Ok, Second story. Disclamier: I do not own warriors nor will I ever.

I'm just gonna throw this out and say I'm gonna break some warriors high stereotypes. Foxleap will NOT be the prankster, Dovewing isn't a diva, Jayfeather is not going to be emo, and Heathertail isn't a grade A jerk. The only ones who say the same are Lionblaze and Hollyleaf. And of course everyone is the same age here. Except the teachers.

So let's get to it shall we?!

Lionblaze POV

The golden haired brute believed nothing could ruin his perfect day. He was wrong.

Pop quiz. A freaking Pop quiz on Monday. Lionblaze had groaned internally as the rest of the class did. Gray Wing, the history teacher, was a good and fun teacher, sighed as well. "Listen I know you hate them, frankly I do too. But if I don't give you guys a minimum of five of these, I get fired. We wouldn't want that now would we?"

A student (who sounded a lot like Ivypool) coughed "On the good days."

Half the class laughed as Gray Wing smiled a bit "But I didn't say they were hard quizzes," as he passed them out "Take a Look." And as the class did Lionblaze stared at it in shock. Where did the original warrior clans live? Why did they have to move? "These are easy!"

All of the class (including Lionblaze) cheered. Gray Wing hollered "SHUT UP!" And the class did "We wouldn't want Bluestar coming in and notice what I'm doing! Time starts now."

Lionblaze filled up the questions "We lived in the Appalachian mountains in America. Because the colonists feared us. We moved to Northern Alaska where we adapted to survive. We're called the Democracy of Warriors. America recognized our country. Country is called Forrestlake. Children separated from parents at birth so heritage does not make anybody better the the other." Barely five minutes in he had finished and placed the quiz on Gray Wings desk (who was playing Angry Birds quite loudly).

After another five minutes and the last student had finished. Gray Wing smiled and "I hope you all remembered to check the back."

Silence. Dead silence.

Gray Wing laughed like a maniac "Kidding," he then lowered his voice "Why so serious?"

Lionblaze relaxed and Gray Wing smiled "Rest of the day off. Want to stay I can put on Netflix and we can all watch 'The Flash.'" Lionblaze shook his head and bolted out the door along with several other students.

"God, I was so tense!" Hazeltail blurted.

"If that was hard for you then you deserve that F!" Honeyfern smirked

"I don't know, the first question was really hard!" Berrynose smiled "Why would he put 'Name' as the first question?! IT IS SO HARD!"

The crew laughed. Lionblaze smirked and walked away "I hate pop quizzes. See ya guys, I gotta go."

Poppyfrost looked at him "Where you going?"

Lionblaze looked back "To see someone."

Lionblaze waved goodbye to his friends and raced down the hallways. As he passed dorm rooms and posters of upcoming dances and school websites, he smiled and slowed his pace. He began to reflect on all the good memories of this place. Food fights, football games, friends. He was now a senior, and was the top of the world. Quite literally, Forrestlake was close to the north pole.

He took a left and came across a huge doorway with a screen on the wall. He had placed his right hand on the screen letting it scan his palm. After several seconds the light turned green and the door opened up to the gym, a huge court with basketball hoops, a workout area, and a a detachable volleyball net in case they got tired of basketball. At the end their was a stage with a huge screen behind it. Occasionally, the school would get together and watch a educational film, but Foxleap had always hacked the projector to play Deadpool or Star Wars or other stuff. The teachers would try to stop it or get the students to leave but The automatic doors were always locked. The techers would always try again with new counter measures every month. It never worked. Gray Wing was always smiling and was known to bring a popcorn machine.

As he walked under the bleachers, he met the person he was waiting for. Or the person was waiting for him

"There you are Lionblaze! You have to be the most Unreliable Boyfriend ever!" She said

Lionblaze smiled "Hey Heathertail."

Foxleap POV

"BLUE. FOXTROT. GOT A NEW ALPHA. Please they need to up their game!" the ginger headed hacker thought as he hacked into the bank "Twenty bucks, 15 cents, Wait no 24 cents. Taxes are always high on Mondays."

Foxleap grinned as the transaction was starting. A lot of money, but not enough to be noticed if transacted by different accounts. Foxleap moved his chair to another screen.

His lair or as Foxleap liked to call it "The Foxcave," was a medium sized rectangular office with several computers, TVs, camera screens that show the school, computer monitors all around the walls. With a door to the bathroom Ivypool once said it looked like the Riddlers cave from Arkham Origins mixed with the Batcave and Jurassic Worlds Control room.

Foxleap smirked as he clapped his hands. "TRANSACTION COMPLETE, SIR," Came the automated female British voice who he nicknamed K.A.R.A.I. Kontrol Advanced Reconstructing Artifical Intelligence. He made it himself "WOULD YOU LIKE TO PROCEED AS PLANNED?"

