Ana had been ready in an hour, hair, makeup and dress all looking nicely. But Christian had been locked up in his office and on the phone for three hours. The old Ana would have knocked on the door and asked when they'd be leaving. But she knew now that things had taken a turn and she wasn't allowed to do things like that anymore. She sat waiting another hour until Christian finally emerged. He was dressed nicely, a grey suit and black tie. It went well with Ana's black silk dress she had on.

They had left without any indication as to where they were going. Christian then took her to a fancy restaurant where the two of them had an early dinner. Two hours after that, they sat back in the car as Taylor drove them to their next destination.

Ana was nervous. She knew they weren't going home, because she heard Christian take a call as they waited for Taylor to bring the car around, earlier after dinner.

"Yes, we're heading your way now." Christian said in his ever confident voice. Whoever was on the other end was talking a lot and Christian smiled, eyeing Ana. "I look forward to it too." And with that he hung up the phone.

A million scenarios were playing in her head. What if he was taking her back to Joseph? Maybe he was getting a replacement. The thought crept up her and made her want to scream. She would convince him that keeping her would be the best decision if it came to that. She thought over their dinner together. Christian hadn't been talkative but he wasn't completely cold toward her either. He was just cordial. Almost acting like they had just met.

The car began to slow down and Ana looked out the window, coming back to reality. She had been so caught up in her thoughts that she hadn't paid any attention to where they were going.

They were in a very wealthy neighborhood. The car stopped at a gate, but Taylor had the code and punched it in. A loud beep buzzed and then the gate slid open, allowing them drove up a hill and at the top was a huge white stoned house. It was beautiful. Ana wondered if this were Josephs house. It looked like somewhere he'd live.

Taylor parked and got out, opening Christians door. Christian got out and helped Ana out behind him.

The two of them walked to the front door, before Christian pressed the doorbell he turned to Ana.

"Be on your best behavior."

"Yes Sir." She said, still confused as to what was going on.

He nodded at her then pressed the doorbell. It chimed loudly, and through the frosted glass of the front door Ana could see a figure heading their way. A young lady opened the door. She was smiling at them, "Mr. Grey?" She asked.

Christian nodded, "Ms. Hansen is expecting me." He told her.

Mrs. Hansen? Ana thought. Then she remembered the woman from the night her and Christian went to dinner. The older lady who kept flirting with him. Victoria.

The woman nodded and stepped to the side, allowing them room to walk in.

The place was grand. A spiral staircase swooped down from the second floor to where they were standing.

"This way Mr. Grey." The lady said, as she walked the two of them up the stairs.

When they got upstairs they turned immediately to their right. A huge room that had no doors on it seemed to welcome them. It was the exact opposite of Christians playroom. Ana was surprised at how unhidden this part of Victorias house was. Huge stone pillars lined the room and stood every few feet. There was a huge pink California kingsize bed in the far back of the room. Four swan chaise lounges lined the center of the room, and what looked to be an over sized footstool sat in the middle of them. Everything was either pink or beige. Tassels hung from places about the room, and there were a few giant vases in some spots. Ana wasn't quite sure what theme Victoria was trying to go for but she somehow made it look fun and inviting to be in this room.

On the oversize footstool about ten long legged girls who all looked like fashion models, lounged. They were dressed in sexy lingerie and already giving Christian the eye. No doubt Victoria had told them about the famous Christian Grey.

Victoria was sitting in one of the chaise lounge chairs but stood when she saw Christian and Ana. She was in a long pink silk nightgown that fell all the way to her feet. A see-through red robe with fluffy sleeves covered it. She looked like she had just stepped out of an old movie.

Wasting no time, she hurried over to Ana, almost ignoring Christian completely.

"Oh, you lovely thing you." She praised her, taking Ana's hand. She then turned to Christian, "Take whichever girl you'd like Christian. Hell, take all of them if you'd like." Her eyes were back on Ana.

Christian looked at the group of woman. They were all very beautiful but none of them were Ana.

Victoria moved closer to Ana and Christian noticed she took a step back. He was glad to see her reaction but knew she was being rude."Anastasia." Christian said in a warning voice.

Anas eyes dropped immediately like a dog who just did something she knew she wasn't suppose to do.

"Oh, she's fine Christian. She's just shy is all. Lets fix that, shall we?" She said to Ana, placing her hands gently on either side of her face. Leaning in, she kissed her on the lips.

