Authors notes

Hi everyone sorry I haven't upload anything in a while. If you are waiting on A New sword is forge hopeful I'll be able to post that soon but I still don't know when exactly. I had other things going on right after I had posted the last chapter on New sword which I won't go into here.

Anyway, this just another Idea I came up a while ago and have finally been able to get around to making and finishing writing a chapter for it. I kinda got inspired for it ages back when I saw some comic depicting Jeanne and Jalter acting like sisters and I loved it.

It got me thinking what if Jalter ended up being Jaune's sister and this is what I came up with.

Warning my spelling and grammar is possibly bad.



Disclaimer I don't own RWBY or the Fate series.

Chapter 1 – The Arc twins

Jeanne d'Arc alter was not amused.

Not. At. All.

She had been defeated by that shitty master and that annoying pure version of herself in a fight to the death. After falling in battle, she was now stuck in this empty black void with nothing but her own thoughts as company. The isolation probably would have driven most people mad but Jeanne Alter managed to endure it all.

The loneliness didn't bother her she was fine with it and very much preferred being alone then surrounding herself with people that would only betray and sacrifices her. Like those priests that mock her, scorned her, abused her, trampled her and telling every one of the wicked Jeanne d'Arc before bringing her to the pyre and torching it.

She remembered how the flames had burned at her skin and scorched her flesh while her bones charred.

All that faith, all that pain, all that struggling.

For nothing.

After all that Alter couldn't understand how that saint version of herself could still hold on to such nonsense notions of still having faith. How could the other 'her' want to save France and bring salvation to its people after what they did to her? Jeanne alter had planned to get her revenge on those who had wronged her by burning the whole country to the ground and get justice but unfortunately that Chaldea mage had shown up to assist the other 'her' in dismantling Alter Jeanne's goal.

Well, the joke was on them because they hadn't seen the last of her!

As the altered heroic spirit had come up with a plan while stuck in the void.

A vicious plan!

It hadn't been easy but Alter had managed to find her way into summing system something even she wasn't too sure on how she had active such a thing but the dragon Witch wasn't going to complain as it all worked in her favor.

The scheme was simple.

Alter would get summoned by that crappy master in the form of the Avenger class. The heroic spirits of vengeance. Vindictive warriors that bearded great hatred representing the embodiment of hatred itself.

Perfect for her don't you think?

Alter knew that the Avenger class had a unique skill of self-replenishment so it MIGHT be possible that she could sustain herself when summoned. Meaning she wouldn't need a weak master binding her down giving her orders, so once Jeanne would be brought back into the real world she would quickly slay the mage take their command seals and be free to do what she wished while also getting her revenge in the process.

If that plan didn't work well... Jeanne supposed she might follow along with the weak mage for a while.

At least until a better opportunity presented itself.

She had to wait a while but the altered Jeanne eventually heard the call to be summoned but she didn't answer not at first.

Oh no.

Jeanne Alter planned to make sure the mage spent a good amount of their precious resources of theirs if they wanted to get her to grace them with her presence.

They gonna end up having to spend a lot of quartz.

"hahahaaha!" she laughed maniacally at the thought of how salty the master of Chaldea will be.

Truly she was the worst for coming up a with such a cruel plan.

After around hearing the fifteenth call was when Alter decided to step forth. She was getting bored of this empty void anyway. As she did Alter felt a strange feeling took hold of her very being. Like a tendril or large hand had grip Alter dragging her away from where she wanted to go.

'What's going on!? Why am I can't I move!?'

This wasn't meant to be happening.

A new sensation was felt as Jeanne was ejected from the void.

'Huh? Is this what happens when a master summons a spirit.?' Alter questioned as she lost all sense of herself and what was even happening any more. She had no clue what had happened. Had the summoning messed up somehow or was her presence within the summoning found out by some kind of countermeasure and was now being rejected from materialising.

'Shit! This wasn't supposed to is going on!'

Everything began to feel...wired.

Like she drowning getting pushed down in a deep abyss where she could not escape.

Alter felt different.

Like whatever was happening to the corrupted maiden was changing something.

'What's happening to me!' she screamed in anger as the process continued.

The Dragon Witch attempted to assess the situation but it was no use. There was only cold darkness for her now and all she could feel was the constant numb sensation around her. It was unknown how much time past in those moments but the strange feeling persisted to what felt like an eternity to her.

Until finally Alter felt herself stop abruptly like she had hit a brick wall and then even her thoughts went blank before a blinding light came forth.

Moments earlier.

Reincarnation was a wired thing.

Something that should not be tampered with.

Usually, when a soul was reincarnation it would lose all its memories, there former nature as a person would be wiped away. Essentially losing whatever made that person who there were. Be it if they were good, evil, kind, cruel it didn't matter when it was all gone.

You would just become another person again never knowing your past life.

Forever in a continuous cycle that never ended.

Unless of course such a person was to become a heroic spirit be it a hero or anti-hero it didn't matter how they came to be, their spirits would be recorded and stored. Their spirits could rewalk the earth again when needed if humanity needed them to stop disaster or if some very powerful magic summoned them forth.

However, it would be very rare near impossible for such a being to be reborn again.

Unless of course, something went horribly wrong such as when sometimes an error would occur within threatening the system of the throne of heroes itself.

Like the one, it was facing now.

