the right of the elder Kuchiki was the younger, although calling him that was a bit of a disservice; Sōjun Kuchiki was a father in his own right, albeit a relatively new one when compared to his Captain. Still, Squad Six's Lieutenant definitely had some youth left compared to his father. A handsome officer, he wore his black hair long and with a single white kenseikan on the left side as a symbol of his noble status. His bluish-purple eyes had a much gentler feel to them when compared to those of his father, and that was supported by the brief smile that he gave Yoruichi and Soi-Fon as they approached. As far as Yoruichi was concerned, Sōjun was pretty chill for a Kuchiki, and she'd even managed to talk him into going drinking with her and a few other officers on a handful of occasions. However, he also had some underlying health issues, although he put great pains into keeping those secret; Yoruichi had only found out due to members of the Stealth Force spotting him visiting Squad Four's barracks on a regular basis. She hadn't considered it her place to pry, and she could only hope that whatever illness he was struggling with wasn't terminal.

Squad Ten's Captain and Lieutenant were up next, and while Obran seemed fairly relaxed he wasn't the one that Yoruichi was worried about. Rhaegon was anything but relaxed; the glare he shot her was downright venomous. Yoruichi's success so close to the borders of the Drakken Clan's Principality had clearly gotten under his skin, and he likely didn't even need his family yammering about the artifact Squad Two had discovered to be angry with her. For all his power and skill, his pride was by far his biggest weakness; it was just so easy to wound, even when someone wasn't even trying. For Yoruichi, the expedition out to Menar Issilaya was nothing more than a mission, albeit a particularly dangerous one. She certainly hadn't meant to press the buttons of Squad Ten's Captain and his notoriously prickly clan, but some things just couldn't be helped.

Isshin Shiba held an interesting position in the gathering. Although a member of Squad Ten, there was actually a bit of space between him and his two superior officers. Rhaegon had apparently either deemed it appropriate to bring him along or had been pressured into it, but the noticeable gap between the Third Seat, Captain and Lieutenant suggested that they expected Isshin to act on the behalf of his Great Noble House here rather than simply fall in line with his superiors. Yoruichi wasn't quite sure how that would play out. Would he really be able to carve out space for himself and compete with the Captains here? She couldn't say for sure.

At least Isshin didn't share his Captain's hostility towards her. In fact, when Yoruichi caught his eye he gave her a shrug that struck her almost as apologetic. She took that as a good sign; it suggested that he wasn't taking this matter personally and was probably less than thrilled about having to play the games of the Soul Society's aristocracy.

The Shiba and Shihōin Clans have enjoyed friendly relations for most of our history, she thought, I just hope that when this mess finally blows over those ties won't be strained.

Like Isshin, Kirio didn't seem particularly thrilled about having to attend this meeting. Yoruichi sympathized; while Squad Two had merely discovered the artifact and brought it back to the Seireitei, since Squad Twelve now possessed and safeguarded it that meant the division was at the center of attention for the Five Great Noble Houses. That was hardly an enviable position, to put it mildly. Kirio wasn't the type to bow to that kind of pressure though, and with the Head Captain backing her Yoruichi didn't anticipate there being too much trouble.

Standing behind Kirio was Hiyori. Yoruichi knew how much she hated meetings and had figured that she'd be sulking, but Kirio's Lieutenant seemed to be taking things seriously here. Then again, this was a meeting involving the Head Captain; the old man would be quick to crack down on anyone he deemed to be not treating the matter at hand with the gravity it deserved. Under his watchful eyes, the last thing Hiyori could do was pout about being dragged into what was basically an aristocratic pissing match.

Yoruichi and Soi-Fon took their respective positions at the Head Captain's right hand, and the old man acknowledged them with a nod. "Now that all who have been summoned are here, we can begin."

Time for the fireworks to start flying…


Soi-Fon had never really been a fan of gatherings like this. She'd rather be on any kind of actual mission rather than standing in the meeting hall watching Captains indulge in petty melodrama, and that was exactly what she was seeing courtesy of Rhaegon. Sure, Squad Ten's Captain had started things out pleasantly enough, praising Squad Two's performance in the mission, but anyone with properly functioning eyes and ears could tell that it wasn't sincere. From there, it hadn't taken long for his speech to devolve into what Soi-Fon saw as nothing more than petulant whining, and based on the subtle facial cues from the other assembled officers it was clear that most of them felt the same way.

I'd always heard that he was a talented public speaker, she thought, I'm having a hard time picturing it right now, though. Maybe it's different when his audience is his own subordinates rather than people who can see through his petty bullshit.

Soi-Fon's mood hadn't been particularly good to start with; she was only here out of loyalty to Yoruichi and the fact that she could serve her here far more effectively than Squad Two's oaf a of a Lieutenant could ever hope to. The longer she had to listen to Rhaegon drag on and on about the pride of his clan being wounded by Squad Two swiping such a valuable artifact from right under their noses, the more she started imagining ways the meeting could be conveniently interrupted and brought to a premature end. At this point, she was desperate enough that she was half-seriously praying for a large-scale Menos Grande surprise attack on the Seireitei just so Squad Ten's Captain would be forced to shut the hell up.

Glancing at Yoruichi, Soi-Fon couldn't help but marvel at her Captain's composure in the face of Rhaegon's ridiculous tantrum. Her expression gave nothing away, but her posture remained firm the entire time. She wasn't about to let herself be cowed by a man who couldn't see past his own ego and that of his clan. She was simply waiting for Rhaegon to tire himself out.

The Head Captain's on our side here, she reminded herself, Rhaegon Drakken's doing nothing more than howling at a mountain.

She had to force herself to pay attention as Rhaegon went on, and could only hope that he would run out of breath soon. "Menar Issilaya's ties to the Drakken Clan were strong before the city went silent. While it's true that the city was never part of our official territory, we were still more involved in its affairs than any of the other Great Noble Houses. We had a vested interest in the city's survival and were devastated by its fall. Since the line of lords that ruled Menar Issilaya was lost along with all the other inhabitants when contact ceased, it is only right that the Great Noble House closest to them should carry on in their stead and take custody of what they left behind."

Soi-Fon watched as Squad Ten's Captain turned from the Head Captain towards Yoruichi, and while outwardly he appeared calm, she did not fail to catch the smoldering resentment in his eyes. "By purging the city of the wraith and wights that cursed it, Squad Two did the Soul Society a great service; I will be the first to recognize that. However, Captain Shihōin overstepped her mandate by claiming the Nalatarin! Such a find in Menar Issilaya should've immediately been reported to the Drakken Clan, yet we were kept in the dark for over two months. It would've been a simple matter for Captain Shihōin to dispatch a messenger to the Drakken Clan Principality from her position in the Shadow Pass, yet instead she decided to keep this monumental discovery to herself!"

