AN: Sorry for the long delay, I found myself caught in the trap called 'event material farming' in a mobile game I'm playing.

So, with that aside… Again, thank you for all those who read, fav, followed and reviewed this story!

And I don't own either league of legends or RWBY. These awesome things belong to Riot Games and Rooster Teeth respectively.

Act 2 – Gunmetal Canvas

"I'm covered in blood, pick me up –Ruby"

When Yang read her sister's message, the first thing that she felt was irritation. After all, it is already night-time, a time to practice lowlight combat awareness. And Yang definitely loves lowlight combat practice, especially because the darkness provides her with a good justification if she accidentally managed to punch a hole on something she cannot pay for. Or if she doesn't like a particular person, to someone's intolerable face.

And now that Ruby decided that she wanted to be melodramatic yet again, no-one could blame Yang that she is feeling quite irritated with her sister.

So when Ruby sent another follow-up message saying 'I mean my clothes, the bullets didn't hit me.', her feeling of irritation and her thought of maybe ditching up her sister to spend more time with her best friend was quickly shattered, replaced by an overwhelming sense of dread and worry.

'Wer r U?'

Yang quickly typed, ignoring all her butchered words before grabbing her combat gear and running towards the exit of the training grounds. The door is on the other side of the open field, but a quick sprint would allow her to reach the door without anyone noticing. Without her father noticing.

"Hey Yang! Where are you going? You still have your match against me!" A voice said behind her. So much for stealth, me.

Yang turned for a quick look to see a blonde boy holding an unsheathed blade jogging towards her. One scan of the area and she was flooded with relief. Nobody else notice the blonde's shout, the students not lazy enough to actually attend the night fighting exercise too busy on whatever they are doing, and her father nowhere to be seen.

That left her with one problem.

Short blonde hair, blue eyes, and a face belonging more in a fashion magazine than in a combat school.

Jaune Arc.

Wearing the traditional garb of the Xiao Long School painted on the color of the night, combined with a concrete white chest plate with rusted edges doing its best impression of a cheap Atlesian Vanguard knockoff. A straight to the point mixing of two different fashion sense, creating an abomination of a combat armor.

Well, that's how Ruby described his clothing. But for Yang herself, the boy's outfit choice is fairly decent. Plain and practical wins the day after all.

Jaune continued to look at her with curiously, oddly managing to maintain a certain distance away with his slow jog, even when Yang was already sprinting.

"Sorry Jaune, Ruby is asking for help!" Yang said before continuing her dash towards the exit. She didn't have time to stop and talk to him. Her sister is in danger.

Jaune was quick to act at that. Taking a surprisingly fast dash to catch up with her, he hastily sheathed his sword before speaking again. "I'm coming with you."

"Fine, but we're taking a ride with the bumblebee." Yang replied. It's not like she can now persuade him do to otherwise.

"Umm… The point being?" Jaune answered, a questioning tone on his voice.

"That means that you need to make sure not to shriek like a woman, again." Yang joked, trying to drown her own building anxiety.

"Well, on my defense your sister loves hearing that kind of voice." Jaune replied, a small smile on his face as he followed on behind her.

"Only when they are coming from someone with boobs Jaune." Yang laughed. A real one this time.

"Tip taken." He finished.

When Ruby said that no bullets have manage to hit her, she expect to see her sister smiling smugly while reciting poetic nonsense about how she can now dance around bullets or something like that.

Or maybe act it out on a mock one man play or interpretative dance.

Or both at the same time.

What she didn't expect is that when her sister said that, she actually means that no bullet actually managed to penetrate her aura.

Now she was there in the entrance of the dark alleyway serving as their meeting point, her perpetual smile whenever she spoke to Yang not mixing quite right with her appearance. Ruined clothes with some of its edges singed, the night black of the fabric showing her pale skin beneath the many bullet holes. But by some miracle, her cape remained untouched by the damages.

Too focused at the many holes from the supposed missed shots and scorch marks visible even in the dark alleyway they are standing on. Yang didn't notice when her sister started to talk.

"-ang… Yang! Are you even listening?" Ruby shouted, probably trying to sound as irritated as possible.

She is failing, as the obvious glee fill each of her words. Like a child trying to tell their parents about their experience in an amusement park.

"Oh?" Yang managed to say, her mind still filled with worry as she look at the beaten up form of her beloved sister. Anger is already forming within her, trying to drown out her other emotions. Begging her to punch someone or something.

Deep Breaths. Yang… Deep Breaths

After several controlled breathing, the forming anger dulled. Subdued under the feeling of serenity and focus. Not yet. Not in front of her. For the thousand times, she inwardly thanked her father about teaching her to control the rage, on showing her balance.

"I must always look like a good role model she would follow… Like Summer." Yang stared back at Ruby, still curiously looking at her eyes with an innocent smile on her face. She is leaning against a wall, her feet probably numb by now.

Deep Breaths.

Yang smiled. "Well, you surprise me there Ruby. Didn't expect you to be that kind of person. Always thought you would be the one doing the hitting considering-"

Someone from the shadows behind her sister move.

