Hello. This takes place after the Castle of Lions is destroyed, so for anyone who hasn't gotten to that part, spoilers ahead. The main shipping will be Klance, but Punk will assure maybe.
Summary: After being in the quintessence field both Keith and Lance have unexpected reactions. Lance gets turned Altean, while Keith's Galra blood goes dominant and makes him fully Galra. These two find company with each other cause neither of them wanted this. Will love spark between the two. Please rate and review. rated M for language and just to be safe.

Lance stood up giving a yawn, he finally felt better, the last week or so he felt sick to the stomach. He didn't know why or anything just that he felt sick, they where stuck on earth for awhile until the Castle of Lions was built again. He walked out of his room opening the door, they where in the Garrison dorms, though Pidge was in the females dorms. He walked to the bathroom, there he splashed water on his face to wake him up but when he looked in the mirror he fell back. He got up and looked at his features, he was Altean just like that, this was not happening. He touched his ears sure enough they where pointed to a tip, he sighed and walked out, this was best to consult Allura, Coran and the other Paladins of Voltron, though Lance was pretty sure Keith hated him.
Lance had put on his normal outfit, not his paladin one, he didn't seem to think it was necessary at the moment. He walked and found Allura and Coran together talking about the Castle of Lions, Coran was currently in charge of rebuilding it, while Allura helped. "Hey guys" Lance said clearing his throat they looked his way and Allura just froze, "Lance your Altean" she exclaimed going over to examine him, he stepped back. "Ok normally I would find a cute girl like you close to me attracting just not right now. I have no idea what the hell is going on with me" he said motioning towards the ears and face. Not to mention, Keith totally hates me right now. He won't even look at me or talk to me, and when he does its always with him being angry. He thought shaking his head, No bad Lance, do not think about him. He mentally scowled himself. "Hey could it be the cause of you healing me?" He asked, Allura shrugged, "anything is possible but we should figure this out quickly" she said. He nodded fully agreeing with her.

This is my first ever Voltron fanfic, please rate and review, if i get up to ten reviews then I'll give you a reward. Klance ahead, so any straight shippers be warned.