
Leader - Jaggedstar - a long-furred grey tom

Deputy - Frecklestep - a spotted pale orange she-cat

Medicine Cat - Chestnutgaze - a cinnamon tom with one blind eye


Junipermoon - a tabby she-cat with green eyes (Apprentice; Duskpaw)

Finchstrike - a white tom with light grey stripes (Apprentice; Willowpaw)

Eaglestrike - a dark grey tom with a white chest and dark green eyes

Pebbleberry - a light grey tabby tom

Thistlefur - brown tabby tom

Foxwing - bright orange tom with blue eyes

Hazelfrost - light brown she-cat with hazel eyes (Apprentice; Otterpaw)

Rubystream - russet she-cat with turquoise blue eyes

Jayfall - dark grey tom with a missing ear

Grasseye - brown tabby tom with emerald green eyes

Rainblossom - light grey tabby she-cat with golden eyes

Blizzardbush - white tom with green eyes (Apprentice; Brackenpaw)

Cedarwater - dark brown tabby with amber eyes

Shadedtail - long-furred black she-cat with an extra long tail (Apprentice; Creekpaw)

Snowheart - white she-cat with a brown spot on her chest shaped as a heart


Otterpaw - dark brown tom with green eyes

Brackenpaw - brown tabby tom with hazel eyes

Duskpaw - dark grey she-cat

Willowpaw - ginger she-cat with amber eyes

Creekpaw - light grey she-cat with golden eyes


Vixenmist - fiery ginger she-cat (expecting)

Melodypond - light golden she-cat with brown eyes (mother of Rosekit, Pondkit, and Wolfkit)


Rosekit - golden she-kit with hazel eyes

Pondkit - light brown she-kit with a fluffy tail

Wolfkit - a dark brown tom with blue eyes


Raggedfur - old grey tom with failing vision

Leopardtail - beautiful old spotted brown she-cat

Chapter One

"They were right. The endless winter has came," a snow white blind she-cat mewed. "There is no escaping the dangers yet to come."

"How can they escape it, Stormberry?"

"I'm trying to see, but I can't… there's fog blocking my view," Stormberry said, her eyes wide open. "The lake is no longer safe."

Willowpaw woke up to a snowflake landing on her nose. She almost had a heart attack. It hadn't snowed since leaf bare, and it was easily green leaf. Why is it snowing? She wondered. She got up and out of her nest, and walked out into camp. Other cats too were looking up at the sky, confused. Good, so I'm not dreaming. It isn't just me for once. The snow kept coming, which kept her brain thinking. It's not even chilly out! No wind! This is insane. But then I guess it's the ever changing forest, maybe it's decided it no longer likes green leaf.

"Willowpaw, are you seeing this too?" Willowpaw swiveled around, to see her confused sister, Duskpaw. The darker furred she-cat had a confused expression on her face.

"Yeah," Willowpaw replied, "and I can't believe it." The two sisters stared up at the sky, watching the delicate flakes topple onto the ground. "It's so pretty…"

"And unnatural," the two cats turned, to see their father, Eaglestrike, standing besides their mother, Vixenmist, who was barely awake. "We should go inside, I don't trust this weather. And with you so close to kitting, Vixenmist, I think it's important that we do," Eaglestrike said, in his rough voice.

"Let's stay, Eaglestrike. A little snow won't hurt the kits," Vixenmist purred, "and, it's beautiful which is a plus, don't you think?" Eaglestrike groaned a yes.

"I still don't trust it," Eaglestrike grumbled.

"Willowpaw, Duskpaw, training!" Junipermoon called. The two cats turned, running towards the voice. They found their mentors, Junipermoon and Finchstrike, chatting away. Willowpaw padded right over to Finchstrike, with an enthusiastic grin.

"What're we going to do today?" Willowpaw said, nearly jumping with energy. She .

"Well, not hunting since the snow will probably frighten them all away. We're going to do fighting training…" Willowpaw grinned, "with Duskpaw." Willowpaw's smile faded. Duskpaw's such a bad fighter! There'll be no competition.

"Please don't make me fight against… against her!"

"Willowpaw, Junipermoon and I have agreed to train together today. And if you have anything against this-"

"What's so wrong with hating fighting… fighting a wimp?"

Everyone went silent, as Willowpaw heard a hiss and was pinned by her mother, who came out of nowhere.

"Don't say anything bad about your sister, or I swear after I've had these kits I will slaughter you!"

