The sound of a heart monitor penetrated Cinnamon and Mocho's rabbit ears as they twitched groggily. Mocho's eyes opened to see he was in a hospital room before looking around as Cinnamon woke up while Lucy had Kevin remained asleep.

"Painkillers….sweet painkillers. I will never forsaken thee again." Mocho groggily mumbled, unable to feel anything in his legs or arms which were both in white casts,

"Of course that's the first thing you say." Cinnamon commented with a chuckle as she looked outside the window to see the sun was just starting to rise over the horizon. "Our parents might be asleep right now, it looks to be pretty early." The female hybrid looked back over to her brother noticing how her hair much longer hair was strung up across around the room by hooks.

"Are you kidding me? There is no way Mom is going to sleep when—" Mocho piped up before a familiar voice was heard from the hallway,

"My babies!" Fudge cried out as she ran into the room in tears,

"Told ya." The male hybrid said right before Fudge swallowed him in the biggest hug she could manage. Cinnamon rolled her eyes just as Kit, Screwball, Sweet-Tooth and Baking came into the room all of then looking a little sleep deprived with messy hair and noticeable bags under their eye's. However Cinnamon was soon pulled into a hug of her own as Kit ran over to her and jumped on her bed gently wrapping himself around her neck.

"These hospital bills might just put our family back into debt again." Kit joked attempting to hold back tears,

"I-I missed you two dad." Cinnamon replied a happy smile on her face as her eyes filled with unshed tears of her own. The female hybird soon began to cry though as Baking walked in front of her bed with a warm smile and a plate of Cinnamon's favorite (freshly-baked) cookies in his hands. Baking cupped one of Cinnamon cheeks in his hand before kissing her on the lips and placing the plate in her lap. Once the two parted Cinnamon immediately started eating as many cookies as she would while Baking silently chuckled in response and Kit finally released himself from Cinnamon's neck. Meanwhile Fudge had just managed to released her hold as well, as Sweet-Tooth have Mocho a deep kiss of his own placing his own batch of cookies in Mocho's stomach and feeding a few cookies to him.

While Fudge stood close to her son making sure to check all of his vitals and medical injuries in order to know everything she needed. And as this reunion went on Lucy and Kevin watched it with joy, having woken up a few moments after they heard Fudge cry out. But they couldn't help but wonder where they're parent were, as everyone began to try and talk to Mocho and Cinnamon while they ate. However they're staring didn't go unnoticed by Fudge who walked over to them once she saw they were awake,

"Oh you two don't have to worry, your parents will be here soon. They said they had to deal with something important at the castle." The short race said with a comforting smile.

"We get it." Lucy said,

"Great! Oh and your parents said they're gonna bring you both some burgers to eat." Fudge replied before she walked over to her family just as a doctor came into the room ready to explain what the radiated water had did to Cinnamon and Mocho.

"Yes!" Lucy cheered, as her and Kevin were very happy at the thought of given real food, unlike the small portions Hubert had given them over…well…however long they had been imprisoned. And when Vanellope and Rancis came running in to greet their children, Lucy and Kevin smiled knowing they were finally safe.

(Two Months Later….)

Mocho happily walked home with his mother from the hospital licking an ice cream cone Fudge had bought for him. The male hybrid had just gotten from the hospital to remove the casts off his newly-healed legs, and Mocho was overjoyed to be able to use them again. He wasn't sure what it was about him or his legs but somehow those appendages always got broken. And to make matters worse this time his arms had been broken as well but luckily those had only taken four weeks to heal, unlike his blasted legs!

"I'm going to get a few things outside of Sugar Rush after I drop you off at home. Please don't leave the house unless your father knows exactly where you are." Fudge warned, and Mocho nodded in understanding, even since being taken by Hue their parents had been sure to crack down on safety and knowing where they're children are. Fudge and Kit had put tracker apps on Cinnamon and Mocho's phone, had gotten an upgrade on the tracking microchips in the hybrid twins heads, wanted Cinnamon and Mocho to text or call them anything they wanted to go somewhere, and they had made it very clear for Cinnamon and Mocho to call them whenever they got to whatever location they had wanted to go to. Mocho and Cinnamon had honestly found the entire thing very overwhelming but they didn't fight they're parents wishes, they both knew the parents were worried so they tolerated it. And as Mocho walked through the front door of his family's home, Fudge kissed her son on cheek and gently shut the door behind him. Mocho looked around the room to see Cinnamon lying on the couch her hair lying all over the living room as she texted her Baking, which is something both of their lovers had consistently done since getting back from their imprisonment.

