A/N: This is the last chapter, it's been a hell of a bitch this one. There is a lot of cursing, but I really love the ending, it's really sappy. So yeah, have fun, see you in the end note! Oh, and I recommend you hear colours by Halsey before reading this as I made a pickup line to it ;)

Lance could still feel his body burn, which meant he hadn't been in a cryo-pod yet. Lance was close to opening his eyes but kept them shut when he heard voices.

"Why isn't he in a cryo-pod?" The angry, but oddly concerned, the voice could only belong to one person, Keith. "I don't know, Coran just said he had something to ask before he could get him inside one" This voice belonged to Hunk, but sounded weird like he had been crying. God, Lance hoped not, just thinking about it made Lance sad. Keith growled, and Lance could hear him walk restlessly around the room. Lance took a deep breath and opened his eyes.

Not a good idea, because it burned, the light was so sharp and white. Lance hissed in pain and his hands flew up to cover his eyes. "LANCE" He heard Hunk and Keith yell in union with concerned voices. "I'm fine, I just got blinded by the light" Lance reassured them. He sat up and moved his legs to the side, over the edge of the bed he had been lying in. Lance slowly opened his eyes again, this time he was prepared for the light, and it didn't burn the same way as before. His eyes slowly began to make out the room, and the people within.

Lance stood up and started to stretch his body. The pain that went through his body, was almost unbearable, the keyword being almost because Lance didn't show any sign of being injured.

Keith stood in awe as he looked at Lance, he had seen the injury, and it looked awful. "How… how is he doing that?" Hunk asked Keith, also looking at Lance. "I have absolutely no idea" Keith answered.

"So? Can I go?" Lance asked, feeling awkward by the sudden silence. "Why don't we talk to Coran about that" Hunk was the first one to snap out of the shock, and answer Lance. "And where is Coran?" Lance asked impassioned. His fingers started to tap in a fast pace on the metal that made the bed. "Coran?… I think he is on the bridge right now" Keith answered. "Let's go to the bridge then," Lance said, already walking towards the door. "Eh… Are you sure you should walk?" Keith asked unsurely. Lance rolled his eyes. Yes, he was dizzy. Yes, his back was screaming in pain. But he was sure as heck not to let anyone know. "I'm fine," Lance said and started walking again. Behind him, Hunk and Keith shared a look of concern.

"Space unicorn, Shining in the night, Smiles and hugs forever, All around the world"

Lance suddenly stopped, he could hear the song play. Space unicorn! "Pidge" Lance whispered and knocked on her door. "What?" Pidge asked and opened the door to her room. She froze when she saw who as at her door. "Lance," Pidge said right before she tackled him in a hug. "Relax Pidgeon, I'm fine and alive" Lance laughed and hugged Pidge back. "You are most definitely not fine" Pidge yelled in Lance's face. "Don't fucking say that you are, because you are NOT" Lance was taken back a little by the anger, he really had fucked up this time, if he just had been stronger.

Pidge suddenly began to apologize, this confused Lance. "Why are you apologizing?" Lance asked as Pidge stopped hugging him. "I forgot… I'm so sorry… I forgot" Pidge said, looking sad at Lance. "Forgot what?" Lance asked. "That you are badly injured… I forgot I'm so sorry" Pidge apologized again. "Pidge, it's fine, you didn't hurt me. Anyway, I need to find Coran" Lance said and ruffled Pidge's hair to calm her.

Hunk and Keith had been standing looking at the two, their reunion was 'super cute', by Hunk's words. Hunk could feel Keith tense when Pidge hugged Lance. The half galra had seen what Pidge only noticed a little too late.

"Why are you looking for Coran?" Pidge asked curiously. "Oh, I just need to ask him about my injury," Lance said nonchalant like it was nothing. "Oh, He's on the bridge" Pidge mumbled, and turned away from Lance. "Wanna come with us?" Hunk asked, he had a feeling everyone should be there, so gathering them now was properly a good idea. "Sure, I have an update to install to the castle anyway" Pidge tried to sound like she didn't want to go, but they all knew better.

The doors to the bridge opened, the few people inside turned their heads and got caught by surprise by the person who came in first. "Lance?" Allura said, looking at him like he was a ghost. "In the flesh and blood," Lance said and bowed slightly. "Now I would like to talk to Coran about my… eh… back problem" The teen's voice was careful not to reveal too much about his condition, Lance knew that they properly all had seen the injury, but there was a big change that they didn't know how bad it actually was. Coran, who had been standing a little behind Allura, took a step forward. "If you don't mind me asking, my boy, how are you standing?" Coran looked at him with pure curiosity and concern. "How are you standing?" Lance shot back the question. "Accordion to my data on your injury should hurt too much for you to even move" Coran sounded both amazed and scared. "It hurts, yeah, but not that bad," Lance said with a shrug.

Stop lying

Lance twisted his neck in Keith's direction, even though he already knew it wasn't him there was speaking. God damn his mind. "Dios" Lance mumbled. He was clearly going insane, or maybe it was just his blood loss brain talking, maybe even both.

Come on, ask him the question

"Shut up" Lance hissed through gritted teeth, only realizing too late that he was talking out loud. "Lance, are you okay?" Hunk asked concerned. "I'm fine, everything is fine," Lance said nervously. He cleared his throat quietly.

