Authors notes:

Hello, all. I just want to say thank you for giving this story a chance. I just want to say that this will follow the movies more or less, with my own creative spin on things of course. Please, big time Middle Earth peeps, dont chew me out if some information isnt completely accurate. Like I said this is my rendition. That being said I also do not want to shame any of Tolkien's characters and whatnot either. If there is such a thing that must be corrected please PM me and I will make those changes. Thanks again and please enjoy! DISCLAIMER: I do not own anything from TOLKIEN's universe. Just my OC's :)

Italics are a characters thoughts.

{Bracket and italics are elvish words}


She yawned. It was 2 a.m. and she had been binge reading her new book. The first Lord of the Rings. The first movie was recently was released but she always likes to read the book version first, before watching the movie adaptation. Plus, she had heard many great reviews about it, so she quickly made the book purchase. Middle Earth is such an intriguing place and she found herself completely submerged in this fictional world. The characters were amazingly described and she found herself really enjoying Samwise. He is such a noble little hobbit.

She rubbed her tired eyes. She should probably get some sleep soon. She had archery practice in the morning, which she was pretty excited to get into after starting this read. She had always been drawn to archery. It felt like a more elegant way of shooting.

"Just want to finish this chapter." She said out loud to herself.

Currently the fellowship was in the mines of Moria, having just faced off against that tentacle creature.

Suddenly, her vision became blurry. The words were becoming a big mash. But then in her vision as she looked at the book, a clear sentence appeared.

'The time has come for you to return home, my dear Vaeri.'

She focused on her name. How had her name appeared in the book? She shook her had and rubbed her eyes, not believing what she was seeing. Vaeri closed the book quickly. She slowly reopened it and flipped through the pages. The chapters she had read were there, but anything unread was blank. She flipped back to the last written page. Then turned the next and there it was. That sentence. She was pretty freaked out now. Was this a gag? Her curiosity got the better of her and she went to touch the dark ink that spelled her name.

And that was the last time she saw her bedroom.

Vaeri was in a dark place. A beam of light was hitting a large slab of rock. She pretty sure it is a crypt. It was eery. She held tight to the book that was in her hands. Vaeri opened it once more. She flipped to the page that she touched. Another sentence had appeared. Just two words that would change her life forever.

'Join them.' The words echoed in her mind.

Join who? She wondered. All of a sudden she heard a voice beyond the room.

"Haugh!" Another voice shouted. She quickly hid behind a pillar.


A small man with a long red beard, clad in what looked like armour ran into the chamber. He stopped and knelt by the crypt.

"No! No!" He sobbed. "No!"

A man came in placed his hand on the kneeling mans shoulder.

A tall older man wearing all gray entered and read what appeared on the tomb. "Here lies Balin, son of Fundin, Lord of Moria.' He is dead then. It's as I feared."

'Moria', she thought to herself, wasn't that where the fellowship last appeared?' Vaeri opened her book to the second to last page that still held the writing. She saw the word Moria. Her stomach suddenly swirled. No way. She had to be wrong. There was no way that she had magically entered her book and is now in Moria. Nuh uh.

She peeked around the pillar. If this place is actually real then that must be Gimli and Gandalf. Gimli continued to wail. The rest of the fellowship were in the room now. A small boy, she presumed to be a hobbit came beside Gandalf and he handed him his hat and staff and takes from the grasp of a corpse a large and battered book. He opens it and clears the dirt from its pages.

She contemplated her next move. Should she show herself or remain hidden. Vaeri had a sinking feeling that something bad was going to happen and she knew that these people were the good guys. But before she knew it she was dragged from her spot and faced everyone.

"Who is this?" Gandalf said shocked, tearing his gaze from his book.

"I um-."

"I found the girl behind a pillar." She looked up to find a young man with long blonde hair and pointed ears. He held onto her arm tightly. The people around her began to murmur, stunned by the fact that a young girl was in the mine.

"Speak! Who are you?" Gandalf said raising his voice.

"I'm V-Vaeri." She spoke nervously, and clutched her book close to her.

Gandalf seemed to relax minutely and asked her "And how do you come to be here?"

"Honestly, I have no idea." She held out her book. "I was reading this, and my name appeared in it and now I'm here."

"May I?" The wizard asked, holding out his hand for her book.

She paused for a moment, but relinquished the book.

Gandalf quickly viewed the cover. A curious gaze. He then flipped through the pages. He paused, probably reading the last sentences that might have sent her here.

"I see." He closed the book and handed it back. "Keep it safe, for it may be your way home when the time comes."

"This young lady will be joining us." Gandalf began and right away a sound of disagreement was heard. "It is meant to be, and I will not hear anything more of it." Vaeri finally felt the grip on her arm disappear.