Foxleap smiled "Go ahead." "ORDER MADE. DELIVERY IN FIFTEEN MINUTES." was her response.

The Ginger Haired maniac laughed. "Hack the delivery drone. See if we can't push it to ten." "ALREADY ON IT, SIR. ARRIVAL IN APPROXIMATELY TEN MINUTES"

He got off his chair and walked to one of the walls. He placed his hand on the wall. "DO YOU WISH TO LEAVE THE LAIR, SIR?"

Foxleap groaned "What did we talk about?!" "THE 'FOXCAVE', SIR?" K.A.R.A.I said in a sarcastic tone. "Yes," Foxleap replied.

The wall split in two sliding off into a small crevice. It opened up to a small basement filled with boxes of old junk and clothes. He walked up the stairs to a sweet lodge. (Think the Cullens House from That accursed movie Twilight.) As he opened the door he looked over the hill the house was standing on to see the high school. He got the house after winning a lottery ticket for 100 million dollars. Of course he rigged it, but no one knew that except for him and K.A.R.A.I.

As he smiled he noticed a small drone carrying something. "I thought we said it would take ten minutes." "I LIED. I HOPE IT WAS A NICE SURPRISE."

The drone dropped the package and flew away. What it had dropped was a pizza box.

"Nice, Pepperoni pizza all for me," he said picking up the box and shutting the door retreating to his Foxcave.

Lionblaze POV

"So how have you been?" Lionblaze asked his girlfriend "I heard that that Wind was suspicious of us."

Heathertail shrugged her shoulders "No, I'm fine. Wind just grew curious and I answered some questions. Nobody knows about us." She smiled before kissing him.

Lionblaze deepened the kiss before he pulled back "That's good to hear." He smiled and resumed their make out. After several seconds his phone rang causing them to stop. It was from Foxleap.

Lionblaze groaned "Damn," Heathertail smiled "It's fine. Don't worry." Lionblaze answered the call "Yes?" "Hey man you might want to get your ass over to hallway C." "Why?" "Cause someone needs you."

Heathertail tried to listen in to what they were saying but got nothing. The ginger speaks to fast. "Crap," Lionblaze muttered "Crap, crap, crap, crap." He hung up the phone and raced to the door.

"Hey whats going on?" Heathertail asked

"A fight. I have to stop it."

"Do you? I mean your not a superhero it's not your problem."

"Tell me what type of person starts fights."

Heathertail thought for a second "Bullies. Motormouths"

"Who do we know who is both?"

Heathertail smirked "Breezepelt."

"Now tell me who bullies pick on?" Lionblaze asked

"Ugh, nerds. The disabled?"

Lionblaze looked her dead in the eyes and repeated the question "Who do we know who is both?"

Jayfeather POV

Jayfeathers face collided with the cold metal lockers, putting a dent in it as the crowd cringed and screamed "Ooh". "Damn it." As he pushed himself away from it he was greeted by Breezepelts fist to his jaw, sending himself sprawling to the floor.

Breezepelt snarled "Say that again! Say it to my face!"

Jayfeather laughed "Your mother was a whore! I know from experience!" Another kick to the gut.

"I'm gonna kill you Blind boy! Big Brother ain't here to save you!"

Jayfeather got up and raised his fists "Good thing I don't need saving."

Breezepelt roared and charged him with Jayfeather swiftly sidestepping to the right, causing Breezepelt to ram into some students sending them to the floor. He hissed "GET HIM!" He screamed at his cronies. Harespring and Leaftail looked at Jayfeather with malice in their eyes.

Jayfeather didn't need to see to know their expressions "I know you're only doing as your told. So turn to the other cheek, and I won't bruise it!"

Leaftail snarled and aimed a right hook at Jayfeathers head. Jayfeather dodged and shoved Leaftail into the lockers. Harespring aimed a kick to Jayfeather but he caught it and lifted his leg. Jayfeather punched his manhood, Harespring let out a large squeal. Jayfeather let go of Harespring as he fell to the floor clutching his crotch.

Jayfeather smirked, while Leaftail put his arms around Jayfeathers neck and started choking him. Jayfeather clutched at his arms helplessly as Leaftail smirked and squeezed harder. In one stroke, Jayfeather lifted his arm and rammed his elbow into Leaftail's gut loosening his grip. Jayfeather turned around and backhanded Leaftail across the cheek, causing him to stumble away. "Told you so," Jayfeather smirked and punched Leaftail in the neck, which made him clutch it desperately to regain lost air. Before he could, Jayfeather grabbed him by the shirt and threw him to his foot, which he lifted causing Leaftail to trip and fall onto Harespring. Leaftail wasn't getting up again, while Harespring tried to get Leaftail off him.