"Anyway, why am I not in a cryo-pod?" Lance looked at the only person, who could possibly give him an answer. "I needed to know something before, you got into the pod" Coran answered. "Like what, what do you want to know?" Lance said tiredly, he honestly just wanted to sleep, he was starting to feel nausea and the black spots were back in his eyesight.

"Lance, your back is messed up, and it has been like this for over a month" The royal adviser held a straight face but his voice cracked a few times revealing the holdback emotions. "Why didn't you tell us? You are obviously in pain" Silence fell over the people in the room, Lance could feel this was something that they all wanted to know.

"I didn't want to bother you. I would just drag you down, I was already the weakest link, and I could still fight, so there was no reason to tell you" Lance shrugged, he ignored the horrified gasp that came from his former teammates, all focused on Coran. "What do you mean, my boy, you will never bother us" Coran's voice was soft, but filled with worry, but Lance didn't care, the elder Altean's words were the last drop.

Lance could feel his blood boil, and his whole body was itching with anger. "I will never… bother… you guys? SERIOUSLY?! That's your comforting words, a lie? What the FUCK?! I tried SO hard to talk to you guys, but what I got back was 'Shut up, Lance' or 'Lance, not now, I'm working' even a 'Hush Lance, the smart ones are talking', so don't you even DARE to say that I would never bother you" Lance had tears in his eyes of anger. He had been talking very slow and had only raised his voice a few time, but his voice had been like ice.

"What? Lance, what are you talking about?" Lance hadn't heard the door opening, he hadn't even noticed the last two people joining them, so he was startled by Shiro's voice. "What part are you talking about?" Lance had turned to face the leader, his voice still cold as ice. "If… If it were this bad, why didn't you say something?" Shiro didn't bother thinking about how cold the room suddenly felt, like, Lance's voice had carried on into the air.

"Because it was true, I did bother you, I always bother people" Lance's voice changed from cold to neutral, like what he just said was a normal thing to say. "You don't bother us, Lance. We might not show it as much as we should, but we care, a lot, about you" Shiro's voice was calm and soothing, but it looked like it did the opposite effect on Lance than intended. Lance looked triggered.

"Oh… You care? Is that the reason for all the yelling, and the 'do better's? Because that sure as HELL felt like you care! Shiro, I fucking died, NO ONE cared about it. I have nightmares about the cold I felt. Being dead was… it was TERRIFYING! Do you understand, how that feels? I still can't really feel the tips of my fingers, they have been numb every since Allura brought me back" Lance finished bitterly. No one dared to speak, not even Shiro, who had been the one to trigger the reaction. Lance stood with crossed arms and tears running down his cheeks. "Fuck it, I'm done," Lance said and stormed out of the doors.

Keith was the one to break the silence "What the fuck, did he mean by 'I fucking died'" Keith yelled at the others. "I would love to know that too" Pidge joined in on Keith's yelling. Soon after Hunk was in on it too. Coran and Shiro stood dumbfounded and looked at each other in confusion. "I don't know, I didn't know he died," Shiro said, looking completely lost,. How had they missed him dying?

Everyone turned to Allura since her name had been the only one to be mentioned. Allura stood with tears in her eyes, and a hand over her mouth so her sobs sounded muffled. "Allura, what happened?" Keith's voice sounded strained, like he wanted to yell at her but tried to keep calm. "Keith, I'm so sorry, I should have said something" Allura whispered through her sobs. "Just… just answer the question" Keith breathed heavily, and you could see him struggling to contain his anger.

"After Lotor became emperor, we went on a mission to help a galra shield station. They protected a planet against harmful radiation. Sendak had destroyed the shield and our team had to repair it. Hunk, Lance and I were going to push the destroyed pieces of the shield. There was an energy discharge, it was heading for Blue and I, but in the last tick, Lance pushed us aside. He got hit by it, and after a very loud scream, his comms went silent. I didn't know what to do or think, so I just rushed into the red lion. Inside… inside Red, Lance laid in the pilot seat… he wasn't breathing, his body was cold, his heart didn't beat, his skin was pale. I panicked, Lance had sacrificed himself, I was so scared" Allura's voice cracked, and it took a few seconds for her to continue.

"I suddenly got an idea, it's from when Lotor and I went to Orlande and went through the Altean challenges. I healed him with Altean alchemy, I brought him back, but I didn't think of the consequences of my actions" Allura barely finished speaking before she completely broke down, and wept loudly. Coran quickly rushed to her side trying his best to comfort her.

"Why didn't we know about this?" Shiro asked. He wasn't angry, there was genuine curiosity in his voice. Allura took some deep breaths before she had some control over her voice. "Right after, we still had a job to do, and I forgot about it. I finally remembered it again a quintant or two after, but Lance seemed fine and I figured that if he wanted everyone to know, he would tell it himself. But I was wrong, he thought you already knew, and we just didn't care" Allura hid her face, again, in her royal adviser's shoulder.

Keith stood in the back, his fingers twitching in anger. He was angry at Allura, he was angry at the team, and he was angry at himself. "And why the fuck would he have a reason to think like that?" Keith's voice was high pitched, and so far from his normal voice. Everyone turned to look at him but quickly looked away again ashamed.

Pidge was the one to clear her throat first to answer his question. "A lot of things happened when you left, lots of good things for the rest of us, but for Lance… Lance had a hard time. I didn't notice it at the time, but now?… looking back at it, I should have noticed. Lance was starting to drift away, he didn't come to our family meals anymore, and no one question it" Pidge took a deep breath before continuing.