Mocho carefully maneuvered his way around Cinnamon's hair that would sometimes twitch or move a little, spark with unused electricity (something that hair was now able to use as a viable weapon), and whip out at anyone's feet whenever someone got too close. Eventually the male hybrid got past the self-aware hair and sat on the couch next to his sister before finishing off his ice cream and going to his phone to check his messages. Mocho happily answered his messages and was about to text Lucy the good news about his legs but, as if on cue, Lucy herself called his phone and the male hybrid immediately answered.

"Hey Mocho, how are you?" Lucy asked,

"I'm fine, I just got my casts off so now I can finally walk!" Mocho cheerfully announced.

"Oh good, you know Kevin and I were thinking that maybe we all could have a spa day or something. So we can relax after healing from what Hue did and everything." The princess suggested causing her friends eyes to widen in surprise,

"Oh…umm…you really want to do that? With Cinnamon and everything?" The male hybrid questioned while drawing his sister's attention to him and his phone conversation.

"Well….yeah….from what Kevin told me it seems as if Cinnamon is willing to give us a chance now. At least I think." Lucy replied and for a moment Mocho was silent in thought as he shot a curious look towards Cinnamon,

"When are you planning this?" He asked.

"Saturday at the castle, there will be food and every spa treatment known, and I'll all be private so no one will disturb us." Lucy informed and Mocho thought for a few more minutes,

"Okay, we'll be there." The male hybrid said earning a shocked look from his sister.

"Are you sure? I don't want to make you feel that you have to agree." The princess replied,

"Yes, I'm sure and thank you for this opportunity." Mocho said.

"Your welcome, Mocho, bye." Lucy said sounding very happy and pleased,

"Seeya later." Mocho replied before the line went dead and the call ended.

"What did you sign us up for?" Cinnamon demanded her ears going back in slight anger and annoyance,

"A spa day with Lucy and Kevin, it's kinda like a retreat from all the stress we've been through recently." The male half-blood replied as he put his phone away.

"Hmm….I don't know about this." His sister said, not wanting her "cool" status to be tarnished if she were seen going to the spa,

"I'll just be us with Lucy and Kevin, I promise. And they're will be food." Mocho said and for a moment all Cinnamon did was think before agreeing to go especially since there was going to be food involved. And eventually both sets of twins spa day came around. It started out at a good enough with Mocho and Cinnamon showing up and following Lucy and Kevin to where they would spend their day. Both sets of twins had fun relaxing and enjoying themselves with Lucy even going as far as to cut Cinnamon's hair short again (while wearing electricity-proof gloves once seeing how charged up it was of course). But eventually all good things must come to an end as the day turned to late night and Mocho and Cinnamon had to go.

However just as the two hybrid children were saying their goodbyes to Lucy and Kevin they're departure was stopped by Vanellope and Rancis.

"Hold on, guys. We need you all to meet someone." Vanellope said,

"And who would that be?" Cinnamon asked with a raised eyebrow her now white hair sparking slightly with unused electricity.

"You'll see, now come on." Rancis said and both sets of twins reluctantly followed, wondering who in the world could possibly want to see them. However, they're questions were soon answered as they got to the medical bay of the castle and saw someone who looked almost exactly like Hubert. The man had the same grey hair as Hue but his hair was in a long braided ponytail, his skin was a pale-mixed coloration, his eyes were green, and the bags under his eyes were almost as prominent as Hubert's. The only differences was the fact that the whites in the man's eyes were a radioactive green color and he had sharp teeth and claws tinted the same exact color.

"Who. Is. That?" Lucy and Cinnamon hissed through gritted teeth, as their bodies (as well as their respective brother's) tensed up ready to fight to the death if they needed to.