The thing it saw as an error that had entered the throne of heroes was something which did not belong. It was not a real heroic spirit but a fake of already existing one which seemed to be trying to infiltrate the system.

Like a nasty virus that was contaminating everything around it.

The unwanted entity just so happened to be a certain Dragon Witch, who currently trying be summoned and to form a contract with a human under the role as the Avenger class.

"Unacceptable this cannot stand."

The Witch was an anomaly

A being formed from the fantasies of a madman who used the grail to create such invert reflection of the original holy maiden.

The Alter form of her did not belong here.

She was a fake

A manifestation of something that should not exist.

It needed to go.


So, the system attempted to purge it before the spirit could be summoned by erasing it.




But it seemed that fate had other ideas.


"What?" The system had no idea what had gone wrong but the removal was unsuccessful.


The anomaly was not being deleted but instead being moved somewhere else automatically in an attempt to get rid of it. Finally seeing where the fake spirit was going to end up so that it would be gone for good the system started to panic going into alert as it tried to prevent the transaction.



The fake spirit wasn't the only one being taken but other heroic spirits that been caught up in the removal because of the fear that the fake could have compromised them as well. All the system could do was watch in horror as it was powerless now to stop anything.

It was already too late the spirits were gone.

Ending up within the cycle of reincarnation to born again somewhere else beyond its reach. Causing possible unfixable irregularities in whatever world they were revived in with heroes or anti-heroes running around. It would take the system years to find out the damage this mishap had caused as well as what data and record on heroic spirits had been lost.

One thing was for sure though.

The anomalies were surely going to cause problems wherever they ended up. Creating a rather...interesting surprise for whoever parented the children.

Within a hospital in Vale, a couple was about to be gifted with another set of children. It should be a happy moment in any parent's life but...

"I hate you so much right now Arthur Arc!" The young women in labour cried out in pain having to keep on pushing.

"Come on now dear you doing great."

"Doing great?! I'm in horrible pain right now you idiotic man! I'm having twins!"

"I know isn't it wonderful!?"

The husband was trying to be supportive for her in this very painful experience but Arthur was sure he was only making things worse in getting his lovely wife mad at him. The terrifying glare should have been his first clue that she wasn't happy.

Her glare continued on for what felt like hours now for poor Arthur making him feel very small.

"No, it is not because I'm the one who is having to squeezes these things out of me!"

"You're almost done I can see the first head." The doctor informed them before returning to help the woman deliver the unborn children.

Both Arthur Arc and Caren Arc were having the twins which would make this their seventh and eighth children together now.

Yes, you heard right eight children! It was a very big family full of mostly blondes.

Arthur was a tall tan skinned handsome man with messy golden blonde hair and deep blue eyes, currently wearing a simple black coat with a red-shirt along with blue jeans and a pair of boots. His youthful appearance gave off a man in his twenty but was actually much older than that with him already being a father of six before today.

His wife Caren had long light grey hair which could seem white at times and a pair of captivating golden orbs for eyes. She currently dressed in a hospital gown given to her by the staff.

The grey-headed woman held out her hand to her husband.

"Take it"

Arthur hesitated he knew what happened the last six times he had taken his wife's hand during childbirth. It never ended well for his poor hands last he had to be taken off to another part of the hospital to have his fingers looked at.

"Err I t-think-"


The demand was clear as it could be.

So, with great sorrow, Arthur slowly took the offered appendage and was brought into a world of hurt as his hand and finger were crushed in the vice-like grip of his wife. Not even his Aura would able to save him from Caren's death grip.

"Alright, we almost done with the first one. Just one more push!" The doctor ordered.

Following the command, she pushed hard and soon felt something pass but oddly heard no crying.

'What's going on? Why isn't there any screaming?' Caren started to panic as this had never happened before during her other pregnancies.

Was her child alright?

She and Arthur could see the hospital staff looking at each other with pity and sadness but were not saying anything as they took the child away from her viewing.

'What they doing? Where they taking my baby?!'

"Argh!" Sadly, the women were unable to express her concerns as Caren felt the other baby coming and pain along with it. Unable to do anything but follow the instructions of the staff she got to work pushing and destroying Arthur's hand.

Everyone was sure they heard a finger snap from the grip making the Arc male cried manly tears at the loss of his precious finger.

After some time, it was done the last twin was born and this time it came with a healthy cry of a new-born.

"It's finally over." Came a tired and weak sigh from the mother.

Caren was exhausted but needed to stay awake for her child, she was especially concerned about her first one since it had made no sound what so ever after leaving her womb. Dreadful emotions and fears began to play on the mother's mind. What if her first baby hadn't survived the birth? That what kept repeating itself in her mind terrifying Caren more as time passed with doctors not bringing her children back to her. It only served to feed the fed her paranoia of the worst-case scenario actually being true.

Caren's heart couldn't take that if that was the case.

Seeing his wife in worry Arthur try to comfort her by holding her hand. It was a small gesture but it had a great effect as the two gave each other a reassuring smile.

When the doctors came back Caren was the first one to ask about her children. "Where are they? Is there something wrong with them?!" She began firing off questions casing the man in the white coat to put his hands up in surrender unable to say anything until the concerned mother finally calm down to allow him to speak.

"Both of your twins are perfectly fine Mrs. Arc. You've given birth to a healthy boy and girl."