"As you know, Shiro is suffering from PTSD, which means that when he is stressed he is angrier than normal" Pidge looked sorrowful over at Shiro. "I know for a fact that Lance doesn't blame Shiro, but he got yelled at, a lot, not only by Shiro but by all of us. One time we were debating, it was about Lotor becoming the emperor, Shiro wanted to help but the rest of us was more… hostile, especially Lance. It didn't turn out well" Pidge finished.

Everyone looked at a devastated Shiro. He looked at his galra robot arm with a sad look in his eyes. "It's okay Shiro, we all did something that pushed Lance over the edge" Hunk said comforting, and laid a kind hand on the older paladins shoulder. Keith was angry, no, furious. "You sure as hell did, I can't believe I didn't know all of this" Keith yelled, his eyes glowing with anger. This coursed Matt to, for the first time under this conversation, step in. "Keith, breathe. Why don't you go check on Lance, I'm not comfortable with him being alone right now" Matt said calmly. Keith huffed but turned around and ran out of the doors to find Lance. "Let's hope he's going to fix our mess" Matt sighed as he looked the way both Lance and Keith had gone.


Keith ran out of the door, just realizing that he had no idea, where Lance could have gone. "Okay Keith, if you were Lance, and was badly injured and angry at your team. Where would you go?" Keith asked himself silently. Observation deck. He would go there. Keith started to run in the direction of the dark room.

"Lance! I'm so sor- Oh, he is not in here" Keith had started to shout but halfway through he stopped himself as he realized Lance wasn't in the room. Keith started to walk restlessly around in the room. If Lance wasn't here, where could he when be? Maybe Red's hanger? Couldn't hurt to look there. Keith started to run towards Red's hanger, the bittersweet feeling of the known way was starting to set inside Keith.

But as Keith ran, he passed the training deck. The deck should have been empty but it was instead filled with fighting noise. Keith's curiosity got the best of him and he opened the door to see who was training. Lance. He was standing with back turned towards Keith, so he didn't see the older boy. Lance was fighting off a gladiator (Level… 110! Keith was impressed) with bare hands, must be the hand-to-hand combat mode. Lance looked tired, but he kept up the extremely fast pace. His dodging abilities were impressive. The match went on for a few doboshes, without Lance noticing Keith. Suddenly Lance trips and the gladiator take to advantage of the moment to hit Lance in the side. Keith was ready to step in and kill the gladiator when a sudden light blinded him, and as his vision returned Keith gasped loudly.

Lance stood with the blue Bayard in his hand – which by the way hadn't been in the room – but it wasn't in a gun form like it used to, it was a sword. In front of Lance was the gladiator, just sliced in half. Keith stood in awe just looking at the sword.

"How long do you plan on staring at me?" Lance question for Keith came like a surprise and startled the person in question. "How… Why didn't I know?" Keith asked, walking closer to Lance to look at the sword. Lance didn't answer, he just started trembling. Keith got scared that Lance would fall, so he leapt forward, and caught Lance the tick his legs gave up. "What about we sit down?" Keith asked as he guided Lance over to the wall. Keith hadn't been looking at Lance, not until they sat down. "Lance?! Why are you crying? Are you okay?" Keith was panicking, had he said something wrong?

But suddenly Lance smiled. "She's back" Lance whispered happily. "What?" Keith asked, super confused but also kind of relieved, because Lance was clearly not upset, his tears were happy. "Blue… I can hear her again… I missed you, girl… I missed you so much" Lance sniffled happily. Keith listened to the happy reunion (Even if it was only Lance's voice he actually heard)

"Lance… I think it's a good idea if we could get you in a cryo-pod" Keith said concerned. This brought back Lance to reality. "I… Maybe it would be a good idea" Lance sighed. The sword in his hand shrunk back into its resting form. "Let's get going. I will contact Coran to get the pod ready" Keith said, helping Lance to stand up.


"When will he be out," Keith said impatient, tapping on the glass on the pod. "Stop that, he has to be there at least one more Varga, he has had a lot of blood loss," Coran said, getting the red paladin away from the pod. Keith scowled annoyed but didn't protest.

He and Coran sat down on the chairs they had sat inside the med bay, so they didn't have to leave or sit on the ground when a teammate was in a pod. Hunk cleared his throat, he needed to hear Keith's explanation again. "Keith, can you…" Hunk hesitated a little, but Keith understood. "I was looking for Lance and ran past the training deck. I heard a noise and decided to check, lance was in there tra-" Keith started to explain, but got cut off, by Hunk.

"No, I understand that part, I mean after he collapsed, why was he so happy" Hunk looked at Keith pleading. Keith shrugged and moved awkwardly in his chair. "He didn't just summon any Bayard, he summoned the blue Bayard," Keith said. "What does that have to do with anything," Pidge said irritated, she had snuggled up with Lance's new blue hoodie, and was hearing 'space unicorn' again. "He began crying… He said he could hear her… Blue…" Keith said looking over at the pod.

"Oh, why didn't I know about Lance using a sword" Keith's voice was angering. All looked surprised or confused, that would say, anyone but Allura. "Allura… why are you the only one knowing about this?" Keith said coldly. He still hadn't forgiven her for holding Lance's death a secret, and this didn't really do her any good. "Lance, he asked me not to tell anyone yet, he wanted to be better before it was revealed, and I just forgot about it," Allura said looking at her hands. "Respecting Lance's wishes is honourable and you shouldn't be ashamed," Shiro said and laid a kind hand on the Altean's shoulder. Keith sighed and nodded in agreement.


