A/N: Written for Hermione's Haven Roll-a-Drabble Prompt in September 2019 (yes, you read that date right, I'm terribly late with this one!) My Roll-a-Drabble prompts were: Hermione/Viktor and Body/Mind Swap.

No beta other than Grammarly. I will be updating these for each month that I do them. They will have a variety of pairings, but all are starring Hermione. Ratings will be a solid M for curse words. And the goal is to be between 100-1k words. Find me on Tumblr at crochetawayhpff.


"And that's why we'll have to…" Hermione cut herself off suddenly because she was no longer in the Ministry boardroom giving a presentation to her department head. She was suddenly, inexplicably on a broom, hundreds of feet in the air. She screamed then, grabbing onto the broom for dear life, while slowly trying to glide it back down to solid ground.

"Krum!" a man was shouting off to her left. "What in the bloody hell are you doing?"

Hermione ignored the man and continued trying to make her way down to what she now realized was a Quidditch pitch.

It was at about that moment she realized that the hands and arms gripping the broom weren't hers at all. They were very masculine and familiar. They almost looked like…. her husband's appendages.

Had she and Viktor somehow swapped bodies? Was that even possible? It was the only explanation and then with horror she realized that if that was the case, then Viktor was in London attempting to give her presentation. Her very important presentation, the one she spent three weeks preparing for.

The minute her feet were on the ground, she sprinted toward the sidelines and the locker rooms. She now recognized that she was at the practice facility where Viktor's team worked out.

"Krum!" his coach was still shouting after her, but Hermione ignored him. Viktor could explain it all later, right now, Hermione had to get to the Ministry as quickly as possible.

One moment, Viktor Krum had been at practice, running drills with his Seeker coach, and the next he found himself in a boardroom staring at a bunch of old wizards.

"Uh, excuse me a moment," he said, shocked to hear his wife's voice come out of his mouth. He covered the shock well because it soon warmed to surprise and then delight. There was only one reason that he and his wife would have spontaneously switched bodies. He hurried to her office, knowing that she would likely be on her way. He hoped she made it off of the broom alright, but with his entire team there, it wasn't like they would let her fall.

He had just entered her office, when his wife, wearing his body, barreled in after him.

"Viktor?" she asked, his deep voice rumbling.

"Yes, it's me," he confirmed.

"What in the world is going on? How is this even possible? Oh, my presentation! Did you finish it? I think I'm going to be sick," Hermione moaned.

"Alright, have a seat," Viktor said, ushering her to the swivel chair behind her desk and pulling out her wastebasket. "Here, if you need to be sick…"

Hermione nodded and dropped her head into her hands. "You seem to be taking this surprisingly well," she mumbled.

"It's temporary," Viktor replied, rubbing her back soothingly. "It'll last an hour, tops, then we'll switch back."

"How do you know? What caused it?"

"It's an uncommon side-effect, but not completely rare," he explained.

"A side-effect of what?" she demanded, glaring at him from his own body. It was strange to see one of her signature looks on his face.

"Pregnancy," he said with a grin. He watched his face as it went from frustration, to confusion, to elation all within the span of a few seconds.

"Pregnant? Really? Are you sure?" Her hands reached down to cup her belly and then she laughed when she remembered she was still in his body.

Viktor nodded. "Baby's can do accidental magic in the womb. The mom/dad mind swap is a well-documented effect of magical pregnancy. It calms down by the end of the first trimester usually."

"We're going to have a baby!" she said, tears forming at the corners of her eyes as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. It was strange, hugging his larger body with her smaller one, but the happiness that Hermione was feeling was contagious. They had been trying for so long. It seemed a miracle that it had finally happened.