Soi-Fon bristled; Rhaegon was grossly mischaracterizing Yoruichi's conduct, and he knew it. Any senior officer of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads, let alone a Captain, should've known better. Did that arrogant prick really think he was going to get away with this? She was sorely tempted to speak up, but then the hall began to shudder, and the heat in the air rose noticeably. Sweat building on her brow, she turned towards what she knew to be the source; the Head Captain. The old man hadn't so much as twitched, and his expression remained stony and inscrutable, yet his release of just a fraction of his spirit energy was more than enough to convey his thoughts on Rhaegon's claims.

Glancing at Rhaegon, Soi-Fon had the satisfaction of seeing Squad Ten's Captain actually recoil and his complexion pale considerably. The Head Captain hadn't uttered so much as a single word, yet it was quite clear where his ire was directed. Had Rhaegon really been stupid enough to think that he would get away with trying to mislead not only his fellow Captains, but the commander of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads himself? Or was he so desperate to claim the Nalatarin for the Drakken Clan that he was willing to risk antagonizing those that he knew should not be trifled with? Either way, it certainly wasn't a good look for him.

The air in the room returned to normal a few seconds later as the Head Captain reined in his spiritual pressure. Rhaegon, sensing quite rightly that he was treading on dangerous ground, thankfully decided to bring his screed to a close.

"All I wish is for my family's historical ties to the late Menar Issilaya and her fallen inhabitants be honored," he concluded, "It is the Drakken Clan's solemn duty to make sure that artifacts from before the city's fall are preserved for posterity. For far too long, we have gone without knowing what became of the poor people we suddenly lost contact with millennia ago. Now that we have an answer thanks to Squad Two's undertaking, we can at long last properly memorialize them, while at the same time learning from what happened to ensure that such a tragedy does not repeat itself."

A fine sentiment, Soi-Fon thought, Too bad it's utter horseshit coming from him.

She wasn't sure what would come next. Rhaegon's eyes had turned expectantly towards the Head Captain, but Yamamoto was not giving any indication that he was ready to speak just yet. The tension in the hall was thick; everyone was sizing each other up, looking for the slightest indicator of weakness and the first chance to capitalize on it.

It was Yoruichi who stepped forward first, and while she remained calm on the surface Soi-Fon could detect a certain eagerness in her demeanor; having endured Rhaegon's petty insinuations, she wanted to counterattack. "I can appreciate the Drakken Clan's strong feelings on this matter. However, I find it curious that they only chose to express those feelings now, when in fact they've had over two thousand years to act on them and decided to do nothing. There was nothing stopping them from mounting an expedition of their own into the Shadow Pass. If the clan wasn't so reliant on dragons that refused to go anywhere near that valley after the corruption had taken root there, perhaps we all would've had an answer as to what happened to Menar Issilaya long before now. Instead, they were content to avoid the place, and only now that Squad Two has mounted a successful expedition and exterminated the evil that terrified even their legendary beasts have they chosen to act on its 'solemn duty' towards the old city. I find that rather… convenient."

Soi-Fon had to work had to suppress a smile. Her Captain was coming out swinging, and she was all for it. It was high time that someone aside from the Head Captain put Rhaegon in his place.

Yoruichi wasn't done yet, at least if the sharp look she gave Squad Ten's Captain was any indication. "As for 'overstepping my mandate' as you put it earlier, should I remind you of operational protocol when it comes to discovering high value artifacts? As members of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads, our duty in these scenarios isn't to inform the Great Noble House with the biggest interest in the artifact of the discovery; it's to inform the Head Captain and the Captain of Squad Twelve. We certainly weren't expecting to find a Nalatarin during our sweep of Menar Issilaya, but when we did, we followed protocol to the letter. If we hadn't, then Squad Twelve would not have the Nalatarin in its high-security vaults; it would be in the hands of the Shihōin Clan, and I can guarantee that my family would've wasted no time in bragging about it. Instead, they found out at the same time the rest of the Great Noble Houses learned of the discovery; after the Head Captain delivered my mission report to the Central Forty-Six. If I'd wanted to keep the artifact for myself and my family, I wouldn't have gone through all the trouble of bringing it back to the Seireitei. It would've been a much simpler matter to dispatch a courier to transport the relic in secret to the Shihōin Clan Principality. No one would've been any the wiser, least of all the Drakken Clan."

Soi-Fon was acutely aware of the bluff there. After all, Visaelya had been present with Shisui and Aika during the artifact's initial discovery. While Rhaegon's niece had demonstrated commendable conduct in the mission and remarkable discipline in keeping word of the discovery within Squad Two, Soi-Fon was certain that part of that was because Yoruichi had demonstrated a commitment to following proper procedure and not favoring any of the Great Noble Houses, including her own. Had she given any indication of wanting to claim the Nalatarin for the Shihōin Clan, Soi-Fon suspected that Visaelya might've handled herself rather differently. Perhaps it wasn't fair to have such suspicions of the young woman; she'd willingly defied her family to join Squad Two in the first place, and at no small personal cost. However, Soi-Fon had to keep a clear head and open eyes when it came to analyzing situations like this. Whatever personal respect she might've had for Squad Two's Eighteenth Seat, she still had to bear in mind where she was from and how her family ties could potentially influence her actions.

She watched as Yoruichi turned from Rhaegon to the Head Captain. "Squad Two's mission was to investigate the Shadow Pass and Menar Issilaya in order to determine if it was fit for reconstruction and garrisoning. Although we never expected to find a wraith there, we were able to defeat it and cleanse the city. Finding the Nalatarin was an unexpected boon, but one that I knew would benefit the Soul Society with proper care and study. In accordance with the regulations laid down by the Thirteen Court Guard Squads and the Central Forty-Six, I duly brought it back to the Seireitei and handed it over to Squad Twelve. If my division exceeded its mandate, it was only in finding such a valuable artifact for our comrades in Squad Twelve to research. I've made no claim to the Nalatarin, and I have no intention of doing so. It is where it belongs now, as everyone in this room should know. All of the Five Great Noble Houses are well aware of our procedures when it comes to artifacts from the old kingdom; they should know better than to press selfish claims in matters like this."

Finally, Soi-Fon saw the Head Captain make a move, albeit only nodding in response to Yoruichi's statement. Still, it was definitely a good sign, and Soi-Fon hoped that signal of support would discourage others from following in Rhaegon's footsteps.

