Shattering Ancient Tradition
[before it had even begun]

.Chapter 1 – The Arrangement.

AU – Set in Ancient Japan.

"I bet you five pieces of bronze that we end up hearing Tyson moan-"

Tala frowned in disgust at that thought, "Pft, it doesn't whether he's moaning or not. It's difficult to unhear Tyson where ever is. Anyway, Kai said he only wanted to discuss something with Tyson in a private setting. Let's just hope its a quick one."

A cheeky snigger cooed from Bryan's lips, "If I didn't know you any better, I'd say that you are jealous about not being Kai's interest anymore." He clearly wasn't afraid of asking the questions nobody else would dare to ask.

Luckily for Bryan, he was the army captains best friend, so it did have it's privileges – aka, he could cross the fine white line without the suffering consequence of being executed. In fact, he could dance back and forth, and he'd still have the luxury of breathing fresh air another day.

"I'd say you were getting a little too creative with that pea sized brain of yours." Tala wasn't shy of insulting his open mouthed companion, "Kai just simply wants to know more about him, that's all."

"But you are not denying it." Bryan revealed a devilish grin that stretched from ear to ear, "Why don't you enquire about becoming one of Kai's concubines? I'm sure he would love to eat you up."

"One more word out of you and I am going to personally sign your death certificate on your doctors behalf." Barked Tala impatiently, "Just remember that we are here to ensure that Kai is safe. Still, what makes you think that Kai is a homosexual?"

"Well, I think he's gay because he's never shown any interest in woman. Think about it, he's turning 18 and he's not once even acknowledged the long queue of admirers that line up outside the palace everyday, screaming out for him to marry them." Bryan then cocked his head over to the nearby window, "I can literally hear them as we speak. I almost take pity on them."

"Hm, maybe so. But lets just shut up before we are overheard by Boris, or even worse, Voltaire." Tala instructed. "You may know my secret, but we cannot insinuate anything about Kai unless he's physically spoken it to us. For once, be sensible and keep your mouth shut for the sake of our lives. I'm already in enough trouble after what happened today within the market place."

'Again, he's not exactly dismissing my claim though, is he? He fancies Kai!'~

And with that conclusion mentally noted inside his mind, Bryan straightened up his figure and held his head high. Both guards followed the strict obligation and returned to a neutral state as they patiently awaited for Kai to change their circumstances.

Inside the chamber was an entirely different scenario. The tension was rigid, neither of the men were able to predict the outcome of this stomach wrenching event.

Tyson's intense gaze followed Kai's figure as he circled him like a hungry predator. It was clear to him that the heir to the throne was admiring him, but the Granger awaited for the spoilt prince to abolish the unbearable silence that was weighing heavily upon his sanity.

After all, a powerful member of this ancient society was the last person that Tyson wanted to distress. He'd already been to hell and back, and Tyson wasn't overly keen on reliving that memory.

"I suspect that you are wondering as to why I had you brought here." Kai questioned confidently as he came to a halt, standing in front of his rival. "I wanted to know more about you. Who trained you? And where did you come from?"

"Okay, first off, you had me dragged here, not 'brought' here." Tyson closed his eyes to avoid any eye contact, "Secondly, why does it matter where I trained? I just know that I am not going back."

An eyebrow raised towards Kai's hairline, "Are you a fugitive?"

Unphased by the predictable question, Tyson immediately answered, "No."

'He's not biting the bait. The topic of the conversation must be quite a sensitive one.' Kai presumed with a curious glow emerging within his crimson eyes. 'What has this new rival of mine got to hide anyways?'

It was time to divert the concept and change tactic. He had to remain in control of this situation to gentle steer Tyson into this bizarre proposal that he'd been obsessing about.

Kai took a brief moment to recall their adventurous battle, he was so fascinated with the fighting techniques that Tyson had displayed to the kingdom. Not only had he seized the opportunity to show off his unique fighting style, but he always had the benefit of defeating a prince whom spent his entire life training with the elite class of soldiers.