Jayfeather smiled "170 pounds each and still to weak!" "I'M NOT WEAK PUNK!" Breezepelt charged again lifting Jayfeather off the ground. Breezepelt rammed him into the lockers causing immense pain to shoot up Jayfeathers back. "Neither am I," Jayfeather quipped as he headbutted Breezepelt and kicked his manhood. As Breezepelt stumbled back, Jayfeather grabbed him and threw him into the lockers. Breezepelt's body bounced back and Jayfeather did it again. And again. After the third time, Jayfeather threw him to the ground. Jayfeather smirked "Not bad for a blind boy eh?"

Breezepelt snarled and clutched his bloody nose "That's debatable. You still have to go through him," He pointed behind him.

"Go through who?" He asked before he was turned around and punched in the gut and hoisted into the air and slammed down by Harespring. "Surprise asshole."

Jayfeather sighed "I've had quite enough of you Harespring!" He said before being hoisted off the ground by the neck "Not yet you haven't. We're about to have a pop quiz on Pain!"

"I hate pop quizzes," came a familiar voice. Before Harespring could recognize it, Lionblaze had already shoved him off his brother and into Breezepelt.

Lionblaze picked up his brother and got him to his feet "They rough you up to badly?" "Please I roughed them up!" Jayfeather remarked.

Harespring got to his feet and held his hand out to Breezepelt who accepted it and got to his feet. They both snarled and charged. Lionblaze chuckled "Tag team?" Jayfeather smirked "Throw me to Breezepelt." Lionblaze shoved his brother int o Breezepelt and their fight continued while Lionblaze tackled Harespring to the ground.

Heathertail watched the fight and smiled as her boyfriend tackled Harespring "GO LIONBLAZE AND JAYFEATHER!" She screamed as other students did so too. She noticed Leaftail trying to get up and shook her head "Oh no you don't." She thought as she smirked evilly before picking him up and kissing him across the lockers with Leaftail's eyes wide open before he kissed back.

Lionblaze looked up to see his girlfriend kissing Leaftail! As he stared in shock Harespring flipped him over and put his hands around his neck. As Lionblaze looked to see Heathertail, she slammed Leaftail's head into the lockers twice and flipped him over her back. She grabbed the broken locker door and slammed it down on his head, knocking him out. "GROSS! I think my lips have fungus now!" She screamed wiping her lips. Lionblaze smiled and threw Harespring off of him. He picked him up and slammed him on the ground showing an impressive level of strength. "You haved passed the pain quiz," he quipped before slamming his foot onto Harespring's head, knocking him out

Jayfeather hit Breezepelt in the jaw, before the black haired brute shoved Jayfeather away. He began to charge but fell to his feet, in pain.

Lionblaze smirked and called to Jayfeather "Jay! Stairway to heaven!" "Jayfeather nodded and muttered "I love that move."

Breezepelt looked up to see Lionblaze charging at him like a rhino. Breezepelt, to weak to move, just stood and waited for pains embrace. But it didn't come from the golden boy. Instead Lionblaze stopped five feet away from Breezepelt and cupped his hands together. Jayfeather, running like a bull, waited for Lionblaze's signal. "NOW!" Jayfeather smirked and lifted his foot as Lionblaze caught it and threw him in the air.

Jayfeather soared above Lionblaze somersaulting three times before gravity pulled him back down to Breezepelt. In a split second he opened up and raised his fist as it collided with Breezepelt's face. Breezepelt went down like a tree, and Jayfeather landed next to his unconscious body. Jayfeather grinned "Flawless victory."

Lionblaze finished "Brutality!" The crowd went nuts, cheering and saying their names like they were superheroes. All of a sudden Foxleap's voice went all over the P.A. "Alright now shut up! That may have been awesome but the teachers may hear you. Head back to your dorms and never talk about this again. And I better not see this on social media. If I do, I will delete it, and label you as a registered sex offender. Don't talk, just loom frightened and scuttle!" And the crowd did so. "Oh and Antpelt? Take the wind morons down to the Infirmary. Tell them they were mugged."

"And if I don't?" The wind brute smirked. "Seriously? Did you not hear what I could do to you?" Antpelt's phone went off and he looked at it with wide eyes "Alright, they were mugged got it!" "SPLENDID!" Foxleap said. And then the P.A turned off.

Lionblaze looked at his brother "Are you alright? You hurt?" Jayfeather smiled "I'm fine."

"Good, good," Lionblaze immediately grabbed Jayfeathers ear "THEN WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?!"

Unknown POV

In a dark warehouse, a brown-haired man looked thorough the cameras in the office. He watched the Gray haired kid fight off three Wind bullies. He immediately paused the video and got a good look at the boy's face. He smiled like a madman and got his phone out calling someone specific.

"Dad. I found one of them."

Uh oh, who is Unknown. You will find out soon. If you stick around to watch.

I gotta say this is really fun. Writing stories and such. It really is a good time spender.

So Au Revoir.