Study Ultra

"Haaaa, Kids, am I right?" Apollo sighed in his drink. "One day they follow you everywhere you go and the next they scream at the prospect of living with their own mentor. The apartments too small and I'll be damned if I'm messing up my back on a couch. It's been a few months since I last saw those boy's and they've grown so much but are still both idiots. One is still the king of nuisances and the other is the debbiest of downers. But I can't shake the feeling that those boys have grown but with a few things weighing them down. Damn Teenage hormones." Apollo took a big drink out of his bottle. "Well bud, I told you my story," The American hero slammed the bottle one the table causing the man he was seated across from jump in his seat. "Now tell me yours." Apollo's voice as rough as the liquor he drank.

The Man looked around the darkroom. The walls were aligned with pictures of pro heroes with darts and knives in the pictures. He looked to the wooden floor but all he saw was where his villain friends sprawled out on the floor unconscious and for all he knew, dead. "L-look we don't..."

"Hey! My eyes are up here," Apollo yelled "Now I had gotten word that the league of villains came to this place to get some bodies for the USJ attack. So, the million-dollar, or rather, million-yen question is, where did Shigaraki take them after?"

The man was shaking in his seat. "I-I don't know! After that hand guy showed up and recruited the others, we didn't talk to them after and they were arrested by those fucking heroes..." This earned him a cold glance by Apollo, which quickly changed his tune. "Look that's all I know! I swear!" The villain waved his arms to escape the glare.

Apollo looked at the man for a minute, which in the villain's eyes felt like forever, before standing up and turning his back to the nose ringed villain. "Guess you don't know anything, no point in going back and forth all night. I've already contacted the police and they'll be here to pick up you and your friends," Apollo said as he walked toward the door of the room, they were in. The villain let out a big sigh of relief as he hung his head down, he wasn't a fighter like the rest, but at least he can getaway. "Oh, and by the way..." The villain felt a huge force slam his jaw shut and sent him flying across the room. "That's to make sure you don't runoff. The booze was shit, bye,"

"How did he do that? What was...that...Quirk?" The villain thought as he slid into unconsciousness.

As he hit the ground, Apollo stepped out of the building and looked into the night sky. He took a piece of paper out of his pocket and crossed out a name on the list. "God I love Therapy,"

Now the final week of June normal students would be off on summer break relaxing or being lazy and sleeping all day. For the Class A students of U.A high however most have been hitting the books as there was only a week before the final exam. Yes, the midterms passed as that was one obstacle out of the way, but that still didn't stop the nerves of some students especially with the rank they placed during the last test.

"Crap I didn't study one bit, between our time in the sports festival and the internships I didn't even think about it I'm screwed!" Kaminari (Rank: 22/22) yells as he sweats bullets as Ashido (Rank: 21/22) laughs.

Tokoyami (Rank: 14/22) sweatdropped and sighed "Indeed, I can't believe this but I agree with Kaminari on this, I was too busy replaying the events in Kyushu that I forgot to prepare."

Hyde (Rank: 19/22) has a wide grin on his face. "I don't know why Pikachu and Bird boy are freaking out so much the midterm was easy just bring on the final exam it should be a breeze." He chuckles as Kaiden overhears the conversation.

"Don't know how you can say that with those scores," Mineta (Rank: 10/22) said sitting in his chair smugly agitating the idiot trio more.

"I thought you were one of us!" Ashido yelled at Mineta.

"Guy's like you are only lovable when they're dumb! Now, who will want you?" Kaminari asked.

"Oh no one important, just everyone," Mineta said retaining his smugness.

Hyde had a sudden realization. "Mineta is better than me at something this is not good,"

"Remember that there's a practical exam too not just the cliché paper test, if we lose the practical part of the final exam, we could be in trouble and not make it to the summer camp." Kaiden (Rank: 6/22) says looking his friends as Kaminari and Ashido get more nervous.

"This just means we need to try harder it would be amazing if we all went to the training camp!" Deku (Rank: 4/22) says determined with a smile on his face.

"Yeah!" Iida (Rank: 2/22) yelled his support of Midoriya's words.

Todoroki (Rank: 5/22) adds on also. "We all pay attention in class, right? There's no way we can fail." He says in his usual stoic tone.

"Mind your word!" Kaminari huffed out grabbing his chest.

"All three of you can bite me!" Hyde jeered the three of them.