Yang was quick to react, the faint yellow glow of Ember Celica appearing with the sound of electric spark flowing through metal. The electric conduction rails and the knuckle guard connected to it turned orange, already prepared to unleash a blast of concussive force on impact.

One step forward-

And a white blur passed from behind Yang, Jaune quickly appearing behind Ruby, which put him in front of the person behind her. A faint white glow surrounds him like a ripple in water, his sword already raised to block any attack. But his shield remained resting on his side still on its scabbard form.

Instead, his left arm is raised, the white glow converging on in to form a vaguely shield shaped construct of pure aura.

His semblance, giving him total control of his own aura, allowing him to shape and pass it on his will.

Several seconds passed, and nothing happened.

The figure remained standing, doing nothing but to continue lurking on the shadows of the tall building surrounding the alleyway.

The white fluid ripple surrounding Jaune dissipated into nothing, the boy slowly dropping his guard, staying still while glaring at the uninvited person.

Ruby on the other hand have her ornate pistol already drawn, the intricately drawn roses on its barrel oddly visible as the moonlight reflected on the metal. She is leaning her arm on Jaune's right shoulder, probably using him as an aim stabilizer.

"Identify yourself." Jaune lashed out. The figure didn't reply, choosing instead to remain mysterious and creepy by remaining in the darkness of the alleyway.

Yang saw a faint flowing crimson on the man's right.

Several more seconds passed.

"You know that the crows are only supposed to stalk the carrion right?" The silence of the stand-off was broken when Ruby spoke.

'Urg… Not the time to be dramatic Ruby!'

"Oh, perceptive are we little Rose?" The figure replied.

"Of course. Artists hate it when someone followed them on their world outside the stage." Ruby replied, the sound of a pulled safety sounding as she continue to aim at the man.

Yang easily caught up on what her sister is trying to do.

'Don't!' Yang almost shoute-

"But rejoice! I'm not your typical artist. I am perfection! The whole world is my stage, and everyone is welcome to watch." Ruby said- no, acted. Exaggerated movements and speech, like someone currently acting on a theatre play.

Yang released a sigh of relief. Odd as her sister might be, Ruby knows when to behave at the very least.

Jaune on the other hand laughed, displacing the tension.

"And believe it or not, I'm only here to talk. With a certain rose, to be more precise." The figure said, stepping outside of the shadows.

Yang immediately noticed his weird black cloak that almost completely conceals his whole body.

'Strange, where is the glow coming from then?'

Never mind the cane being held on his left hand, the only part of his body from the neck down that is not hidden. Nor his 'I know all' face, having a white hair and a glasses and all of that.

A silly thought entered her mind.

Yang wanted to know what's hidden on his cloak.

"So, now that everything is fine-" Yang said, before being cut by the deafening thump she always associate with Ruby's noisy pistol.

The wall besides the man exploded, a small indention the size of a melon replacing the shattered concrete. The debris hit the man on his cloak and on his face, and still he didn't even flinch.

The many black birds surrounding them flew away, startled by the noise. Hundreds of them, which Yang didn't notice was there on the first place.

"But I hate it when noisy extras interrupt my time with my family and friends." Ruby said, her voice showing how uninterested she is that she almost shot a person on their head.

And on the other hand, the man she just shot also looks as uninterested as Ruby is.

'The hell is with these guys?'

"My apologies, Miss Rose. But still, my offer still stands. I would like to talk to you, if you don't mind?" The man said, acting like nothing has happened.

'Not good, this man is nuts. I don't want my sister being influenced by a crazy person.'

Ruby continued glaring at the man for several seconds, like she is waiting for something to happen. Then she looked at her sister, the gaze from her silver eyes questioning. Like she is trying to know what Yang herself would do in the current situation.

She's only imitating you. Yang remembered what her father said. She always smiles when talking with you, get angry at someone you are angry at. Only laugh at jokes you laughed at.

Yang smiled at Ruby, reassuring her. Ruby smiled back, before looking back at the man.

We are the only family Ruby have. She might be faking her emotions, just emulating others.

Yang looked at Ruby. At her empty silver eyes… Her dad was right.

That doesn't mean she is not a cherished part of our family.

"Of cour-" Ruby started, but Yang quickly interrupted her sister's reply.

"I don't know who you are, but if you want to talk to Ruby."

Family, her father always said.

"You need to do the talking in front of our father, Taiyang Xiao Long. And not now, we need to discuss this with father first."

"Oh, so you're her sister? And Taiyang is your father? Then if I believe correctly, you both know of a certain crow?" The man smiled. His question carrying a playful amusement in its tone. He already knows.

"Right, right. Spare me the questions creepy old man. And Ruby, no answering anything until we get home." Yang mentioned, leaning at the seat of the bumblebee before assisting her sister in sitting on the back. She glanced at Jaune, giving an apologetic smile while clasping her palms together.

"I'm really sorry Jaune." Yang said. The boy didn't even interrupt during the whole incident. He is just too polite like that.

"Nah, it's fine. We've passed on a party somewhere near here anyway. Might show the ladies my moves while I'm still here." Jaune jokingly replied. Before glancing at the man still standing there doing nothing.

"What about this guy?" He pointed at the unknown man.

