(A/N): hey hey? How are you guys doing? Sorry for the delay of this chapter I'm a little busy IRL and I have less time to work on these anyway please enjoy

It's been a month since Ruby and Yang left the farm and lived in Nick's home. They or Ruby and Weiss have been taking care of things while he was gone. The house has never looked so lively. Ruby found some furniture's in the basement. The decorations and paintings belonged to the previous owner of the house, unrelated to him. Nick said that he never did care about putting them on, so he just left them there. Weiss asked if she could place them around the house. Nick thought about it and he agreed to their request. Next was the garden that he left to dry. Yang who always took care of the gardens back in the old mansion so instinctively she was the one took out the weeds, cut the dead plants and started to replace them by buying potted plants in the market. Nick does give the girls money every week, so Yang was able to save up and replace the dead plants on the garden. It's all coming together. The once dead looking house has become very vibrant. Nick is also pleased with how the house looked.

Weiss also has improved on her cooking by following Nick's recipes and Ruby is trying to keep up with her training, Yang become more little trusting of the fox faunus as time goes by

Rudy is just by the garden hanging out clothes to dry then she heard the black gate creak open, she looks over and sees Nick. He came back early this time. Rudy rushes over to him.

Rudy: Sir! Welcome back!

Nick receives a warm welcome embrace from Ruby while the Yang and Weiss just walk to him. Yang chuckle from Rudy action while Weiss isn't really pleased

Nick: Ahaha, easy now little rose I just came back

Weiss: Ruby, what did I told you about jumping at Nick you might hurt him!

Rudy: Well it's rare for him to come back home this early

Nick: You missed me that much?

Judy blushed, Well y-yes

Yang: yeah yeah we miss all right can we find something to eat?

Nick: Well don't worry Ruby we have the rest of the day to spend together and Yang is right why don't we go eat outside for a change, I will go change to something more-

Suddenly Nick collapsed on the floor

The girls: NICK!

Weiss rushes over to him to check if he's ok. He was still breathing but he was also shaking. They dragged him to the living room couch placed a blanket over him and rushes outside to get a carriage. Not forgetting to lock the gate of course. About an hour later they manage to get back home with Dr. Grey

Dr. Grey: Tell me what happened dear

Rudy: I-I don't know, he just came back this morning and he suddenly fell to the floor

Dr. Grey: Has he been taking the medicine?

Rudy: Yes, Weiss always remind him every morning and he does take it after breakfast

Dr. Grey: Tell me did he came back home yesterday afternoon?

Yang: No, he came back at night I think. I fell asleep in the living room waiting for him, I just thought he probably got back when I was asleep and just this morning I saw him leave without eating breakfast

Dr. Grey: Then you shouldn't worry girls, it's probably his body just got tired

Weiss: Doctor? Is Nick ill? I remember when you and I first met he was puking

Dr. Grey: Well I can't really say for sure

Weiss: What do you mean?

Dr. Grey: Has he ever told you girls what was his previous job?

Yang: He never told us about it nor has he mentioned it what is it then

Nick begins to wake up, groaning, feeling his head hurt after dropping his face on the ground.

Dr. Grey: I don't know much about it but I'll leave it be. Have him explain it to you next time but be subtle about it so do you girls' interest in trying out my new experimental electric shock devise that will get you high

Yang: well I think-

Nick: Oh…..ouch, Yang you are forbidden to take any part of her invention with the word experimental in it

Rudy: Sir! You're awake!

Rudy and Weiss gave him another hug while Yang stand on the side of the couch not sure what to do

Nick: Second one today huh? You not joining Yang?

Dr. Grey: it's not the time for jokes as I told you before Nick, you should be more careful! You gave these girls a heart attack after seeing you lying on the floor! they came running to my place like a cheetah, crying out for help.

Nick: Sorry

Dr. Grey: You may be getting better but don't overwork yourself too much otherwise some low life faunus might find you collapsed on the street and do god knows what to you!

Nick: Okay I'm sorry

Dr. Grey: It isn't me you should be apologizing to

she points on both girls crying on his chest.

