There is a game progression? But before that how am I supposed to eliminate Gato on land? To do that I need to be on water. OH, this just might work .There is a game progression? But before that how am I supposed to eliminate Gato on land? To do that I need to be on water. OH, this just might work .

Not sure if this would work but this was my best idea .

Water in inventory

It worked. I'm such a genius. Now just have to release it back the moment I leapt out. This would require some water... I will take a lot of water ,just to be secure.


"It seems that the water level has dropped for unknown reasons "

"This was not predicted "

"Looks like we're not fishing today . That's a bad omen"

There was a cough

A gruff man in bandages with a huge sword , obviously a shinobi. A girl with a hunter mask.

"We are looking for a ride to wave . We're willing to pay " the gruff man spoke.

"Sorry, we're not available "

"Hmp, looks like all routes to wave are dried up. Let's go to Amegakure, I heard they specialize in assassination"

/Meanwhile our protagonist has finished over preparing/

Hmm, that should do it . I might've stored more water than required . Better safe then sorry :P . I wasn't being still either . No, I was moving while my inventory got water . I was efficient like that . Definitely not aimless wandering which happened to be in correct direction .

Met some fisher boats on the way back , and chose to wisely stay hidden . Wouldn't do for people to alert Gato before I close. Even if he probably didn't think fish can kill people on land . Nothing of note happened .

I was approaching shoreline fast . A big fish like me wouldn't be able to swim in shallow waters effectively. So time to gather info, as I wasn't going to half-ass it, and swim through wave. That was too risky . I wanted to know exactly where Gato was before I did that.

On an off hand note the docks and stores along shoreline seem to be mysteriously empty . Huh, must be an off day .

/Sometime later/

"So I heard Gato is going to hold a event at 4th district "

"Everyone will be expected to come "

"I hope Kaiza is ok . Haven't seen him around "

"Yea , he's gonna lead a revolution"

Finally! I had been eavesdropping on every ship coming to wave , although the amount seems low . To eavesdrop was a simple matter of going under the ship and abusing 3rd person view . I also had to barrel roll through seaweed. So I could look like a suspiciously mobile piece of algae instead of a huge fish. Thankfully , no shinobi was present to notice anything.

The 4th district wasn't exactly ,an exact location but it's enough... hopefully. I need to work on my patience.

I swam really fast , to the screams of those on the boat . Sorry, not sorry.

I leapt , the moment I was airborne I expelled a lot of water at a very breakneck speed. I swam over the shore . So far it was working. It's working! I upped the water expelling rate just in case. Hadn't considered that I literally brought a flood with me . People screamed and ran, barricading themselves behind doors.

:/ Nvm . I still had to find Gato.

I quickly found him in short order . The stand plus a lot of signs pointing and saying "Kaiza execution" helped . This was the first time impatience was actually good . Kaiza was going to get executed today if I hadn't came. The Martyr of wave, Inari's father . This would alter cannon 4ever. And I was glad to do it .

I went over the crowd ,making a lot of people wet . There was Kaiza tied to a pole, about to be beaten by clubs. I had just arrived in time . Gato was too busy staring in shock as I went through, and eviscerated him in half .


Quest complete !

10k xp


Rep in wave to Revered


You gained 3 lvls!

+15 stat points

I speared through the pole, freeing Kaiza .Killed all the goons too.


The map was vague, it showed me the general layout ,and didn't tell me the location of Gato before I found the signs . It seems I needed to explore before knowing the specifics of an area . Greatttt... Not that I'm complaining since this gamer power is great and all.

This was enough to show me the fastest route to sea .

Rep with Kaiza to worshipped

That was more than I expected. I didn't have time to ponder as I upped the speed ,didn't want wave to be any more flooded .

Kaiza didn't know what the creature was,but it saved him and he was gratefull.

"Thank you" he muttered , it was difficult to shout when you're in water after all. The whole area was flooded but slowly and surely the water level was dropping back down. There were still some thugs left even if the creature had take out most of them. He picked up a broken sign,and bashed the disoriented thugs.