The news immediately caused the Arc couple's fears to die down getting replaced with joy and happiness. They had another little girl to add to the family and had their very first son breaking the constant streak of them only having daughters for years. Arthur was personally jumping for joy in his head for finally being able to have access to father and son activities in the future. Not that he didn't already enjoy spending time with his daughters just that he looked forward to the differences that having a son would bring for him.

The doctor's voice cut back in bringing them out of there joyous thoughts.

"They are just getting check-up right now as we speak. The reason it took so long was we were...only slightly concerned with the oldest twin because some complications we saw with the girl." The man paused.

The parents waited for the doctor to continue on with waited breath worrying that while their new daughter may have survived that the child might have some kind of disability that would make it hard for her to live a normal life.

"When she first come out the womb she wasn't crying or moving about so at first we feared that she could have been a stillborn but thankfully that turned out not be the case. It just seems that she is very unusually quiet for new-born more than any other infant I had ever seen in all my years as a doctor. "

"Is that somehow bad? Should we be concerned? " Arthur asked standing by his wife's side.

"I personally don't think there is anything wrong with them Mr. Arc but something odd did happen during the birth. I'm sure we'll find out more when they get back with the check-up."

Walking through the nearby twin doors the doctor left them to see the condition of the new-borns.

The two parents waited patiently desperate to hear news concerning their children. Half an hour later the door opened again with the same doctor looking practically stumped and shocked. The same with the two-nurses following him one had what looked to be test results while the other nurse had something much more important to Arthur and Caren.

In the woman's hands were two tightly wrapped up babies almost hidden in the blankets. The nurse seeing the eagerness in mother's eyes quickly walked over and carefully handed over the infants before stepping away to join the doctor.

Having her children in her hands Caren proceeded to cuddle and nuzzle the two of them. She then noticed that the doctor was still standing there in the room with some results, supposedly wanting to still speak with them.

"Is something wrong doctor?" She asked.

The man shook his head. "N-No nothing is wrong per say it's just-" The doc cut himself off trying to find the right words.

"Mrs. Arc...h-have you by chance had your Aura unlocked recently during the months of your pregnancy?"

Caren was confused and taken back by such a question. "N-No, I've had my Aura unlocked years before I even got pregnant with my first daughter."

"...I see." The doctor looked back at the clipboard containing the test results.

"What's my wife's Aura got to do with anything," Arthur demanded to know not like being kept in the dark when it concerned his wife and kids.

The doctor then dropped the bombshell.

"We just curious because of your son and daughter already had their Auras unlocked from birth."

Both parents blinked in surprise.

It wasn't completely unheard of for children to be born with their aura already unlocked but it was still a rare occurrence never the less.

"How is that possible?" Caren inquired.

"Well, we had first thought that if you Mrs. Arc had recently had your aura unlocked during some point in your pregnancy that it could have also caused a chain reaction of sorts to your unborn children since that has been known to happen in the past. Other cases have had it where during birth if the baby's life is endangered some have been known to forcibly unlock their Aura in order to survive." He explained still flicking through the papers on the clipboard.

The parents waiting to know what possible thing had caused their children to prematurely awaken their Aura.

"But since that's not the case here, it seems from what the test show is that your daughter was the first one to somehow to force the activation of her Aura during the birth likely by accident it's rare but it happens. What is new and possibly the only record of this occurring was that your daughter's Aura had also triggered your son to awaken his." The doctor held down the clipboard to view their reactions.

It was no surprise that the couple's faces were gobsmacked as they looked down on the two infants soundly against their mother's bosom. Arthur reached out his hand to both of them sending a bit of his own Aura out to get a reaction and he did. Their son's Aura flared up in a pure clean white color while their daughters showed itself to be a more dominating dark purple making the two of them gasp finding out the doc was telling the truth.

Chuckling the doctor exclaimed. "Yes, that was about the same reaction I had as well. At first, we thought the tests were wrong and so I did it personally. Same result. I then checked the machines to make sure it was working right and did it again. Once again, the same result. The boy has very large Aura reserves while his twin has slightly less but much denser in quality. I highly suggest that the two of you look into training them in how to use it as they grow up since it could be dangerous for themselves and others around them if that power is left unsupervised at such a young age."

He stopped to allow the information to be absorbed by the parents before continuing. "If their Aura grows as they mature I'm sure they'll grow up to be very strong and worthy enough to live up to their Huntsman lineage Mr. Arc."

"I err see...thank you... for everything you've done doctor." Arthur gives his thanks after finding his words. "Will you please tell our daughters in the waiting room about their new siblings and to come and see us when they get the chance."

The man just nodded and smiled. "Of course, I'll do that right away I'm sure the two of you have much to discuss after going through so much in one day...oh and congratulations."

The doctor along with the nurses soon left the two Arc to themselves.

Now alone the couple sighed to themselves.

"What are we going to do?" Caren asked out loud unsure how they should go forth from here with the twins after hearing all that.

Putting a hand on her shoulder. "It will be fine Caren it's been a tough day for you so don't worry too much about anything we got pliantly of time. I'll handle their training as they grow up and teach them how to control their Aura and semblances when the time comes."

Narrowing her eye. "You not gonna already trying to decide their future by training them to become Hunters are you, Arthur? I don't want them forced into anything they don't want to do."