That was when Squad Eleven's Captain stepped forward, and Soi-Fon suspected that he was going to dash her hopes. "While I personally have no disagreements with Captain Shihōin's conduct in her mission, the Starmont Clan does have concerns that I've been asked to address on its behalf. We fully understand the need for studying the Nalatarin, and such inquiries and scholarly pursuits have always been the purview of Squad Twelve. We also understand the Drakken Clan's feelings on the matter. That being said, an artifact such as this is the sort of find that only occurs once in a millennium, if even that. Our clan is worried that Squad Twelve's vaults may not be enough to properly hold the artifact given the fact that the Seireitei is home to many with a keen interest in such a relic. All eyes are now on the Twelfth Division because of this discovery, and that will naturally include those of characters with, shall we say, lesser scruples. As long as the Nalatarin remains in the Seireitei, it poses as a source of temptation. Removing it from the Seireitei for study at a secure location far from prying eyes strikes us as a better approach. To that end, the Starmont Clan has a proposal."

Soi-Fon had a feeling she knew where this was going, and Captain Starmont's following words proved her to be right on the money. "Our family would like to invite a contingent from Squad Twelve to take the artifact to our ancestral fortress within our Principality. Captain Hikifune can pick whichever subordinates she desires to transport the relic, while a sizeable escort will be provided at the Starmont Clan's expense. Our great keep has remained secure for millennia; it has been impregnable since before even the rise of the old kingdom. We will guarantee the safety of the Nalatarin and all Soul Reapers from Squad Twelve that Captain Hikifune wishes to assign to its study. This way it will be far from the prying eyes of the Seireitei, while at the same time under observation from members of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads that are outside of my own division."

Outside of your division, sure, thought Soi-Fon as she immediately picked apart Captain Starmont's proposal, but within the seat of your family's power. The Starmont Clan's private forces alone would easily be able to overpower any of Squad Twelve's Soul Reapers, and even if Captain Hikifune herself went along the family could still call upon the Order of the Valkyries should they wish. The Nalatarin and anyone Squad Twelve sends north would be at the mercy of the Starmont Clan; hostages in all but name. Anyone who doesn't see that is an idiot.

Indeed, all it took was a glance around the room to see that the other assembled officers had already come to the same conclusion. Well, most of them, apparently. Suffice to say that Soi-Fon was surprised when none other than Rhaegon signaled his approval.

"The Starmont Clan's proposal is reasonable," said the Squad Ten Captain with a smile, "The Drakken Clan would have no objections to it, provided we would be allowed to send a representative in order to keep tabs on the artifact as well and to report back on any new discoveries regarding its capabilities."

Torrence Starmont nodded. "The Starmont Clan would be willing to accommodate such an arrangement."

Alarm bells immediately went off in Soi-Fon's head as she looked back and forth between the Squad Ten and Eleven Captains. Rhaegon had spent a good chunk of the meeting whining and moaning about how the Drakken Clan hadn't been given the Nalatarin, yet he was suddenly fine with a different Great Noble House taking possession of it? It was almost a complete flip from his previous argument, one that didn't make the slightest bit of sense. She glanced at Yoruichi and saw that her eyes had narrowed in suspicion; something was clearly afoot here.

Before Yoruichi or Soi-Fon could raise the obvious objections, though, someone else beat them to the punch; none other than Isshin Shiba. Squad Ten's Third Seat had stepped forward, and while he didn't look particularly pleased with the situation he was now in, he seemed determined to make his voice heard.

"With all due respect for both Squad Eleven's Captain and my own," he stated, "I'm afraid that the Shiba Clan can't go along with this. While I'm sure the Starmont Clan's proposal comes with the best of intentions, the fact remains that it ultimately puts the artifact under the control of a Great Noble House. That's not how these situations are supposed to be handled at all. In the interest of preserving balance and peace within the Soul Society, the only proper course of action is the one that has already been taken; Squad Twelve must remain in possession of the Nalatarin."

Yoruichi was quick to support him. "Third Seat Shiba is right. Regardless of the Starmont Clan's intentions or the security they can offer, the artifact cannot go to any of the Great Noble Houses. The system we abide by now was meant to maintain stability at the upper echelons of the Soul Society; the Starmont Clan's proposal is a direct affront to it. Squad Twelve's direct custody, study and protection of the artifact is the only acceptable outcome here."

Down to the right, Soi-Fon saw Ginrei Kuchiki clear his throat and step forward. "I concur with my esteemed colleagues from the Shiba and Shihōin Clans. The Kuchiki Clan firmly opposes the Starmont Clan's proposal. In accordance with the laws that govern this esteemed body, the Nalatarin must remain with Squad Twelve. No alternate arrangement is permissible. For the sake of maintaining order within our ranks, I suggest that the Drakken and Starmont Clans set aside their egos and remember the bigger picture."

Soi-Fon allowed herself a mental sigh of relief. The head of the Kuchiki Clan joining the Shiba and Shihōin Clans in opposing them put the Drakken and Starmont Clans into a corner. Given the Kuchiki Clan's prominent reputation as upholders of the Soul Society's laws in addition to being determined protectors of its culture and history, Rhaegon and Torrence would be fighting a severe uphill battle if they continued to press the issue. More importantly, in meetings such as this Ginrei Kuchiki's line of thought had been known to tack closely to that of the Head Captain's; if Squad Six's leader wasn't going along with something, Yamamoto likely wasn't either. In that sense, the head of the Kuchiki Clan was a useful gauge for which way the Head Captain would lean on a particular issue. The fact that the two men had a well-known sense of mutual respect for each other as both warriors and leaders certainly didn't hurt.

Kirio stepped forward as well, clearly eager to put another nail into the coffin of the opposing side's argument. "If my colleagues in Squad's Ten and Eleven have doubts as to my division's ability to safely hold high-value artifacts, I would happily extend them an invitation to our barracks. I'd be more than willing to demonstrate our security measures. We pride ourselves on thoroughness and vigilance in our keeping of dangerous relics. There is no safer place in the Soul Society for storing and studying artifacts like the Nalatarin than within the confines of Squad Twelve's facilities."

Two loud thuds came from the end of the hall as the Head Captain pointedly slammed the tip of his Zanpakutō into the floor; Yamamoto had apparently decided it was time to drive the final nail home. "This matter has already been brought before the Central Forty-Six, and judgement has already been rendered. The arguments presented here today by the Drakken and Starmont Clans will not change what has been decided. Squad Twelve will remain custodians of the Nalatarin, and will be charged with carrying out the appropriate study of the artifact to determine if it is safe for the Thirteen Court Guard Squads to make use of it. This meeting was called in an effort to allow dissenting voices a chance to air their concerns, and that has now been accomplished. The matter is closed. Should any officer of the Thirteen Court Guard Squad or representative of a Great Noble House do anything further to challenge the decision of the Central Forty-Six and threaten the security of the artifact, they will answer directly to me. Is that understood?"