Lance stumbled out of the pod. He was freezing and his head was cloudy. Lance could feel warm arms close around him. Hunk. Lance could feel a small smile creep up on his face, he felt so safe. The Cuban took a deep breath and lifted himself from the warmth of his friend. He saw all the concerned faces from his space family but could only offer a small smile as comfort, he was exhausted after the trip in the pod.

"Hey man, welcome back from the dead" Matt said, walking into a bro hug with Lance. "Thanks, dude, glad to be back" Lance answered. He was so thankful for Matt because he was so relaxed around him. "How are you, my boy?" Coran asked, signalling Lance to sit on the examination couch. "Not in pain," Lance said plainly. "I had no idea how much I missed to not be in pain constantly" Lance smiled. He could feel his body relax for the first time in a month, and Lance enjoyed every second of it. As Coran did some routine checks on him, Keith walked up to him.

"Are you sure you are okay?" Keith asked concerned, but Lance didn't listen. He suddenly paled and started to shake. "I can't hear her" Lance whispered. "Lance, what do you mean?" Keith tried to understand, but Lance just mumbled unhearable things.

"Lance, are you okay?" Keith was desperate, he needed to know the younger boy was okay. "I'm okay, gorgeous, just please be there" Lance pleaded, but Keith's mind shut off. Did Lance just call him gorgeous, what, no. Keith's face heated up, and he started to look like a tomato.

Lance, on the other hand, hadn't even noticed him, and just stood up, sprinting out of the door. "I gotta see her" Lance yelled, right before he disappeared out of the door. Hunk walked over to Keith. "just so you know, I pretty sure he was talking about Blue" Hunk said kindly. "Yeah, I figured, but it was still weird being called gorgeous by Lance" Keith mumbled, still kind of embarrassed. "Anyway, I don't know about you, but I want to see this reunion," Keith said, sprinting after Lance, closely followed by the others.


Lance was terrified, he didn't think he could handle seeing the barrier around Blue again, never again. But he needed to hear her voice if just one more time. Lance would walk through hell and back just to hold one more conversation with her, to feel her calm presence in his mind, to hear her loveable purrs. Lance ended up running faster, he needed to see his girl.

When Lance finally arrived at the blue lion's hangar, he was too exhausted to stand anymore, and just fell on the ground. He looked up at the lion before him, offline. Lance could feel the tears sting in his eye. "No… nononononononononono… this can't be happening, not again, Blue, please I can't" Lance started to mumbled as the tears started to fall.

My little cub, I will never let you go through that again.

Lance peaked up from his hands. Blue's barrier was down and her eyes lit. She wasn't in the sitting position anymore, she was right in front of Lance now, her head, a few inches away from his. Lance couldn't hold back the sobs any longer, he just broke down. He leaned his head against the cold metal of his lion. His.

You are mine, always, and I will never let go of you again, ever.

Lance relaxed my her voice, and his hiccuping sobs calmed down. Blue kept telling him how much he meant to her and the team, and for the first time in years, Lance felt truly happy.

When Lance finally collected himself, he looked up at the big lion. "I-I made a letter for you too, would you like to hear to it?" Lance said with an insecure voice. But he could immediately feel the excitement from the lion.

Lance, my little cub, I would love to hear your letter to me

"Okay, here we go," Lance said, and took the letter out from his back pocket, and started to read.

Dear Blue,

You are the most beautiful creature in the entire universe.

You made me happy, feel safe, and overall made me feel wanted by someone.

As the blue paladin, I could do good, make my father proud of me.

You always were right by my side, I couldn't fail when you were with me, but when I had to leave you, and you locked me out.

I was alone, I liked Red, but she missed someone too, I could feel it, I couldn't feel the gap her former paladin had left.

I was happy when you got Allura, you deserved someone better, someone more competent.

Blue, you are the best lion, no matter what Keith, Pidge or anyone else's says.

I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I couldn't be better, do you justice, but I have hope that the new Voltron will do just that.

I enjoyed every tick we spend together, and I wish I could've piloted you one more time, just sit talking to you in your cockpit one more time, Laugh at your jokes one more time.

But I can't take you from Allura, she is doing so much better than I ever could.

Don't worry, I have accepted my faith, I'm just a replacement.

I love you and don't you dare forget it.

Your cub.

Lance had tears falling down his cheeks, and he looked up at the lion. A sudden feeling of warmth over floated Lance, even though it was strange, Lance knew what it was. Blue was hugging him through their quintessence.

I love you so much my cub, and I'm sorry I haven't told you this sooner, but you were amazing as my pilot. You are kind-hearted, funny and loyal. You will do anything for me or the other paladins. I have missed you, and my heart broke every time I saw you. I knew you were suffering, and you don't deserve to feel like that. I want you as my paladin, forever, and I will never let go again.

Blue's words were all Lance needed to break down sobbing again. His head still leaned against Blue, and he could hear her soft voice whispering gentle, comforting words.

Lance almost jumped when he felt warm arms, real arms, wrap around him. "Lance… I'm so sorry… I… we are going to get through this" Keith whispered down in Lance's hair. "Keith, I… I can't do this, I'm not good enough… What if I fuck up again, but… I… m-miss when we-we all worked together, I miss you" Lance was just only understandable through the heavy sobbing. Keith could feel his heart break all over again. "We will be there with you, everyone fucks up, not only you. Lance… you don't fuck up, you just take all the blame. Please, let us… let me help you get better" Keith hugged Lance tighter as he talks. His voice was pleading and broke a few times.

