Hey Nuggies! How you guys doin? Um I really don't have anything to say about this. I guess first thing first.

This is a cancer fic.

Cancer is nothing to laugh about. It's nothing to make fun of or joke around about. It can tear families apart. Just as it can bring families together. Cancer has its up and down, just like life does and it's another part of life that we really can't explain why. Why it chose our family members or why them and not me... Why did it take our family/friend away from us… why it exists.

Now, if you can go to someone you know who survived having cancer and tell them you love them and that you're glad that they are here. Hug them. Hold their hands. Kiss their cheeks.

Because I can't.

I want this fic not only to be a fanfiction to entertain, but a fanfiction to inform, because those commercials you see on tv don't do justice to the ones actually affected by this.

If you're reading this and you have survived cancer, if you're in remission, then I'm glad you're here. I'm glad you're still alive and kicking and having fun, and DON'T let anyone tell you otherwise. DON'T let others pity you because of it. YOU are a WARRIOR. A SURVIVOR. And no one will forget you.

Anyway, onto the necessaries of the fanfic.

Rating: M

Chapter Warnings: None so far. More of a information/background-ish chapter than a talking back and forth chapter.

Pairing: Hadrian/Blaise

Bashing: Hermione, Ron, maybe others.

Good!DarkSide Good!Snape Sick!Hadrian

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or anything pertaining to the series. I only write this for entertainment/informative sakes.

Anything else I'll add later.

Btw I changed middle names here and there.

It started like any other day the sun was shining with sparse clouds in the sky, birds were chirping, dogs were barking, kids were playing, and there was a nice cool breeze to break the heat. It was summer and everyone was back from school and were fully taking advantage of their free time. Even Hadrian Potter.

Yup, Hadrian Potter-Peverell. Not Harry Potter.

Hadrian Vencentius Potter-Peverell was the name he had found on his birth certificate at the end of the school year after going to Gringotts. He was confused as to why that was his name when he was told all his life, well really since he was five and started attending school, that his name was Harry James Potter. He had been lied to. As simple as that.

His account Managers, Knarltooth, his Potter Manager, and Ironclaw, his Peverell Manager, had told him it was because of a stipulation in the Peverell and Potter lines. If both lines were to fall to one member male or female they were to have the name Potter-Peverell or Peverell-Potter depending on which line the last member was born in. His father, James Henraikus Potter, was just a Potter because apparently, he had an older brother, Vincent Fleamont Potter. It was where his middle name came from. The older Potter was killed the day right before his own parents died. No one knows what happened to him.

He was also to be put in a new Ministry regulation to try and increase the population of witches and wizards for the next generation. The youngest, according to the Ministry letter, was Ginerva Mollina Weasley while the oldest was Severus Tobianos Snape-Prince. He was to fill out a paper about himself and what he was looking for. A few of the questions he was a little apprehensive filling out. He didn't want anyone to know about… it.


Hadrian Vencentius Potter-Peverell



Sexual Orientation:


Medical Conditions:

In remission for childhood cancer Acute Lymphpblastic Leukemia.



Impaired Vision

-continues on-

He was scared once he had sent the paper back to the Ministry. There were more questions than he thought there were going to be. He knew because of his fame and status as a bearer he would be sought out and be given to another man quickly, but he never expected for a Ministry official to show up at his relatives and take him to the Ministry. His claim about being a bearer had to be tested and they had to make sure that his cancer was in remission and wouldn't mess with the possibility of him having children.

He met with Healer Maverick and Nurse Hyperion. They took his blood, with his permission, and did every test they could under the sun to make sure he was healthy enough for his husband and to bear children and if he were become cancerous again they could help in everyway possible.

While he was there in the building, and because of his famous status, they told him that he could have the first pick of a husband. He was left with a few choices that matched him, so he picked the ones that were his own age to a year older.

Draconis Lucius Malfoy

Neville Franklin Longbottom

Cormac Nervium McLaggen

Dean Layfet Thomas

Blaise Lorenzo Zabini-Esposito

Each name came with a picture and it was the last one that caught his eye. A muscular black male. His fingers trembled as they ran across the sharp angular face and the defined jaw with the full lips, but that wasn't what drew him in. It was the eyes. Intense filled with emotion. A beautiful golden amber with hints of blue around the pupil.

He pointed him out to the official and was given his address so he could mail him to get to know the older male. He took a deep breath and bit the inside of his lip before giving the official a goodbye. The dark haired teen would have to purchase another owl or other messenger bird. His precious Hedwig was killed by his Uncle in a fit of rage.

He made his way to Diagon Alley to do so. He paused at the door before gulping and walking into the Elopes Owl Emporium. He was greeted with the chirps and barks and flapping of wings from the birds as he made his way through them. He was greeted by the employee and was shown where the messenger birds he had were available.

There was a large black owl with large amber eyes.

A small brown owl with green eyes.

A larger dark brown colored hawk with black eyes.

And lastly a rather large gold feathered beast of an eagle hawk hybrid with silver colored eyes.

Hadrian chose the last one. It was a vast difference to his Hedwig and he hoped that it wouldn't make him compare the two. He named his Golden Eagle Hawk, Xerxes (Zerk-Zeez). He hoped that Xerxes got along with his newest familiar. The Ministry and his Healer made him get a Service Dog. He was going to pick him up the next day. He even got to choose the breed and he chose a large thick white furred dog called a Samoyed that he was lucky to name, Nyx.

It was close to the sun fully setting by the time he made it to his new flat. He was given forms to fill out for his emancipation and he was quick to pick out a new place to live. It was Sirius' old flat. He looked around and the first thing he noticed was all the photos. They were of a younger Sirius with James and Remus and Lily. They were the first photos he had seen of them outside of the photo album he was given in first year by Hagrid. He spent the night looking at the photos and even managed to write a quick letter to his new… fiancé… he guessed it was he was to be called now before falling asleep in the softest bed he had even laid in.