The assembled Soul Reapers nodded in unison, with even Rhaegon and Torrence bowing their heads. Soi-Fon's gaze remained on the two of them, though, and for good reason; there was more than a glimmer of defiance in their eyes even as they publicly submitted to the Head Captain's demand.

She glanced over at Yoruichi, who gave her a very small nod; she'd caught it as well. Superficially, the meeting might not have accomplished anything since the Nalatarin remained firmly in the hands of Squad Twelve, but over the years Yoruichi had taught Soi-Fon how to comprehend the less obvious outcomes of these official gatherings. Soi-Fon had been an eager student, and her strict attention during her mentor's lessons was serving her well now. The Starmont Clan's proposal hadn't come from nowhere, nor had Captain Drakken's seemingly sudden willingness to go along with it despite his prior arguments. There was clear coordination between the two men, and Soi-Fon was certain that extended beyond just them.

The Drakken and Starmont Clans had typically gone after their own interests first and foremost within Soul Society politics, yet the behavior of Squad Ten and Eleven's Captains indicated a potential shift in the game. The wolves of the north and the dragons of the east had signaled mutual support in this matter. Would this be a one-off event, or the start of an enduring alliance? What did it mean for the Soul Society?

Soi-Fon wasn't so sure she wanted to find out.


"That was reckless of you," said the figure in the black cloak as Rhaegon paced back and forth in his office, "Even more so than usual. Risking your standing to fight against an outcome that was already preordained… I expected better than this."

Rhaegon shot a glare at the advisor that he was coming to resent more by the minute. "The Drakken Clan has the strongest claim to Menar Issilaya's Nalatarin. It's ours by right!"

"Many things are your family's birthright," the advisor replied, "but from my understanding of the situation, your claim here was tenuous at best. The Head Captain has a clear appreciation for the value of that artifact, and an eye towards the balance of power. It would be out of character for him to risk disrupting it by going against established precedent and handing it over to any of the Great Noble Houses. If you thought otherwise, then clearly, I've overestimated your ability to read others. Your pride still has far too tight of a grip on you, and it's clouding your judgment. I thought I told you to be mindful of your feelings so that you could make a clear assessment of your tactical and strategic options."

Rhaegon slammed his fist into his desk. "That's easy for you to say; it wasn't your family being insulted in there!"

"I come from a clan that's every bit as prideful as yours," the advisor calmly countered, "I know full well how it feels when your family has been so clearly slighted. There is a difference, though, between properly defending your family's honor and being carried away by it. Your father understands that distinction; it's why he remains head of the family, and why your elder brother remains his favorite to succeed him. He may not be as powerful of a warrior as you, but he has a keener eye for the big picture. You would do well to emulate him."

Rhaegon scowled. "And yet my elder brother's 'keen eye' apparently wasn't passed on to his daughter."

The advisor folded his arms. "Are you still sore about that? You need to alter your thinking. Your niece's position in Squad Two does not make her a traitor to the family. Rather, it makes her a potential intelligence asset, one that you and the rest of your family should be cultivating. The cold-shoulder treatment the clan has given her since graduation has been counterproductive."

Rhaegon forced himself to take a deep breath. His advisor had a point, but he couldn't bring himself to act on the proposal just yet.

"In time, she'll be given a chance to come back into the fold," he said, "However, she must first learn to appreciate the consequences of her actions. Once she has come to realize that Squad Two just cannot offer her what her own family can, then she will be ripe for plucking."

Beneath the cloak, his advisor shook his head. "I would move sooner rather than later, but ultimately it is your prerogative. In the meantime, I would counsel against any further action regarding the Nalatarin. I know the clan as a whole is still fuming over the matter, but it would really be best to move on to other issues. We know it will be in Squad Twelve's vaults and that other Great Noble Houses will not have access to it. Your family may not reap an advantage here, but neither do the others. For the moment, maintaining the current balance of power serves our interests and presents ideal cover while we slowly build up our resources."

Rhaegon's eyes narrowed. "And while you continue your private hunt for this 'Sealed King' you're so obsessed with? I thought I told you to stop chasing myths."

"What I do with my private time is my own concern," the advisor coolly shot back, "I'd argue that it will serve to greatly benefit us in the long-term, but if you're going to be so dismissive of it despite the ample evidence to the contrary that I've discovered in your family's archives then I'm not going to waste my breath. I have my pursuits, and you have yours. Neither are in conflict with each other, so there is no need for fuss."

Rhaegon rolled his eyes. "Fine, then feel free to waste yet more precious hours in the estate library. Do you have any other pearls of wisdom that you feel the need to give out?"

"No, but I do have a question," said the advisor, "Your father has only established a tentative private channel with the Starmont Clan, yet if what you've told me about today's meeting is accurate it would seem you've been doing work on your own to create an alliance. The proposal for the artifact made by Squad Eleven's Captain; it wasn't at the suggesting of his family at all, was it? When did you two hash that out?"

Rhaegon smiled. "My other advisor has counseled me to take initiative when it comes to building an alliance between our families. I felt that it would be more productive to move early than wait for endless back-and-forth messages in the dark to finally bear fruit, and Captain Starmont was remarkably receptive to cooperation in this matter. Now that a working relationship has been established with him, I think father will find that cementing an alliance with the rest of the family will be considerably easier."

There was a moment's pause before the advisor gave his thoughts on the matter. "I see. Making that contact and an agreement like this is a positive first step, but I fear you may have moved too soon. By taking action like this, you tipped off everyone at that meeting to the fact that you and Squad Eleven's Captain are moving into political alignment. Anyone with eyes sharp enough to recognize that will begin to take a closer look at your respective clans, monitoring for similar movement. At such an early stage, we cannot afford additional scrutiny."

"You let me worry about that," Rhaegon scoffed as he headed for the door, "Have fun chasing dusty old legends in the library."

"Where are you going?" asked the advisor.

Rhaegon smirked as he looked over his shoulder. "You said your private time is your own concern; well, mine is mine. Enjoy your reading."

Closing the door behind him, he swiftly made his way through the Squad Ten barracks. If any of his subordinates saw his advisor it would raise some uncomfortable questions, but fortunately the cloaked man had proven quite adept at slipping in and out without being noticed.

I have already partaken from the wisdom of one advisor…

…so, let's see what the other one has to offer.