"Well I could help you guys study the academic part of the exam if you guys want, the practical exam you may need to figure out yourselves," Momo (Rank 1/22) says hoping to lift her friend's spirits.

Kaiden perks up with a raised brow. "Wait are you serious you'll do that for us?" He says confused that Yaoyorozu would suggest an offer like that

"It's the least I can do to make sure we all make it to the summer camp, it would be unfair if only half of us could make it correct?" Yaoyorozu says as multiple students go to her.

"I wouldn't mind the extra help especially from the smartest student in the class," Kaiden says with a small smile. Hyde however interrupted his moment by using his arm to grab Kaiden by the neck.

"And gets some close-up time with ponytail princess," Hyde whispered with a mischievous grin as Kaiden blushed and pushed him off.

Jiro walks up. "I'm not that bad with the academic problems but I could use the lessons."

Momo completely shocked by how many friends would love her help blushes and throws her hands up. "Yes of course!"

Kaiden chuckles a bit, while Hyde goes up to Deku. "Well since they have their group going how about I study with you Moss head?" Hyde says with an eager grin as Deku gets a big smile.

"Sure, I'll be happy to help, I'm curious to see how you and Kaiden would train at the summer camp," Deku says with a determined smile.

Hyde gets a smug grin. "Well it's hard to say what the training will consist of; I'm hoping since both of our quirks extend our physical abilities it would be me and you sparring against each other how's that sound?"

"Here's hoping I'll do everything I can to tutor you," Deku says as he and Hyde fist bump.

Minutes later the teens are walking to the cafeteria still questioning what their big exam could be.

"The academics will be manageable it's just a review of what we learned throughout our classes so at least that will be easy," Deku says to his classmates as he gets his katsudon bowl.

Kaiden gets his plate of shoyu ramen and follows his classmate. "Yeah, the academics will be easy but we still don't know what the practical exam could be, it could really screw us over if not prepared for it ya know." He says as he and the group sit down at a table.

Hyde puts his hands together before grabbing his chopsticks. "This is U.A we're talking about here the exam may be unique but it can't be that bad right?" He says as he starts digging into his charshu don bowl."

Iida nods in agreement. "I have to agree with Hyde, I imagine the school made a practical exam that can be so unusual."

"Maybe it's a test that's a mix up of everything we learned from our first semester, if so, that doesn't sound so bad." Hagakure (Rank 16/22) as she chewed on her rice as Tsuyu (Rank 7/22) joined in on the conversation "I believe that's all Aizawa sensei told us about it."

"Even so there was battle, rescue, and basic training, right?" Uraraka (Rank 13/20) asked as Kaiden nodded and Hyde shrugged.

Deku puts his chopsticks down. "So even with our academic studies we also need to stay in top sha-" Deku says as his head suddenly jerks forward as he groans in pain.

He looks back to see a blue-eyed blonde student. "Oops sorry looks like my lunch could get past that big head of yours," Monoma says insulting Deku so casually.

Kaiden sighs as Hyde looks at the blonde. "Come on copy cunt are you really that petty when it comes to our class," Hyde says as Monoma flinches a bit at the nickname.

"You know I've heard a lot about your internships from running into the hero killer to fighting a humanoid monster and stopping villains from committing a robbery, I guess the sports festival wasn't enough for you guy huh? Just have to keep getting all this attention with your stunts, don't you?" Monoma says everyone just stares at him.

"Damn we really are awesome, aren't we?" Hyde asked in a mocking tone.

"You got about five seconds before I get up and deck you in the schnoz," Kaiden says staring at him as Hyde puts a hand on his shoulder.

Monoma ignores the threat before continuing the pointless rant "It's pretty scary, isn't it? I'm starting to worry that one day your antics will get all of us invol-" He says as he suddenly begins to fall as the students see another student from class B finished chopping him on the side of his neck.

Kendo glares at her classmate. "That not funny at all, didn't you hear what happened to them? I'm sorry guys Monoma's heart is just well..."

"Full of jealousy?" Kaiden begins to say as Hyde adds on "Full of bitchiness?" they ask as Kendo picks him up.

"By the way, I heard you guys talking about the practical exam and how you're trying to figure it out, between you and me I've heard it's going to be like the entrance exam and fighting robots." She says as the few members of class A look at her some breathing a sigh of relief.

Kaiden smiles. "Robots huh, after all, we been through scraps of metal seems way too easy."

