This is my first fanfic, so please be nice. Reviews are highly appreciated, so please do leave a comment. I might use some different languages in this, cause I see a few characters being multilingual. So I would like help for some languages because all I know is English and Spanish. If I plan to use other languages I'll ask for help on the bottom AN.

I will say if you are someone who is easily offended by swearing, this has quite a bit, so you might not want to read this one. Sorry, it's just who I am. No filter. I will keep it to a "T" rating though.

D. Gray Man is not owned by me, that honor belongs to Hoshino Katsura, and Funimation. If I did own it there would definitely be an established relationship between Kanda and Allen. Or at least canon.

I hope you enjoy :)



"Neah the Crazy Uncle who is also a Noah"


'Please stop looking at me like that, you stupid idiot'. Allen thought, looking at the man who had decided to stop him on his walk home for the seventh night. The man, who had the gall to not introduce himself, though Allen recognized him, stared at him with intensity.

"Sir, what is it that you want? Seeing as you have once again stopped me?" Allen said nicely, though with a sharp intent.

"Sorry, you just look familiar, like someone I met a long time ago." The man looked away sheepishly, then looked back at Allen and offered his hand. "My name is Tyki Mikk."

"Great just the card-losing asshole both my nephew and I wanted to see after all these years". Neah, the ever-present, nephew-obsessed presence in Allen's head, decided to butt in.

' I know, Uncle, but at least it wasn't Cross.' Allen thought, then looked back at Tyki with a polite smile and shook his offered hand. "It is nice to meet you, Tyki. If I may ask again, why have you been stopping me recently and only now introducing yourself?"

"Like I said before, you seem familiar. I can't really place where I know you from, though I feel as though we have met before." Tyki said, deciding to make casual conversation. "You know, how about we meet up sometime. My family owns a popular cafe across town if you want to meet there?"

"Sure, that sounds fine. What's it called?"

Tyki smiles slightly,. "The Black Ark."

"Of course it is. At least they didn't decide to use the other end of the color pallette and name it the White Ark."

'Uncle, please quiet down. You're giving me a horrible headache.' Allen nods to Tyki, "Sure sounds good. Shall I stop by sometime this week?"

Tyki grinned, "Yeah sounds good. If I'm not there, ask for a girl named Road, she'll know where to find me."

Tyki walks off down the street, while Allen continues on his walk home. He sighs, 'it seems, Uncle, that the Noah have begun to be reincarnated once again. It only took them more than one-hundred and fifty years. Do you think their memories will return after a while?'

"They might, Allen. And if that time comes, be careful around them. No telling on what they will remember first. And here's a question for you. Do you think it is possible that your friends from the Order have also been reborn?"

Allen smirked as he got home, 'I don't know, Neah. But if they are, it will be a welcome surprise. Being separated from them for this long brings on something similar to homesickness.'

He enters his home and drops his keys in a dish, immediately walking upstairs, taking his shirt off on his way. In his room, he looks straight in the mirror, staring at both his old scars and the figure of his uncle behind him. Allen smirks, "If they are back, they will have a rather strange surprise, seeing as one, I am younger than them so I should appear younger, and two, they will never find any records of my death from the eighteen hundreds."

His uncle's image smirked back at him, "You are correct on both accounts, Allen. They will probably also notice the changes in you. Are you planning to tell them what happened to you and what you are at the beginning, or will you let it play out and leave them to their assumptions and curiosities?"

'I'll wait for awhile, drop some tiny clues every now and then and gage their reactions to each. I'll how long it takes them to figure out each one."

"You are definitely a devious gambler. You seem to enjoy playing with people, even those you considered your friends in the past."

Allen turns away from the mirror and looks at one of his older scars, the one given to him by one of his closer friends. "You know as well as I do that their experiences of this life will have changed them. They might still be my friends in appearance, but their personalities and perspectives have a high chance of being completely different. As far as I know, they are not my friends. I won't know until I get to know them."

"True, true." Neah, still in the mirror, notices what Allen is doing. "Remembering the past again, Nephew?"

Allen looks behind him, "Yes, I'm remembering what occurred when I got this. I nearly changed completely. Thankfully, I didn't. Though now I'm exactly what everyone dreaded, but not completely."

"You are correct. You are a Noah, but you're not one that wishes to destroy all of humanity. Instead, you are the Noah of Khalud. The Fifteenth Noah.


So this is only the beginning. Others characters will show up. Neah will definitely be making a normal appearance, mainly because I like the thought of a mentor/sarcastic Neah.

Just a note, all future chapters will be longer than this first one.



Khalud - Immortality

Please no hate, I used Google Translate to find it. If I got it wrong please tell me.

Please review. It will help a lot.

Word Count: 1,042