Night had fallen as Squad Ten's Captain strode up to the very tip of the ledge at the end of Sōkyoku Hill. For the premier execution grounds of the Soul Society, it was under little if any surveillance. After all, the place only saw use for carrying out death sentences on those condemned for particularly severe crimes; for the vast majority of time, it was unoccupied, little more than a prominent landmark in the heart of the Seireitei. The Stealth Force's Patrol Corps did keep watch over the base of the massive outcropping, along with the connecting Senzaikyū holding area, but they didn't typically monitor the top of the hill itself unless it was execution time. As Captain, he could come and go as he wished, and the man he intended to meet likewise had the same leeway. Of course, said man would be taking measures to disguise his real identity, but even then, it wouldn't be much of an issue; after all, that man had proven just as adept as his first advisor at slipping in and out of places unnoticed.

He looked up at the gargantuan scaffolding and the enormous halberd that comprised the Sōkyoku itself. The titanic instrument of execution never failed to impress; after all, it did possess the raw power equivalent of a million Zanpakutō when it was released. However, its seal could only be undone by members of the Kidō Corps acting in concert, which was why the weapon was not guarded. Besides, anyone with rare combination of jaw-dropping stupidity and raw power required to release the Sōkyoku by themselves would quickly come to regret it as the weapon turned on and destroyed them. Like the Nalatarin that was at the heart of the current storm roiling the Soul Society's nobility, the Sōkyoku only allowed itself to be wielded on the behalf of users it recognized as legitimate. For all his strength and pride, not even Rhaegon would dare to attempt such a foolhardy endeavor as usurping the Sōkyoku for his own ends.

There was a faint rustling of robes on the wind, and he knew the man he was meeting with was behind him. "A bit late, aren't you?"

"My apologies," replied a smooth male voice, "I'm afraid it took a little longer than I had anticipated to get away from my Captain."

The man joined him at the ledge. Like his first advisor, this one chose to obscure most of his features with a cloak as well, although this one was white instead of black. Not much about him was visible, safe for just the tip of a Zanpakutō's handle poking out from the robes. The man kept his power subdued, but Rhaegon wasn't blind; even when it was suppressed, he could sense that it was far more than his official rank would suggest. In that light, it was only natural that they had sought each other out. Both were fed up with the current status quo and stagnation of the Soul Society, and both had the ambition and vision required to challenge it.

Rhaegon shrugged. "Well, no matter. It's not like I had a full schedule this evening."

"Perhaps, but your day was certainly quite eventful," said the cloaked man, "Word's already spreading about what seems to have been a rather contentious meeting. I take it things didn't go the way you had hoped?"

Rhaegon all but spat out his answer. "Understatement of the century! The old man and those dotards of the Central Forty-Six would deny us our rightful inheritance just to maintain their own power. The artifact will waste away in the vaults of Squad Twelve while those with the power and vision required to actually use it can only gnash their teeth at the stupidity of it all."

The cloaked figure chuckled. "I've always enjoyed your flair for the dramatic, although it seems it did not serve you so well today. Still, I wouldn't say it was a total loss. At least we know where the artifact will be kept. That information's valuable all on its own."

Rhaegon nodded. "Captain Hikifune even offered Torrence and I a chance to visit her division's barracks to witness their security measures up close. An empty conciliatory gesture; she'd never let anyone she didn't consider a close and trusted friend or her own subordinates into the vault itself, and neither of us fit those categories. In the end, we'll just be led to stare at a door."

The cloaked figure shifted ever so slightly, and when they spoke it was with an intrigued tone. "An invitation to Squad Twelve's barracks, you say? You haven't full-out declined, have you?"

Rhaegon's brow twitched in irritation. "No, but why would I even bother with an answer in the first place? As I said, it was an empty gesture on her part."

"She made that gesture at an official meeting," the cloaked man reminded him, "It's on the record, and if neither of you said 'no' to her there then I'd say that invitation is still open. You should take it."

"What would I possibly gain from it?" asked Rhaegon.

"A greater understanding of Squad Twelve's security surrounding not just the Nalatarin, but their high-value artifacts in general," the advisor pointed out, "Knowledge is power, and that particular bit of knowledge would have great value, wouldn't you agree?"

Rhaegon smiled as he followed the man's train of thought to its logical conclusion. "Yes, it would. I'll reach out to Captain Hikifune tomorrow; she never misses an opportunity to showcase her division's work. Even without having put the offer on record at the meeting, there's no way she'd say no to this."

The cloaked man nodded. "Quite so. I'll wager that there are quite a few items that would prove useful to our plans down there in addition to the Nalatarin. Knowing what sort of defenses surround them will make it easier for me to retrieve them when the time comes."

Rhaegon chuckled. "That confident in your ability to sneak in and out of anywhere you please, eh? Well, given the power you've shown me so far, I suppose I can't blame you. Your Zanpakutō has a very useful ability. I must say, I'm rather envious."

The lower bit of the cloaked man's face was visible, and a small smirk appeared. "The envy of a Captain? My, my, consider me flattered."

"Hardly flattery," Rhaegon countered, "Not when it's true. I should've reached out to you so much sooner. Your counsel has been much more effective than that of my other advisor. I'm beginning to question why my father insists on retaining him."

"His caution is not unwarranted," replied the cloaked figure, "but his timetable strikes me as excessive. Yes, patience is required, but hardly a century's worth. Your clan will have what it is rightfully owed well before then. Of that, I have no doubt."

Rhaegon grinned. "If we had some sake to share, I'd be raising my glass right now. Rest assured that once we've assumed our true place in the Soul Society, your contributions will not be forgotten. Name a reward, and it will be yours."

"I look forward to that day," said the advisor, bowing his head.

Looking out over the Seireitei, Rhaegon gave a sweeping gesture. "One day… it will all be ours. We will bring about a new golden age, the likes of which not even the glory and splendor of the old kingdom can compare to. This whole rotten structure will be swept aside, and all who have held us back will be cast down! The Soul Society will never be the same!"

The cloaked figure raised his head…

…just enough for his glasses to glint in the moonlight.

"Yes… it certainly won't be."


One week later…

Yoruichi wrinkled her nose as her disheveled Third Seat sat down across the desk from her. "You look like shit… ugh, and you smell even worse! Seriously, when was the last time you bathed?"

Kisuke gave her a sheepish smile. "Sorry about that. I got so caught up in that research project you gave me that everything else just fell by the wayside."

Yoruichi shook her head; she really should've expected as much. "Figures. Seriously, though, it's not like you were out in the field that whole time. I know my parents weren't exactly thrilled with you setting up shop in the family archives, but they did have guest accommodations prepared for you. Did you use any of them?"