"Summer training camp here we come this is going to be breeze man," Hyde says putting a fist up

Deku looks at Kendo with a concerned look. "How exactly do you know that?"

"I know an older student who told me, I know it's not exactly fair but at least I give you guys info so you can be ready," She says as she begins to drag Monoma away from the table.

"Kendo you idiot why would you tell them that, we finally had an advantage over class A, this was our chance to knock down that peg they were on," Monoma says defeated as Kendo chops him again.

"Why didn't I think of that just going to a second or third year and asked them about the practical exams for freshman, maybe gathering intel is just an aspect of the exam it's hard to tell," Deku says as he begins to mumble a mile a minute.

"And he's doing it again," Kaiden says chuckling as his nerdy friend got into another analyzing trance.

"I got this," Hyde says as he picks a rice from his bowl and flicks it towards Deku hitting him in the nose.

Deku flinches and looks up to see his friends staring at him "What, why's everyone staring at me?" He asks as the rest of the table starts laughing.

After lunch, the group soon tells the rest of their classmates what Kendo told them about the exam.

"Robots?! Oh, thank god that's good to hear!" Kaminari says as smiles and relaxes.

"Looks like it's an easy win for us all we have to do is let loose and destroy robots!" Ashido says jumping around with excitement.

"You two would normally need to dial back your quirks against human opponents but this way I guess it should be easy," Shoji says looking at his classmates

"I don't get why you idiots are so happy, humans or robots, doesn't matter I'll blow them all to kingdom come," Bakugo says walking to the door.

"Who you calling an idiot, idiot?!" Kaminari yells pointing at the ashy blonde.

"Shut the hell up! You're the dumbass that doesn't even know how to dial back his quirk!" He yells before he turns his eyes to a certain student.

"Hey Deku, it seems your staring to manage that quirk of yours, either way, stop pissing me off with those stunts of yours!" He says growling as Deku stares at hi silently

"The hell are you talking about now?" Kaiden asks annoyed already.

Hyde looks at his two classmates while leaning back on his chair. "Pretty sure he's talking about the rescue training where Deku was parkouring like a ninja." He says as Bakugo gets a scowl on his face.

"I'm not trying to get another free win like what happened with the sports festival" This rant was interrupted by Tsuyu. "Tie," "Shut up! Like it or not when it comes to this exam, I'm gonna crush you the gulf between us will be so wide it'll kill you!" He says declaring this threat before turning around.

"The same goes for you too Todoroki and both of you gaijin bastards!" He says as he glares at the three of them.

Kaiden looks at the red-eyed blonde with a dirty look as he flips him off "Oh no I'm so fucking terrified your ego's gonna grind me into the ground and kill me.

Hyde chuckles a bit. "You know bitch boy that would be intimidating if you were, I don't know actually intimidating," Hyde says keeping a straight face as the two teens weren't at all phased by him.

Bakugo turns and leaves the classroom slamming the door as students try to make sense of what happened.

"Jeez, I haven't seen Bakugo that serious in a while," Kirishima says with a concerned look.

Tokoyami sits at his desk with his arms crossed "I'm not exactly sure that was seriousness seemed more like hatred to me." He says calmly.

"Either way gloating like that won't get him that far it's only a matter of time before it bites him on the ass hard." Hyde says picking up his stuff as he and Kaiden get ready to leave." Now, the great and powerful me, is totally gonna see if I can get a free Croquete for being a champion!" Hyde said flashing his medal.

"You keep that on you!?" Kaminari asked surprised.

That very weekend, Izuku Midoriya was getting ready to have Hyde over to study. "Ok Hyde said he was having trouble with math, so he should use this notebook as a reference," Izuku was muttering to himself before he was snapped from his thoughts by his mother Inko Midoriya.

"Izuku, honey, when is your friend getting here?" The green-haired mother asked. She smiled as she doesn't remember the last time her son had friends over or friends in general.

"Oh well he said he should be here any minute, he was grabbing some things to help him study," Izuku explained. He soon heard the doorbell signaling his friend's arrival. "That should be him now,"

Izuku opened his apartment door and made a look of shock as he saw the wide grin of Hyde with a dozen items in bags. "Alright I got Soda, Juice, sweet tea, some BBQ chips, Ranch, sour cream & onion, I also got some ice cream, and some goddamn guacamole," Hyde put down the various snacks. He then pulled out another bag. "I also brought over my PS4, you got a tv in your room, never mind I got a monitor," Hyde kicked off his shoes and entered the apartment.

