"Perhaps all the dragons of our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us once beautiful and brave." -Rainer Maria Rilke

I don't own Game of Thrones.

Chapter 5 The Hands tourney and the Mysterious Black Knight

Robert Baratheon

The tourney is one of the three things in this world he enjoy having. All he likes are whores, drinks and fighting. Gods, it's already warmer today.

He looked to his first born children. Joffrey and Joyce, they are as different as night and day. Joyce had a strange black hair strap over her blonde hair. Robert is amazed yet pleased to know that she is proof of Baratheon blood in her.

Joyce is wearing his family color. A gold color dress with stiches black stag prancing around her skirt. Jocelyn let her hair loose as he could help, but saw his mother on her back of him. Joffrey on the other hand, wears is mother's colors and he looked more Lannister than Baratheon. He did try to find love in his son, but all he sees is Lannister.

Here comes the mountain, Ser Gregor Clegane and a newly knighted from Vale.

Robert Baratheon is being drunk than ever. "I've been sitting here for days." Robert called out to them. "Start the damn joust before I piss myself." Cersei sniff in disgust the Queen left right away at King. Robert didn't care. Cersei is just one of those smug-bastard Lannister. The newly knighted opponent called himself, "Ser Hugh of Vale."

Robert said in impatient tone, "Yes, yes. Enough with the bloody pomp. Have at it!"

He watches as they both ran their horses to different end of the fence. However, he never thought what this monster truly is. Ser Hugh is bleeding from the lance. Sansa screams in fright. Joffrey looked at the field in blood excitement. Gods, how can this boy be his son? Joyce shivers at the sight of blood, but refused to scream.

'That's my girl,' Robert eyes shown he is proud of his daughter.

He announced to take a half day break from this scene. Joyce is drinking and eating a bit of cinnamon bins as he watches her amused that she break it half for Tommen and Myrcella to take a taste of it.

Everyone came back to watch of Tourney. The crowd grew quiet as he came. The Black Knight is riding in the field. They call him that because he dons his armor in pure black. He looks like a young man, grown man or perhaps a woman. No knew who he is or way he came from.

He never said a word.

"Someday, I will find out who you are." He silently vowed to himself. Jocelyn lean her head a bit to see the Black Knight.

Robert is worried because it seems that Black Knight had more anger towards the Lannister's and Baratheon's.

The Black Knight had beaten every rider and even brutalized them off of their horse. Final champion is The Knight of the Flowers, Black Knight and Ser Gregor Clegane. Here comes, the Knight of the Flowers v.s Ser Gregor and when one of them wins. The Black Knight will challenge them and one will be a champion. The women are swooning at their favorite knight. The Knight of Flowers, the only one who actually play the role of that pathetic fairytale that children read by their parents.

Robert notice that Ser Gregor horse is getting antsy, but he shrugged it off believing the horse is just wild.

"100 Gold Dragons on the Mountain!" Petyr Baelish shouted his bet. Renly Baratheon seconded that bet.

"I'll take that bet!"

Ser Loras knocked Ser Gregor off of his horse. Many People cheered, but Jocelyn stopped as she stood from her chair.

"Sister, what's wrong?" Joffrey questioned Jocelyn. Joyce whispers, "Something's not right.

Robert looked at Ser Gregor in fear. Ser Gregor snarled down in anger and shouted at his squire.


The squire grabs his sword, but that monster used it to chop his horses head off. Joffrey went to hold his sister from her back.

Robert knew this is not good! Ser Gregor went after Ser Loras and challenged him by sword fighting. Black Knight jumped over the field to help Ser Loras. He grabbed a nearby shield and throws it like a freeze Bree that aimed at Ser Gregor back.

Robert was amazed by that! What a quick thinking there.

Ser Gregor turned to him and snarled. He swings his sword around, tying to aim at him. The Black Knight kept dodging it that startled the crowd.

Robert wanted to see what is going too happened. That is why he didn't stop this madness.

It just made him angrier. The Black Knight grabbed another shield to protect himself. He keeps banging at the shield. This mountain is not giving up.

"No, leave him be!" Sandor came to the Black Knight rescue.

Black used his quickly jumped to the side. He pulled out two metal pieces that brought two pieces together into a spear as he dance around the mountain. Both the Black Knight and Sandor are working in a duo fighting stance. The Black Knight slashes the raging beats armor that is reaching his skin to bleed.

He used a back hilt to punch the chest armor that people gasp in amazement that Ser Gregor chest plate is broken.

He swung his sword that slashes his shoulder armor that snapped right off. Jocelyn gasped in fear as other did as well.


Sandor kneel before him and The Black Knight knocked the Mountain off of the over fence.

The Mountain is furious as he walks to the side where the guards block this way.

"LET HIM GO!" Robert ordered as Ser Gregor left in fury. Robert groaned at him.

Ser Loras told both Sandor and the Black Knight. "I owe you a life debt Sers."

"I'm no Ser." Sandor grunted.

"I," The Black Knight said, "Am one hell of a knight." That surprises everyone. The Black Knight had spoken and many women swoon. His voice sounded majestic.

Ser Loras grabbed both The Hound and The Black Knight wrists to lift up in air.

They gave loud cheers that shake the ground.

He wasn't expecting this from Ser Loras, "I declare draw between Sandor and The Black Knight champions!" Lord Tyrell lifted up his hand as the crowd love it.

The people cheered louder.

The Steward announced the winner. "The winners for the Tournament are the Black knight and Sandor Clegane! He has earned himself 80,000 gold dragons" The Black Knight cut him off. "Give the Hound the gold. I have no use for them."

Well, humble fellow isn't he? The crowd is surprise by this humility gesture.

"Well, I suppose that could be arranged." The steward assistant came forward with a red pillow and on top of it, lays a winter roses that is formed into a crown. "You will have the right to crown whomever the ladies as Queen of Love and Beauty."

"Go fuckin' ahead, Black Knight." Sandor just grabbed the bag of gold and walked away.

The Noble murmur each and looked around to see if any luck ladies to be given a crown.

Joffrey lead his sister back to her seat.

The Black Knight went on his stallion as he taken the crown. He watches as the Black Knight turned is horse around and throws the Crown into the air. The crowd watches as it landed on his daughter's hand in the air. Joyce gasps silently and gripped hold to the crown. The crowd cheered and others politely clapped at the declaration.

Robert would agree that his girl deserve the crown for she is not only beautiful, but intelligent and strong woman he is proud to raise.

Good! The Crown of Love and Beauty is given to Jocelyn, but trouble is brewing in the next chapter.