Kisuke shrugged. "I studied, ate, and grabbed the occasional nap. That's about it."

Yoruichi rolled her eyes. "Why do I even bother? All right, as soon as we're done here, you're going to wash up and then get a solid eight hours of sleep. That's a direct order, you got that?"

Kisuke chuckled. "Yes, ma'am."

Yoruichi leaned forward as her Third Seat pulled out a rolled-up map from his bag and unfurled it over her desk. "So, what did you find?"

"Some leads to pursue," he replied as he pressed down on the map to flatten it out, "Unfortunately, they're pretty spread out."

That was a major understatement. Peering over the map, Yoruichi saw about a dozen or so locations that had been circled in black ink by her Third Seat. They were scattered across the Soul Society, and the fact that there were so many was a considerable cause for concern.

"How'd you get all of these?" she asked, "There are only four wraiths left; you should only have four hidey-holes marked on here."

Kisuke sighed. "Believe me, I wish I was able to narrow it down that precisely. The records I found indicated multiple proposed entombment sites for the wraiths, and it was hard to find enough clues to pinpoint which ones they ultimately decided on. In the end, these are the ones I thought were the most plausible."

Yoruichi noted the black X over Menar Issilaya; at least one could definitively be ruled out, although it was small comfort when compared to the vast amount of ground they had to cover. "I see… damn it. I should've known it wouldn't be that easy."

Kisuke nodded. "We've got our work cut out for us, that's for sure."

Yoruichi's brow furrowed as she studied the map. "North, south, east and west… they really spread 'em out."

"A few of them are pretty close to the borders of the various Principalities," Kisuke pointed out, "We should see if the Great Noble Houses will lend their private forces to the search. It'd save us some time."

Yoruichi agreed, although she had reservations. "I'm all for that, but some of them might not be willing to play nice at the moment. Things are still pretty dicey with the nobility right now, especially when it comes to the Drakken and Starmont Clans. Those two probably aren't in the mood to cooperate with our division at the moment."

"Have the Head Captain lean on them," Kisuke suggested, "He got them to back off when it came to the artifact, right? No reason why he can't nudge them into playing ball here."

Yoruichi shook her head. "That worked because it involved a matter within the Seireitei itself; his power in the political arena is at its peak here. It's a different story out in the distant Principalities. Sure, they'd have to acknowledge any request he makes officially, but privately they can do plenty to slow-walk any real aid. The Kuchiki and Shiba Clans should go along with us, and I can guarantee we won't have any problems with my family on this, but the north and the east are going to be a hassle."

Kisuke sighed. "Well, that bites."

"No kidding," said Yoruichi, "As it is, even with help from three out of the five Great Noble Houses, we're still looking at a lot of ground to cover. It wouldn't be enough to just locate the tombs; we have to confirm whether or not they're still occupied. Sure, we've got plenty of scouts, but how many of them would be capable of fighting their way out of a horde of wights if things go south? Soul King help them if they actually run into an escaped wraith…"

Kisuke's eyes narrowed. "It took you, Soi-Fon and Itachi just to take the weakest one down. The remaining four are significantly stronger… if we're going to hunt them all down in one operation, we'd need multiple Captains to take part in the mission."

"Yup," Yoruichi grimly confirmed, "and that's the tricky part. I don't know if we'd be able to secure that kind of a commitment. The Head Captain understands how important this is, but it's not like we have infinite manpower. I know the Academy's trying to broaden the recruitment net, but the Thirteen Court Guard Squads are still stretched pretty thin. This might be something we have to tackle piecemeal."

"Got any ideas?" asked Kisuke.

Yoruichi nodded. "I'll run what you found by the Head Captain tomorrow. At the very least, he'll want us to get started on eliminating sites from the list you've compiled. I can get a Hell Butterfly out to my parent's estate tonight, and from there they can send a message to my family's ancestral homeland. That way we can at least get our local forces on the move and have them investigate the sites closest to our borders."

Kisuke scratched his chin. "How quickly do you think the old man will want to move on this?"

"There aren't any other real pressing matters at the moment," Yoruichi answered, "Manpower issues aside, there's no reason why we can't get a jump on this. Of course, it's one thing to check out static locations. If any of the wraiths actually have broken loose and didn't stick around like the one we dealt with did, then our job gets a lot harder."

Kisuke shook his head. "That's been bothering me for a while now; why did the one we encounter stay at Menar Issilaya after it had broken free? Sure, I can understand it slaughtering the people of the city that it was imprisoned in as revenge, but why stick around after that? It could've gone anywhere and wrought all sorts of carnage. Why remain where it was originally entombed?"

"It could've wished to keep a low-profile," Yoruichi suggested, "I mean, the old kingdom gave its most elite warriors the task of hunting the five of them and their master down. Maybe it didn't want a repeat of that experience."

"But it had a whole army of wights at its disposal," Kisuke pointed out, "It could've done a ton of damage, not to mention raise even more wights with each slaughter committed. We would've had to send more than just an elite group of hunters after it; we're talking a significant number of Soul Reapers to deal with a problem like this."

Yoruichi shrugged. "Look, your guess is as good as mine right now. I'd like to think that if any of the other four broke free we'd have heard about it by now, but if they're following the same pattern and staying put then that wouldn't necessarily be the case. The areas they're staying could've become corrupted like Menar Issilaya, but if they were entombed in remote locations then it would probably take a while for anyone to notice, if at all. For all we know, the one sealed beneath the Moon Tower could've been the exception rather than the rule."

Kisuke nodded. "Sealing in remote locations to limit collateral damage makes more sense, and from what I found in your family's archives most of the proposals were along that line. However, sealing beneath a populated area like Menar Issilaya did ensure that the tomb would have a steady supply of guards. The seal was ultimately broken thanks to a Menos Grande attack; without that, it's highly unlikely the wraith would've gotten loose."

"Right," Yoruichi replied as her eyes darted over the map, "Still, most of the locations you've marked here are remote ones. Either the old kingdom set up dedicated garrisons at these sites, or they were very confident in the power and duration of their sealing spells. Maybe both."

Kisuke smirked. "Only one way to find out. All we need is for the old man to give us leave to hunt them down."

"I'll let you know when that comes," said Yoruichi, "In the meantime, you're back on Maggots' Nest duty."

Kisuke smiled. "I'm sure the inmates have missed me."

Yoruichi rolled her eyes. "Well, you can have fun with them after you've bathed and gotten a decent night's sleep. Off with you; the longer you stay here, the longer it's going to take me to air this room out."

