

Their fights later that night went well. Oh, hold on, rather Viktor's only. Viktor had gone against a man from Brazil, besting him by locking his legs around his chest slamming him down to the mat. So odd, being subverted by one's own country's martial arts, while they used kung-fu and Krav Maga techniques. When the man was down and out of commission, Viktor smirked, performing a backflip, spinning once, pointing to his down opponent with one knee up.

Nikhil, however, had the worse luck. The girl in the bikini top, Amelia, bested him by blasting her fist into his gut about three times, and spinning in the air and knocking his him down on his left shoulder. Nikhil punched the mat, as Amelia had her arms up, yipping like a cowboy at a rodeo.

Viktor was standing in the hall that led to the mat, arms were crossed like a 1950s' bad boy. Nikhil was shaking his head at him, sneering at him, "Not having it from you, Viktor," slinging his suit jacket over his shoulder. Damn girl; who let her parents run around and do that? If anything, she was most likely his sister only much younger and not carrying an affinity for the choir.

Viktor only snickered. "Someone had too much to drink," remembering what his father said back when they were at that bar.

"Whatever, Viktor; you're still in the group, so the joke is on you, boy," Nikhil rebutted.

Just as Nikhil snickered, a few figures came forward, just before the two men. There was a clear of a throat, one arm up in the air. "Excuse me, you two gentlemen?"

Viktor turned his head, wondering who the heck as calling them and why.

There was a man, about Nikhil's age. His hair was black and parted down in the middle, with a large pair of glasses sitting on his face. Viktor blinked once, almost frowning as he took note of the long, white coat on the man's person. It looked like Haruhito's coat… wait, were these two guys related…?

"My name is Dr. Katsuki Toshiya," the man spun to them, smiling so sweetly at them. "and I am the lead scientist to Eros Corporation, where my group and I are trying to conduct a very important experiment,"

"Is it to remove that damn smile on your face?" Viktor snarked at him, eyeing it. "Because mediocre-factory is down the street."

Dr. Katsuki narrowed his eyes, though he continued, "Which includes placing a living test subject into cryogenic-slumber for a certain amount of time; my group and I have chosen you, young man. Why does this experiment stand?" he chuckled to himself as a madman telling a spy his plot, "To help humanity survive and thrive in dangerous temperatures. Hot, cold, you name it; we want to help others last longer within them."

"That's a very intriguing, heroic experiment, doctor," Nikhil purred, just edging closer to him.

"What can I say? I am very much the Freddie Mercury of all biological experiments at this point," the little man giggled.

"Sorry, I'm more of a Journey fan," Nikhil rebutted, arms over his chest as a snarky African American lady.

Viktor was still very unsure of this experiment. He was not buying it for one damn second, no way…

"And what would you do to this subject? I mean, there's must be something else other than just making them into human popsicles," Viktor demanded.

Dr. Katsuki poked his pointer finger to his lip. "Oh, well, why not come with us, and find out?"

Nikhil frowned at him, not liking how he's acting like a ditzy flower-tossing girl. "You won't be taking my child; he is coming home with me, and you have no say in it,"

Viktor was perplexed, perturbed with his father's actions. "What the hell?!" his fists swung down. "I can make my own decisions, dad."

"Oh, I feared someone would try to get in the way," Dr. Katsuki admitted, his hands forming a pyramid under his chin. "So I figured, why not you join in on the experiment, sir? You'd be in the same position as your child; everyone knows how much a father strives to connect with his son or daughter." He unclasped his hands placed them behind his back.

"I've got a business to cooperate with at home," Nikhil rebutted at him, bad attitude's water washing over his face. The rest of the Circle would 'wonder' what happened to him, as Alpha Feltsman would be the most 'worried' out of them all.

