Hello everyone , in this chapter you all will notice that a huge time skipe has happened . The reason as to why I skipped so many years between this chapter and the last one was that there wasn't many things that I could write about Bruce studying in Harvard . What I'will tell you is that during this time , Bruce graduated in Harvard and then moved to Willowdale , where he would be able to make further research in Radiation and Biochemistry in Culver University . It was also there that he got to know Elizabeth Ross , and ironically they started to date a few months after their meeting .

CHAPTER 2 - The Beginning

Willowdale, Virginia


In a expensive restaurant in Willowdale , it was possible to see a couple of young adults talking and laughing while they awaited for their food .

" You know Bruce , even if you are a science genius it its surprising to know that you managed to increase your financial status so successfully and in such a short time , you are just one year older than me and already has buildings in Las Vegas and New York ... Hell even the apartment that we live is ours " Said a young woman that was quite similar to Liv Tyler , the actress that portrayed Elizabeth Ross in one of the Hulk movies .

" You are forgetting about that small farm here in Willowdale but what can I say , I just made some wise investments that by luck went very well " Laughed the young man as he held her hand .

'It isn't like I could just tell her that I came from a alternate future realities where I was majoring in Finances , and that most of the examples used by our teachers were 'recents' economic events that were able to change the entire world . And that I used this knowledge to 'wisely' invest in things that I already knew that would gonna give a ton of money to my pockets ' .Thought the young man before he suddenly decided to change the subject .

" Hey Betty , I know this is not the time ... but we are already dating for a long time now and I already took you to meet my mother and other relatives in Las Vegas so this shouldn't be out of place but ... Why don't you want to introduce me your father ? I know that both of you have a shaken relationship but I think that this would be helpfull to you ... " Asked Bruce .

" I know ... it's just that after my mother's death when I was just a child we don't have a healthy relationship ... after all he kind of dumped me in a boarding school saying and I quote " I don't have time for children " . Even if we take our relationship even more seriously in the future , I don't want you going to HIM to ask permission and other things , if you ever feel the need to do something like this , you can just go to my Aunt Anna that lives in New York and ask her " Humphed the Woman .

" Possible marriage talks aside , you are really beautifull tonight ... Humm ... this red dress is really good in you " Smiled Bruce .

" Ah ... don't start saying these things again , you know very well how embarassed I became after these kind of conversations " Said the girl while she tried to hide her blushed face .

After some time , their food finally arrived and they started to eat , making little talks during the meal .


( In the following morning )

In a morning it was possible to see the still sleep form of Betty Ross in a king sized bed on the apartment that she shared with her boyfriend , but there was no signal of Bruce in the bed .

After some minutes , Betty started to wake up stretching her arm out on the bed trying to reach the body of her boyfriend being unsuccessful she realized that he had probably already left the bed to start his morning exercises , yawning she moved her body to sit on the bed , finally managind to find the man handstanding with just one finger . Not surpised by the exercise , being that he did this and many others every single day in the morning , she said . " You know Bruce , there are times that I almost want to ask you to teach me how to do some of these exercices , but I always remember myself about it's difficulty ... "

" You don't have to worry about your shape , Betty . You already have a amazing figure but it's good to know that you have some interest in these kind of exercises even if they are pretty advanced for you right know " Said the young man while he finished the series of exercises .

Suddenly he flipped himself with a jump and said . " Even then , you still go to the gym almost every single day of the week and you already attended self-defense classes while studying at your old boarding school , so there is no need for me to teach you . But , remember that if you ever desire to learn , I will teach you ... Okay ? "

" I know ... relax , don't worry about it " Sighed the young woman .


Willowdale, Virginia


After parking his car , a Porsche 986 Boxster , in his now rebuilded farm . Bruce got a folder filled with papers from his research that was on the other seat of his car and quickly walked until some kind of underground storage that was previously used by previous farm owner to store equipaments and materials of the farm .

While it still had some equipaments and materials of the farm , the place was much more cleaner and empty if compared to its past situation . Entering the undergroud building , Bruce continued walking until he was in front of a empty stone wall .

There he pressed a hidden button making the wall slid to his left entering a hidden space , without the presence of the wall it was revelead a corridor that went even further . Bruce keep walking down the path until he found another wall , this time a metal one that had some kind of digital device fixed in its middle . Bruce pressed some buttons in the device and said " Password : Marvel Cinematic Universe " . Suddenly the digital pannel emmited a green color and the door unlocked to allow the entrance of the scientist .

Lights were turned on , revealing a laboratory equiped with many high-tec and futuristic machines and equipaments , a scene that made the scientist smile to himself , something that happened every single time that he came to this hidden facility .

" Good Afternoon Paragon , Did you find any lead about where we can find Nitramene ? As you know , Nitramene is a substance of extreme importance for my future projects " . Said Bruce while he walked to the main computer of the lab .

" Good Afternoon Doctor Banner "

" The answer is Yes , I managed to find a place where you will be able to buy a limited amount of Nitramene . Next saturday there will be a illegal auction in Manhattan and Nitramene is one of the substances being auctioned " Was said by a robotic voice through one of the many speakers scattered in the lab .

" Thanks for your work Paragon , it would be a nightmare to try to find this substance without your help , Nitramane is such a volatile substance that almost no one know its real use , especially with the death of Howard Stark , the actual creator of the substance . Can you imagine it , most of the people in this world thinks that Nitramene is only usefull to explode things ... such a waste of resources . " Sighed the young man .

" Doctor Banner , If you allow I would like suggest you to use the 3D Printer that you designed to create some kind of mask or equipament to hide your identy , after all this is still a illegal auction and there would be consequences if you were found being part of it "

" I agree with you Paragon and that's why I will start creating a 3D model of the equipament that I will use to hide my face right now ... the thing is that while I am creating the 3D model can you make a false ID for myself ? "

" Of course Doctor Banner , Do you have any preferances for the false name ? "

" I'm thinking about keeping things pretty similar ... so ... What about Bruce Wayne ? " Laughed the scientist while he started to draw a sketch of what seemed to be some kind of mask/helmet similar to the one used by a Bat themed super-hero .


You all can relax about other giant time skipes because the story is now at the year that I wanted . I already have most of the plot ready , so it is much easier to write the story now . About the guy that reincarnated as Bruce Banner , he doesn't know much about the MCU after all he died right after the first Avengers and as you all know , the MCU has many differences if compared to the comics , and he will probably try to use comic's knowledge to his advantage . That is why he will not know a lot of things about the general plot of the story .

Oh yeah , I plan to make some changes to this Marvel Universe , so many of the things happening here will be a little different , there will be mutants ( x-man , brotherhood ) , the hand x the chaste , spider-man being a little older and yes , there will be a Fantastic 4 . The important thing is that the major plot points of the MCU will be followed but changed to make the story better . Bye everyone and until the next chapter .