Kisuke nodded and departed, leaving Yoruichi looking down at the map on her desk.

We've got a lot of work ahead of us, but at least we know where to start, and we have a powerful new trump card in our arsenal. Itachi, you'd better train hard with your Sharingan and Shikai.

I have a feeling you'll have to put them to the test sooner rather than later.


Four days later…

Squaring off with Itachi, Visaelya drew her sword. "I'm ready."

Itachi unsheathed his blade as well, although he didn't immediately assume an opening stance like she did. "Are you sure you wish to do this again? You're under no obligation to."

Visaelya appreciated the offer, but she felt otherwise. "I want to understand the power you and Shisui have. If I'm going to help you investigate potential Shinobi in the Soul Society, then I need to have proper comprehension of these 'Kekkei Genkai' that manifest in certain families from your world. What if we run into another Uchiha that happens to be hostile? You two will be able to deal with them properly, but I won't. I have to do this."

Standing off to the right to act as referee, Shisui looked more than a little concerned. "We both appreciate the dedication you've shown for helping us, but you don't have to put on a front. Even though we had your permission, I know the first time we put you under a genjutsu shook you up pretty badly… and things haven't gotten much easier for you since then."

Visaelya took a deep breath; he wasn't wrong there. The first time Itachi had taken her and Shisui to Yoruichi's secret training ground beneath Sōkyoku Hill after they'd had a bit of time to unwind in the Seireitei after their mission, they'd given Visaelya a sampling of what they could do with their Sharingan. It had started as just a series of sparring matches where they'd copy her movements, and while she'd found it eerie Visaelya had also seen it as a unique and exciting challenge to train against.

When they'd decided to escalate and explained the concept of genjutsu in-depth to her, Visaelya had been more than a little nervous, but also curious. Illusion-type Zanpakutō weren't entirely unheard of in the Soul Society, but illusions cast through magical eyes instead were something else altogether. Despite her apprehension, she'd been quite eager to experience it. However, her anxiety had only grown when the two young men insisted that she give explicit permission and had promised her to keep things mild for her first go; she had started privately questioning just what she was getting herself into if the two of them were taking things this seriously.

Her first opponent to use this Sharingan-based genjutsu against her had been Shisui. As he'd promised, he'd kept things simple. The two of them had sparred, and in the end the illusion had been quite tame, all things considered; when it looked like he might parry one particular strike, her sword had passed through his blade as if it weren't even there, and a second later Shisui's form had grown blurred before vanishing like a mirage in the desert. She'd then felt the tip of his blade come to rest at the back of her neck a moment later.

It hadn't been the sensation of cold steel that had unnerved her, nor had it been the knowledge that if the match had been a real life-or-death fight, she would've been dead before she'd known what had hit her. Rather, it had been the realization that she hadn't been able to tell at all when she had been ensnared in the illusion. Up until the moment where her blade had gone through Shisui's as if it were naught but air, the fight had played out like any other sparring match, save for the fact that the eyes looking back at her in this match were the crimson gems of the Sharingan. Had Shisui trapped her in his spell from the moment the duel started, or had he drawn her in over the course of the fight? At what moment had her perception of reality been hijacked and warped to the aims of her opponent? The fact that it had all looked and felt real until it suddenly wasn't had been deeply unsettling, and further matches with both Shisui and Itachi under similar conditions had only further impressed upon her the ominous nature of the power her two friends wielded… and just how easily it could be abused.

Despite her fears, though, her trust in the two of them had not wavered. Each time before a match began, they would explicitly ask if she wanted them to use the hypnotic powers of the Sharingan, and they would not proceed until they had a definitive answer. She was their friend, and the fact that they placed such a heavy emphasis on her giving her consent before proceeding with these types of training sessions was evidence of how highly they valued that friendship. It was very comforting, and only reinforced her belief that joining Squad Two rather than her family's division had indeed been the right choice.

She gave them both a warm smile. "I'm grateful for your concern, but my answer remains the same. If I can't recognize when I'm caught in an illusion, then I won't be of any use to the two of you should we have to fight someone from your Realm of the Living that specializes in them. Let's do this, genjutsu and all."

Itachi nodded, bringing his sword up to a guard position as his onyx eyes became glowing rubies. "Very well, then."

Shisui raised his right hand, held it upright for a moment, and then brought it down in a chopping motion. "Begin!"

Visaelya lunged forward, determined to seize the initiative and keep Itachi on the defensive for as long as she could. Her theory was that if she made him focus on reading her movements with the Sharingan, she'd give him less of a chance to utilize the hypnotic powers of his eyes. At the very least, she wanted to see if she could force him to delay casting a genjutsu on her for a minute or two.

She pressed hard, hammering his defenses with a series of powerful overhead blows. Each impact of her blade on his was comforting; it told her that she was fighting the real him, and not an illusion.

At least, she hoped that was what it meant.

After the scare she'd gotten from the first match, Itachi had advised her to avoid making eye contact with him and Shisui in order to keep herself from getting ensnared in an illusion. This had very much proven to be a case of easier said than done, though; her natural instincts as a fighter inevitably drew her gaze towards that of her opponent in order to try and read their intentions. Fighting against that instinct had been an uphill battle, and even after several matches she would inevitably make that critical mistake. It was so ingrained in her that even as she consciously guarded against it, she would suddenly find herself making eye contact without even realizing it. That split second or so was all Itachi and Shisui had needed to put her under their spell, and by the time Visaelya had become cognizant of her error the match was already over.

So far in this match, though, she'd been able to keep from making that mistake. She'd only made eye contact with Itachi before Shisui had signaled the start of the fight, and the two of them had given their word that they would only cast their genjutsu when the duels were actually underway. If she could just keep her gaze focused anywhere but his eyes, she might just be able to make a good showing for herself this time.

Remember, the rest of his body will offer clues, she told herself, Posture, muscle tension, balance; you've trained since before the Academy to look for those signs.

She altered her attack strategy, going low and striking at his legs in an effort to unbalance him. His blade intercepted hers in a silvery flash, but she was still on the offensive. Her sword lashed out in a rapid-fire sequence of thrusts, with Itachi deflecting or sidestepping as circumstances dictated.

She went even lower, aiming for his feet now, but instead of trying to fend off her strike Itachi leapt over her. Visaelya whirled around, but in her haste to keep track of him her head naturally came up, and a moment later she found her gaze locked with that pair of crimson beacons. In desperation, she lunged at him, hoping against hope to land a strike before he could ensnare her.

