He is in his happy place. His left arm is around Donna's shoulder, while his right hand reaches into the popcorn bucket in her lap.

He's seen Dial M for Murder before, but he doesn't mind, because this is the first time he's seeing it with her. He loves Friday movie night. For couple hours he can pretend he has a life. These are as close to a date as he gets these days.

He tries to get out of work mode, but he can't help but notice the coldness coming from the front row.

He leans over toward Donna and whispers, "This isn't good."


"The President isn't talking."

"There's a movie on." She responds as if it's obvious.

"He usually talks during the movies."

Donna gives him a wise little shrug that seems to say, he's the President. He can do whatever he wants, right?

Josh smiles at her. He just loves how she rolls with it. Based on her credientials, you'd think she'd be in over her head in this world, but she jumped in with both feet, and is doing just fine. Every day he's more impressed with her.

They both watch as the President leaves, then they exchange a look. For as much as they enjoy exchanging banter, quite a bit of the time they don't actually need the words to communicate. The Surgeon General is about to get fired and it's going to be a headache for everyone. The President will be grumpy because she's a friend; the First Lady will be pissed; they'll have to vet new candidates, then go through the confirmation process again.

When he comes back, the President has a spring in his step and a smile on his face. He leans down. "Tell CJ that when she gives Milly her support on Monday, she can mean it."

Well, as much as they don't want the headache that comes from firing the Surgeon General, not firing her is going to cause all sorts of PR problems too. Josh and Donna exchange another look.

Hers seems to say, Go on, do your job, I've got your back.

He stands up. "You know, it's going to seem to some people like you did it 'cause your daughter asked you to."

If possible, it seems like the President's grin gets even bigger.

"Yeah. You know, Josh, I think if you ever have a daughter, you're going to discover there are worst reasons in the world to do something. Sit down, we're coming up to the good part."

Josh sits down. He doesn't really notice that the President and Ellie are now bantering back and forth in the front row. He doesn't pay attention to the rest of the movie. And he doesn't even reach for anymore popcorn.

Because all of a sudden, all he can think about is a tiny baby wrapped in a pink blanket being placed into his arms, a little girl with blonde hair and blue-green eyes taking her first steps from her Mother towards him. A little girl with a blonde bun waving to him from the stage at her first dance recital. And then two blonde heads leaning together and giggling while shopping for a prom dress, and then a wedding gown. Then he pictures holding Donna's hand as their daughter shows off a brand new daughter of her own.

And he discovers that these thoughts don't scare him. In fact, they are giving him a warm feeling that he hasn't felt in a long time. He glances toward Donna, a little afraid to make eye contact, in case she actually can read his mind. Would it freak her out? Would she run screaming into the night?

But she just gives him a warm smile, and he knows that it's that smile he wants to see at the end of every night for the rest of his life. Suddenly, he realizes that this date might be the first step in securing his future happiness.

The movie ends and she stands up and stretches. "Thanks for inviting me, it was good, wasn't it?"

"Yeah, best movie ever."

"Really? That's your favorite movie?"

"Oh. No. I just meant, it was a good night."

She gives him a funny look. He's not making much sense.

"Come on, let's go get our coats. I'll drive you home."

"Oh, you don't have to drive me home. I can take the Metro."

"Donna! You're not taking the Metro, it's late."

"Josh, it's barely 11. I've taken the Metro later than this plenty of times."

"Not anymore. I don't like it. It's too dangerous."

Now she really gives him a look. A few weeks ago, he let her leave on her own at 2 am. He did ask her if she'd be okay getting home, but he didn't question how she was getting there.

Once they're back in the bull pen, he takes her coat off the rack and holds it open for her to slip her arms into. As she wraps the belt around her, and he slips on his coat, she studies him. Something is different. Something has changed.

His warm brown eyes are shining. He's humming to himself. And he keeps stealing little glances at her.

He places his hand on the small of her back and walks her out to his car. Then he holds the door open while she takes her seat. "Put your seatbelt on." He instructs her with a smile, while she shakes her head in confusion. What the hell is happening?

He drives by her apartment, looking for a spot to park.

"You can just let me off here. I'll be fine."

"No. I'll walk you to your door. Look! There's a spot!"

He whips around and pulls into a spot with ease, and she has to admit to herself, she's pretty impressed.

He looks at her with that strange look again. Then he grins, "Wait here a sec."

She takes the moment to find her keys as he bounds out of the car and bounces around to her side and opens the door.

"My lady." He offers his arm as she climbs out. She takes it without thinking. It just feels right. But she's starting to wonder if she could be dreaming.

They walk across the street arm in arm, and then he takes the key from her and opens the main door, and walks her down the hall to her apartment.

As much as she's enjoying this, she finally has to ask, "Josh, are you okay?"

"Never better!" He replies as they reach her door. "But there's something I'd like to try."


"I'd like to kiss you goodnight."

"Really?" If she's dreaming, she hopes she doesn't wake up any time soon.

"May I?" He asks, looking into her eyes for the answer.

At her nod, he reaches down and gently takes her face in his hands. At first, he places a chaste kiss on her lips then pulls back. But he doesn't let go, and his eyes get smokey, then he leans in again and kisses her more intently.

She wraps her hands around the back of his neck and kisses him back just as passionately. They instinctively turn their heads and deepen the kiss, their noses brushing against each other, and his fingers just grazing her jaw.

When they finally stop, their hearts are beating wildly and they are both panting softly.

"That was nice." She finally says with a small sigh. And he laughs in relief and wonder. Nice! It was amazing. It's never been better.

He unlocks her door, and opens it for her, then he turns to go.

But she places a hand on his sleeve and asks, "Would you like to come in? For a drink . . . or something?"

He grins and takes a step towards her, then stops. "You know, I really would like to come in, but believe it or not, my Mother did raise a gentleman. And this is too important. I'm going to do this right. I'm going to woo you."

"You're going to woo me?"

"Yes, Donnatella Moss. I'm going to woo the pants right off you. Just you wait and see."

She grins at him and he grins back. This could be fun.

"Now, go inside, so that I know you're safe. I'll see you in the morning."

"So step one in the wooing plan is to make me work on a Saturday morning?"

"No. It is not. I'll pick you up at 8. Wear some comfortable clothes, we're going sight-seeing."


She gives him a little wave and walks inside. As soon as the door is shut, she leans against it and then gives her arm a hard pinch. She really hopes there is a bruise in the morning to prove to herself that tonight was real.

He gets back into his car and watches her window for a minute. Sure enough, she comes over and looks out. He grins and waves to her, then pulls away.

The night is young, and he has plans to make. His future daughter depends on it. Maybe they'll name her Ellie.