Nya was numb for a second when she saw Lloyd's bloodstained body, because oh gods, that was too much blood, how was it possible that one person had that much blood-


-and then she unfroze, sprinting to the immobile Lloyd and checking for a pulse, ripping open his gi-

"Please, NO!"

-washing his wound with water, watching helplessly as more blood replaced that which had just been washed away.

"Stay with us!" Jay's voice was wobbling, and if she looked, she knew she would start to cry. If she looked at anybody other than Lloyd, she knew she would cry.

She could hear Kai's sobs, hear her older brother losing it.

The air around them started getting warmer, Kai's Elemental Powers reacting to his emotions.

"Please, Lloyd, buddy. Please. I promised to protect you…" His voice cracked.

Blood bubbled out of Lloyd's mouth and the corners of his lips curved into an almost imperceptible smile.

Nya had cut another piece of Lloyd's gi and was using that to try and stop the bleeding. She lifted it up and poured more water, and could feel her eyelids and throat stinging when more blood came out.

His chest wasn't moving at all now.

It wasn't going up and down at all.

Not in the slightest.

Panicking, she felt for a pulse. She tried everywhere: his wrist, his neck- hell, even his chest.

There was nothing.

There. Was. Nothing.

She shook her head.

She let the tears loose.

There was a roar behind her, then an intense heat. The air around them was filled with fire, but it wasn't touching them.


Kai lost control.

Wu told them that this could happen, in times of great distress.

And when it finally died down, when Kai knelt on the hard ground and cried, Nya started to lose it more.

Hiccups burned her throat, tears clouded her vision and stabbed at her eyes, the ground dug into her hands and knees.

She heard movement and looked up to see Kai raise himself to his knees and start to yell.


He never got to finish the sentence.

And that shoved Nya over the edge.

She let loose an anguished wail, not trying to be strong anymore, because how could she? Her older brother was shot and killed in front of her eyes, and she didn't even need to check to know he was dead, because that bullet came out between his eyes, and no one could survive that, and-

Kai's coffin was black.

Originally, it would have been red, but Nya had seen enough of the color red to last her a lifetime.

Lloyd's coffin was black.

Originally, it would have been green, but Nya couldn't stand it.

They had the funerals at the same time, private.

The ninja didn't want the worst moment of their lives to be broadcasted around Ninjago.

Looking down at the closed coffins, Nya fell to the ground, clutching the side of Kai's, and wailing, screaming, in pain and agony.

Ray and Maya rushed up to her, but even though she had forgiven them, she didn't want them right now. They weren't there to comfort her when she lost a friend, Kai was. They weren't there to comfort her after she was kidnapped by the skeletons, Kai was. So why should they comfort her now?

But Kai wasn't there to comfort her through the loss of himself and Lloyd.

So she let her parents come up to her.

She let them comfort her.

She let them cry with her.

But she knew that they would never be able to fill the hole that Kai's death had left.

They would never be able to replace Kai as the protector.

Nya could accept them, though. They could help her.

Because they were her parents.

Not her family, no.

That title was already taken by the ninja.

But they were her parents, and that was enough for now.


Needless to say, Nya never recovered fully from Kai's death-

-although she eventually learned to live again.

Damn it. Sorry this took so long, but my computer broke. It's out now, though! Again, thanks to Tex1412 for the idea for different POVs. :D