A/N: Funny story, this is the fourth fic in this series. It's also the only one we didn't have any backlogs for when we wrote it.

Robocop3301: Yeah, right now we're kinda just getting these written down so we don't forget them. Also we're not british so if any of y'all are british we don't mean any harm by this and you can make fun of us Americans it is only fair.

Disclaimer: Still don't own RWBY :(

Beta: Robocop3301, the best there ever was if I do say so myself. And I do.


Well… We got ROBed… that's the only way to put it.

ROB: Random Omniscient Being and/or illegitimate child.

Yeah, the McGuffin used by fanfiction writers to have their OC's, Self inserts, or just characters from another universe stuck into the new one.

Myself and my best friend were just minding our own business, when the stupidly overpowered and bored being colloquially known as ROB decided that we would be the victims of his newest playdate.

We had no warning, and were given little to no explanation other than that we were getting "New forms that could handle the universe we would be in!" Stupid ROB.

Anyway, at this moment, myself and James - My best friend - were falling. To the left, you could see darkness, and to the right… Total, blackness.

My stomach rumbled, a clear sign that we had been falling for a while, "I'm hungry…" I muttered.

James, on the flipside, was still screaming… though he wasn't panicked, he seemed to be doing it simply for the novelty of the fact.

I looked over to him, "Would you stop screaming?!" I yelled at him.

"Sure. My throat is really, really, tired now." James yelled back.

I facepalmed, "You really didn't need to yell for so long. Nor do we need to yell to communicate, its silent out here." I remarked.

"I was trying to figure out how much time has passed based on how much my throat hurt." James said.

"And your conclusion?" I asked.

"A really long time." He said.

Suddenly, a bright light consumed us. We hit water… Hard. The resounding smack was heard for miles, and many people who had thought about doing belly flops decided in that moment it was probably a bad idea.

We quickly surfaced, gasping for air. Luckily, treading water was not a skill either of us lacked.

"James! You ok?!" I called out, spinning in the water to try and locate him.

"You mean besides the mother of all belly flops, sure." James said back as I found him.

He wasn't far, and I barely swam at all before I reached him, "Ok, Where are we?" I asked.

Before he could answer, we heard a very loud horn akin to that of a cargo freighters fog horn. We turned, and saw that it was indeed a huge ship carrying large amounts of crates.

"SWIM FOR YOUR LIVES!" James yelled as he began furiously swimming out of the way. For myself, I quickly followed after him.

The large boat slowly passed us, with many of the crew looking over the railing, some running back and forth. Eventually, they threw a large red and white ring, which the two of us went for immediately. Once we had a firm grip on it, we signaled the crew, and they started to pull us up.

As they were pulling us up we began to create a cover story as for why we were in the middle of the ocean. Without a boat nearby. We eventually reached the top of the boat, with the crew pulling us over the railing. And I'll be honest, the first thing I noticed, was that I was at crotch level with most of the crew… Well… that couldn't be good.

"You kids alright?" One of the crewman asked, a man with brown hair and… dog ears of all things coming out of the top of his head!

I stared at him for a bit, slightly dumbfounded, and kind of insulted at him calling me a kid. Luckily for me, James answered instead of me.

"We're not kids!" he yelled, before clamping his mouth shut at hearing his own voice.

This, at least, seemed to make the crewman chuckle more than anything, "Sure you aren't, my mistake. Can you two tell me why you were in the middle of the ocean?"

"Our boat sank." I said, marveling at my voices pitch, "It hit a big iceberg, and there was an explosion, and it sank." What can I say? The Titanic was a thing people.

The Crewman seemed a bit confused, turning to his comrade, "Grimm attack do yah think?" He asked, ignoring our story for the moment.

The other crewman, a man with a quite magnificent beard, stroked said beard, "It's definitely possible. It'd explain why their this far out." he said.

I turned to James, "Are they ignoring us?" I asked him.

"I think they are old chap." James he said in a british accent.

I laughed slightly, "Righty oh, let's give the lads a proper greetin' then!"

The three crewmen had seemed to notice our drastic change in accent, and all turned to us confused, "Are you two alright?" He asked.

We in turn responded; "Quite so my good man!" And the two of us charged between the legs of two crewmen, turned around, and 'kicked them in the rump!' as the british would say.

The two we kicked cried out in pain, and the third turned around to try and catch us. We turned out to be to fast for him, and we started running across the deck of the ship. I won't go into detail about the whole chase, due to it lasting probably a good hour. Needless to say, beverly hills chase scenes ain't got nothing on us.

Turns out, the time we spent running from the crew, was also enough time for the ship to dock at port! We paused to laugh ourselves to the floor, before getting up and running off the deck of the ship and onto the pier. A few of the crewmen came after us, cursing as they went. They didn't seem too committed though, as we lost them in the streets fairly easily.