The elf, which she figured to be Legolas went to stand beside another man. "We must move on, we cannot linger!" The man beside him must be Aragorn, she figured.

Gandalf began reading. "They have taken the bridge, and the second hall. We have barred the gates, but cannot hold them for long. The ground shakes. Drums, drums in the deep." He turned the page. "We cannot get out. A Shadow moves in the dark. We cannot get out…They are coming."

Vaeri spotted one the hobbits heading to a corpse sitting by a stone well with an arrow in its chest. Curiously, he reached out and lightly touched the arrow. The arrowhead broke off from the rest of the corpse, causing first the skull, then the body, then the chain and bucket to go over the side of the well and drop far below. The noise echoed from hall to hall. The little hobbit winced at each new wave of noise. Then there was silence. The Fellowship began to relax.

Gandalfslammed the book shut. "Fool of a Took! Throw yourself in next time and rid us of your stupidity!" Vaeri realized that that hobbit was Pippin.

Just then, drums echoed up from deep below. Terror creeped into everyone ones faces. Vaeri held tight to her book.

"Frodo!" Another hobbit, probably Sam she figured shouted. Frodo's sword began to glow an ominous blue.

"Orcs!" Legolas yelled.

One of the men, Boromir she worked out, went to the door to have a look. Arrows were shot and hit the door near his face.

"Get back!" Aragorn yelled to the hobbits. "Stay close to Gandalf!"

"You as well." Legolas pushed her back. Vaeri didn't hesitate and went to the wizard for protection.

Aragorn, dropped his torch, and ran to Boromir and closed the doors. A noised echoed into the room form outside

"They have a cave troll." Boromir said wryly.

Legolas tossed weapons to Boromir and Aragorn to help blockade the door. Vaeri looked to her side and saw a bow on the ground and a few stay arrows. The Fellowship drew their weapons and Gimli leapt atop Balin's tomb and brandished his axe

"Aarrgghhh! Let them come! There is one dwarf yet in Moria that still draws breath!" Gimli shouted.

Orcs began breaking the door down. Legolas and Aragorn shoot at them through the holes in the door. Vaeri went to pick up the bow and arrows. She shoved her book into a tight crevice, protecting it. Vaeri readied herself, knocking an arrow. She was shaking and knew that she wouldn't be of any help if it continued. It was kill or be killed. She took a few deep breaths and steadied her hands. The orcs broke through and the battle began. Vaeri and the Fellowship engaged the orcs. She aimed at the orcs but each time before she was confident to release her arrow, the orc was either already shot by Legolas or slashed by a sword. The hobbits yelled and joined in. Vaeri still stood stunned by the violence.

A cave troll smashed through the doorway. Legolas took a shot at it and the beast growled. Sam looked up to see the troll swinging his mace down at him, and ran under the troll's legs. The troll swung twice at Gimli, but hit first the tomb, then an Orc instead. Then its attention is drawn to Vaeri. She finally lets an arrow loose and hit it square in the eye. She saw the beast swing its mace and jumped out of the releases two arrows and hits the beast distracting it from her.

The troll swung his chain at Legolas, who avoids it until the troll wraps it around a pillar. Legolas stamps the chain tight and then runs along it onto the troll's head. He shoots the troll and then jumps off. Vaeri watched amazed until an orc charged at her. She went to hit it with her bow, with little effect and orc slashed her with its sword along her arm. She screamed and fell to the ground. Next thing she knew that orc lost its head thanks to Aragorn. She nodded her thanks, and he took off. Vaeri got up and hid away still clutching her bow close to her wounded arm.

She watched as the troll looked for Frodo as he hid behind a pillar. Though the troll finds him nevertheless and grabs him.

"Frodo!" She yelled. Frodo falls on his back into a corner. The troll lifts and drags Frodo off the edge. Vaeri drew up all the courage she had and aimed her arrow. She strained against the pain in her arm.

"Aragorn? Aragorn!" Frodo yelled. Vaeri then released the arrow hitting it in the hand which caused it to drop Frodo.

"Frodo!" Aragorn came in to defend Frodo. "Yaaahh!"

Aragorn grabbed a spear from the floor and stabbed the troll with it. The troll, infuriated, hits Aragorn and sent him flying across the room. He collapsed onto the and Frodo race after him and try to rouse him, but Aragorn is too stunned to move.

Frodo begins to run but the troll blocks Frodo's path with its spear, throwing him back into Vaeri. Vaeri grabs Frodo's shoulders to help him up, currently standing behind him. But then the troll appeared in front of them and troll takes aim and stabs Frodo in the chest. The force of the impact made Vaeri strike her head against the hard wall. And she fell to the ground.


