It was two weeks after Hinata's first day. He became friends with the team pretty quickly. He learned that Oikawa was really funny at certain times. The rest of the team is also crazy like Oikawa which makes Hinata laugh during the middle of practice. Hinata managed to forgive the team for beating Karasuno.

Over the time in those two weeks, his serves were getting better. He was getting better at blocking; Even though Hinata was short, He was on the best player on the team. He had also gotten better at receiving also. He, of course, became a regular member during practices matches.

Today was a practice match against a college team. Hinata had never been against a professional team before. He was scared of the outcome. He acknowledged that he was on a powerhouse school team.

The team won against the college team by (It was a five-set match) 3:2. It was a close call at the end. Both of the teams were in the twenties. It was one more point for Aoba jōsai. Hinata was up to serve. He did a great serve. The college team had received the ball and made it possible to a quick. Hinata ran up to the net while Oikawa toss to Hinata and Hinata had spiked the ball. It managed to pass the blockers and helped them to get the last point to win.

While during the game, Hinata forgot that they have a practice match with Karasuno. Hinata was more worried than he was during the college match. He was excited to see his old teammates, but deep down he wanted to see there faces when he does a jump serve. He quickly fell asleep while imaging their faces tomorrow.

*time skip*

This time they went to Karasuno gym instead of them going to our gyms. Hinata was excited to see his old school and his former teammates.

Right when Hinata got off the bus, he immediately ran into Daichi arms. Hinata probably didn't realize who he was running towards and made everyone on both teams laugh even Kageyama laughed. Daichi told Hinata, " Yes, I missed you too."

Nishinoya and Ryu were, of course, the people who cried while seeing Hinata. Suga and Asashi were like I missed you. The rest of the team was the same way besides Tsukishima because of he a little shit.

Oikawa had to ruin the moment by saying," Let's get this practice match going. So we can get beat your butts." The rest of the team followed after Oikawa. They all thought that Oikawa was rude for saying that.

While warming up, Hinata kept glancing at Karasuno team and kept getting hit in the face by the ball. Hinata's face had managed to get hit by the ball so many times that cause his face to get bruised. After the twentieth time, it happened, and Yes, the team had kept count, it had was time for the match.

Before the match, Hinata had talked to Kageyama. It was a simple conversation. Kageyama could tell that Hinata was not the way Kageyama remembered him. Hinata had seemed more mature. Before, Hinata left he had said a single sentence which was," You'll be shocked at how much I had improved."

The Karasuno team lineup was: Daichi (WS), Asahi (Ace/WS), Tanaka (WS), Narita (MB), Kageyama (S), Tsukishima (MB), and Nishinoya (L)

The Aoba jōsai team lineup was: Oikawa (S), Hanamaki (WS), Iwaizumi (Ace/WS), Hinata (MB), Kindaichi (MB), Kunimi (WS), and Watari (L).

Aoba was the first to receive. Karasuno had made Hinata received the ball because they knew how terrible Hinata was at receiving. Hinata managed to get perfect receive. Karasuno had managed to make it a chance ball and did a quick which Hinata also managed to block and make a point.

This had gone on for a little while. Karasuno is shocked at how much Hinata has grown. He has yet to show off his two new moves which he had worked hard to do which no one knew about besides Aoba and someone else. It was his turn to serve. Hinata threw the ball up in the air and hit the volleyball perfectly up in the air. It landed in, and everyone was too shocked to move. Hinata looked at the faces and just wanted to laugh. Hinata had thought to himself that it was exactly was the faces he imagined to be. He couldn't wait for the next serve.

Hinata had tossed the ball to make it a jump float serve. Shimada had taught him to do it along with Yamaguchi. He didn't tell the team at all during it. Yamaguchi didn't even know at first that he was also learning it. Hinata and Yamaguchi accidentally ran into each other while going to Shimada's house. Hinata was scared of how Yamaguchi would take it, but he was okay with it.

Karasuno was now even more shocked besides Yamaguchi because he already knew when it landed in the court when they thought it was an out. This went on for hours. At the end of the match, Aoba Jōsai had won by one point. Both of the teams were tired out.

Kageyama came up to Hinata and screamed, "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US YOU COULD DO THAT?" He also asked," Wait who taught you how to the jump float serve." Yamaguchi had managed to overhear it and said, " Well while I was learning to do it, I had run into Hinata at Shimada's house and apparently, he was also learning to do it."

Kageyama had an angry look on his face. He picked up Hinata and started screaming at him. Oikawa had heard the screams and rush over towards Hinata. He saw Kageyama holding his own player by the shirt and hollering at him. Yamaguchi was trying to hold Kageyama back while Hinata had moved towards the bus.

Hinata had fallen asleep on Oikawa shoulder. Oikawa sort of smiled at the sleeping sunshine. Honestly, he was blushing at that sight. Oikawa soon fell asleep. It was a long day anyway.