"Well, that was fun." I remarked.

"You know Markus, I don't think those guys like us so much." James said with a smile.

The two of us shared a laugh, glad that we had gotten some enjoyment out of the situation. Unfortunately, the realization that we really didn't have any money or food to our names hit us rather hard.

"We should probably try to find some form of shelter, food and maybe a job." James explained.

I nodded, "True, and as much as I hate to admit it, there's no telling how old we are." I noted.

"Well, considering that we come up to most people's waists. We're either children or dwarves" James also noted, "That's probably something we should look into."

We spent a large portion of our day walking around the town aimlessly. We managed to learn the town's name, Rivermouth, and that the town was in Mistral. The name Mistral also rang a few bells, telling us just where that ROB had sent us. We were in the world of RWBY. Suddenly, the animal features made a lot more sense.

After recovering from our initial shock, we decided the best idea was to go to a shop of some kind, and hope for the best.

"Excuse me." I asked the man behind the counter.

The man looked down at us, eyebrows raised, "And what do you two want?" He asked.

"We have no money, no food, no parents to speak of, and we are basically hyper-intelligent street urchins. You wouldn't have any work for us would you?" I asked.

To his credit, the man recovered from his stupor rather quickly, "I, er… what?" Well, 'recover' may be a strong word.

"If you don't have any work for us, like as a courier, or something like that, we can just go somewhere else."

The man finally regained his wits, "I see… Well, ah, I do have a package to be delivered to a friend of mine a ways away from here. If you could do that I could give you some food I suppose…" He said hesitantly.

"On it!" James said with a nod as he came from the back of the store, holding a package in his hands, "Forty-first South Sand street, the Dead Man's Drink. I'm guessing that's a tavern."

The shopkeeper again stood dumbfounded, amazed that the young man could get behind the counter and into the back room without him noticing, "Er, yes, that's the right one. Ask for a man named Hawk, he'll be the one to give it to. He'll be the one to pay you as well." He explained.

"Will do!" And with that, we walked off.


Hawk Branwen was bored. That wasn't a good thing for anyone he came into contact with him. The cause of his boredom was the fact that so far, only one person in this town had yet to pay their protection fees. Now, this was normally a good thing, but it meant that he didn't get to raid any of the shops that were under his payment.

Soon, two young boys walked up to him. The two couldn't have been older than eleven years old. Both had brown hair, with fairly tanned skin and ragged clothes. They didn't seem armed, so the bandit wasn't particularly worried for his safety at all.

"Package for a Mr. Hawk?" The taller of the children asked.

The man nodded, "That's me, what is it?" he asked. Under normal circumstances, he would have just snatched the package without even acknowledging the kids. However, he was getting a very… Different, vibe coming from these two.

The child shrugged, "Wasn't paying too much attention to what it was, just took it to the Dead Man's Drink. We were told to give it to a man named Hawk that matched your description." He stated simply, holding the package out towards him.

Hawk grabbed the small box a bit hesitantly. The address was the last place that had yet to pay their protection fees. Hawk groaned slightly, before turning to the two kids, "Well, I guess I should thank you two. Saved the guy's hide."

The two kids nodded, "So where's our payment?" The taller one asked.

Hawk was surprised that the kid would even ask that. He was about to tell him to go back where they came from, before a deathly chill went down his spine. Hawk's semblance was acting up, and that could only mean a few things. Either an assassin was about to try and kill him, or these kids were more important than he thought.

"Out of curiosity… What's your name kid?" He asked.

"I'm Markus," The taller one said, "And that's James." He said pointing to the shorter one who inclined his head at the introduction.

Hawk nodded, looking at them again, examining them closer. Markus was definitely the bigger of the two, and he'd wager older as well. There were few differences in how they actually looked, and if Hawk were to bet money on it, he'd guess the two were siblings.

"And ah, where are your parents?" He asked.

The two children shuffled a bit, "Well… that's a touchy question… Sufficed to say, we're on our own." Markus answered.

Hawk nodded, understanding. Orphans weren't a rare occurrence outside of the kingdoms' cities, and two brothers wandering around on their own wasn't all that strange. Still…

"How about you two stick with me for a while? If you don't have anywhere else that is…" He offered, "Name's Hawk Branwen by he way."

The two boys seemed to perk up at the mention of his name, so much so that he almost wondered if they had recognized his name. That seemed unlikely, but not impossible to him however.

"Where would we go?" Markus asked.

Hawk chuckled, "I've got a group outside of the city. We move around a lot, but it'd be better than living off scraps here in the town." He explained.

Markus and James looked at each other, seemed to think about it for a bit, before turning back to him, "That sounds good to us." They answered in unison.

Hawk smiled, the chill leaving his spine finally. What was it about these two kids that had him so on edge, but willing to take them in just like that?