Willowpaw stared up at her, her eyes wide. "I… I didn't mean it!"

"Your sister is a fine fighter, and a brave one. Just because she's the younger sister doesn't mean you get to pick on her!"

"Vixenmist, I-"

"Enough," Vixenmist let up on her pin, "train, and don't say anything like that about your sister again." Geez, my mother needs to not take me so seriously! Willowpaw got up, and gave her sister the death eye. She hated having such an overprotective mother, why couldn't she just have a calm one, like all the other apprentices?

"Let's get going. I don't think the snow will have any effect on our training, thank StarClan for that," Junipermoon said to the three, and they all padded off.

Once they'd reached the training hollow, Duskpaw and Willowpaw both took their sides, preparing for a good rumble.

"Now, just remember all that I've taught you. No claws, but you can smack her good. Pin her and she'll have lost," Finchstrike said to Willowpaw, in a low voice. "You're awesome kid. Remember that." Willowpaw smiled sweetly at her mentor's kind words, but her eyes wandered to Duskpaw and she couldn't help but become much more serious.

Willowpaw made eye contact, and crept towards Duskpaw, who also was making her way out into the clearing, her paws gently touching the snow dusted ground. Her body was in a battle stance, her eyes focused on her target. Duskpaw made the first move, leaping out at Willowpaw. Willowpaw jumped back, dodging the move. Duskpaw made another lurch out at Willowpaw, who dropped and rolled to a new position. Willowpaw took the moment when Duskpaw was catching her breath to leap on top of her sister, barely managing to pin her down. Duskpaw threw her off, causing Willowpaw to fly in the air. She landed hard onto the grass, but got right back up. She ached a bit from the fall, but tried her best to ignore the pain. The two circled each other, before Willowpaw launched herself at her sister, sliding underneath her and pushing upward, causing her to go flying. Duskpaw lay on the ground, and Willowpaw ran over, slipping a bit on the grass, before getting the chance to pin her. But Duskpaw shot up, her playing dead actually being successful, and turned on Willowpaw, actually pinning her. Willowpaw looked up at Duskpaw, barely believing what had just happened.

"She cheated!" Willowpaw hissed, "I don't know how, but you found a way to cheat!"

Duskpaw flashed Willowpaw with a grin, "that was pure talent, and it came from a coward."

Willowpaw groaned, before walking to Finchstrike. "She's a great fighter when she has something to fight for, that's for sure," Finchstrike commented. "I think your little temper tantrum really caused her to fight."

Willowpaw looked at Finchstrike with such a pissed off look that it would send kits running. Finchstrike backed off, letting Willowpaw go back to camp. He was smart enough to not deal with her when she was pissed. Willowpaw headed towards camp. The snow was slowly building up, and the wind hollowed. She needed to be alone. She needed to get away from her family.

Willowpaw's pace picked up to a run. Don't let them in… don't let them see… Willowpaw shivered. It's getting colder. She ran away from her troubles- Finchstrike, Junipermoon, but mainly her sister. She ran around the camp, and over to the tunnels. She ducked inside, and let her eyes adjust to the darkness. That's when she saw a single snowflake, brightly glowing in the air. She stared at it, confused and amazed. It went backward. Is it… leading me? She followed it through the darkness, until the cave opened up to a large space, with a river.

"What are you doing?" She asked the snowflake, which she found a bit awkward. Why was she talking to a snowflake? The snowflake melted, leaving Willowpaw in the darkness. Willowpaw looked around, a bit nervous, and laid down in the cave. Without her guide, she wasn't necessarily going anywhere. Willowpaw closed her eyes, and prayed for a savior that would get her outta there.

Willowpaw opened her eyes a few hours later, and saw that the glowing snowflake had returned. She got up, and followed it. But it led her to the stream. Why would you bring me here? And something amazing happened. Willowpaw stepped near the water, and it froze over. As she stepped on the ice, more froze. Oh my StarClan! She jumped back. This isn't real. This isn't real. Please someone tell me that this is a dream.

Willowpaw followed the snowflake out into the open, which was now covered in snow. Am I controlling this? The snowflake seemed to nod. Can I make it stop? The snowflake seemed to shake itself as to say no. So when will the snow stop? The snowflake had no response. Never? The snowflake made the slightest movement, and then crumbled into snow. Willowpaw nervously looked up at the sky. What could she have ever done to make this happen?