Christian thought the sight of watching Ana kissing a woman would turn him on, but it did the opposite. He could feel every muscle in his body tense at the sight of someone else touching her, let alone kissing her. He remained rooted though, not moving to stop it.

Victoria finally leaned away, "Mmm you taste divine." She turned and took Christians hand, surprising everyone. "Christian, how about we sit and chat while we watch the girls play?"

Christian looked at Ana, nodding, silently telling her to join the other girls. Ana turned slowly and made her way to the brothel of girls strewn about the footstool in their underwear. As soon as Ana got to them, they all grabbed at her, pulling her in to join them.

"Would you like a drink? Some coffee perhaps?" Victoria asked Christian calmly, as if her were merely there to gossip. He didn't take his eyes off of Ana as he sat on the beige chaise lounge.

"No." Was all he said to her. He was beyond tense at the moment. Watching even the other slaves touching Ana, put him on edge. One blond girl fondled her breast, while another reached up and grabbed her hair roughly, forcing her to kiss her. Ana looked like a victim to him. She allowed everything that was happening but her face hid nothing from him. She was clearly uncomfortable and looking to be on the verge of tears.

"So Christian," Victoria touched his forearm that he had resting on the arm of the lounge. She was sitting beside him in an oversized loveseat that matched the beige lounge he sat in. Christian finally took his eyes off of Ana and looked at her. "How would you feel if I kept Ana for a weekend? You would be able to have your choosing of any of my girls of course. I suggest Sabrina. I've had her the longest and she is always willing to try new things." She gave him a mischievous smile. But Christian wasn't smiling. The thought of allowing Ana to stay there and be handled the way he was seeing, wasn't something he was about to allow.

Of course the thought had crossed his mind before even getting to Victorias house. He had wanted to see if perhaps Victoria would be interested in the same thing. Trading girls for a day or two, and if it worked out, she could keep Ana and he could keep whichever girl he chose. Then Ana could be her problem and he could move on and put this major fuckery of a mistake behind him. But now, seeing it all in reality playing out before him...he didn't like the idea as much.


Christians head snapped up just in time to see one of the girls trying to go down on Ana. Ana was squirming away, as the other girls around her looked on giggling.

Christian stood and was across the room in seconds, pushing the other girl off of Ana.

"Leave her alone." He snarled. Grabbing Anas arm he pulled her off the footstool and helped her to stand up. She quickly coward into his side.

Victoria smoothly glided over to them.

"Relax Christian, I told the girls to make sure Ana enjoyed herself tonight. They're only doing what I told them to do."

But Christian wasn't relaxed at all. His jaw was clenched as he spoke through his teeth.

"We're leaving, I will not allow anyone to treat Ana this way."

Victoria looked confused. "She's just a slut Christian. Here only to please you. Whats the big deal?"

Christian had to remind himself he was talking to a lady and could not hit her. "Lets go Ana." His hand still on her arm, he began walking toward the staircase. Ana followed eagerly beside him.

"I'll stay in touch." Victoria called after him, but Christian didn't respond.

Hurrying down the stairs they quickly made it out onto the front steps.

Once outside he stopped walking and turned around looking at Ana.

"You okay?" His hands were on her shoulders as he looked her over. She was already crying and her hair was a frazzle mess. In all the rush to leave he hadn't noticed that her dress was only halfway on. Quickly removing his jacket, he draped it around her shoulders. He pulled her to his side as he continued to the car.

Taylor jumped out of the Bentley as soon as he saw them. Coming around, he opened the door for them.

"Everything alright Sir?" You could hear the concern in his voice.

"Yeah, just get us home." Christian said, sliding into the backseat and pulling Ana with him.

Ana hid her face in his chest, trying to keep the tears at bay. Christian was running his hands soothingly through her hair. These last couple of days were just too much for her. She wondered if she could tough it out and still do this.

"I'm sorry I put you in that situation." Christian said to her.

Ana was silent. What had been his plan? She wondered.Why had they even gone to Victorias in the first place? She remained silent until they were pulling into the garage at home. Finally getting the courage to speak she said, "May I ask you something?" She was proud of herself for actually getting the words out.

"Of course." He said, leaning down closer so she could say what she wanted.

"Were you going to replace me?" Her last word had a but of a shake to it, from her trying not to cry at the thought.

Christians jaw tightened and Ana had her answer. She looked down, "Oh."

Christian sighed, "But I decided when we got there that I didn't want that."

Taylor was parking the car. Getting out he headed to open their door.

"I'm ready to tell you everything now." Ana blurted out to Christian.