"No." Shaking his head the man tried to explain himself. "That's not what I meant Caren! I'll teach them to make sure nothing bad will happen to them, if our kids don't want to follow in my footsteps then I'm not going to pressure anyone into it. I know it's a dangerous life and definitely not for everyone."

The mother sighed in relief "Okay fine let's just forget about all that for now. I don't want to get any more stressed out."

"Sounds great how about we focus on the twins now?"

Looking down Arthur and Caren greeted their new members of their family.

Their son the one wrapped up in the blue blanket was asleep wiggling around to get comfortable. He had Arthur's golden blonde hair and the same facial features but they couldn't see his eyes since they were closed. The boy looked to have inherited heavily from his father along with the more tanned skin tone.

The girl in the pink blanket contrast to her brother was wide awake and strangely to the couple looked to be...anger? As the young child's eye almost seemed to glare at everything. It would probably have seemed unusual but to the mother and father they could help but find the young girl's face adorable to look at as she resembled a mad puppy to them with her cheeks puffed up like they were.

It was clear that their little girl had her mother's looks as the baby had Caren's light grey hair as well as possessing her honey golden eyes with a very pale complexion. Both the infants in Caren's arms looked to be completely healthy with no problems that she could see.

The Arcs were relieved to know that both of their children had been fine and were very grateful for it even after the news about them unlocking their Aura.

Whispering in his wife's ear so not to wake up their son. "What are you going to name them?"

Arthur thought is fair that Caren got to pick the names for their kids this time around.

Looking toward her sleeping son first. "Well, this little guy's name will be Jaune Arc."

Then at her little girl "And this one here will be called Jeanne Arc"

Arthur could have sworn that he saw his daughter (now named Jeanne) eye's twitch upon receiving her name. "err are you absolutely s-sure that's what you want to name them." He was only asking because somehow their daughter didn't appear to be pleased with it. As if the infant really disliked the name or something.

Glaring at him. "What?! You got a problem with their names?" She asked making him take a step back not wanting to piss off his wife.

"No! No problem at all! There great! F-Fantastic even!" He shouted which he regretted immediately as his loud voice woke his son up.

The boy's eyes shot open giving them a view of his pure blue orbs making him look adorable...which lasted about a second before the Jaune started wailing in tears of being woken up. The husband shrunk as his wife gave a death glare and oddly enough so was Jeanne like the little girl was annoyed at him for the crying of her twin.

"ha...S-Sorry?" he tied to apologise to save himself from his wife.

It didn't work.

Six months later.

"They look so cute together!"

"Shhhh Angela you'll disturb them." The voice of Caren growled out.

"Sorry," blonde woman whispered apologetically. "Can I please take a photo of them like this though mom? It's too perfect to let this moment go."

"All right but make it quick we need to let them rest," Caren replied to her oldest daughter as she took her scroll to capture this moment for forever. She couldn't blame Angela wanting to take a photo of her baby siblings since the sight of them together right now would have melted anyone's heart.

Meanwhile with a certain dragon Witch...

'How did this happen to me? Is this my divine punishment from God?' Jeanne questioned with despair as a depressed atmosphere hung over her head as she took in her current plight.

It had been six months now since Jeanne had found herself somehow how reborn in a world she didn't recognise. Jeanne had no idea how such a thing had happened but the cause of all this mattered little to the once feared Avenger.

She had bigger problems like where she currently found herself.

After being born, which had been possibly the most traumatising experience imaginable for any person fully aware of what was happening, Alter had been met with her new 'parents' which looked to be some goofy looking blonde-haired man and a light grey-haired woman. Arthur and Caren Arc were their names as Jeanne had picked them up during her time with them.

The coincidence and irony weren't lost on her about the fact she had ended up the same name her original self-had been given along with the surname. All this further pointed to the fact that she was finally being punished for her sins in the most unconventional way possible.

The couple had taken her and her 'twin' out of the hospital some time ago and now Jeanne was currently staying in her new home.

Sadly, that's where more problems began.

Since she was a baby, Jeanne was powerless to do anything but the most basic of human functions. Unable to walk or eat without assistance, only being able to speak in gibberish and having to use diapers which were absolutely mortifying.

It didn't help that her new mother insisted on feeding her through breast milk. 'An experience I want to be purged from my memory.'

There was nothing much for her to do sadly as she was stuck in this form of being an infant that and unable to function on her own. All Jeanne could do was be patient she supposed and just wait until her body catches up with her mind.

Of course, telling herself to be patient was easier said than done mostly because that it got tested.

A lot.

Like it was right now with Jeanne stationed in her crib.

The bed itself was fine.

No, the problem came from her 'twin' who was right now hugging onto her in his sleep refusing to let Jeanne out of his grip.

Looking over at the sleeping baby boy that was meant to be her brother now, the fallen saint narrowed her eyes. 'This must be God's doing as some cruel attempted to torment me by making me go through this humiliation.'

She attempted to wiggle free but the grip of the hug on her increased as the boy used her as a glorified teddy bear!

Her twin... Jaune was his name had absolutely refused to leave her side for more than a few minutes before the boy would start crying making their mother put them back together where Jaune would instantly cease his wailing and latch onto his her. The parents thought it was adorable that Jaune wanted to be close with his older twin but Jeanne found it annoying.

