Hey Nuggies! How you guys doin? So, with everything I've said in the first chapter there's nothing really to say here but R'n'R and I hope you enjoy reading this fanfic.

Rating: M

Chapter Warnings: None so far.

Pairing: Hadrian/Blaise

Bashing: Hermione, Ron, Dumbledore, maybe others.

Good!DarkSide Good!Snape Sick!Hadrian

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or anything pertaining to the series. I only write this for entertainment/informative sakes.

Anything else I'll add later.

Oh, and I use Google Translate for all my translations. If you see any wrong translations please feel free to KINDLY leave a review with the correct translation. All translations will follow after with ().

The disgusting sounds of liquid and solids hitting plastic filled the silence of the hospital room as Hadrian curled up in his bed with a bucket between his legs. After a few dry heaves Hadrian slowly leaned back into the warm broad chest that was his fiancé. It was a week into his chemo treatment and since the first day he had vomited up to six times a day, but sometimes it was more. Those days weakened him the most. Thankfully, he was being supplied with nutrients thanks to potions and other soft bland foods that filled him up almost to an uncomfortable level.

"I hate this," Hadrian said as he looked up at Blaise with tired green eyes. Blaise leaned over to the side table and grabbed a warm wet rag to wipe around Hadrian's mouth before handing the smaller male a mint for his mouth. With a small wave of his wand he cleaned the bucket of the sick before putting it back where it was before Hadrian needed it.

"I know," Blaise replied back after putting the rag away. He wrapped his arms around Hadrian to warm him up a bit after the shock of getting sick cooled his body to an uncomfortable level, "Before long you'll be better and we'll be out of here starting our lives together. We'll live in the country with a large yard surrounded by forestry with two and a half kids and animals to match."

Hadrian smiled at him and closed his eyes as he got the imagery from what Blaise described. He could see it as if he were already there. "I would love that," he said softly as he nuzzled into the larger body, "I can imagine two little twin boys and a little girl. The twins with dark caramel colored skin. One of the boys with your eyes and the other with mine, but both boys have my hair. Our little girl with lighter colored skin than her brothers and has your curls and eyes, but hers are a bit more blue than amber."

Blaise looked down at his spouse to be and gave him an indescribable look as the other teen in his lap described their potential future kids. He took a deep breath and held Hadrian closer. "I like the sound of them," he whispered softly into dark hair.

The silence that fell between them was comfortable as they both imagined their future kids. Hadrian suckled softly on the mint and relaxed a bit when he felt his stomach starting to settle down. He really did hate being sick. He shuffled a bit to get comfortable as he grasped one of Blaises' hands to get his own hands busy as he felt Blaises' other hand run through his hair causing him to smile and to almost fall asleep. He was just glad he had as much hair as he did even though he knew it was only a matter of time before he loses it all to chemo.

They stayed like that for a few moments until Madam Pomfrey walked into the room with Professor Snape trailing behind her. "Good afternoon boys," she said as she spotted the cuddling couple.

"Good afternoon, Madam, Professor," Blaise greeted as he looked over at them.

"How are you at the moment Hadrian?" Pomfrey asked as she waved her wand over the smaller boy. She was careful not to use too much around Hadrian since they had yet to determine if using magic around him sped up the process.

"Sick to my stomach, lethargic, but unable to fall asleep," he listed off as he watched what she was doing. He was quite fascinated with healing magic and the like. He had honestly thought about being a Healer before his cancer came back, now he was just thinking and hoping about not dying. "Can I go outside for a bit? I would really like to feel the sun and its warmth on my skin," he asked as he tilted his head back to let Madam Pomfrey have more room to inject an anti-nausea potion into his catheter. So far there hasn't been any repercussions of using potions.

The Healer hummed softly and waved her wand once more around him as parchment flowed out of her wand recording what she wanted. "Well," she said after a few moments of silence, "Your readings are looking well enough for you to, but there are precautions I need you to take. One, the Bubblehead Charm, it is to be on you the entire time you are outside. Most people don't know that the charm actually filters the air around your head and purifies it before it could enter your system. Secondly, you will need to be shaded for the majority of your time outside. The sun's rays could cause too much harm on your skin due to the chemo. Also I would like it if you would wait until Nyx came back since he can sense when you faint or have a seizure before you can. And lastly, if you start feeling worse then you need to come back immediately."

Hadrian sighed softly and nodded as he adjusted himself to get for comfortable. He felt Blaise run his hands up his sides which caused him to shiver slightly from the warm touch. He was always so cold.

"How much longer do you think he needs to stay on the chemo?" Blaise asked once the Italian heard that his readings were looking good.

Severus butted into the conversation to answer the question, "We won't know fully until after this round is up which will last another few weeks. After the sixth week he can be tested again to see if he has gone into remission or if he needs more treatment."

Blaise nodded as Hadrian sighed and closed his eyes. He was only a week into the treatment and he was already sick and tired of being in chemo. It was worse than when he was younger and he assumed it was because of the strength of chemo he was on. After a few more questions they had Hadrian and Blaise were finally alone once again.

"I really am starting to hate this place," Hadrian murmured as he turned to lay sideways on Blaises' chest. He curled up slightly so his head was resting on his where he could hear Blaise's heartbeat the best and his cold hand was clasped under the stronger warmer arm.

"I know you are," Blaise said softly as he placed his hand on Hadrians' side after pulling up the blanket to keep his smaller soon to be spouse warm, "Try and get some sleep before your next bout of sickness." Hadrian couldn't help but let out a small sigh before nodding his head and closing his eyes.

Blaise licked his dry lips as he took a deep breath. He closed his eyes and sent a plea to Mother Magic to help Hadrian fight this. He was slowly, but surely falling in love with the little wizard. He wouldn't know how to handle it if Hadrian died. With that thought he carefully reached over, making sure not to disturb a finally sleeping Hadrian, and grabbed parchment and a quill with a little table to write on.

September 10, 1996

Dearest Hadrian.