"Alright, the two of you can stay in my room upstairs for the night, and we can leave tomorrow morning." He answered.

Before the two boys could respond, both their stomachs growled quite loudly. This caused Hawk to laugh, before he called over a waiter to give the two boys some food. He'd pay for it of course.


The rest of the day passed rather quickly. Markus and myself had gotten a large amount of food, courtesy of one Hawk Branwen… If we weren't sure before, we were now. We were definitely on Remnant. Granted, I can't say either of us recognized the mountain of a man that Hawk was, but it's not like Raven and Qrow didn't have ANY family right? The name 'Hawk' Also gave off several cues.

Regardless, we had full bellies, and were sitting on beds that were quite comfortable. At present, Hawk wasn't in the room, giving the two of us time to discuss our situation, and plans for the future.

"So, basically what has happened is, We got transported to Remnant thanks to ROB."


"We ended up in this town in Mistral where Hawk Branwen - assumed relative of Qrow and Raven - just happened to be."


"Then we got… invited…? into the Branwen Tribe and now we're here waiting the night out before we leave for the tribe's camp tomorrow. Am I right so far?" James asked.

"So far, yeah." Markus responded.

"Okay so what's the plan for what we're going to do once we are part of the Tribe? Obviously, we'll be going to Beacon, but that is a while ahead of us and we need to focus on tomorrow." James Explained.

"Not to mention, we look like eleven year olds. I don't think Beacon accepts people this young." Markus noted.

"Well I'm sure we'll look twenty by the time we're seventeen due to either height or lots of facial hair." James said.

"Yeah that's true… Still, we've got no idea how long between now and beacon actually is! Canon could start in twenty years, or it could start in two! For all we know, it's started already!"

"We'll improvise." James simply.

Markus sighed in defeat, knowing that at the moment, there was little the two could do that would have any real effect.

"Still, we're going to the Branwen tribe for crying out loud, I don't think their going to have the best of reputations." Markus countered.

"Qrow and Raven got in didn't they?" James replied.

"Yeah, but that was before they went to Beacon. If they've gone to there by now, don't you think that Ozpin would be wary of anyone coming to Beacon from a wandering tribe in Mistral?"

"Qrow still works for Ozpin. So, he knows he's got a fifty-fifty shot of getting at least one of us to stay and considering that Qrow and Raven are two of the most dangerous people alive save the people that work for Salem, and Salem herself, it's not exactly that bad of an idea considering that the Branwen tribe still at least fights against Salem for Humanity even if it is only because it is in their own interest to do so." James countered long windedly.

Markus sighed, flopping back onto the bed. It was true that the group of Raven's bandits wasn't exactly on Salem's side, even considering they did work for her. For the piece of utter garbage that Volume five was, it at least progressed the story somewhat.


The two boys got a good deal of sleep that night, with Hawk waking them up around eight o'clock that morning. They ate breakfast eagerly, before Hawk told them it was time to head out. Hawk carried a large pack on his shoulder, and a large revolver at his hip. His black hair waving in the breeze.

Markus and James walked close behind, carrying smaller packs that Hawk had designated for them to carry. They walked for a good three hours, with Hawk telling the two about the dangers of walking around the wilds alone, as well as what his 'camp' would be like.

They eventually stopped for a break, with the two children digging into some of the food and water they had brought with them. Hawk explained that they had around fifteen minutes to do whatever, before they headed out again. He himself elected to wander off for the duration of the time.

"Well, the camp seems to be a lot farther than I thought it would be." Markus told his companion.

"Well, It's not like they would camp really close to a town or city and say 'here I am please call the authorities so they can come and blow us to kingdom come'." James said sarcastically.

Markus chuckled, "That's true. Still, the average human walks how many miles an hour? Three, four? Something like that?" He asked, "We've been walking for like, three hours now."

"Well walking for a day isn't all that bad. It means there is plenty of distance between the bandit camp and the authorities that it would take a day for them to get to where we are, and that would be if they knew our location first. They would have to organize a sweep around a location and that would give us plenty of time to escape." James said in explanation, while using the power of Logic.

Markus shrugged, "That's true. Still, what if they had an airship? They could cover double the ground in half the time." He countered.

"Tree cover and other environmental effects would delay them, and a big airship would give us plenty of advance warning as they would do a search when there is a clear sky, thus giving their position away and allowing us to get out of the area." James explained again showing why he is the tactical guy.

Hawk soon appeared from the treeline, causing the two to stop talking and jump at his sudden appearance, "Technically, James is right. An airship would give us plenty of time to react." he said with a smile.

"Smart kid. Course, what I'm more curious about, how in dust's name did you figure out about me and the Branwen tribe?" He asked, his smile turning into a frown.