"Oh, w-welcome!" Inko welcomed him in her home. "Thank you for taking care of Izuku!"

"Whoa man, this your mom, I thought it was your sister," Hyde put his hand on his chin as he complimented his mother.

Izuku still standing shocked in the doorway after the Hyde stormed in finally said his first words. "Did he..come to study?"

Kaiden had followed the address he got from Momo and was on his way to her place with the rest of his classmates. He practically had to run out of the house due to Hyde telling Rinko his study plans, and he didn't want to deal with that any longer than you think. As he walked along a long ridiculously long fence, he saw his classmates, Kaminari, Ashido, Jiro, Ojiro, and Sero.

"Hey, you guys waiting for me? Let's go to Momo's," Kaiden gave a quick fist pump.

Ojiro twirled his finger around signaling Kaiden to turn around. Kaiden obliged him and turned to see a large gate.

"Sweet potato pie!" Kaiden exclaimed looking at the big metal bars. Think this is Momo?"

Wow, Kaminari gasped out. "I knew she was rich but not this rich,"

Jiro pressed the intercom button and the instant she let go. "Everyone, I've been waiting for you! Please come in!" Momo said over the intercom like an excited kid as the gate opened letting them in. After a quick hike up the trail, they finally made it in where they were escorted to a large and lavish room by one of her servants.

"The mistress wanted this room to be used for your studies, I wish you all a good day," He bowed to them as they quickly filled the seats. "I smell lust on you boy," He whispered to Kaiden as he walked by.

"What was that?" Kaiden responded but when he turned to the butler he was gone. "Anyone else hear that?"

"Man, this place is so fancy it makes me feel a bit nervous," Ashido said looking around.

"Momo, always said she didn't have many friends due to her money, many kids would find this a bit unnerving," Kaiden said as he sat down.

But the nervous atmosphere was soon soothed as a cart of teacups and small snacks were pushed in the room by a beaming Yaoyorozu. "What is it?" She asked in a happy tone sending positive energy in throughout the room.

"Nothing," They all said in unison.

Back with Izuku and Hyde study group, Izuku finally managed to get Hyde to study hard and not play around. This in itself was a challenge but they actually made great progress, Hyde managed to focus in on all the subjects he was bad at and Hyde made sure his study buddy didn't mutter off into something else entirely. After a few hours of studying Hyde finally convinced Izuku to take a break.

"Maaan, seriously we're trying to be heroes, not scholars. Shouldn't they ease up a bit?" Hyde complained lying down on Izuku's All might sheets. Hyde had a little freaked out over his classmate's décor choices. He knew he was the biggest All Might fan in school but this was slightly obsessive. He learned to live with it as he finally ate some of his chips.

"There are still a lot of things heroes have to know. Heroes aren't all about fighting," Izuku responded as he was writing something down.

"But I'm a man of action! Also, Deku, I'll have you know I can lift way more than that in burst mode," Hyde declared confusing Izuku.

"Huh?" inquired the boy.

"You wrote I can lift 300 lbs and I'm telling you I can lift more!" Hyde said patting the crude drawing on a notebook.

"Wha-where did you find that?!" Izuku asked flustered.

Hyde was flipping through the pages more and more. "I saw a notebook that said Class A on it and figured it was another study guide but turns out you take notes on more than the class material. Side note you need to work on your drawing skills I do not look this hideous,"

Izuku finally having enough charged the black-haired teen. "Give it back!" he yelled as they wrestled on the bed for the book. Unfortunately for the plucky young hero, Hyde has wrestled with Kaiden so many times he knows how to pin Izuku in seconds.

"No way! I'm coming up on Uraraka's page I can't wait to see what you write about her!" Hyde said as he flipped to the brunette's profile to his surprise it wasn't filled with hearts or gross descriptors of her body but an honest evaluation of her. What really got Hyde's attention was a small note, it was her reason to be a hero, to make money to support her family. She had told him this before but now her reasoning had got him thinking. This caused Hyde to release Izuku and drop the notebook.

"Hey, let me ask you something," Hyde looked to Izuku with a sudden seriousness as he recovered his notebook. "You encountered that guy, his ideals were about killing fake heroes. People who become heroes for reasons other than to save people. Izuku, I've seen time and time again that you wanna be a protector first and foremost and I respect that. But what about you? Do you agree with Stain? Do you see Uraraka; do you see me as a fake hero?" Hyde asked his study partner.

