Just so you know, Ash is 18 in this story. I don't own Pokémon. I only own my OCs and storyline.




Vermilion City

We see a cruise ship arrive, and getting off is Ash Ketchum, along with Iris, and Cilan. After saying their goodbyes, Cilan went off to do his own thing and Iris did the same. Before Ash could head back home, he suddenly felt light headed, and the last thing he saw before collapsing to the ground was a trainer and a vaguely familiar pokemon.

When Ash got back up, he was in a white abyss. He tried to shout for help, but he barely heard his voice. He then heard someone crying and asking him to come back, though Ash didn't quite know what they were talking about. Then a figure in the distance started to appear. Before he could identify the figure, he started to feel like he was being dragged backwards by something and suddenly...

Ash opened his eyes only to notice he was in the pokemon center.

"What a weird dream," Ash said, rubbing his aching head.

"So your finally awake," someone said, startling Ash.

Ash looked around the room and noticed someone about his age. He was wearing a green shirt, brown pants, and grey shoes, had dark blue eyes, and had light brown hair.

"I know what your thinking, so I'll tell you. I'm Alfred Crocker, and this is Quartz," the teen named Alfred said, pointing at a beige latias with an orange right eye, and green left, which Ash assumed was Alfred's partner pokémon.

"You do realize I can introduce my self, right?" Quartz said, catching Ash slightly off guard.

"Wait, you can tal..." Ash said, only to realize he's now being glared at by Quartz. "I mean, you can speak the same language as humans?"

"You already got your answer," Quartz said.

"Well, I'm Ash Ketchum, and this is my partner Pikachu," Ash said as Pikachu jumped on his shoulder.

"So, Ash. Me and Quartz are going to be heading to Altomare, and I somehow managed to buy 2 tickets by accident. Would you like to come with us?" Alfred said.

"Sure I will!" Ash said excitedly.

Ash, Pikachu, Alfred, and Quartz then headed to the harbor, and got on the boat to Altomare.

When the ship arrived the next morning, Ash still felt excited, possibly even more than before.

"I wonder how Bianca and Lorenzo are doing," Ash thought to himself, also wondering where to look first. "Now that I think of it, I should check the museum first."

After Ash told Alfred and Quartz where he was going, they decided to to all go together. When they arrived though, Alfred and Quartz decided not to go in the museum, and head past it. So Ash went into the museum alone, and looked around for a while, eventually finding a door that was ajar, and heard Lorenzo talking behind the door.

"Hey, is that you Lorenzo?" Ash asked, causing who ever was talking to stop.

A few seconds passed before the door opened all the way, and Lorenzo came out.

"Ash?" Lorenzo said out of surprise.

"Hey Lorenzo, long time no see. How have Bianca and Latias been doing lately?" Ash said while Lorenzo's shook his hand.

"Bianca been good, but I can't really say the same about Latias. She just hasn't been the same since you left," Lorenzo said.

"Oh... Well can I go see if I can cheer her up?" Ash asked, hoping Lorenzo wouldn't say no.

"Good idea! As a matter of fact, just last week, she said she wanted to travel with you, even though she also said it probably would never happen, so here's a moon ball I got from Kurt," Lorenzo said as he took said moon ball out of his pocket and placed it in Ash's hand.

"Wait, what do you mean by she told you?" Ash asked, curious about Lorenzo's answer.

"You'll find out when you see her," Lorenzo said.

"Okay..? By the way, what were you doing in that closet right now?" Ash asked.

"I was just setting up the cameras for security system for the garden," Lorenzo said as a small alert went off on his phone. "It appears that the motion sensors detected something heading into the garden. I'm going over to check it out."

"I'm going with you," Ash said, followed by Lorenzo simply nodding.

When they arrived, Lorenzo noticed that Bianca appeared to be having a picnic with someone he didn't recognize and...

"Wait, is that another Latias?" Lorenzo thought to himself. Then that person he didn't recognize looked in his direction.

"Oh! Hey Ash! Over here!" the teen said, waving his left arm.

"Ash, do you know him?" Lorenzo asked.

"Well, kinda. I just met him yesterday," Ash said as he and Lorenzo walked over.

"Hey grandpa, this is Alfred, and this is Quartz," Bianca said.

"Hi there!" Alfred said.

"How's it going?" Quartz said, surprising Lorenzo.

"You can actually talk?" Lorenzo said.

"Yeah yeah, whatever," Quartz said, trying to ignore what Lorenzo just said.

"So, where's..?" Ash said, only to be interrupted by Bianca pointing, so he headed in that direction.

As Ash headed down the path, suddenly heard sniffling. When he found out where it was coming from, he found a latias that was crying, which was the same one from about 3 and a half years ago. He the stepped down, which made a twig snap, catching her attention.

"Just leave me..! Alone..." Latias said through telepathy, now noticing who she just yelled at.

"Hey Latias, are you oka-?" Ash said before getting tackled to the ground.

"I missed you so much Ash!" Latias said as she hugged Ash tightly.

"I missed you, ow, too. Latias, can you please let go? Your, crushing, me," Ash said, having trouble breathing.

"Oh, sorry!" Latias said, letting go of Ash and helping him up.

"So I heard you wanted to travel with me. Is that true?" Ash said after taking a moment to catch his breath.

Latias hovered there silently with a surprised look on her face.

"Hello? Earth to Latias?" Ash said, trying to snap the dragoness out of her trance.

"Yeah, it is, and I still do," Latias said.

"Okay, just let me grab the moon ball... Okay, ready?" Ash said eagerly.

"Well, before you catch me, I want to let you know I want a nickname," Latias said.

"Okay, like what?" Ash asked.

"How about Aurora?" Latias said hoping Ash like that name.

"Got it. Go, Moon ball!" Ash said throwing the moon ball at Latias. As soon as the moon ball hit the ground, she was caught.

"Alright! I caught Aurora!" Ash said excitedly, followed by Pikachu jumping up excitedly as well. Ash then went over to pick up the moon ball.

"Come on out Aurora," Ash said as he threw the moon ball in the air and out came Aurora. "So, do you want to meet some new friends of mine?"

"Sure!" Aurora said, wondering what these new friends are like, so she and Ash headed in the direction Ash had come from.

When they got back Ash introduced Aurora to Alfred and Quartz. They talked for a while on the way to a nearby hotel that allows pokemon to stay out of there pokeballs. After they got rooms, Quartz thought of something.

"Hey Alfred, weren't we going to head back to Hoenn after this?" Quartz asked, letting out a yawn afterwards.

"Yeah, but it's getting late, so well go head back starting tomorrow," Alfred said, also yawning.

So Alfred and Quartz went into the room they got, while Ash and Aurora went into the room across the hall.

Ash then took off his bag and got into the bottom bunk bed, while Aurora decided to sleep on the top bunk.

"Goodnight Ash," Aurora said.

"Goodnight Aurora," Ash said.

"Love you," Aurora said.

"Did you say something?" Ash said.

"Ummm, no w-why?" Aurora said nervously before tucking herself in.

"Never mind then," Ash said, sounding slightly disappointed.

"I guess I just imagined that. Why would I even think she would love me?" Ash thought to himself before drifting off to sleep.