Lance relaxed in the arms of Keith and Blue and just cried. Cried for his papa's death. Cried for his mom's stress about raising him and his siblings. Cried for every time he had felt homesick. Cried for all the pain he had gone through. Cried for the all his teammate's pain. And cried for the sake of crying. While he let out every tear in his body, Keith and Blue continued whispering comforting words to him.

As Lance got some control over himself again, and his sobs quiet down, Lance slowly breathed in and out. "Thank you both" Lance said with a hoarse voice. Blue purred in the back of his mind, and he petted her before he turned to face Keith.

"Thank you, mullet, I really needed that," Lance said with a small, but real, smile on his lips. "I'm just happy to have you back, I really missed you too," Keith said sincerely.

Keith's serious face turned into a smirk, and Lance picked it up right away. "I know that smirk, what are you planning?" Lance said with suspicious in his voice. Keith opened the little bag on his belt. Lance looked curiously at Keith, he had never seen the older boy opening the bag before. "Close your eyes," Keith said softly. "What? Why?" Lance exclaimed confused. "Just close them, sharpshooter" Keith said with a fake annoyance and chuckled lightly.

Lance huffed but did what Keith told him to do. Lance heard some weird sounds, like Keith, was emptying the bag's content. How much could that little bag hold inside? "Give me your hand," Keith asked after a few ticks of silence. "Why?" Lance asked hesitantly but gave Keith his hand anyway. "You'll know it in just a tick," Keith said and laid something Lance's hand. It was a box of some form, Lance could feel it. "Okay, you can open your eyes now," Keith said, he sounded somewhat excited, and that fact alone made Lance nervous.

Lance opened one eye, and when the other eye. He first looked at Keith, who smiled awaiting, and when he looked at his hand. It was a gift, a squared gift wrapped in a dark blue paper with small cat looking animals on, and a baby blue coloured ribbon. Lance looked excited from the gift to Keith and back. "Are you for real? Why did you give me a gift?" Lance asked both excited and confused.

"Eh… You don't know?" Keith said hesitant but only got some confusing back. "Know what?" Lance asked curiously. "It was your birthday eight days ago, today is 5th of August," Keith said. Lance's face was a well of emotions. "I forgot…" Lance managed to say. "Yeah, looks like I'm the only person who actually remembered, Anyway welcome to the adults' world, sweet 18," Keith said throwing his arms up in the air, playing all dramatic. "It's sweet 16, mullet, but… thank you" Lance voice was sincere, even with the joke in the start of his sentence.

"Can I open it, can I?" Lance sounded excited again and almost jumped in joy when Keith nodded. Lance acted like a little kid and ribbed the gift paper off the gift as he had predicted it was a box, but it was a cardboard box. "Open the box" Keith was now the one sounding excited. Lance did as Keith said, and slowly took the lid off. Inside was some fingerless leather gloves, they looked like the ones Keith had, but they had 'SHARPSHOOTER' embroidered on. Lance didn't waste time, and took them on the second he noticed what it was. "Fits perfectly," Lance said with a happy grin. Keith smiled, and his cheeks had a hint of pink on them.

A suddenly sound behind the two boys, made them freeze in their actions. It was Shiro who had cleared his throat. "H-hey Shiro," Lance said, suddenly looking very small, and very tired. Shiro looked in surprise at Lance and looked at Keith to get an answer. This was the moment, where their brother connection kicked in, they had a conversation through their eyes.

"Keith, what the flip is going on, did I do something wrong?" Shiro said with his eyes to Keith. "I don't know, Lance is not in a good place, and I don't think he has been in one, in a very long time," Keith said back, still with his eyes. "Okay, we're going to get through this, I will use the same method I used on you," Shiro said and winked.

Shiro when turned to face Lance, his whole expression soften even more, and he walked slowly over to the younger boy. Lance flinched when Shiro started moving. "Hey Kiddo, how are feeling, remember I only want the truth, nothing of that 'I'm fine' bullshit if that's not how you are feeling," Shiro said as he kneeled in front of Lance.

"I… I" Lance looked in between Keith and Shiro. "I… I'm feeling lonely, and tired, and I wish I could feel happy… but-but I don't… I don't know how" Lance stuttered through his sentence. "It's okay Lance, it's always okay to not be okay," Shiro said, pulling Lance into a tight hug, and Lance just melted into it. "We're going to get you through this and to the other side, okay?" Shiro whispered. Lance didn't trust his voice so he just nodded, he trusted his space family to help him get better, and he really wanted to get better.

Lance looked behind Shiro and saw the rest standing in the door, all of them with teary eyes.

*Three months later

After a lot of different therapy (This include Keith's weird 'smash gladiator's every time you're angry or sad' therapy) Lance had found a good therapist and was starting to get better. They had had lion swap again, so everyone was back to there original lions, and they had built (Hunk, Pidge, and Coran) a new lion to Allura, her lion was white and Pink, and it was build of some comet, that Lance had borrowed (stolen) from Lotor.

Everything was finally starting to look brighter, and because it was two months since Lance had started to the actual good therapy, they held a karaoke party.


"So who wants to go first," Shiro asked with the microphone in his hand. Pidge pushed her glasses up and smirked evilly. "Me and Lance" Pidge stated. "It's Lance and I" Keith corrected. "I guess you can go first if you really want" Pidge shrugged and her face lit up in a smirk, and when everyone realized what had just happened.