It got even more annoying when the members of this new family Jeanne found herself in would take pictures further ruining her pride. Still looking at him with a frown which was meant to scary but failed with her baby face and only came across as cute as the two older women watching them awed at the display even further.

"Look at Jeanne acting so grumpy." She heard the mother whisper over to the other blonde-haired girl watching over them,

"I know mom it just makes me just want to pinch her cheeks she's so adorable."

Jeanne's eyes widen upon hearing that. 'Y-You better keep your hands to yourself filth don't you dare come near me!'

How much humiliation must she endure before they would finally leave her alone? It not like she could fight back against them with how she was. Giggling the mother softly pushed her older daughter towards the door. "Alright, Angela that's enough dotting over your baby brother and sister. They're not even a year old yet we need to let them have their rest, you can dot after them when they get older."

The daughter complied with her mother and the two of them soon left the room much to Jeanne's pleasure.

She honestly didn't know what to think about this family she found herself in or how to even proceed by having to grow up with them. It wasn't like she didn't have memories of the real Jeanne d'Arc family from when she grew up as peasant girl but she wasn't the real holy maiden Jeanne.

So, did those experiences still count? You could say it didn't since Alter had born from Gilles mad desires for what he wanted from Jeanne. But this family technically was all hers and had nothing to do with that naïve saint other than having the same last name.

'My own family huh?' she didn't know what to even feel about them. When they showered her with unconditional love along with her brother it made her feel wired.

Scowling 'Argh! What's wrong with me? Thinking about some pointless crap like this. None of it matters anyway they soon stop acting so caring for me once I start to show my true colors then they'll wash their hands with me.'

They turn their backs on her the moments they begin to see what kind of person she was and end up betraying her. These people will show themselves to be no different than those allies that betrayed her and burned her on the pyre. The altered Jeanne would not allow herself to easily fall into another situation of despair like she felt back then, no she won't let them get close to her at all! Not when they just walk away leaving her by herself again.

She will be fooled no longer.

She will be betrayed no longer.

She no longer heard the voice of the lord.

'I don't need anyone. My hatred, my resentment shall give me all the strength I need for this world.'

Shaking her head free of those stupid thoughts she looked back over to her 'brother' who was still holding on to her. 'Huh, your lucky runt that I'm powerless to do anything in my current state or else you have ended up like most people that have gotten close to me by being consumed by flames.'

Almost as if he knew that someone was watching him Jaune's eyelids opened giving the alter Jeanne a view of a pair of big innocent blue orbs.

Jeanne hated them they were full of purity and kindness without an announce anything sinister being behind them.

She wished that he would stop staring at her like that. The boy made Jeanne felt disgusted as he reminded her of that worthless saintess with those blue eyes and blond hair. It was like looking at a male version of that holy Ruler and this boy was meant to be her brother now.

'How annoying.'

Those blue eyes stared right at her as Jeanne glared right back at the infant with her own intense honey golden ones. Jaune didn't seem to fear the look she was giving him and instead just giggled childishly before snuggling closer into Jeanne and then drifted off to sleep once more. Getting brushed off like that Jeanne could feel her right eye twitching at the audacity of her 'twin' as he wasn't even afraid of her and just got close to her without a care in the world.

She pretty sure her face was red but would deny it furiously or calm it to be red from anger.

Shouting internally at the sleeping blond 'errr you're so annoying and frustrating! You worthless boy I swear that I'll-'


Jeanne was unable to finish her internal rant as a wave drowsiness hit her. 'Cruses!' she began to yawn again. Her tiny body still wasn't suited for saying up for long hours, she needed to rest but couldn't move anywhere thanks to Jaune cuddling up to her.

'…. damn it I have no choice.'

Golden eyes scanned the room to see if anyone could be watching, seeing no one the Avenger slowly started resting her head atop of Jaune's. Finding some warm comfort Jeanne closed her eyes and letting consciousness leave her she finally began to rest.

'At least you make a good pillow that will keep me warm... so I guess you're not without your uses it would seem...little brother.'

The two new-born siblings snored away in the crib not letting go of one another.

Eight years later. The Arc household.

A young boy with bright blonde hair with a wooden sword in his hands could be seen outside in the large backyard of the Arc. The backyard was littered with craters and ruined patches of earth here and there from the area being used for sparring by the Arc family for generations. The massive arc household had been standing ever since it had been built by the first Arcs centuries ago, surviving harsh weather's, degradation and many Grimm assaults in the past.

Taking practice swings at an old and worn training dummy an eight-year-old Jaune Arc was going over some of the pointers his father had given him recently. After performing a flurry of slashes at the unmoving target the young boy letting his adrenaline take over and took a big two-handed swing at the target.

Within the moment he was unable to see his arms glowing slightly with a white energy coating them.

The strike landed with a heavy thud and the wooden dummy that was planted into the ground was uprooted and went flying across the large backyard behind the Arc household. Eye's widening at what he had just do Jaune looked towards his hands to see the wooden sword snapped in two as well as his arms covered in Aura.

"Not again!" He growled out dropping the broken practice sword.

This was one of the reasons why he was out practicing since he was trying to learn better control of his large aura reserves.

Jaune had been told from a young age that he and twin had been born with their aura already unlocked which was apparently quite uncommon and meant he needed to learn to handle using it without hurting himself or others.

In eight years Jaune had never really had any incidents with his aura other than sometimes accidentally reinforcing his limbs which had caused him to break the odd thing around the house. To honest his mishaps had been overlooked when compared to what his twin had done when she started experimenting with her aura.

