Hello, hello, and hello! After years of planning, I am thrilled to present, finally, my own original work in the form of this story: the prologue to my four-ish part Kingdom Hearts saga. As you may know, this series began and was continued in my seriously modified novelizations of Kingdom Hearts I and II, which you should certainly read before this story (and perhaps leave a review, if you are so inclined!).

This prologue, regarding the history of Radiant Garden and its inhabitants—from our dearly beloved Traverse Town/Radiant Garden/Final Fantasy family, to our much cherished Wayfinder trio, to the dark and troubled inhabitants of Hollow Bastion—was originally conceived in my mind over ten years ago, when all that the KH fandom knew of "Birth by Sleep" was the heart-pounding and mind-racing secret ending to Kingdom Hearts II.

Thus, you will see many things in this story inspired by that ending—but let's be clear: this is not a novelization of Birth by Sleep and does not follow the chronology of the KH canon beyond KH 1 and 2, as told in my novelizations (CoM and 358/2 inhabitant a netherworld of un-novelized canon).

It is my sincere hope that this divergence is told well and keeps to the spirit of Kingdom Hearts. It is in that spirit that I have written this opening in the surreal and somewhat jarring style of the wonderful opening cinematics. Since I am not the brilliant Utada Hikaru, I have not gone so far as to compose a song for it—rather, I have done my best to write this opening to the timing of "Shelter" by Porter Robinson and Madeon (if you have somehow not seen the music video to this song, go and make it so!). You can pull up "Porter Robinson & Madeon - Shelter (Official Audio)" on YouTube to follow.

I have included italicized notations to help connect the song to the opening, whether by lyrics or by the first bass drop. It seems kind of silly, in a way, but I hope it is an experience for you. The song begins, just as in the games, following the opening mysteria. You are free, of course, to just read at your favored pace and imagine whatever you like!

I pray that you, my dear readers both old and new, will enjoy this work. As always, I live and love to hear your thoughts and feelings, in message or review.

Good luck in our shared tribulation awaiting KH3! Chapter 2 will be up this evening.


Chapter I: Prolegomenon
If there is to be a beginning,
but also, yet, an end-
to which does this door lead?

In a splendid room fit for a Princess, atop a tall tower of an even larger Bastion, an auburn-haired child hummed cheerily to herself as she scribbled a picture with crayons. Blue lines tumbled over patches of green, winding about little grey houses with thatched-yellow roofs, all under a white-slate Castle. Her home.

The little girl turned with a proud smile to present her creation for her caretaker's appreciation—

But instead of his warm face, behind her stood six men, four in white coats. The amber eyes of the foremost looked down at her with curiosity and disdain and her smile was lost.


Zack Fair blinked and there she was—Aerith, pulling him forward by the wrist into the back garden of her father's house. The sun was bright overhead as it glinted off the waterfalls and rivers that wound through Radiant Garden, and he lifted his hand both to shadow his eyes and protect his head from the overhanging foliage of trees and bushes.

As Aerith eased her insistent pull, emerald eyes glittering, she presented with a flourish the long wooden table set up in the garden, covered with all the makings of a feast.

I Could Never Find the Right Way to Tell You…

Zack's beamed at all the people seated around the table: Merlin, at the head, puffing away on his pipe and stroking his beard as he suspiciously eyed Aerith's hand, still holding Zack close.

Beside him Rinoa, a radiant light, smiled with a knowing joy as she watched Squall, detached, practical and realistic, smirk ruefully at the young Tifa, full of idealistic spunk, who argued animatedly with him over some comment or another.

Across from them sat Cid, feet upon table and dirtied teacup in hand, laughing uproariously about the whole engagement.

Quiet at the other end of the table sat young Cloud's thin form, watching the others with silence until his eyes brightened at Zack, welcoming him with a small smile and slight nod.

It took a moment before Zack picked out Vincent's shadowy form, suited up as a Turk, lingering near the edges of Merlin's garden.

Aerith began to explain, but Zack's joy could only snatch her up with a laugh and carry her to the table.

Until You're Gone…

On the other side of the Garden, Aqua looked on proudly as her two brothers sparred under the watchful eye of their Father. A small, grateful smile acknowledged her presence as she handed him one of the two drinks in her hand.

As she sipped on the other, Eraqus asked her thoughts on this or that technique-did she think that Terra had made a good move there? Did Ven block high enough? Was Terra holding back?

Aqua answered honestly, quietly noting the things her father didn't question: how Terra repeatedly glanced at Eraqus, seeking something from him. How Ven laughed as he moved, not understanding the solemnity with which Terra struck. But both she cheered on, because both she loved.

The three of them had been together as long as she could remember, all adopted by their beloved Father at a young age. He told often of finding Aqua after the death of her parents, long before her memory; of finding Terra not long after, a young boy living off the streets of the Garden; of Ven, several years later, rescued by her and Terra from a wandering caravan bound to faraway parts which happened through the Garden. They were an odd sort of family, but a family they were.

When I'm Older I'll be Silent Beside You…

With a sudden, chilling explosion, a stream of darkness, somewhere between a thick liquid and a windy smoke, erupted from the ramparts of Hollow Bastion above, sending ancient stone careening into the houses and streets below.

Time passed into slow motion as the voracious darkness rushed down the edges of the Castle, roaring toward Ven and Terra.

But then Eraqus stood in the gap. Brandishing his Keyblade of light, he repelled the darkness—but it was too much, and with a final, slow glance, his body faded. Aqua cried out and darted forward.

But They Will Carry On for Us…

With nothing to shield them, Terra and Ven were consumed in the darkness and lost from view. Aqua tried to hold her ground, reaching out in search of her brothers until the darkness swallowed her, as well.

But she awoke in a grassy field, gasping. Her brothers, lying beside her, groaned. Her attention, though, was focused upon the figure atop the grassy knoll. Long, silver hair blew in the wind and a single, dark-feathered wing stretched from his shoulder.

He tilted his head and smiled, one gloved hand outstretched.

An invitation.

Until You're Gone…

Zack's reverie was broken by the horrific eruption of darkness from the Castle's highest spires. The sky darkened, thunder clapped, and tables and chairs were tossed aside. Streams of thick, cloudy darkness gushed upon the Garden.

Merlin quickly stepped forward and, chanting a spell, threw up a powerful shield around the family. As his bony body quaked and shook, Aerith rushed forward to hold him up, taking his empty hand in hers.

As Zack ran forward to help, taking her right hand, Tifa took her left. Rinoa snatched up her hand, while Cid took hers, and Squall held them both up. Cloud took Zack's remaining hand. Vincent was nowhere to be seen.

The darkness raged and roared; shrieks and screams and terror filled the air.

Suddenly, Zack felt something against his leg. Looking down, he saw a young girl he did not recognize, no older than ten, give him as great a push as she could muster. She swept her short, black-hair from her forehead, her small eyes filled with steadfast determination.

Oh, It's a Long Way Forward…

Before Zack could question this, the rage of the dark intensified, crashing against Merlin's shield with the force of a hurricane. Just then, Zack felt Cloud's hand slip from his and he disappeared, swallowed, into the torrent of darkness.

Zack, panicked, dove arm-deep into the tide of darkness, grasping desperately for some sign of Cloud.

And I Know I'm Not Alone…

The weight of the family shifted, dedicated to pulling the pair in from the darkness; all was dreadfully tense.

Zack's hand finally caught something solid and he pulled, and they pulled, and in with him came not Cloud, but an unconscious auburn-haired Princess.


Far away, two boys sat on a beach and watched the stars fall from the sky.

Welcome to the Onset of Twilight.

Welcome to the Tragedy of Hollow Bastion.