Keith and Lance looked at each other, both after a second or two shrugged and went up and took the microphones. "So what do you want to sing?" Keith asked. "I was a theatre kid when I was younger so…" Lance started to whisper to Keith. Keith's face lit up grin and nodded. The music started up, and the others immediately recognize the song. Take me or leave me. Lance started to sing.

"Every single day I walk down the street

I hear people say 'baby's so sweet'

Ever since puberty

Everybody stares at me

Boys, girls, I can't help it baby

So be kind

And don't lose your mind

Just remember that I'm your baby"

Everyone was shocked that Lance could sing so well.

"Take me for what I am

Who I was meant to be

And if you give a damn

Take me, baby

Or leave me

Take me baby or leave me"

Hunk cheered excited, as Lance nailed the lyrics.

"A tiger in a cage can never see the sun

This diva needs her stage baby let's have fun

You are the one I choose

Folks would kill to fill your shoes

You love the limelight too now baby

So be mine

And don't waste my time

Crying oh honey bear are you still my my my baby (don't you dare)"

Keith was the one singing 'don't you dare' part

"Take me for what I am

Who I was meant to be

And if you give a damn

Take me baby or leave me"

This time everyone cheered

"No way

Can I be what I'm not

But hey

Don't you want your boy hot?

Don't fight

Don't lose you head

Cause every night who's in your bed


Who's in your bed

Kiss pookie"

Keith readied himself, his part was coming up.

"It won't work

I look before I leap

I love margins and discipline

I make lists in my sleep baby

What's my sin?

Never quit I follow through

I hate mess but I love you

What to do with my impromptu baby

So be wise

Cause this girl satisfies

You got a prize so don't compromise

You're one lucky baby"

Again everyone was shocked about how good Keith was to sing (Other Lance, he had heard Keith in the shower more than ones)

"Take me for what I am" "Control freak"

"Who I was meant to be" "Snob yet over attentive"

"And if you give a damn" "Lovable droll geek"

"Take me baby or leave me" "Anal retentive"

Keith sang first part and Lance second, and they did it amazingly.

"That's it

The straw that breaks my back

I quit

Unless you take it back

Women, what is it about them?

Can't live

With them or without them"

Keith nailed his lyrics with the same energy as Lance and earned some cheers.

"Take me for what I am

Who I was meant to be (who I was meant to be)

And if you give a damn (and if you give a damn)

Take me baby (oh take me, baby)

Or leave me (take me or leave me)

Take me, baby

Or leave me"

Lance sang the choir with some of the other paladins who could the song. They ended the song with their heads touching. They looked each other in the eyes, and both smiled lovingly at each other.


"Get a room" Pidge yelled, pushing her glasses up and the glass got caught in the light so you couldn't see her eyes. Lance and Keith pulled away from each other, both blushing madly. Pidge didn't give a fuck and stood up stating her mind. "My turn to sing" Pidge walked up and took the microphone for Keith. "Hit it" Pidge yelled and the castle started the song. Lance almost screamed because he knew this at heart. Space Unicorn.

"Space unicorn

Soaring through the stars

Delivering the rainbows all around the world"

Lance just sat and fanboyed all over the place.

"Space unicorn

Shining in the night

Smiles and hugs forever

All around the world"

Keith didn't get to hear more, because Hunk dragged him away. "What do you want?" Keith asked. "You like Lance, right?" Hunk said with crossed arms. Keith could feel his face growing hotter, and his brain was going a 100 miles an hour, what should say, what could he say. "Yeah, I really like him," Keith said, scratching his neck, not daring to look Hunk in the eyes. "That's good because he deserves someone as good as you" Hunk said kindly, pulling Keith into a crushing hug. "What?" Keith asked confused when Hunk finally let him go. "I figured you two out the second he recognize you by the hair" Hunk chuckled and Keith blushed madly. They got back into the launch just in time to hear the end of Pidge's song.

"All around the world

All around the world"

Lance was clapping like a maniac, and his grin was even worse. "Pidge, that was amazing!" Lance said high-fiving the smaller girl. "Thank you, Lance, because, now we are going to sing together. MATT, you're going to sing with us too" Pidge said, and the two boys each took a microphone. "Ready?" Pidge asked, both nodding. And the music started.

"Mr. Sun came up and he smiled at me

Said it's gonna be a good one just wait and see

Jumped out of bed and I ran outside

Feeling so extra ecstatified"

The tree sang in perfect unison, even if it was an almost meme song.

"It's the best day ever

(Best day ever)

It's the best day ever

(Best day ever)"

Lance was almost choking as he was singing because he tried not to laugh.

"I'm so busy got nothing to do

Spent the last two hours just tying my shoe

Every flower, every grain of sand

Is reaching out to shake my hand"

Now they started dancing too and earned lot's of laughter from their audience

"It's the best day ever

(Best day ever)

It's the best day ever

(Best day ever)"

Everyone started singing to the chores

"Sometimes the little things start closing in on me

When I'm feeling down I wanna lose that frown

I stick my head out the window and I look around"

Those clouds don't scare me, they can't disguise

This magic that's happening right before my eyes

Soon Mr. Moon will be shining bright

So the best day ever can last all night

Yes, the best day ever's gonna last all night now"

Matt and Lance lifted Pidge up on their shoulders and walked around still singing. And Keith mumbled under his breath "Show offs"

"It's the best day ever

(Best day ever)

It's the best day ever

(Best day ever)

It's the best day ever

(Best day ever)

It's the best day ever

(Best day ever)

Best day ever

Best day ever"

Everyone was smiling and laughing when the song ended. "Good job guys," Pidge said, clapping her two brothers on the back.