"Oh, a stubborn louse, aren't we?" Dr. Katsuki tossed at him. With no other choice, Dr. Katsuki gave orders to the men that were at his disposal in an odd tongue, causing (oddly) Nikhil and Viktor to gaze right at each other. Each of Dr. Katsuki's goons removed long, silver rods from their backs and fired something odd items from them.

One landed on Viktor's chest, the boy clasping his hand over it. It was round, and black, with several diamond-like shapes on them. Viktor tried to take it off, it had stuck to his shirt and then gripped onto his skin. He griped, feeling it sting as an ant bit him.

"Ahhh! What the hell are these things?" Nikhil griped, trying to remove the one that landed on his shoulder.

Dr. Katsuki only flapped his hand down, "Oh, something that our juniors created; to help its chosen host, rela-a-a-ax." and then tilting his head left to right at them.

It was at that time, Viktor felt the ball's effects skin right into his skin. His arm felt as loose as gelatin, then, flowing down to his legs as waves, making them just as. They wobbled, as Nikhil was holding onto his shoulder, hunching down as if he had gotten into a fight. His brown eyes were spitting right at the scientist's own, hissing and pointing at him, "Sick little man, haven't you ever heard of the Belmont Report? You're obviously violating research ethics!" he reached into his coat, going for his gun, but another black-ball was thrown, latching onto his wrist.

"Hey, I told you two what the experiment was and tried to have your consent," Dr. Katsuki had his arms folded before him. There was 'plop' before them, Viktor had fallen into a dream. Nikhil jolted, turning around to find his son on the floor with his limbs splayed up and about. At a point, he had fallen into his knees as well, still looking at him. No, no else could do that to him, he figured. Dr. Katsuki then snapped his fingers, ordering the men to take the boy into their custody. While they did, Nikhil snapped his face back to him, snarling like a mad dog.

Dr. Katsuki explained, calmly walking to Nikhil. "I know I'm menacing right now, but I have to be assertive somehow; in the name of science and evolution." He took his chin. "I'm surprised men like you have at least taken psychology,"

Nikhil's chest had gone heavy, the man falling onto the floor. Dr. Katsuki inched away, his hand in his pockets.

"The only downfall to this experiment, you may ask? Well… you'll be nude while!" Dr. Katsuki sing-sang, nose to the ceiling. At that point as well, Nikhil's head began to grow heavy too. It was so odd, he hadn't felt this way since that very night—that very night with his wife—


"What the fuck?" was the last thing that Nikhil breathed, lids growing heavy and closing shut.


Ever since Nikhil had closed his eyes and his body shut down for the night, Dr. Katsuki never took that look of victory off his face. He and his personal lackeys ordered for some medics come and take their new test subjects for the journey back home. When Dr. Katsuki and his lackeys got into the plane, he spun around and around, him singing a famous verse from Queen's 'We are the Champions'. His men gazed right each other, just slightly disturbed in what they were they were seeing. Nonetheless, they shook it off, knowing that they were going back home to Japan.

It was halfway through the ride that one of Dr. Katsuki's colleagues notified him of who these men really were.

"What was that?" Dr. Katsuki suddenly piped, just dazed by what Dr. Yamato told him. He was in his late twenties, with mousy brown hair and a pair of blue eyes behind his silver glasses.

"Of course, Dr. Katsuki-sama, you've managed to capture Black Aria, one of the most notorious vigilantes in all of North America. And… one of the members of a cult known as 'Dead Man's Circle', very mysterious and dangerous as well." Dr. Yamato told him, peering at his tablet.

Dr. Katsuki's eyes fell to the floor. He frowned, but then rubbed his chin.

"Well then, Dr. Yamato-san," gazing at him. "It appears that we're vigilantes ourselves."


Two more came and went, like an eagle swooping down from the sky to catch its prey. There was a large monitor on the wall, as a figure was bunched over it. Alpha Feltsman's teeth gritted, his knuckles colliding with the surface loud as a door-knock. There were other men by his side, wearing a suit of different tones, shades, and hues of gray and black, holding their hands behind their backs. "What is happening?" Alpha Feltsman griped, tearing himself away from the monitor. "He has still not appeared! My god, how long does it take to collect one boy?" Everyone in the entire Circle knew he was Black Aria; even with his skills, the kid himself had to have some sort of limit.