"Guys, this is Dewey, Hubert's twin brother." Vanellope clarified as Dewey himself sheepishly smiled and waved at the sets of twins,

"Oh, well if that's the case, Hubert was one of the craziest people we've met, and considering my sister and I's past that's saying something." Kevin stated and Dewey wilted radioactive-green blush quickly flooding to his cheeks.

"I'm so sorry for his behavior, its just all we had was each other and one day I sacrificed myself to save him. I...honestly can't remember what I was saving him from but I do remember that I got mutated into a horrible beast and Hubert was running tests on all of you to get my back." Dewey said doing in best to avoid any of the parties gazes, "In fact...based on Hubert's notes...Mocho was his favorite because he was the most like me and could handle things that are radioactive. And it looks like he was right if what I see from Mocho and Cinnamon isn't proof enough."

"But wait…..where were you when Hubert held us captive?" Cinnamon asked with a judgement glare despite feeling a tad bad for the man before them.

"Oh….uhh…well….I was caged and chained up. And from what I know, it appears as if Vanellope and Rancis kept me chained up and caged. Seeing as I gained full conscious stuck in a very uncomfortable and undignifying position." Dewey replied his voice dripping with slight anger and extreme embarrassment, however much to his own chagrin Mocho opened his mouth to speak. But he was quick to deflect the question before it could be spoken, "Please don't ask, I'd rather forget." Dewey shot a look over to Vanellope and Rancis silently begging them to not mention what went down in the castle medical bay after his de-mutation.

"Oh well, maybe I can help you with your…..different……appearance. I am pretty smart and have dealt with many things, I might be able to help reverse the rest of your mutation." Lucy offered a little creeped out by Dewey's mutated looks, knowing that Cinnamon, Mocho, and Kevin felt the same way.

"I actually wouldn't mind that, but you don't have to rush princess. Most of the mutation has been reversed except for these few abnormalities and I'm not contagious." Dewey informed, "However, if you do fix the mutation, do you think I can keep the new power I gained from it? I can actually see a person's code and feelings when I focus on a certain target and it's quite fascinating...I promise not to use this power for bad though."

"I promise to let you keep your power, and with any luck, I'll have you cured in a couple days." Lucy said and Dewey smiled happily,

"Thank you! I can already imagine all the stares I'd get if I remained this way. Plus its so interesting to see another person's code and to know things others wouldn't. I'm all about learning new things about people, places, items, and locations." He said the radioactive-green coloring replacing his whites glowing his happiness.

"Your welcome, Dewey. I feel the same way sometimes." Lucy replied,

"Your a lot nicer then your brother, no offense or anything." Kevin chimed in.

"No, no it's fine. I've heard that a lot….but I was wondering if I could have one request? Seeing as how well things are going right now." Dewey said gaining a nervous grin,

"Of course, what would you like?" Rancis asked.

"I was thinking...can you all allow my brother to have his freedom? I know what he did was insane, I'm not going to lie about that. But...he is my brother and once he leaves here I can assure you he won't come back." The physically mutated man said as a hopeful look entered his eyes, and for a moment everything was silent as everyone shared looks. And slowly everyone seemed to agree with the request, Mocho and Cinnamon being last as they reluctantly nodded in agreement.

"We'll allow it, as long as Hubert never steps foot in our game again, if he does, he'll be left to Lucy, and she's not as forgiving as Kevin." Vanellope said, as Dewey sported an ecstatic grin in response,

"Wonderful! But I don't blame Lucy for not being so forgiving, but trust me, once I'm done talking with my brother I'll be a miracle if he leaves our home game for awhile. I do not tolerate children being harmed even if it's in the name of science or the greater good." The man said trying his best to contain his excitement.

"Just please make sure to keep an eye on him for the impending future." Mocho said,

"Oh I will! I'm not going to let my brother muck things up again." Dewey said before Vanellope and Rancis led their guest to the dungeons where Hubert was being held.

"Well we should really get going now." The male hybrid said,

"Yeah, mom has sent me ten text messages in the last three minutes." Cinnamon added as she checked her phone.

"Seeya guys." Lucy said and the hybrid twins said their goodbyes as well before leaving, with both sets of twins glad to have everything mostly back to normal.

All while they all hoped the best for Dewey.