Gone and Forgotten

Chapter 3: Morning Coffee

Author: Brruundin

Warning, I do not own the rights to Young Justice, or any of the other characters I may use.

Morning had arrived, Wally and Artemis had gotten the best night of sleep in months. Artemis woke up first and decided to make breakfast, when Wally finally got out of bed, he headed into the kitchen to check out what Artemis was up to.

"Hey babe, how did you sleep?" Wally asks, then giving Artemis a kiss on the cheek.

"I slept great, better than I have in years" She says, as the two of them take a seat at their kitchen table.

"That's good, I did too, so I guess we have a lot to talk about today" Wally says, while starting to dig into the breakfast she prepared for him.

"Yeah... it's been strange lately, with you gone the rest of the team sorta took a step back... everyone's on their own now for the most part. People have had memory loss issues, if not sure if you getting sent away messed with our minds that much. I tried reaching out to Aqualad, but he didn't seem to remember who I was. It's all been so confusing, I guess" Artemis says, informing Wally of what's been going on since he left.

"Yeah, I didn't really know how much I remember, at first everything was all a blur, then I remember blinding light, and trying to reach out for Aqualad as well, he didn't seem to recognize me either, it eventually grew dark again. I even tried reaching out to you, but you didn't hear me. I found a weird building with strange symbols and my logo, and a note that Bart left. I guess he figured out how to reach me and then I used the generator in that building to get back here. Then I was sent to the north pole, and eventually made my way back here. It's just all been a lot" Wally then puts his hands on his head, reflecting on the strange trip.

"I get that Wally, I do, I know it's been really tough these past few weeks. But you're back now, and that's what matters!" Artemis then puts her hand on his hand, helping Wally realize everything is going to be okay.

Wally continues to soak on what to do now, he hasn't really thought this far ahead. On one hand, he could go back to his team of friends, and try to make due like the old days, but on the other hand... Wally knew it would be tough to leave a life here with Artemis, they had both decided to go to college and start their lives together, and he knew she didn't want to go back. He wasn't really sure if he wanted to go back.

"Yeah, I just don't know what to really do about going back to the rest of the team, that's all..." Artemis then puts her hand on his shoulder, while thinking of what to say that could possibly help him.

"Wally, you don't have to go back you know, you can stay here with me, and go back to school! I'll respect whatever you choose to do, just know that. I love you and it's going to all be okay. I promise." She then kisses him, while holding his hand.

"Yeah, you're probably right, and I don't need to decide that right now. I have all the time in the world" Wally says, then yawns, he wasn't in a rush to go back to crime fighting, or even to make a decision about going back. Besides, his friends usually had it covered. If they really needed him, he would most likely be there, but he wasn't sure if he was going to do it regularly. So, Wally decided to get up from the kitchen, and begin the rest of his new life.

A/N Quick update! This probably won't be a long story, but I'm going to try to wrap it up pretty nicely, as always, read and review!