Izuku was left silent in the wake of the bombshell Hyde just dropped. He battled the hero killer to save his friends but he never had the battle ideals with Stain. He saw Stains video after and in learning he was an All Might fan was a bit of a shock. He realized what Stain meant when he called worthy by the madman. He never thought about his classmates through the lens of Stain.

After about a minute of silence Izuku finally gave him his answer "It's easy to agree with Stain and his ideals in a perfect world and I also wish the same. But you guys aren't me, Uraraka wants to give her parents a better life and you want to bring smiles on people's faces. You and everyone else will be great heroes no matter your goals." Izuku smiled at Hyde who simply smiled back.

"Alright, let's get back to work,"

Days pass as the students of Class A student to the best of their abilities with some being tutored by their peers as others prayed to the gods that they would pass their upcoming test, then the day came for their practical exam. The test was difficult as expected but the class suspected they all got through that just fine.

With that, all said and done it was time to get the easy part out of the way all that was left between the class and a passing grade was the practical exam. All of Class A was standing outside in their hero costumes standing across from their teachers.

"All right now let begin your practical exam, just remember that it is possible to fail so get serious and don't take this too lightly otherwise you won't attend the training camp," Aizawa states to his students

"Know since I know you guys, I have a feeling you've asked around about what the practical exam could be and that you may know what the test is am I right?" He asked as some students get excited and say their answer.

"Royal rumble with robots, bring it I'm ready to destroy some circuits!" Hyde yells as he gets pumped.

"Gotta admit I can't wait for it either let's get started already sensei!" Kaiden states excitedly

Ashido pumps her fist in the air. "Fireworks, food, and truth or dare I can't wait!" she yells.

Now hold on a second!" Nezu says popping himself out of Aizawa's scarf "Under various circumstances, we actually made a revision of the exam!"

You can almost hear their collective minds break at that revelation as several students stop and grow a little tense at the announcement.

"Well my dear students we had a little faculty meeting about the exam and came to a decision, you see we wanted this exam to be as real as possible and decided that this exam will focus on battles against flesh and blood opponents!" Nezu says thrilled with the idea.

"Which means that this exam will have you, students, pairing up and facing off against one of the teachers you see here," Aizawa states seriously as several students' eyes widen

"Are you serious we're fighting against our teachers," Kaiden says a little nervous.

"Yes, it's true in fact your pairings and assigned teachers have already been decided based on your grades, friendships, and battle moves with one another we made sure that all those factors were considered." Nezu states as one by one a teacher has a smile on their face.

"First things first Todoroki and Yaoyorozu you'll be fighting against me," Aizawa says with a smile before looking at the next few pairs

"Second Midoriya will be paired up with Bakugo" Aizawa finishes saying as both students look in shock at each other.

"And your opponent will be me!" All Might says stepping out from behind the group of teachers "I expect you two to work together in order to win so come at me with everything!" He says with his trademark smile.

"HA! Goodluck you two especially you bomb boy can't wait to see you get your ass kick by the number one hero in Japan!" Hyde laughs at the misfortune as Aizawa looks at him.

"I wouldn't be laughing if I were you Hyde" The teacher of class A states calmly as Hyde gets a confused look.

"And why not sensei come on I already know I'm gonna be paired up with my bro here," Hyde says punching Kaiden lightly in the arm before continuing.

"So, who are we fighting can I pick? How about Present Mic, no Cementoss, actually wait maybe Midnight" Hyde says as a figure gets up behind him and Kaiden and puts his hands on both their shoulders.

"How about me ya little fuck sticks," Apollo says gripping their shoulders tightly as both students tense and pale. "Oh, come on don't be like that it'll be just like old times back in the U.S," He says with an evil laugh as Hyde looks at the Ashy blonde teen.

"Hey Bakugo, buddy you know I was joking, right? No hard feelings? Wanna switch please?" Hyde says as Kaiden looks at him wide-eyed with a betrayed look.

"Now tell me, boys, now that you know you're facing off against me let me ask you two something you shit your pants yet?" Apollo says with an evil chuckle.

Long time no read gang. So sorry about that but life got mega crazy. Anyway this wasn't an exciting chapter to get stuck on but next time we'll get some swank action and immature humor.