"Frodo? Frodo!" Sam yelled from across the room. Frodo slumped to the floor.

"Yaahh!" Merry and Pippin yelled.

They leapt onto the troll's head and start stabbing him. The troll flailed at its head, finally grabbing Merry, swinging him around and threw him to the ground. The Fellowship redoubles its efforts against Orcs and troll. Gandalf and Gimli take turns stabbing at the troll and dodging out of range. Legolas takes aim. With Pippin stabbing the troll one more time on the head, the troll opens its mouth. Legolas delivers the deathblow.

The troll moaned and then collapsed to the ground. Pippin is thrown against the floor and is knocked out. There is a moment of silence. All Orcs were dead or fled. It was over.

"Oh no!" Aragorn said.

He runs towards Frodo and turns him over. Frodo groans.

"He's alive!" Sam gleefully said.

"I'm all right, I'm not hurt."

"You should be dead! That spear would have skewered a wild boar." Aragorn said.

"I think there's more to this hobbit than meets the eye." Gandalf said with a small smile.

Frodo lifts his shirt reveals his Mithril one.

"Mithril!" Gimli said in awe. "You are full of surprises Master Baggins."

"The girl," Frodo said looking behind him. "Is she alright?"

Gandalf came to her side and examined her. He saw the cut on her arm, and noticed that it had almost healed. 'That is not mortal healing.' He thought to himself. "She is unconscious but will be fine." Gandalf went to the hiding spot of Vaeri's book and handed it to Aragorn. "Keep her and this safe." Passing the book off to Aragorn.

Orcs are once again heard down the hall.

"Legolas, carry Vaeri."Gandalf said, and Legolas nodded. "To the bridge of Khazad-dum!"

Legolas swiftly picked her up.

The Fellowship ran out the rear door of the chamber, closely pursued by an army of orcs. Other orcs sprung out from the floor or crawled from the ceiling and down the pillars like spiders. They surrounded the Fellowship, who have drawn their weapons outward. Vaeri began to move in Legolas' arms. She opened her eyes to see him.

"Can you stand?" He asked not taking his eyes off of the impending threat.

"Yes." He quickly set her down and pulled out his weapon. 'There are so many of them. How were they going to make it out alive?' Vaeri stood in the middle of the circle, feeling hopeless. Just then a fiery light appeared at the end of a hall followed by a thunderous growl. The orcs, scared, and fled panicking in all directions.

"What is this new devilry?" Boromir questioned.

"A Balrog- a demon of the ancient world." Gandalf said and Legolas looked wide eyed. "This foe is beyond any of you. Run!"

The Fellowship Vaeri entered a passageway, then down a flight of steps. Parts of the steps end into a chasm and Boromir nearly fell into one, Legolas pulling him back at the last second. The Hobbits too, stop short of falling in. They take another flight of stairs down. Aragorn, Vaeri, and Gandalf bring up the rear.

"Gandalf." Aragorn said.

"Lead them on Aragorn. The bridge is near." Gandalf said, but Aragorn resists. "Do as I say! Swords are no more use here."

Aragorn pulled Vaeri along.

The Fellowship encountered a gap on the stairs. Legolas leapt forward and lands on the other side.

Legolas beckoned the wizard. "Gandalf."

Gandalf leapt after him.

Arrows whistled into the air, striking the stone steps at their feet. Legolas and Aragorn shoot back.

"Merry! Pippin!" Boromir says grabbing the hobbits and leaps. "Hoo-aah!" Part of the staircase breaks away.

Aragorn throws Sam next.

Aragorn reaches to pick up Gimli.

Gimli holds up his hand. "Nobody tosses a dwarf." Vaeri couldn't help but smile at his dwarvish pride.

He leapt forward but nearly falls back into the chasm. Legolas grabbed his beard.

"Not the beard!" Exclaimed Gimli and was thankfully pulled to safety.

Some more of the stone steps crumble and fall into the abyss. Aragorn pushed Frodo and Vaeri back up the steps and clambers after them. They struggle to their feet and look at the widened gap that separates them from the rest of the fellowship. Vaeri makes eye contact with Legolas. He noticed the fear in her eyes and gives her a confident nod. The Balrog is heard approaching from the other hall, its the fiery light is seen getting closer. Stone structures around the mine collapse as it draws near. A huge rock falls from the ceiling and smashes down the steps behind Aragorn, Vaeri, and Frodo, creating another gap behind them and weakening the stairs' foundation. Vaeri let out a terrified screech. The stairs begin to wobble.

"Stay there." Aragorn instructed, his arms on either side of them. "Hold on. Hang on! Lean forward!"