"To the people of wave!"

Others followed .

"To the people of wave!"

A full blown revolution was in the works

/sometime later,after wave is in stable condition/

"Kaiza has lead us when we had no hope. Fought valiantly against Gato. I present to you the new Leader of wave!"

The person walked off stage dressed in ceremonial robes,as the crowd cheered. The stage was a makeshift one ,build by the 'super- builder' otherwise known as Kaiza's father in law. But everyone in wave was here ,and it was all that mattered.

"Kaiza! Kaiza! Kaiza! Kaiza! "

Kaiza walked on stage ,and put on the Fan-hat thing. He frankly thought it looked ridiculous but appearances were to be kept.

"Thank you" he waited for the crowd to settle down.

"I want to thank you ,citizens of the wave. For supporting me "

Some cheering . A few paper fliers were thrown into air.

"But I could not have made it without the creature's help . Although it has flooded our streets, it also freed the land of wave"

Dramatic pause.

"I hereby declare a festival held every year, to this day. Beginning tomorrow ,the festival will start!"

More cheers,although he wished to know the creature's name , if it had one.

/somewhere near Wave/

Well, looks like I completed the quest but the unknown reward remained.

Quest :kill Gato(Completed)

?- communicate with Kaiza to receive

I put that away for later thou ,as I unfortunately had no brilliant ideas coming to mind.

The Pearl has deemed you worthy

-Telepathy unlocked

Telepathy lvl 1 - 1 person , 3 min max, once times a day max.

What? I didn't pay much attention to it , but I do have the Pearl on my person I mean.

The Pearl has deemed me worthy? Was it conscious ? I got a crazy theory right there . Was the kraken-thing, fighting along-side The Sage , on the Uzumaki ruin portrait, sealed within the Pearl? Holy shit .

Did it see me rescue people, and deemed me worthy ? If so does it have limited view of the world? Was this test supposed to be conducted at the ruin before I cheated my way? Does this make me a Pseudo-Jinchuriki ?!

I'm the first fish Jinchuriki ! If my theories are validated , of course.

Anyways back to business.


Then , I flew out of my mind . It was like I was there but I was not. The best way to clarify would be to say it was like 50% of my focus was on my actual body, and the other 50 was on my 'ghost-specter' of sorts.

I focused on Kaiza and insantly found him. I remembered his Chakra signature , and also brain (with my electric sense).


He jerked awake from his bed . Looking around in a vain attempt to place the voice.

'I can communicate telepathically . I'm the creature who saved you.'

Kaiza nodded,normally such a person wouldn't believe this but there was a certain compulsion,an allure to do so.

'Thank you, my lord'

Looks like the game was correct on the worship thing.

'Wave would have fallen, if not for you'

'I just did what I had to'

'That makes me revere you all the more,my lord . Is there anything you wish to ask of me?'

Reward unlocked -

Control of Wave (somewhat)

Wow. Think Kray ,think very hard about this.

Konoha could use some allies...

'I want you to open trade with Konoha. A treaty , an alliance if possible'

'It will be done. Would I know your name?'

A enormous jellyfish went by his real body.

'The jelly!'

'Thank you'


3 min up

/Back with Kray's real body/


I wanted to tell him that was the wrong name.

Title upgraded to-

The Jelly

-10% more dmg to those who know of you

-A lot of rep with Wave

-20% more rep gain with Wave ,10% with anyone else

-Chakra regan x2

I glared at the notification . I then glared as hard as my fish eyes would allow at the jellyfish.

A jellyfish was going to be very dead ,very soon.

[Thus that was how the annual 'Festival of The Jelly' got started]

Yes the gruff man is Zabuza.

No Haku isn't female.

Yes this will deviate quite abit from Cannon. Also Kray has 15 stat points to spend.

There will be no spoilers.

Try'in to write more. Spent some time looking at Naruto world map XD. Just realized that the plot is moving too fast ,and there might be not enough detail.

I hope you all have a good read :)