"Well, you constantly have the merchants, tradesmen, and craftsmen pay you in town, and so as street rats people basically ignored us. They would sometimes say distasteful things about how the Branwen Tribe would cut into their profits, complaining about how you were extorting and threatening them. It wasn't too big of a leap of logic when you introduced yourself as Hawk Branwen that you were a part of said tribe." James bluffed. The two hadn't actually heard any such thing, but James doubted that would matter all that much.

The mans smile returned again, larger this time, "You two really are smart aren't you? Who knew we had such a reputation."

"Yeah, but you have to learn fast when you live on the streets or you die simple as that." James lied since they had never actually spent a night on the streets, they just looked like they did.

Well, Markus might have, him and his brothers did that stuff for "funsies". Yeah, they were probably a bit crazy now that James thought about it.

The Branwen member let out a hearty laugh, clearly amused, "Well, would you look at that. Two kiddo's who actually use their heads. I think you'll fit in nicely at the Branwen Tribe."

The two dimensional travelers suddenly felt that they may have bitten off a bit more than they could chew… then again it could just have been breakfast disagreeing with them.


The Branwen tribes main camp was… Not what the one in the later volumes of the show looked like. Unlike the show, there were no makeshift walls around the camp, which was made out of several tents, a few fire pits, and multiple sleeping mats surrounding the fire pits. Several children looked to be running around the camp, and a few larger men appeared to be standing guard, most likely looking for any Grimm that might approach.

There was a river flowing nearby, and there looked to be a few women washing clothes or cooking supplies in it. The place almost looked like a campsite in an apocalypse.

One of the guards soon spotted the tree travelers as they walked toward the camp. The man was tall, dark skinned, with a shaved head. His clothes were rather plain, but he carried a large rifle in his hands, giving off a dangerous aura.

"Hawk! Good to see your back!" The man called to the Branwen.

Hawk smiled and walked up to the man, giving him a bro hug, "Good to be back." he greeted.

The guard looked down at us as he seemed to examine his friend, "And who are these two? They don't look any older than yours." He asked Hawk.

Hawk shrugged, "They delivered some of the money that was owed. They didn't have anywhere to go, so I decided to take 'em in." He answered.

"Huh, Who knew you had a soft spot for kids!" Hawks friend jabbed with a laugh.

"Yeah, whatever. How are the two rascals doing? They didn't miss me did they?" Hawk asked.

The guard snorted, "Yeah, like she would even be capable of missing you. The kid's got more spunk than her brother, that's for sure. Think he got a bit anxious when you left. Seems to have calmed down though." He explained.

Hawk nodded, "Alrighty then, I'll take these two over and introduce them. They could use some friends their own age." He said, before motioning for the two kids to follow him.

They walked for bit, heading to the far end of the camp, where the largest tent in the whole place stood. A woman stood outside, and smiled as Hawk walked up.

"Hawk! You're back early!" She remarked as she ran up to the man and hugged him.

"Haha, missed you to. Where are the kids? I got some friends for them." He asked.

The woman who the two kids assumed to be Hawks wife turned her gaze to the two, "Oh! That's wonderful! Qrow's been dying to have some kids around that aren't his sister."

The two kids froze instantly, looking at each other, eyes seeming to jump out of their skulls, but luckily the adults didn't seem to notice.

"Qrow! Raven! Your father has some friends for you to play with! Come on out!" the woman called.

Quickly, two children emerged from the large tent. While it wasn't quite the same, the two kids with black hair, pale skin, and red eyes were, without a shadow of a doubt, Qrow and Raven Branwen.

"Qrow, Raven, I'd like you to meet James and Markus, they'll be staying with us for a while." Hawk explained.

"Hi there! I'm Raven, Which of you is Markus, and which is James?" She asked in a bubbly voice.

Neither of the two boys answered initially, as they recovered from their initial shock. Thankfully, Markus came to his senses fast enough that it wasn't awkward, "Uh, Hi, I'm Markus. That's James." He said pointing to the person beside him.

Raven smiled, holding out her hand to Markus, "Nice to meet you Markus! That's my brother Qrow!" She said pointing to the male Branwen twin.


A/N: GASP! What a twist!

Robocop3301: It really wasn't. It was kinda obvious after you introduced Hawk.

Rocketmce: Shush you, It was a twist when I came up with it.

Robocop3301: Never, I have the freedom of speech and I'm nowhere near you and I know it so you can't force me to do anything.

Rocketmce: *Glares* I know where you live.

Robocop3301: In the words of every TRUE American. I have a Shotgun with your name on it.

Rocketmce: Anywho, enough banter. As you can see people, this is the FORTH story that I've published with the 'Adventures of the two' tag. Truth be told, I have a lot of these stories planned and/or already written.

The updates will be inconsistent at best, and totally random at worst, so keep that in mind (I have two fics that I keep updated semi-consistently, and those tend to take priority)

In any case, I hope you enjoyed!