Disclaimer: I do not own twilight.


"If you stare more longingly, I bet someone will write a song about this." His brother said. "I think you should go talk to her."

He had been looking at her. The way she frowned and kept putting the same hair strand behind her ear was mesmerizing and vaguely intoxicating. He could certainly walk up to her right that instant and say something, and her face would brighten up and she would say his name with that voice of hers, and then he would fall to his knees and become hers. But the situation was farfetched at the moment. If he did, he would bring heaven and hell together and make it worse on himself. His gaze went then went back to his brother, and with a broken smile he just turned the other way.

"I don't feel like it, let's go meet your girl instead." His voice came out clean and relaxed, but he was hurting inside. It was torture to stay near her.

"Don't complain when someone tries to take her away." The other replied, knowing what his brother was trying to do.

Before leaving, he didn't look back, well knowing that he would regret it later.

Hello there! This is a new story that will hopefully run on the shorter side, based on The Taking of Persephone! It is not my main objective to complete this just now because I am working on a Bella/Paul ff called "Rough Around the Edges" (make sure to check it out!) and this one is mostly for my self-indulgence. I am not even sure what pairing it will be just yet (if you have a preference for Team Jacob or Team Paul let me know in a comment!). I just promise this won't stay like this.