It was like when they had a hit on a sly omega that sold faulty bullets to criminals. It took Alpha Nikiforov six days to hunt him down and beat the heat out of him.

A man with military-style, red hair came over to Yakov, eager to ease his troubled mind. "There's a way we can find our dear Alpha Nikiforov, Alpha Feltsman."

"What, Alpha Babichev?!" he spat at him. "How come you baboons never told me, earlier!? I would've been at ease at that time!" he chewed at his fellow alphas.

"You were too far into your troubled-daze. We wanted to let yourself relax, otherwise… well, I'll let you decide on that," Alpha Babichev smiled, humming to himself.

"Allow me," Alpha Babichev had his fellow alpha step away, typing into the keyboard. Something bluish-white appeared over his face and suit, as his eyes light up. He beckoned his fellow Alphas to come over, as he found some very vital information.

"Japan?" Alpha Feltsman questioned with a brow up. "What in the name of almighty would he be doing in Japan?"

"Good question," Alpha Babichev had a finger up, going in deep into where Alpha Nikiforov and son may be. And there. He found out where they were. The building was a large as a meat-packing factory, painted black. A red stripe streamed horizontally across the front, with a crystal-like shape on the right.

"Ugh, those dreaded colors!" one alpha with a pitch-black ducktail hairstyle gawked, turning himself from it.

"Don't empty your inventory just yet, Alpha Popovich," Alpha Feltsman piped at him. He looked and took note of what the building was called.

"You know what Eros Corporation is?" Alpha Feltsman asked Alpha Babichev.

"Yes." He confirmed. "I read and despite its menacing colors, they mean to change the world for the better." He opened a new page and showed them everything they had to know about it.

"Founded in 1992, an organization run by," Alpha Babichev began, and then—

"Betas…" hissed in unison with his fellow alphas. Alpha Komorov, a man with swept-back brown hair shook his head, mentally chastising his fellow alpha that was taken by them. So strange. What was the world coming to?

"Scoundrels in both in fashion and in this world," grunted Alpha Popovich, hand fisted.

Alpha Babichev faced his fellow comrades, a plan sitting in his mind. "Everyone, pack your items, we must travel to Eros Corporation, now." If those betas can capture one of their men, then who knows, one of them may be next.


Leo had gone back to work on the fourth day of his partner's heat. He knew he couldn't leave Guang-Hong behind, but the younger officer asked him to. He had everything he needed thanks to him. When—now as Officer de la Iglesia—checked in, the chief stormed right up to him, shaking his head like a disapproving parent.

"The hell, Officer de la Iglesia?" the chief, Officer Stevens thrashed his newspaper at him. Officer de la Iglesia appeared startled, looking right at the chief. "What happened to you? I tried calling for the past few days,"

"Officer Ji just went into heat." He answered his boss. And he would never forget how the poor boy beside him looked. Instead of appearing as a responsible and ready-to-work public servant, he appeared like a man with a disease. Sweat radiated in every part of his face and chest as he was curled up, sealing himself away from the world.

"You were what?" Officer Stevens stammered.

"I had to, chief. It is my obligation as his partner to help him in his time of need." Officer de la Iglesia patted his chest.

Officer Stevens shook his head, wanting his best officer to please understand, "Look, never mind that," he edged the officer closer to him, "there's been an attack in one of the clubs last night, three people were killed and another five were wounded."

"And has any footage been found?" Officer de la Iglesia asked.

"That was why I was calling you, man." His boss spoke. "We feared that something we'd never thought we'd live to see was at play here," he edged even closer to the officer's ear. "Betacide."


Thank you for reading. Please, please comment/review. Bye.