Disclaimer: I to the shock of many do not own Star Wars nor do I claim to. That right belongs to Disney. This is purely a FAN FICTION written by a fan for the fans.


"Your lack of faith is disturbing" – Normal Speech
'Two there should be; no more, no less. One to embody power, the other to crave it.' - Thoughts, flashbacks, and visions
'Its a trap!' - thoughts within a flashback or vision


A consist beeping awoke him from his slumber, pulling himself to a sitting position on the side of the bed he wiped the sleep from his eyes before heading into the fresher. For the next few hours Timore vigorously pushed himself through his morning routine of sword katas, endurance training and Force-related exercises. Finishing his workout, he headed into the kitchen to eat a quick meal before kneeling down and closing his eyes in concentration.

Focusing on his memories, Timore continued attempting to recall where he knew the rocky moon he had seen in vision from. His first thought was to search through the HoloNet in hopes of locating the enigma, only to shoot down that idea, it would merely waste far too much time, and he doubted that he had stumbled across it during his time perusing of the HoloNet in the past. With that option eliminated there were few places he could have learnt this information: his Master or the Holocrons. Considering only one of those were still around, he ventured towards The Vault.

The Vault was an installation hidden deep within the planet's surface. Built by his old Master to house the combined knowledge of all the previous Lords of the Sith, it contained a hoard of Dark Side artefacts; Holocrons, ancient preserved scrolls written by the original Sith species, Lightsabers of the previous Sith Lords and a plethora of odds and ends taken from the many tombs that littered Korriban.

Approaching a Holocron situated in the center of the Holocron Room, he channelled the Dark Side of the Force into the red pyramid-shaped device. Suddenly a figure wearing armour that seemed to be composed of many insect shells, only the eyes and mouth remained untouched appeared. A deep voice echoed through the room "Ah, young Timore you have come to call upon my knowledge once again I see. Hmm, very well. What is it that you seek?"

Darth Timore bowed his head in appreciation "Darth Bane I have recently experienced a vision through the Force, I have come to ask if you have any information about the moon I saw". Pausing to allow his nerves to calm, even after all these years he still could not help but become nervous when speaking with the man who created The Rule of Two. "It appears to have a rocky, barren surface that is constantly bombarded by windstorms of gravel and sand."

The ancient Lord replied immediately "You speak of the moon Iktotch, the homeworld of Iktotchi species. In my time it was rumoured to be a Vergance in Force better known as a Nexus." halting for a moment as if considering something before continuing "I have the coordinates within the Holocron. However, I will warn you now, the Iktotchi are Force-sensitive, almost purely focusing on precognitive skills. Be cautious if you intend to do battle against them, they can be a quite the troublesome foes."

Producing his datapad from his robe, he began the data transfer, a beep alerting him of the successful download. Confirming the intel before depositing the datapad back to where it came from, Lifting his head to give a nod to the projected figure "You have my thanks, Darth Bane. I will take my leave." cutting the connection and stepping out of the Holocron Room, absently heading to the exit of The Vault, all the while a single thought lingering in his mind.

'Now I just need to decide where I should head to first, the moon or the shrine.'


Climbing aboard the ship closing the cargo hatch, he began making his way towards the cockpit to input the coordinates of his destination. Entering the correct series of numbers and engaging the autopilot. Waiting for the vessel to exit the atmosphere before engaging the Hyperdrive. As lights began shooting past the viewport. He Turned to a seemingly blank piece of hull, nearby the door. Placing a hand on the wall, he uncovered a concealed compartment shot open. A single item rested inside.

A mask.

Smooth Mandalorian Iron reflected a dull light. Two sharpened points adorned the top of the forehead appearing to be almost horn like, an oversized vicious grin complete with pointed teeth etched into the metal, slitted eye holes covered with a visor partially transparent so that his glowing yellow orbs can be seen by anyone willing to look.

A mask truly worthy of a Sith, especially one whose name translates to terror.

Placing the frontal piece of the mask to his face with one hand, while clipping the back half to the front with the other hand. A click was heard confirming the mask was secured. Moving his to get a feel for the weight, nodding once to himself he began to get comfortable. It would take 13 hours arriving at the destination. Grasping one of the scrolls on Sith Runes, he grabbed from The Vault and dove in, excited for the chance of learning something new.

10 hours passed in relative silence, the only noise that could be heard was the steady hum of the engines of the ship. Timore jolted out of his meditation, he felt a warning through The Force, scanning the interior of the vessel for any signs of the danger he found none. That could only mean that the next time he exited hyperspace to plot the final jump, he would come under attack. It took several micro jumps to get to his destination, Iktotch was on the other side of the galaxy after all.