But when that familiar connection re-entered his toned figure, Kai just knew that fate had something even more dramatic in store for them both. It would explain why he was so drawn to this man who was so overly keen on isolating himself from his origins.

So what did he have to lose? Nothing~

"What do you want from this kingdom, Tyson?" The prince linked his sweaty palms behind his back to hide any obvious symptoms of his anxiety, "Money? Fame? Women?"

"Women?" Laughed Tyson, "That's the last thing I want."

That response was like adding gasoline to the fire which was dimly burning deep inside his confused soul. Kai was so pleased that he naturally declared it by revealing a weak smile.

"Oh, I see. When did you arrive in the city?"


"Then you must be seeking for employment." Kai cut to the chase and decided to conclude the meeting, "Be here tomorrow at 5am tomorrow."

Bewildered, Tyson's jaw parted slightly. 'What the hell does he want me to do!?' And what an arrogant dick!'~

The bed chamber doors opened and the two guards briefly exchanged their glances. Tala looked smug, yet Bryan looked curious. Tyson stepped out in one piece and keenly walked down the corridor towards the exit, yet Kai remained in between his two loyal security guards, his crimson eyes restricted to Tyson's figure.

"Bryan, escort Tyson back home safely." Demanded the Prince with dark intentions lingering amongst the edge of his tongue. "If he hasn't acquired a horse. Give him one of mine."

Not for one second did Bryan spare his captain a glance, but when he hasted after the traveller, Bryan could feel Tala's frosty energy flaring through the corridor. In all honesty, Bryan was relieved to leave the scene to avoid the bitter tension that was developing between the two powerful figures, a prince and captain.

"You look as if though've you've just eaten a lemon." Kai muttered under his breath. "Do you want to spit it out, so you can explain to me what Bryan said to you?"

Tala's muscles tensed. "With all due respect, you're going to have to do better than that, you're highness." He was now feeling quite piqued due to the result of Kai's behaviour. But just like all the other encounters that they'd spent together, Tala maintained a poker face, unless he was asked to otherwise.

It was his duty to serve Kai, even if he was being an inconsiderate bastard.

"Whatever." The prince shrugged and turned on his heel, "When Bryan returns, you can leave your post."

"Very well." Tala closed his eyes to seal away his stirring emotions, "But may I say that I rather look forward to my lie in tomorrow morning."

A sarcastic cackle then echoed through the corridor and Kai wrapped his right arm across his waist.

"Next you'll tell me that he's your concubine." Tala closed his eyes to ignore Kai's pantomimed act. "Which reminds me, Boris…"

Tala purposely added salt to Kai's injury. No longer was he intimidated by the hierarchy that separated the two powerful needed Kai to remain alive, yet Kai craved Tala's presence to preserve the loyalty in his armies, after all, Tala was a very respected man.

It was a catch 22 and they both knew it.

Kai's pride threw a sulk, yet Tala's emotions took a dramatic swing. Neither of them could ever predict which manipulative card they were about to place down onto the table, but Tala just knew that Kai was somehow too clever for his own good. He was ALWAYS a step ahead and this could prove to be quite frustrating at times.

"Concubines?" The raven haired male squinted, "Why on Earth would anyone want a concubine?"

Tala grunted, "Ask Lord Boris."

"I'd rather not." Kai snapped back, "But I do expect to see you at the training session tomorrow-"

"That's not possible. I'm busy." Stubbornly lied the Wolborg wielder. "I have ceremonies to attend to."

"Then I will personally clear your schedule." Kai was clearly having none of it. "I expect you to witness Tyson's fighting techniques alongside me. We must witness the true power of his Dragoon so we can take it for ourselves."

And with that statement left to crawl inside Tala's mind, Kai entered his room and slammed the doors closed behind him.

'This Dragoon has got him more obsessed than that Black Dranzer.' Tala sighed to himself. 'For fuck sake.'

The trot to the outskirts of the city was a silent one, especially the two men had their minds set elsewhere. They seemed unphased by their busy surroundings as they passed through the city market, woman were trying to touch their armour, yet starstruck children with wooden swords in their hands were following their idols. But when they arrived at the small dojo that was located in the middle of nowhere, Tyson jumped off his horse and unsaddled the creature.

