When you have a chapter called the Epilogue, it's usually the last one. In this case, it is. There was a lot of confusing stuff scattered throughout this entire story, and if you were not sure what was happening during them, it should be explained in the Epilogue. I planned to publish this a couple days ago, but I was working on something else at the time. Anyway, the Epilogue will be fairly short, because it's supposed to end happily.


Raven slowly woke up from her deep sleep. The pain in her neck had decreased a lot, that was for sure. She opened her eyes and saw that she was in the hospital room of the Tower. She couldn't remember much from what happened earlier.

Actually, what time was it?

Raven looked around cautiously, making sure no one else was in the room. The golden light of dawn shone through a small window above her bed. It was most likely around 6:45. She also wondered where Beast Boy was.

She remembered everything from her fight with Terra, and she remembered losing Jinx somewhere. But after she was struck on the neck with a rock, all she could remind herself of was Beast Boy running in, Raven doing something to Terra, Beast Boy flying her back, and now she was here.

She couldn't help but blush a bit at the fact that Passion, her purple emotion, was right all along. She knew she loved Beast Boy in a way that was stronger than friendship. The only question was, did he love her back?

Raven tried to sit up, but immediately laid back down. Her neck was still very sore, and she most likely still had marks from the rocks that Terra had attacked her with. She wondered what had happened to Terra.

Soon, Beast Boy walked into the room.

"Oh, you're awake," he said, "I'm sorry, I went to check on Jinx."

"What?" Raven asked, "Jinx?"

Beast Boy sighed.

"I'll explain everything."

"Wait a minute," Raven interrupted, "First tell me what happened to Terra, please. I've been worried about her."

"She's in the kitchen eating," Beast Boy explained, "But anyway, it all started on the day I broke your mirror. Remember when I told you about that?"

Raven nodded.

"The Purple Raven told me that Trigon had infested a part of your mind, and she explained to me that if you knew about it, then he could take advantage of you and come back even stronger than before. That was the reason I couldn't tell you why I had to stay."

"So now I'm going to become possessed by my own head?!" Raven exclaimed.

"Well, I decided that if you knew, we could fight back much better," Beast Boy continued, "I teamed up with Titans East, Jinx, and Negative man from my old team for more help in that matter. I had to stay because they were on their way to help capture Robin, and I had to explain to them what to do. I sent Jinx to Central Park to protect you from anything that could happen while we weren't together."

"So, the whole Kid Flash going missing thing was all fake?" Raven asked.

"No, and he still hasn't been found," Beast Boy replied, "We captured Robin, and both Negative man and Cyborg are trying to find out what's wrong with him. Cyborg and Starfire were there too, so we picked them up and filled them in on everything we had planned. Jinx was meant to look for Kid Flash while keeping you busy. I had no idea Terra would be involved in this."

"Aren't you glad she's still alive?" Raven asked, dejectedly, "Wouldn't you be with her about now?"

"Raven, I didn't want to have this talk, but I don't feel the same way for Terra as I used to. She is still an amazing friend of mine, and she might still love me as I once did her, but ever since she betrayed us, I can't feel the same. And I was shocked on that night when you kissed me."

"I'm sorry, I thought I wouldn't ever see you again!" Raven apologized, "I remembered how strong Robin was, and I knew you didn't stand a chance! I never would have known you had recruited others!"

"Of all people, you would have chosen me though…" he continued, smiling, "After my parents died, I was rejected by many people as parents. Until I met the Doom Patrol. I thought I was finally home. But Mento was through with me, so he kicked me out. I had thoughts of anxiety and death after that. I thought I would never be appreciated in my whole life. But, you know how my life truly began. Joining the Teen Titans."

"I didn't know about any of that," Raven admitted, "I'm sorry…"

"It's been fixed," he assured her, "But I don't want this to be how it ends."

"Okay, so what happened then?" Raven said, getting back to the subject.

"Well, Jinx contacted me that day, explaining that Terra would come, and if I saw her, to go ask her what she wanted," he continued, "But she said you were going back to look for Kid Flash some more. When Terra arrived and told me that I had to go with her to see you and Jinx, I agreed, but I was busy. I had been explaining Starfire and Cyborg's places to help in this situation. Terra and I also made it so we could call each other if we needed to. About an hour later, I followed Terra back to the Park where she told me to go. She said she had to go faster so she wouldn't be late, so she went ahead so I could finish helping with the others. A few minutes later, I went back, but Terra wasn't there."

"She attacked me, I remember it!" Raven insisted.

"Yes, I know," he explained, "I waited for a few minutes before trying to call her. When I did, she didn't pick up, so I called Jinx instead. I got a message that said even her location was unknown, so I thought something horrible had happened to all of you. I didn't know what to do, so I went back to the Tower and asked the others if you had passed by while I had gone out. Then, Jinx called me, saying that Terra was attacking her by the volcano."

"I don't remember this happening," Raven said, confused, "Wait, is that why she went missing when I went back up to the cave?"

"Yes, because as soon as I got there, I found Terra trying to strangle Jinx, but I stopped her," he confirmed, "She ran off before I could get her, and I didn't see where she went. I thought I saw her go up to the cave, so I followed her. Then, I heard these weird, creepy noises. I didn't know where they came from, but I kept going anyway. Then, I saw Terra attacking you, and I flew you back here. About fifteen minutes later, Jinx called me and said she had gotten Terra out of the cave and was bringing her back to the Tower as well."

"So they're both alright?" Raven asked.

Beast Boy nodded.

"And here's your bag," he added, dropping it beside her, "Jinx found it in the cave too."

"Well, now what are we going to do?" Raven asked, "We still haven't found Kid Flash, and Trigon hasn't been stopped yet."

"We'll just have to keep looking," Beast Boy replied, "But for now, I made some breakfast for everyone. Do you think you can handle it?"

Raven stood up from her hospital bed with a bit of pain from her neck.

"Yes, I'll manage," she answered, following him out the door.

"Wait, didn't I mention," Beast Boy added, "I like you too, Raven."

To be continued...

Well, that's it. Thanks so much for reading all the way up to the very end, even though the beginning was so weird. I hope Beast Boy's little explanation made some sense for you, but if not, feel free to ask me yourself. Check my profile for other updates on a story like this, and please review and tell me if you liked this story or not, and maybe what I should change. Anyway, thanks for sticking with me to the very end, and hopefully I see you again!