Just thinking back to all that made him shiver with fright.

For some reason, his sister had a real knack when came to both training and manipulating her aura.

While Jaune had been told he had the much large reserves compared to even many veteran huntsmen it was clear that Jeanne was way more skilled with her aura. She was a prodigy when it came to Aura, he had even seen her mold it in solid objects that she could use for fighting which still boggled Jaune's mind to this day of she even did it.

Not to mention his twin sister had already found her semblance before she had even reached the age ten while Jaune himself still didn't have a clue of what his could be.

'I wonder what my semblance is? I hope it's a cool one! Or at least be cooler then Jeanne's at the very least.'

That was why Jaune trained way more compared to his twin because he felt bit lacking, but Jaune had never let it get to him though and instead looked up to his twin as something to chase after. He saw it as her setting the standard for him to reach even if she denied doing anything of the sort.

"Jaune!" a voice belonging to his mother called out to him.


"Stop practicing out there, Dinner is nearly ready."

"Coming Mom!"

With the promise of food, the young eight year old sprinted towards the patio door. Entering he saw his family setting up the table with his older sisters moving around and putting out the plates effortlessly while his dad just stayed in his seat. The last time his father had tried making himself useful during family dinner he ended up always braking something due to his clumsiness to anything that didn't involve fighting.

The young boy saw his mom walking in and out of the kitchen bringing with her bits of food that she would lay out in the center of the table.

Seeing her son Caren smiled and asked. "Do you know where Jeanne is sweetheart? I haven't seen her walking around like she normally does so I thought she might have been training outside with you but I guess I was wrong."

Jaune didn't know why his mother would think that as his twin sister always refused to help him out with training saying she had better things to do than help a brat like him. "I think she's still in her room like she always is."

"Again? Oh, I swear at times it's like that girl doesn't want to spend any time with her family." His mother informed looking slightly dejected.

Not liking seeing his mother looked so sad he gave her a big grin proclaiming. "Don't worry Mom Jeanne just probably just being her usual moody self. I'll go upstairs and get her to join us you know I always convince her!"

With that said the young boy ran up the stairs to drag his sister down so they could all eat together.

Caren just smiled at her son seeing him be his usual helpful self. She honestly couldn't believe how her son and his twin had turned out as the two were like night and day. With Jaune being always so bright and happy wanting to help anyone in need and just radiating kindness, while his sister was quiet not wanting to talk or just acted damn near hostile to anyone wanting to get near her.

The Arc matriarch had been very worried for her daughter as the years went on as her behavior would get very destructive more and more when people approached her. After a certain incident with Jeanne nearly attacking some other children at the park years ago Caren and Arthur had considered taking Jeanne to a professional to get their little girl looked at but decided against it.

Mostly because despite the troubles they had faced she and husband love Jeanne and all their children and couldn't go along with forcing them to get treatment from some doctor who might only make things worse.

Besides there was something that Caren and the rest of the family had for bringing Jeanne closer with the family and keeping her under control...somewhat anyway.

It was Jaune himself.

For some reason no matter what the problem was, be it, Jeanne, refusing to spend time with her family or something more serious like the young girl using her aura in a very dangerous way to threaten people Jaune was always somehow able to cut right past anything his twin used to stop others getting close and solve the issue.

Of course, Jeanne was never happy about it and the girl was always very vocal of her displeasure but Caren could see it was working.

As the recent years went by Jeanne was starting to open up to the rest of the Arc family be it very slowly but thanks to Jaune his twin was starting to become part of the family.

No one really questioned how Jaune was able to handle his sister since everyone just assumed it was because they were twins so they had a special bond. Knowing that her son will bring his sister down so they will all be able to eat together like a family Caren went back into the kitten to make sure none of the food that was still cooking got burnt.

Going up the stairs Jaune let his mind wonder about his twin.

He would be the first to admit growing up he never understood why his sister would act the way that she did. Jaune couldn't see why Jeanne would try and scare away everyone near her. The blonde could still recall the times when his parents took him and Jeanne out to meet up with other kids so they could make friends.

For himself, it had been fine and Jaune had found himself getting along with other people his age back then but for his sister Jeanne it didn't turn out well. She had refused to talk to any of other kids making her appear odd to young children back then and when approached Jeanne ended up insulting them making a few leave crying.

The ones that stayed started to respond with insults back which only caused his sister to find them annoying and began to take things too far by threatening the other children with her aura which caused the other parents to get involved. At the end the day the whole experience had been a disaster and pretty much ostracized Jeanne from everyone close to their age out of fear and anyone else outside of the family to dislike her around town.

While Jaune hadn't agreed with how his twin had acted at the time he didn't think she deserved to treated like she was now.

After all, Jeanne was still his sister and he cared deeply about what happened to his twin.

The kids would whisper in hushed tones and glance away while getting dirty looks from the adults whenever she would walk by still to this day since no one would seem to forget what happened. His sister never seemed to be upset by the responses she got from everyone in the town, in fact, it seemed the girl was actually pleased with what she achieved.

But while Jeanne hadn't been upset about the fact she had no friends Jaune on the other hand was.