"Come on!" Legolas said watching them.

They shift their weight forward, tipping the stairs across the divide and slamming onto the steps where their companions are. Frodo and Aragorn land into Boromir's arms and Vaeri into Legolas'. Turning, they continue to run down the stairs as the stone structures collapse behind them. Legolas had a firm grasp of Vaeri's hand, pulling her along

"Over the bridge! Fly!" Gandalf yelled. The Balrog was now crawling behind them.

The Fellowship and Vaeri cross the bridge. Gandalf turns to face the Balrog and it growls menacingly at him.

"You cannot pass!"

"Gandalf!" Frodo yells.

A blazing light radiates from Gandalf's staff, illuminating the entire bridge.

"Iam the servant of the secret fire, wielder of the flame of Anor. The dark fire will not avail you! Flame of Udun!"

The Balrog strikes down on Gandalf with its flaming sword. Gandalf parries the blow with Glamdring, shattering the Balrog's sword.

"Go back to the shadow!" Gandalf yells.

The Balrog brandishes a flaming whip, lashing it about menacingly.


Gandalf strikes his staff onto the bridge. As the Balrog steps forward, the bridge collapses from under it and the demon plunges backward into the chasm. Gandalf, exhausted, leans on his staff and watches the Balrog fall then turns to follow the others. At the last minute, the flaming whip lashes up from the depths of the abyss and wounds about Gandalf's ankle, dragging him over the edge. He clings onto the bridge but is straining to keep his grip.

Frodo rushes forward but Boromir restrains him. Vaeri stared at the scene mortified.

"No, Frodo!" Boromir told him.

"Gandaaaaalf!" Frodo yells.

"Fly you fools!" Gandalf says and loses his grip and falls into the chasm.

"Noooooooooooooooo!" Frodo screams.

Boromir grabs hold of Frodo and starts to leave. "Aragorn!"

Vaeri cant believe what just happened and Legolas grabs her arm dragging her away.
The Fellowship comes streaming out of the East Gate of Moria. Everyone is distraught. Sam sits on the ground, bows his head onto his hands and begins to weep. Merry consoles Pippin, who lay crying. Boromir tries to restrain Gimli as the dwarf vents out his rage and sorrow. Legolas wears a look of shock and disbelief, next to him Vaeri sits on a rock, in complete shock.

She didn't know what to make of her situation. She replayed the recent events in her head. She was at home, reading, next thing she knows she is in Moria. Then the orc attack, the Balrog, and now Gandalf, a wizard from a fictional story, died in front of her. She shook her head in disbelief.

"My book." She remembered. "My book! I left it in the mine!" She turned back. All hope lost of getting home.

Aragorn wiped his sword clean, re-sheathes it and turns to the girl. He didn't know what to make of her. Suddenly appearing as she did seemed suspicious, but Gandalf seemed to trust her. She was oddly dressed in loose fitting attire with a strange pattern. Rabbits? He did notice she fought bravely in Balin's chamber. She looking toward the mine that she thought still held her book. Aragorn pulled out the book and looked at it. It was titled The Fellowship of the Ring. That made him curious, as it seemed to describe his current journey. He opened it to a random page. He read it for a moment and it described in great detailed the events when he first met the hobbits. How did she come to possess this information? He flipped through until the last written page.

There it said.

'Aragorn. The girl will be your salvation. Protect her and she will protect you.'

Then the words disappeared.

He closed the book, no longer distrusting Gandalf. He went to Vaeri.

"Vaeri, correct?" He said handing her the book.

She looked at him and then down to the book. "Yes, thank you." Vaeri hugged the book. Hope wasn't lost.

"I'm afraid introductions will have to wait." He said to her. "Legolas, get them up."

Having overheard the conversation Boromir spoke up. "Give them a moment for pity's sake. "

"By nightfall these hills will be swarming with orcs! We must reach the Woods of Lothlorien. Come Boromir, Legolas, Gimli, get them up." Aragorn said, Boromoir was hesitant but understood.

Vaeri held her book close and followed after Aragorn. Then she remembered the gash on her arm. Though there was little pain. She looked down only to see a slightly red gash that seemed to have healed significantly. 'But that was impossible.' She thought. She shook her head. She was having a hard time treating this as reality.

Aragorn reached down and lifts Sam up. "On your feet Sam." He looked around. "Frodo? Frodo!"

Frodo, a few paces away, was grieving alone. Weeping silently, he turns towards Aragorn. Vaeri saw him and ran up and held out a hand to the small hobbit. He wiped a tear and held onto her hand. Vaeri understood what he was feeling. Though she spoke no words, her actions were comforting to the hobbit.

So how was that? Please leave a review and enjoy the next chapter!