"So, you are making refuge with the local scientist." The silver haired soldier smirked, "It seems like he has gained quite a vulnerable reputation within the kingdom after yesterday's event."

"Oh have a day off would you?" Tyson snarled at him, "Besides, doesn't Kai have a bandit post for you to stand near all day?"

'I'll feed you to the bandits if you don't watch your tongue.'~ Bryan thought to himself.

Now bored with the bitchy remarks, Bryan tipped his head to Tyson and then turned his horse around to begin the journey back into the city. "I look forward to sparing you someday Tyson. But until then, see you around." He considered before urgently riding down the country roads to report back to Tala.

"These tea leaves are grown on the finest farms in all of India. My dear sir, you would be a fool not to take some home with you today."

Holding his hands up to pardon himself away from the market, Tyson smiled cheerfully and walked onwards. He secretly admired the fact that all the shop merchants were unique as their stalls. Men and woman were individually selling such a variety of items with their eccentric selling pitches. There was no way that anyone could return home looking disappointed, especially as this place sold just about EVERYTHING.

'Geez, this market is so much bigger than the one back home. Max would love it here!'

"I required my new weapon to contain my holy beast." The fiery prince drew his sword from the case attached to his belt and he pointed it to the young scientist's throat. "But there is no sign of her! What happened?!"

"Your majesty! I'm afraid that it will take some time for you and your holy beast to adjust to the change of weapon. Dranzer is-" He froze when the swords tip pressed against his delicate adams apple. "Sire-"

All the locals in the nearby market failed to acknowledge the scene as they all were experiencing their own form of apprehension. The Phoenix Prince had no patients for the people who would disappoint him and the whole Kingdom respected that because they all saw potential in the young royal.

"This weapon is a failure and judging by your little disappearing act, you knew of this too."Kai endorsed, putting two and two together. "If the task set for you was too much to ask, then you should have said sooner so I could have appointed someone more worthy of my time."

"Your highness, please, believe me. I would never intend on letting you down." The brunette scientist then blinked back his tears and tilted his head back, "It could be your holy beast too, I read that the great Dranzer can be quite stubborn-"

"One excuse after another, Kenny." Kai rolled his eyes and raised his sword to prepare to strike, "I've heard enough."

"Why is nobody stepping in?!" Tyson thought out loud whilst drawing his sword, "Urgh, fine. I will just do it myself then."

Barging past the red haired army captain with no clue as to what he'd just done, Tyson dived in to the centre of the drama to block Kenny with his Dragoon sword.


Their swords collided and a perplexed expression invaded Kai's pale face. Seconds later, he felt the force of the Dragoon push against him, sending him flying backwards into Spencer, whom was standing on guard behind, facing the other way to check out the unmarried ladies.

"Leave the man alone!" Tyson warned. "He doesn't deserve a death sentence just because you didn't get you way."

'Holy shit! I'm in so much trouble. Where did this fucker just come from?!' Tala's face now went whiter than snow as he rushed over to assist the Prince onto his feet. "Do you want me to kill him for you?" He asked in a low tone, attempting to ignore the raging fury that now stained Kai's aura.

But Kai shoved him back and rose up onto his feet on his own according. Steadily he studied the man whom was now standing before him. Nothing about him seemed familiar, other than that ancient sword in his hands.

Kai lit up. 'I'm having that!'~

"And you are?" Question Kai, brushing his silk robes clean.

"Granger, Tyson." Tyson lowered his sword and he observed his new opponent, "Now if you don't mind, I am going to help this man home."

Daringly, Tyson turned his back to the Prince and assisted the scientist up onto his feet. The crowds nearby would gasp in shock as they simply couldn't believe how fearless the traveller was. Not only was he being disrespectful, but Tyson was really making Kai appear as if he was 'nothing special.'

"I do mind actually." The raven haired young man then darted towards Tyson to maliciously kick him in the ankle to knock him down onto the ground. "You do not leave until I pardon you."