He didn't like it that his sister was isolating herself and really didn't like how people would act around his twin. So Jaune made a choice that day in that he refused to make any friends with the kids in town as he didn't want to associate with people who talked behind his sister's back and a simpler reason was...

He didn't want Jeanne to be all alone.

Coming out of his reminiscing the boy reached his sibling's door to her room. It was decorated with a bunch of signs which all basically told whatever person about to enter to leave and not to disturb the room's resident.

Looking at the door one more time Jaune sighed to himself mentally preparing for what was to come when dealing with his sister.

'well, here we go again.' Grabbing the handle, he opened the door without even bothering to knock knowing that it wouldn't work or help from doing it in the past.

Stepping into the darkly lit room he shouted. "Jeanne! Wake up mom's almost got food ready-"


The blonde got cut off as a spear made of black-purple energy flew past his head embedding itself to the wall on his right.

Glancing over towards the projectile Jaune held in another sight.

This was, funnily enough, a common occurrence for Jaune and pretty much anyone who dared walk into this room. You could tell because there were dozens of other holes in the wall that had been plastered over where Jeanne had shot the weird aura spears she used to scare people out of her room.

'I wish she would teach me how to do it.' He grumbled to himself slightly jealous of his sister's cool tricks she could do with her aura.

When she had first started to make them four years ago their father had assumed that Jeanne's ability to make those weird spears was part of her semblance but that turned out not to be the case as her true semblance showed itself later on. Seemed that instead his sister was just insanely good with manipulating and controlling her aura into physical objects, it had been a surprise to the whole family that Jeanne was so powerful with her Aura at such a young age.

It was almost like she already knew what she was doing and everything was like second nature to her when it came to Aura and fighting anyway.

Turning away from the wall Jaune saw his sister was lying face down in her bed wrapped around in a sheet with one of her arms stretched out from the throwing the spear at the wall.

Deadpanning "You do know that dad gonna have to patch up your wall again now, right?"


All that he got was a very aggressive growl like you hear from an aggravated animal when some was approaching in on their territory.

Unfazed Jaune walked right up to the bedside and pulled off the sheet she was using to cover herself in which only ended up pissing off the girl even more.

Finally acknowledging him a pair of glowing yellow eyes glared up into his calm blue ones.

From an outsider's perspective, you would have a hard time ever thinking that Jaune and Jeanne were actually related let alone twins. They had next to no similarities with his hair being a bright blond and Jeanne's being a grey-white. Of course, there was the difference in eye color as well as their skin tone and to top it off it appeared their personalities were completely opposite.

"What do want brat?!" Her voice was filled with annoyance that he had the guts to disturb her.

Ignoring what she called him the blonde smiled at his twin. "Mom's nearly done cooking dinner for all of us."

Jaune hid it well but he really wishes his sister would call him brother or bro just once. She rarely even called him by his name anyway preferring to refer to Jaune as 'brat' most times with it changing to something else once or twice.

"That's it?" Her face scrunched up in a scowl of disgusted. "I don't care about whatever shit that...woman has made, so leave!"

She turned away from him and waved him off as if to say they were done.

Well if Jaune was anything it was persistent and stubborn so he stayed while continuing to plead with his sister to come downstairs for couple minutes. A loop began to occur with Jaune annoying his twin wanting her to join him and the rest of the family, while Jeanne just kept refusing and cursing at him which the boy started to have enough of.

"Jeanne you know mom and dad don't like it when you swear. Don't you remember what happened last to time you cursed in front of mom?"

The comment got the girl's attention back on him as she jumps out of the bed on to her feet. Jaune could have sworn that he actually may have seen a hint of fear enter his twins' eyes in recalling what happened to her with their mother.

Getting up in his face Jaune had to take a step back as a dark aura surrounded his sister.

"Mothe- err I m-mean that woman isn't gonna know about me just swearing right now...unless you plan to snitch on me."

Jaune didn't get a word in as a finger pointed in his face.

"You not going to do that are you, chicken shit? You do remember what I told you about what happens to snitches, don't you?"

A sadistic grin etched itself on her smooth lips.

"They get stitches." He gulped.

"Damn right"

And just like that, the tension in the room was broken as his sister backed off away from him. Sighting Jaune had forgotten how intimidating his twin could be even if he knew that she wasn't gonna hurt him.

Closing her eyes thinking that she had finally scared the brat Jeanne scoffed and crossed arms while turning away. "Humph now will you finally leave brat, you are being annoying! Do you want me to behead you? No? Then leave me to myself already."

Getting some confidence back Jaune responded. "Are going to come downstairs after me if I leave now?"

Speaking in a sarcastic tone "Wait do you think moron?"

Sighing in frustration the young boy looked back at his sister with a stern and determined face. "Then I guess I'm not going anywhere then."

Still not looking at him she just scoffed at him. "Why do you keep wanting to involve me in these types of things?"

Staring in confusion at the silly question Jaune answered simply. "W-Why? That's stupid it's because you're my sister Jeanne and I care about you. I j-just want you to stop pushing me and others away I... I don't want you to be lonely so Jeanne will you please open yourself up... a least a little bit?"

Prying one eyelid Jeanne looked over her shoulder. "Open? You want me to be open?" She mused and couldn't help but find the stuff the brat was spewing to be amusing. Being open would only let in unnecessary pains and complications. "You really are an idiot and by asking that you prove you don't understand me so leave me alone."