"Oh, don't worry about me little knight. I'm an acquaintance of Mr. Xiao Long, I know where to find his residence." The man replied before turning back, walking towards the dark alley he have come from. The black birds seeming to follow him, flying away when he is far enough and landing on where he was heading to.

Creepy guy.

"Damn creep. I would not be surprised if that weird coat hides nothing but his old naked body. Who is that anyway?" Yang asked.

"Oh, I think that guy with the crows-" Ruby started. Not even noticing her sister's joke.

"Ravens" Replied Jaune.



Yang and Ruby asked at the same time.

"Ravens. Those didn't look like crows. The birds flocking all over us I mean." Jaune replied, staring up and scanning the rooftops. "Too large for a crow, and the sound they are making is different."

"And… You know that because?" Yang mockingly said.

"Like you, I am a student of the Eye. To uphold balance, first I need to be observant about anything." Jaune recited, sheathing his weapon back to its undeployed form. His aura shield is gone already, which brings Yang to her next question.

"Wait… Now that I've think about it. Jaune, I know father's teaching is sometimes a pain like that." Jaune faked a frown at her from that. "But I didn't expect the honor student to be the one breaking the rules."

Jaune sighed at that. But before he can explain, the both of them noticed Ruby looking at them with curious eyes.

Right, she is not one of father's students. And she didn't care enough to learn about it.

"Oh please, I like abstract expressionism like any other. But sometimes, a girl needs some context." She said with a smile to both of them.

"Well… umm, Yang?" Jaune passed the duty to her. Probably too reluctant to give something that can be considered as an open secret even to the daughter of said school.

And if the honor student can't to it, pass it to the troublemaker.

Seems legit enough.

"Ruby, you know about the how both aura and semblance are deeply connected to a person's soul right?"

Ruby nodded. Well then, here comes the info dump.

"The thing is, Taiyang… Dad's philosophy is all about equilibrium. Everything must be in balance, especially those who study under her tutelage. It's because our school are training not only to become huntsman and huntresses, but also to uphold the balance between the physical and the spiritual. That means we always need to uphold the viewpoint of a true neutral. That also means that if a person fights you with a knife, you fight with a knife."

"So when they used their semblance to fight, you also fight with one?" Ruby cut her off with a smile, being the adorable showoff that she is.

"Yes. That's why I'm asking Jaune here on why he used his semblance during the confrontation. Aura is fair game, don't ask me on why, I also don't know." Yang looked towards Jaune with a smirk, here's for revenge. "So now Jaune, I believe you need to explain to our little Ruby on why you need to use your semblance to fight."

"What?" The boy started, still unprepared to answer the sudden question. He looked at both Ruby and Yang. "Oh." He rubbed his neck, straining a laugh before continuing. "I don't know about you guys, but I've sensed something from that weird man."

"Ozpin." Ruby corrected him.

"Oh, okay. So, that Ozpin man is-" Jaune paused. "Wait, Ozpin… like that director Ozpin? Head of beacon academy Ozpin?" He continued.

Ruby just nodded to him. Not even going to elaborate on her huge revelation.

Jaune, on the other hand, looked at her dumbstruck for several seconds before continuing. "Well, umm… so, Director Ozpin has something in him. I don't know if it's his semblance, but it's something." He stared at Yang, his eyes begging her not to discuss the incident with her father. "So I think what I've did is well justified."

"Fine, fine. Excuse taken." Yang said, eliciting a sigh of relief from the boy. "Now Ruby, on the other hand."

"Umm… I don't understand?" Ruby replied to her. Jaune was also now looking at his sister, probably thinking the same as Yang.

"About that man being Ozpin?"

"Oh. Right. That man is director Ozpin, headmaster of Vale's Beacon Academy. I met him when uncle Qrow brought me to Beacon several years ago." Ruby explained, her all-knowing smirk present.

"Wait, you know him?" Jaune asked, causing Ruby to bow.

Yang smiled. 'Showoff.'

"Then why on Remnant did you shoot the guy!" The boy shouted in panic, like he just learned something important at the very moment, before clutching his head while whispering something about harassing the head of the academy where we would be studying and probably being banned to attending-


'We would be attending Beacon on the upcoming semester. And we just badmouthed its headmaster a while ago.'

Yang looked at Jaune, the boy now pale from a very obvious panic attack.

Yang then looked at Ruby, still smiling at the both of them.

"I referred both you and Jaune to Director Ozpin. You both would be upholding our school's philosophy while on Beacon for the next couple of years. I expect for you both to have fun and learn new things there, but please don't forget about my teaching. Especially you, Yang." Her father said before.

Yang looked at where the director once stood, towards the gaping hole in the wall where a bullet almost hit the director's head.

His amused reaction as they, her sister mostly, screwed up everything during their confrontation.

'Creepy old guy', she remembered saying to him.

"Well, we're screwed". Yang said, mostly to herself.

AN: Jaune is already a tank type of person in canon, so I tried not to change his semblance that much. On how and why is he in Patch, I'll try to explain it on the next few chapters.

Also, I don't know if this much canon divergence is a good idea, but I still hope you guys like it. Thanks for reading!