Tyson gasped as the dust cloud infested his brown eyes,"Whatever you say." He grunted.

'Is he for real? Does he have any idea who I am? Or does he just not care!?' Kai was so bewildered with Tyson's attitude. But it felt so soothing to know that someone in this lonely world could treat him as an equal.

"Well Tyson, I hope you and Dragoon blade are in sync-"

"We are always in sync." Tyson interrupted as he got back up onto his feet. Slowly, he tilted his head from side to side to ease the tension emerging within his body, "How do you know about my blade anyway?"


Their swords greeted again when Kai unexpectedly lashed out. He was trying so hard to catch his opponent off guard, but Tyson's reflexes were too fast.

Whenever Kai would flash him a destructive fist, Tyson would catch him out with his large hands and simply throw him.

Whenever Tyson attempted to headbutt those precious facial features, Kai would raise his knee to greet his groin.

With their footsteps now synchronized, their minds went into overdrive to predict the unforeseeable. The two ended up spreading their destruction throughout the market as Tyson would defensively throw barrels and items.

It was nerving to know that Kai was going to hurt him if that blade ever reached his flesh. But could he mirror the same fate for the Phoenix Prince if he was given the opportunity to do so? Probably not. After all, Tyson was a gracious man whom fought to survive.

But Kai hadn't quite learnt that yet, and Tyson could sense this from a mile off.

"You're beginning to piss me off Tyson-"

"Good!" Tyson replied, "I'm not frightened of you."

A sarcastic snigger filled the air. "I can see that." Kai mocked before tackling the traveller down onto the ground. He'd had enough of playing by the rules now, especially as Tyson had been throwing items at him for the past five minutes.

Now with the upperhand of the scrap, Kai straddled him still and raised his sword for the final time. "Consider it a favour when I say that I will nurture your Dragoon blade during your time in the afterlife." With that overconfident grin now glued to Kai's lips, Tyson was willing to do everything in his power to remove it.

Once again, their blades crashed. But this time, the two weapons both began to glow, Dragoon blue and Dranzer red. Suddenly Kai's blade became so hot that it was unbearable to hold, meanwhile a viscous wind began to force its way through the scenery.

"Let go Kai."

"No Tyson, you let go."

Tyson squirmed uncomfortably and Kai cringed at the heat blistering his hands.

"Fine! I will!" Seconds after saying those very words, Tyson gave the final attack. "Dragoon!"

"What?" Kai slowly turned his head to witness a strong wind heading their way. "Uh-"

'And then I ended up in the Palace prison cells because I knocked Kai out for an hour.' Tyson chucked amongst himself. 'That guy can really put up a fight.'

Secretly, the Granger was quivering with excitement at the thought of sparring with Kai again tomorrow morning. But until then, he had to check on The Chief to see if had recovered from the recent events.

Tyson placed his hands into his baggy blue trouser pockets and he then walked into the large country house to be greeted by the most peculiar sight.

Preview of the next chapter:

"Do you have the day off today?" A young brunette woman asked as she trailed her hungry kisses down the soldiers neck. "Because I could really use some company now my parents have gone away to visit their relatives in the East."

"Pft, asking Tala for a day off is like asking him to participate in an orgy. It's not going to happen."

The young woman paused her kiss to laugh hysterically. "Oh Bryan, that's so funny. Perhaps we could take him to the matchmaker one day and set him up with someone or something." She added, breathing over his scars soothingly.

"I would love to, but I think Tala already has his eye on someone else and it's going to get dangerous."

A/N: This story was originally supposed to be a oneshot. But with Tyson and Kai being the divas they are, it's not happened. Instead it's spiralled into a story and I WILL finish this one because I enjoyed writing it more than I should've done. Thank you for the support on Tumblr, and a big thank you to my right hand man, Sensless :). Drop me a cheek comment to see what you thought and thank you for your time guys, I really appreciate it – Granger~

The OC featured in the preview belongs to one of my best friends – CinnaPai :)