She was now demanding him to go but Jaune was known for being stubborn when it came to his twin. It was something he learned he had to be when dealing and growing up with Jeanne for eight years now.

"I want to understand you more." He explained softly. "You're my sister, my twin and I love you so you know I'm not gonna leave you or go anywhere. Maybe if you join us all downstairs everyone else can start to understand you better as well... so will you please come along before the food gets cold."

"What are you getting at?!" She cut right to the point unable to comprehend what he trying to say to her under the rubbish he was spewing.

"err um I dunno that w-we're family... so, um... will you join me and others so we can be together as a family. "The blonde boy finished off his little speech by closing his eyes giving a toothy grin.

Quickly turning away from him Jaune was unable to see his sister's face slowly light up in embarrassment so he kept on going unaware that he was affecting Jeanne. Having fought back the coloring in her cheeks Jeanne twisted back around to him and lifted up her arms. "Haa? Eat together with those idiots downstairs and you? That's the last thing I'll do.

Losing his smile Jaune's heart sank and the blonde lowed his head as his twin went on. "Good grief how long do you plan on keeping this caring act up. It's really stupid..."


Jeanne stopped as she noticed that Jaune had his head down looking absolutely dejected like a kicked puppy. She was sure that if you could see his eyes right now it would be them god awful puppy dog eyes that he used on her before!




She must stay strong!


She must resist!




A sudden weight made itself known on Jaune's shoulder bring his head back up he saw that Jeanne was right in front of him refusing to make eye contact with him.

"…. F-Fine I said too much...since it's come to t-this let's go downstairs and eat with I'm feeling generous to grace you all with my presence."

What happened next the white hair girl was not ready for as Jaune's mood did a complete one-eighty and grabbed her into a familiar tight bear hug while losing the fake tears.

"Yes! I knew you would come around sis. You always trying to act so cold to everyone but I know that you really love us." He then proceeded to press his cheek right against hers while still not allowing Jeanne to leave his hold even under threats of burning and beheading.

"W-WHAT KIND OF CRAP A-ARE YOU SPEWING BRAT!" She roared out while stammering. "I couldn't care less about you."

"Nah you're just saying that to save face."

Struggling in the surprisingly strong hold Jeanne glared at him to appear intimidating once again but the look was ruined by the blush creeping in on her face. "S-Shut up you scrawny little shit! I only agreed to go with you because I had nothing else to do and I get a free meal! ...Now let go of me this instant, do you want to end up getting burned?"

Still holding on "I don't mind Jeanne I'll be fine since I have an insane amount of aura to protect me."

"A-Are you stupid? I said let go of me right now or I swear that I'll enact vengeance for this humiliation I'm suffering!"

Jeanne's whole body began to glow a menacing purple lighting up the room as her Aura grew in size until it loomed over Jaune.

'oh dear... I think I might have taken it too far.' The young male Arc thought as witness his sister take up another one of those aura spears of hers, not wanting to find out what she had planned for him the blonde legged it.

"Don't you run from me, coward!"

The rest of the arc family were soon treated to the sight of Jaune running down the stairs with a very angry Jeanne not far behind him as the young girl tried to impale him. Everyone on the table just sighed at the two twins causing such commotion then turned away and started to eat their food. They knew Jeanne would eventually stop trying to hunt down her brother and join them at the table just like all the other times this happened.

Arthur and Caren shake their heads and smiled.

"I said I was sorry!"

"Stop running and let me perform your execution!"

Just another common day for the strange Arc twins.


Well that's it.

I kinda made Jeanne alter more OCC mostly because a part of me thinks if I went all with the real humanity hating Jeanne she would have just killed everyone so I obviously couldn't go with that for this story.

Then again, I think it's said somewhere that at the base of Jeanne alter is the original Jeanne but is just very tough to get past her walls making her a tough nut to crack. I have her in my Chaldea (after many 10 spins) and I can kinda of see a sort of progression of her protestations going from disgust to annoyance to keeping you at an arm's- length because she doesn't want to you getting 'burned by her flames' even if she won't admit that's why she is doing it.

For Jaune being close to her I would sort of compare it to the bond system in FGO in that because of Jaune insistence to be around his twin they had start to grow accustomed to each other. I would say that Jaune is around at a 3.5 or higher on the bond scale right about now after eight years.

The bit I put near the start of the story with other spirits getting reincarnated was just for me to leave it open so that if I want to I can add in more servants from Fate in the world. I have some in mind later on but I could just scrap it and just keep it with Alter but I will admit I have some interesting ideas of who could show up.

If you want a better idea of what some of the characters that have shown up look here a list.

Caren Arc look based on Caren Hortensia from Fate.

Arthur Arc look is based on Arthur Pendragon (Male Saber) from Fate.

Jeanne Arc looked is based on Jeanne d'Arc alter from Fate grand order.

Angela Arc look is based on Angela Ziegler (Mercy) From Overwatch.

Well good luck with the summer banner I have had mixed luck on it so far. I wanted just Tamamo and Mordred from the whole banner since none of the other summer servants interest me. I would like summer Arturia but I would rather have 5 star Tamamo in a swimsuit.

So far, I've been spooked with np 2 summer Mordred and Np2 summer Anne and Mary. Got spooked by Nitocris and a normal Jeanne as well.

Dunno if to be happy about that or not.

See you guys next time and have fun rolling.