After some beautiful performance of Bye Bye Bye by Matt, survivor by Shiro, and one of Loser like me from Hunk and Lance later, Keith stood ready to sing the song Colors.

"Your little brother never tells you but he loves you so

You said your mother only smiled on her tv show

You're only happy when your sorry head is filled with dope

I hope you make it to the day you're twenty-eight years old"

Lance understood right away that Keith was singing this song to him and mouthed "Thank you"

"You're dripping like a saturated sunrise

You're spilling like an overflowing sink

You're ripped at every edge but you're a masterpiece

And now i'm tearing through the pages and the ink"

Keith sang the song perfectly, and Lance just sat swaying in tact to the song.

"Everything is blue

His pills, his hands, his jeans

And now i'm covered in the colors pull apart at the seams

And it's blue

And it's blue

Everything is grey

His hair, his smoke, his dreams

And now he's so devoid of color

He don't know what it means

And he's blue

And he's blue"

After Keith had finished singing the song, Lance almost immediately went up to him. "Purple is all right for me" Lance whispered and pulled Keith into a kiss. First Keith tensed up, but soon he melted into the kiss.

After a few seconds, they broke the kiss, both all out of breath. There was silence for a moment before everyone started cheering. Pidge was looking at the GAC's that Shiro had given her, apparently had he betted with Pidge and thought that it would have taken one more month for them to kiss. Both Hunk and Allura just stood in complete cuteness shock. Coran and Matt stood looking knowingly at the two boys.

Lance's smile was so big, and his eyes shined of happiness as he looked at the purple-eyed boy. Keith just looked flustered, but he did send a shy, but loving smile to his crush. "So, what are we," Lance asked carefully, slowly reaching out for Keith's hand. The older boy let him take the hand, and a smirk formed on Keith's face. "Hmmm, me gusta el término novio," Keith said, Lance understood perfectly even if Keith's pronouncing was a little wobbly. "I like the term Boyfriend too," Lance said and gave Keith a kiss on the cheek.

"I got a really ironic song, and we have to sing it" Keith suddenly exclaimed, and dragged Lance up to the microphones. Keith whispered the song to Lance. This put a smirk on the blue paladin's face, and the song started.

"Hey dude.." Lance started.

"Yeah, bro?" Keith smiled as he continued their duet.

"So, uh, I've got something I need to get off my chest" Lance sang.

"Ya do?" Keith faked an innocent look as he sang his part.

"Hey dude

We've been best friends for a really long time now" Lance smiled as he sang.

"Yeah, dude" Keith stack his out tongue at Lance but continued untouched by it.

"And there's something I need you to know" Lance twirled around Keith, and winked at him.

"Okay" Keith chuckled out, and his eyes followed Lance.

"Remember that time we were surfing

And I almost drowned

And you dragged me to the beach

And performed CPR?

Well, no homo!

But that's the day I fell in love with you

No homo!

But that's the day I knew you were mine

Looking into your eyes

Made me realize

That no homo

But your lips touching mine

Changed my life" Lance smiled brightly to Keith as Lance sang the lyrics.

"Bro, are you sayin' what I think you're sayin'?" Keith sang.

"Uhh... Yeah, I think so" Lance shrugged, he and Keith were doing the whole acting thing because it was fun.

"Well then... Uh...

Yeah dude

I totally get what you're saying" Keith said, and grinned to Lance.

"Ya do?" Lance sang with a fake surprise in his voice.

They continued and finished the song, again with their heads so close that their noses were touching. Lance kissed Keith's nose and pulled away. Keith's face turned crimson, but he still had a grin all over his face.

"My turn" Hunk said and took the microphone from Lance. Not long after started Hunk's song.

"This is a story about a girl named Lucky

Early morning, she wakes up

Knock, knock, knock on the door

It's time for make-up, perfect smile

It's you they're all waiting for

They go

Isn't she lovely, this Hollywood girl?

And they say

She's so lucky, she's a star

But she cry, cry, cries in her lonely heart, thinking

If there's nothing missing in my life

Then why do these tears come at night?"

Hunk smiled, he could this song by memory and didn't have to look at the lyrics as he sang.

"Lost in an image, in a dream

But there's no one there to wake her up

And the world is spinning, and she keeps on winning

But tell me what happens when it stops?

They go

Isn't she lovely, this Hollywood girl?

And they say

She's so lucky, she's a star

But she cry, cry, cries in her lonely heart, thinking

If there's nothing missing in my life

Then why do these tears come at night?"

Lance and Pidge cheered, Shiro nodded to the beat, and Keith clapped.

"Best actress, and the winner is Lucky

I'm Roger Johnson for Pop News standing outside the arena waiting for Lucky

Oh my god here she comes

Isn't she lovely, this Hollywood girl?

She is so lucky, but why does she cry?

If there is nothing missing in her life

Why do tears come at night?"

Hunk danced to the music, twirling and played with the microphone.

"And they say she's so lucky, she's a star

But she cry, cry, cries in her lonely heart, thinking

If there's nothing missing in my life

Then why do these tears come at night?