It was too late. That mere fraction of a second had been all Itachi required, and rather than her blade meeting his it passed clean through. Itachi dissolved in a flurry of black feathers, and Visaelya swore she heard the cawing of crows for a moment. That wild notion passed from her mind a second later as she felt the cold steel of Itachi's Zanpakutō come to rest against the left side of her neck.

"Match!" called Shisui.

Visaelya sighed in frustration as she lowered her blade. "Damn it!"

"You did quite well," Itachi consoled her as he sheathed his sword and his eyes went back to normal, "You're aware of how your natural instincts work against you when fighting against someone like Shisui and I, and you're looking for alternatives. Further training will hone that self-awareness further, and eventually you'll be able to face us fully prepared for our genjutsu."

"You were on the right track," Shisui added, "Focusing on lower body attacks helped to reduce your chances of making eye contact. Your mistake was that you went too low, though. Once Itachi was airborne, your instincts were always going to be much harder to fight as you tried to regain sight of him. He was counting on that."

Visaelya shook her head wearily. "In other words, I was baited. You played me."

"We only said we would go easy on you when it came to the illusions themselves," Itachi reminded her, "Everything else remains fair game."

Visaelya laughed bitterly. "Right… I should've expected as much from former Shinobi."

"Try focusing your attention on my feet next time," said Itachi, "By that, I don't necessarily mean aiming at them with your sword. Rather, keep your gaze low and watch my footing. It'll feel strange at first, but eventually you'll be able to get a good read on my actions and intentions through focusing there, and it'll minimize your risk of inadvertently making eye contact."

Visaelya nodded. "I'll keep that in mind. That's definitely going to take some work, though."

"Why don't we take a break?" Shisui suggested, "We've been here for quite a while now. Visaelya, I know it might not feel like this, but you've really made a remarkable amount of progress in a short amount of time. Be patient and don't give up; Itachi and I are both going to do everything in our power to train you so that you can hold your own against people like us should the need arise."

Visaelya smiled as she sheathed her sword. "I'll hold you to that… and a break does sound nice right about now. How about some tea? My treat. Consider it thanks for all the work you two have been putting in lately to help me train."

Shisui grinned. "Tea sounds nice right about now. What do you think, Itachi?"

The two of them turned to him, and Visaelya was puzzled by how he was looking around the cavernous space that was the training ground. He seemed distracted, although by what, Visaelya couldn't say.

"Itachi, you still with us?" asked Shisui.

Itachi nodded, although Visaelya saw him glance briefly at a column of stone off in the distance. "Yes… why don't the two of you go without me this time? I'd like to stay for a while longer to train with my Shikai."

Visaelya saw his gaze meet Shisui's, and he gave the Tenth Seat a very small, almost imperceptible nod. Shisui's eyes widened ever so slightly, and for a moment he glanced at the same column of stone Itachi had looked at earlier. Was Visaelya missing something here?

She was about to speak up when Shisui began moving towards the exit. "All right, then. Don't work too hard. Come on, Visaelya; if we hurry, we should be able to beat the dinner rush at that teahouse by the barracks."

Visaelya looked back and forth between Shisui and Itachi, but the former didn't seem particularly worried about the latter. In the end, she decided not to press the matter; if it was something truly important, she trusted the two of them to talk to her about it.

"Okay," she said as she moved to catch up with him, sparing one last look over her shoulder at the Sixteenth Seat, "I'll see you later, Itachi."


Once Shisui and Visaelya had left, Itachi turned back to the stone column he'd been eyeing earlier. "You were welcome to join us, you know."

Laughter sweeter than the finest wine rang out, and none other than Yoruichi stepped out from behind the rock formation. "Found me out, eh? Nicely done! When did you first sense me?"

"Just before my last fight with Visaelya," Itachi replied as she approached, "I suspect you actually entered the training ground significantly earlier, though."

Yoruichi shook her head. "No, it actually was only a couple minutes before that match. Here I thought I had suppressed my spiritual pressure to the point that you wouldn't pick up on it. Your ability to sense spirit energy has come a long way. You'd be able to give most Lieutenants a run for their money now."

Itachi nodded. "Thank you. Why stay silent, though? We would've been more than happy to have you participate in our training as well."

Yoruichi smiled as she came up to him. "That's sweet of you, and I'm sure you mean it, but I also know you're smarter than that. You might welcome me as a training partner, and Shisui probably would as well, but Visaelya? She's much more formal and uptight when it comes to the hierarchies of both the Soul Society aristocracy and the Thirteen Court Guard Squads than the two of you. I'm all for an informal attitude most of the time, and you and Shisui go along with it nicely, but it's a different story for Visaelya. I could tell that she was relaxed with the two of you; it wouldn't be the same if I was present."

"She trusts you, just like we do," Itachi argued, "She understands how you run things."

Yoruichi sighed. "I'm sure she does, but I also know that it goes deeper than that. You were talking earlier about her instincts working against her when it came to facing the Sharingan; the same goes for social interactions as well. She sees you and Shisui as friends and peers, even if you both outrank her. When it comes to me, though, she tends to stiffen up a bit. It might not be noticeable at first glance, but the signs are there if you know how to look for them. Nothing against her, but I like being able to let my hair down with my training partners.

She then gave him a predatory smile. "Besides, I was hoping to get you all to myself. I've been so busy dealing the fallout from our mission that I haven't been able to break away until now. You're going to help me let off some steam."

"What did you have in mind?" Itachi asked, the pace of his heartbeat ticking up ever so slightly.

"You told the others that you were going to practice with your Shikai," she replied, "Is that still the plan?"

Itachi gave her a small smile. "Care to join me?"

Yoruichi grinned. "I thought you'd never ask."

Author's Notes: I had originally planned to do Itachi and Yoruichi's sparring match in this chapter, but I figured I'd taken long enough on it as it was, so it'll what kicks off the next one. Besides, I do so love teasing my audience and ending things on a cliff-hanger! I know the past few chapters have been Itachi-centric, and the next one's going to be as well, but after that I'm going to shift the spotlight around; Jiraiya needs more love, and he's going to get it!

Since this apparently still needs to be said, if you've got questions about the status of the next update, just shoot me a PM, okay? I don't mind answering, and as long as I'm not at work I'll get back to you pretty quickly.

Sorry for the delay on this one. Balancing three fics, while fun, definitely isn't easy. Life's been a bit of a hassle too in that sense, although things are looking up. I'm getting my passport paperwork taken care of so I can renew it, been saving up some serious paid vacation time that I'm shooting to use this fall with a month-long trip to Japan! Got all the money saved up, just need to get the red tape cleared and all my bookings made. So yeah, fun times hopefully ahead!

Hope you all liked the chapter! Please review, and I'll see you next time!