Sitting comfortably in the pilot's seat, the young Lord placed the weapons and shield generator in a ready state. The console chimed announcing the exit from hyperspace. The passing lights of hyperspace travel dispersed to reveal; a freighter. The com channel flashed alight followed by a rough self-assured voice "power down all systems or be blown to pieces. I don't care which." Pondering for a moment if it would be safer to follow the instructions of the would-be pirates. Considering he can't guarantee his victory in a ship-to-ship battle, not discounting the possible damage his ship could take. He decided it would be better to allow them to board so that he could deal with these fools in person.

Powering down the ship in a few swift motions, he headed for the single entrance of the ship to await the boarding party. Detaching his Lightsaber from his belt, he fell into the Soresu stance as a preparation for the blaster fire of his soon to be dead adversaries.

The instant the blast doors opened a red and black silhouette shot through the breach, followed by a buzzing sound. And then...


Quickly disposing the boarding party before cautiously entering the enemy ship, reaching out with The Force to confirm the number of insects he would have to dispatch, finding a few dozen spread across the ship. Clearly, overconfidence is a trait most criminals share. Homing in on the direction he believed the cockpit resided, he broke into a jog, looking forward to ending this distraction as quickly as possible.


Aten Vekk had joined the Bloody Skulls pirate crew early on; he became a valued crew member for his skills as a pilot. Growing up on Nar Shaddaa and falling with the local gangs at an early age, crime became the only thing Aten knew.

The ship's sensors notifying him that another victim would be exiting hyperspace in but a moment. He leaned over to ship-wide com system to inform the crew to make ready, " all right lads seems we've caught our self's another haul ripe for the picking." A cheer echoed through the ships hull. "Ready up and show our prey why the Bloody Skulls are best-damned pirates in the galaxy!" A roar of approval responding to his statement.

He waited with anxious breathes for their target to exit hyperspace, when it came into view, he couldn't contain the grin that crawled its way onto his face. The ship was luxurious; black with dark red hull paint, gleaming like a newly mined ruby. Activating the ships coms he gave the standard ultimatum, "power down all systems or be blown to pieces, I don't care which." Of course, he did not honestly wish to destroy such a prize but as the Captain says 'better to come home with no loot than to return with no life'.

Pulling the ship around to engage the docking clamps, once finished he gave the boys the go-ahead "were docked and secure, give em hell" Minutes past yet no word had come from his companions. "Oi, how are things going over there?" No response. Aten reached for his hold-out blaster in case the boarding was unsuccessful, only for the cockpit door to slide open. He turned to ask what the hold up was yet all he could do was freeze.


That was the only thought running through his mind.

A horned figure stood in the doorway staring at him with burning yellow eyes that seared into his own. He tried to say something, anything, however, he found himself petrified at the sight of those eyes that spoke of death and slaughter. He felt his throat seized by an unseen for and begun to constrict, yet he could not move. He felt the bones in his neck started to crack yet still he could not move. As the light in his eyes began to go dim, all he could think to himself was

'Demon. Demon. Demon.'

And then he knew no more.


Releasing the throat of the now dead pilot, he could not help but relish in the sheer terror he had felt coming from his latest victim. It empowered him, strengthened his connection to the Dark Side like no other emotion could. Wanting to experience more he activated the ship-wide comlink and said in a deep menacing tone "You believe yourselves safe and secure…You were. However, now..." Pausing to allow the fear to build. "You have stepped into my domain, where death is all that awaits you. Feel the chill along your spine. Feel the hopelessness pool in your stomach. Before the light leaves your eyes, you all shall know the true meaning of the word TERROR!"

Time became a blur as he hunted down his prey. Screams of frightful panic reverberated throughout the ship inner hull.

The smell of cauterised flesh permeated the artificial atmosphere produced by the ship.

Bodies with missing limbs littered throughout the ship's interior.

A single soul still among the living.

Timore breathed heavily in an effort to come down from the high his fear-induced victims had provided him. "hahaha that rust never gets old." Grinning in an almost manic fashion underneath the mask. Slowly getting himself back under control "Now to see if there is anything worth a damn in this hunk of metal they called a ship. "


Back within the Bleeding Crow, the Sith placed his ill-gotten gains within a container in the cargo hold, before heading towards the cockpit to enter the final leg of his journey to the homeworld of the Iktotchi people.

Choosing between Coruscant and Iktotch had been a tricky endeavour. On the one hand, Coruscant housed The Jedi Order, opportunities for exposure to numerous to count. On the other Iktotch has cities full of those that use The Force on a more instinctual level.

Both Risky. Both not without their rewards.

'If I can find the point of the Nexus, I can drain it of as much power as I can. It may alert The Jedi through a disturbance in The Force. However, that's a risk I'm willing to take. By the time they arrive, I will be long gone.' The young Darth thought to himself, considering the damage he may inflict to his anonymity. Shaking his head, he steeled his mind as the ship exited hyperspace.