She's so lucky

But she cry, cry, cries in her lonely heart, thinking

If there's nothing missing in my life

Then why do these tears come at night?"

Everyone cheered as Hunk finished his song. Lance went up and hugged Hunk. "Good job, Buddy, just like old times" Lance smiled but didn't get to talk more, before Keith dragged him and Pidge up to the karaoke machine. "Okay theatre kid, can you rap?" Keith asked and smirked at the new nickname. "Of course I can, Mullet," Lance said with a smile. The music started, and Lance, as the theatre kid he was, recognized the song before the second beat came.

"Ohh, I do I do I do I

Hey hey hey hey

Dooo! Hey!

Hey hey hey hey

Ohh, I do I do I do I

Hey hey hey hey

Dooo! Boy you got me

Hey hey hey hey"

Keith sang and it sounded beautiful.


Look into your eyes, and the sky's the limit I'm helpless!

Down for the count, and I'm drownin' in 'em"

Pidge and Keith sang together.

"I have never been the type to try and grab the spotlight

We were at a revel with some rebels on a hot night

Laughin' at my sister as she's dazzling the room

Then you walked in and my heart went "Boom!"

Tryin' to catch your eye from the side of the ballroom

Everybody's dancin' and the band's top volume"

Everyone cheered at Keith, as he sang his lyrics.

"Grind to the rhythm as we wine and dine"

Pidge and Keith sang together again.

"Grab my sister, and whisper, "Yo, this one's mine." (Ooh)

My sister made her way across the room to you (Ooh)

And I got nervous, thinking "What's she gonna do?" (Ooh)

She grabbed you by the arm, I'm thinkin' "I'm through" (Ooh)

Then you look back at me and suddenly I'm


Oh, look at those eyes

Look into your eyes

And the sky's the limit


I'm helpless

Yeah, I'm helpless, I know

Down for the count and I'm drownin' in 'em

I'm helpless

I'm so into you

Look into your eyes

I am so into you

And the sky's the limit, I'm helpless

I know I'm down for the count and I'm drownin' in 'em

Down for the count and I'm drownin' in 'em"

Keith and Pidge switched singing (A/N: Pidge sings the italic)

"I'm writin' a letter nightly

Now my life gets better, every letter that you write me

Laughin' at my sister, cuz she wants to form a harem"

Keith sang, leaning against Pidge.

"I'm just sayin', if you really loved me, you would share him"

Pidge said, nudging Keith in the stomach with a big grin.


Two weeks later in the living room stressin' (stressin')

My father's stone-faced while you're asking for his blessin' (blessin')

I'm dying inside, as you wine and dine

And I'm tryin' not to cry 'cause there's nothing that your mind can't do (Ooh)

My father makes his way across the room to you (Ooh)

I panic for a second, thinking "we're through"(Ooh)

But then he shakes your hand and says "Be true" (Ooh)

And you turn back to me, smiling, and I'm

Helpless! (Helpless!)

Look into your eyes and the sky's the limit

I'm helpless


Down for the count and I'm drownin' in 'em (hoo!)

I'm helpless!

That boy is mine, that boy is mine

Look into your eyes and the sky's the limit

I'm helpless

Helpless, helpless

Down for the count and I'm drownin' in 'em

Down for the count and I'm drownin' in 'em"

Keith smiled as he sang with Pidge and they danced around (A/N: Again Pidge sings the italic part). Lance readied himself, his part was coming up.

"Eliza, I don't have a dollar to my name

An acre of land, a troop to command, a dollop of fame

All I have's my honor, a tolerance for pain

A couple of college credits and my top-notch brain

Insane, your family brings out a different side of me

Peggy confides in me, Angelica tried to take a bite of me

No stress, my love for you is never in doubt

We'll get a little place in Harlem and we'll figure it out

I've been livin' without a family since I was a child

My father left, my mother died, I grew up buckwild

But I'll never forget my mother's face, that was real

And long as I'm alive, Eliza, swear to God

You'll never feel so…"

Everyone cheered because Lance nailed his rapping part.


I do, I do, I do, I do!



I do, I do, I do, I do!

I've never felt so—


Hey, yeah, yeah!

Down for the count and I'm drownin' in 'em

I'm down for the count, I'm—


My life is gon' be fine 'cause Eliza's in it


I look into your eyes and the sky's the limit, I'm—


Down for the count and I'm drownin' in 'em

...drownin' in 'em"

They all sang together (A/N: Pidge sings the italic part and Lance sings the bold part)

"In New York, you can be a new man…

In New York, you can be a new man…

In New York, you can be a new man…"

Pidge sang, and Lance cheered because she sang it really good.


Keith finished the song. The tree of them bowed and got loud cheering from their happy audience.

"GRoUP HuG" Lance suddenly yelled, and everyone just joined in. "Thank you so much, I love you all," Lance said with a big smile on his face.

A/N: All done, I'm crying. So next time you're going to see me is the 1st December because I'm going to make a Voltron Christmas fanfiction, posting a new chapter every day until Christmas. I hoped you all liked it, because I enjoyed writing it, and reading all the sweet reviews you have made. If you want me to write something PM me or make a review with a prompt. Anyway, have fun, and good Halloween, remember to favourite, follow and review!


Take me or leave me - Cast of Rent

Space unicorn - Parry Gripp

it's the best day ever - SpongeBob Squarepants

The bro duet - Drew Gasparini and Brandon Ellis

colors - Halsey

Lucky - Britney Spears

Helpless - Cast of Hamilton