Dr. Grey: girls I know this is sad and all but I have to talk to him it's only for a little bit

Yang forcefully pull Ruby and Wiess from Nick and leave the room to the doctor

Nick: …..this is because of you

Dr. Grey: I know and I'm sorry

Nick: I have been suffering this for gods know how long, I have been changing names after names life after life lies after lies

Dr. Grey: Nick we had this conversation so many time and my answer is still the same I'm sorry of what we did to you I was just trying to do what I thought was right

Nick: right for the nation or right for you

Dr. Grey: I was young no, we were so young we never thought it would turn out this way


Nick's eyes turn red as blood and black veins appear around his body but slowly turn back to normal as he calms down

Nick: I'm sorry I shouted I'm just a little paranoid maybe scared too that the other's might try to find me again and- th- they might hurt the girls

Dr. Grey: it's okay I understand I'm still trying to find a cure so don't you worry I'll take my leave now

She leaves the house. Nick felt a bit guilty, he wakes up from the couch and walks to the kitchen to see Weiss cooking some food still tearing up

Nick: I'm sorry that I worried you girls there where's Yang and Ruby?

Weiss: They are upstairs, does this happen before?

Nick: Weiss I know you must be very angry

Weiss: angry? ANGRY!? I don't even know I feel when I saw you on the floor

Nick: I- I

Weiss: just...just answer me does this happen before

Nick: Quite rarely but not as often as you think

Weiss: Please be careful from now on…I- we don't think we could handle losing you. You've been the best person we have ever met so, please….

As she continues to cry, Weiss clutches his clothes burying herself on his chest. Nick tries to comfort her

Nick: there, there, I'm sorry I made you worry. I promise to take better care of myself from now on

Weiss lets go and wipe her tears as they both agreed that everything is fine for the moment.

Weiss: Keep that promise for me

Nick: I promise to keep it

Weiss wipe the last remaining tears.

Nick: You humans are so emotional

Nick patted her head She always looked so cute to him, especially when she smiles like that she's always beautiful when she smiles

Seeing the moment of worry dissipate Nick began to say something.

Nick: Oh yeah, I wanted to you girls if you want to come with me tomorrow?

Weiss: Where to?

Nick: For a festival. The City of Vale is preparing one

Weiss: Really?

Nick: Yes, but you all will have to stick with me. I don't want you getting lost.

Weiss: Alright then! Well, I guess its lunch time and I must go and cook now.

Nick: Well I did promise to show you a new recipe, well let me just get up and-

Weiss: No, please rest. We'll do it another time.

Nick: Ok doc I'll just take a seat here

Weiss continue to cook. She wonders what Dr. Grey meant. What was his previous job? Did that lead to how he is right now? As much as Weiss wants to ask about it. She felt like it would be very serious, or she might even be opening some old wounds, but she guessed whether that had something to do with the rumors of him being a nightmare. She worries about it, but he doesn't seem quite concerned about all this. Probably because he's used to it. Still, she wants to know

Weiss: It's been a month now, I've heard tales about you from outside. They are not something I liked to hear. I still don't understand why you are called a-a…nightmare

Weiss hid her face scared to see his reaction from it. Nick patted her head and gets down on one knee to face her as he held her face close.

Nick: Okay I'll tell you about it, but when the time's right

Weiss: You're not mad?

Nick: Why would I be?

Weiss: said that it might be a touchy subject if I asked

Nick: It is but I really don't want to talk about it right now

Weiss: I'm sorry

Nick: Don't be. I actually want to thank you, girls, for worrying about me, not only that I thank you for taking care of me and my home while I'm away. To tell you the truth I always didn't have time to decorate or even water the gardens, so they were left into that state. And now you all have taken a very good care of my home. Even after hearing those rumors about me, you still cared. So, I thank you for everything you've done for me so far

Weiss: No sir, I should be the one thanking you! Without you, I might in somewhere else the is worse and I would have never learned so much about cooking, and-and so much more. So, I'm glad to be by your side, I don't care about what the rumors are, but I just want you to be safe because you have been the m-most important person in my life!

Weiss blushed as she just realized that it was almost close to something like a confession. Nick smiled, he never had anyone cared about him so much, besides some friends. Nick wonders what this warm feeling is like. He couldn't help but give her a warm hug. Thank you

Weiss was surprised by it, but she also held him around her arms.

Nick: I promise you that I'll be more careful from now on, so you don't have to worry about me anymore

Judy smiled, I thank you as well, for treating me no, treating us all with so much kindness

Nick lets go and wipes a small tear from his eye, ok well I think its fine for me to walk around again, and uh your pot it's boiling

it was boiling so much that it overflows

(A/N): well thank you for reading this chapter I hope you enjoy it