I was still gasping as he stood with me and walked me out of my trousers and over to the closest chair. I revelled in his confidence, the smoothness of his movements, as he pushed me back to sit as he ripped off his jeans. As he approached closer, his hands travelled up my thighs. His lips claimed mine as he climbed atop, hands lost in the tangle of my hair.

I was suddenly acutely aware that this was all happening very quickly. While my body was practically screaming for more, my mind paused and I worried where we were going and, more importantly, what I was doing. This was too new for me. I'd got this far but I honestly didn't know what happened next; what I needed to do or what I needed to say.

"L-Lance, I-"

His face lingered dangerously close, so close he was practically breathing into me.

"I'll lead," he breathed. I felt him touch me. I was still hard and ready.

He pulled my fingers to his mouth and sucked on them.

My breath caught in my throat as my heart threatened to burst. What was he…? Taking my hands, he pulled my arms round him and pressed my fingers into him. He grabbed the sides of the chair, changing his position, stretching himself to allow deeper access. Shaking slightly, I moved my fingers in and out as he had done to me merely minutes ago. I had no idea what I was doing but his face, the expressions he was making, was enough to lead me into it. With my free hand I gripped the small of his back as he arched and gasped, pulling him closer. A trickling warmth flooded through me like hot honey as his hips rolled against mine. I revelled in the sensation of his hardness against mine.

Awkwardly, restricted by the chair, Lance lifted himself up. I removed my fingers to hold onto his hips, stabilising him for whatever he was doing or moving to next. He grabbed me with a smile and with a lick of his lips he pushed himself down onto me. My throat felt hot and raw. I was left gasping as I felt Lance envelop me, restrict me inside him. Now I was in, he gripped my shoulder hard, nails digging into my skin. All I could do was stare and feel in a strange mixture of pleasure, discomfort and fear. A total confusion of the senses.

I heard a crack as his hand gripped the plastic back of the chair too tightly. Eyes rolling back and biting down hard on his lip, he pushed down further until he had all he could of me in this position. We both came, breathing into each other, and our lips melted together and my hands roamed over him, finally confident to claim him.

I wanted him. I wanted everything he could give me.

It was instinctual, a beast threatening to release. I gripped his hips tightly and helped him move against me, lift up and plunge down over and over and over… He cried out, back arching. I was almost there but he needed to hold on just a little longer-

It was like I was driving blind, the world around me disappearing like white noise.

The realisation dawned on me like a sudden downpour: I'd wanted Lance for the longest time. Any time he was in the same room as me I felt relieved. When he wasn't I felt lost. We'd been living in the Castle of Lions together for such a long time now and I'd come to know all of his quirks and annoyances. I yelled at him for all of those things on a daily basis, but I missed the same things when we were apart. Lance was like a ray of sunlight, bold, bright and full of life. I was addicted to him and didn't even know it.


Lance groaned slow and deep. The sound echoed through me, breeding a deep intense feeling that tumbled inside me and slowly travelled up and out my mouth as an intense moan. I loved his reaction. Shifting again, his movements began to slow but plunge deeper. My heart leapt to my mouth as his body, dripping with sweat, vibrated against me and he pulled away with deep, gasping breaths. I came, rolling back against the back of the chair.

He stayed high, gripping onto me and the chair shaking. After a moment for the both of us to relax, carefully I helped Lance sit to straddle me, the space between us a sticky mess.

We looked at each for the longest time. Slowly, almost hesitantly, he brought his lips to mine for a beautifully light peck. I held him close, his trembling almost contagious.

"Lance… We just-"

"I've wanted to do that for the longest time," he whispered with a wince as he shifted on me.

"You're hurt?"

"It comes with the territory," he whispered, a crooked smile forming from ear to ear. He clasped my face and before I could comprehend, our tongues were dancing together. "How about you show me how it's really done now you've had some practice?"

I felt a hot blush cover my face at his words, the suggestive look on his face.

"I, uh…" I gulped. My skin pulled tight as pressure filled me. I couldn't, could I? "I kinda'… b-but… I don't know-"

My breathing sounded ragged. I inwardly cringed as I realised that it was my lack of experience that was causing panic to rise within me. Normal teenagers would have kissed someone before turning eighteen. A proportion of them would have got to second base at the very least before then, right? This was the first time I'd done anything, ever. Why am I so infuriatingly awkward?!

Lance's warm hands cupping my face brought everything back into focus. He smiled softly and I found myself starting to drown in the dark blue depths of his eyes.

"We'll work on it."

He planted a kiss on the side of my neck, his hands at the hem of my shirt and quickly disappearing up to sit on my chest as he shifted to rest himself against me more comfortaby. I tried to steady my hands as I held the sides of his thighs to keep him balanced. The sensation of him against me felt right and wrong parts alien.

Instinct called on me to hold him close but I couldn't bring myself to as my body was seemingly still reacting to our activities moments before, my mind otherwise occupied by the growing whirlwind of thoughts about us. It wasn't like I didn't want to be here, resting together in a hot mess awkwardly in a chair that I would never look at ever again without blushing. But it was Lance. Me and Lance. It was a thing. Finally a thing. Why did I feel I was failing at it? I sighed in frustration.

"You gonna' keep frowning, mullet head, or are you going to help me get off this chair and get dressed?"

I pushed the thoughts to the back of my mind as I helped him off me. My legs still trembled as I stood. Looking at Lance he was leaning awkwardly against the side, his back slightly hunched as if standing bolt straight pained him. To anyone looking in, had we both been fully dressed, you would think Lance was just leaning in a strange way, but I knew... Each time he winced something hurt inside me a little. Before he could, I picked up his jeans to save him bending down.

"Lance, did I hurt you? Seriously?"

He looked up at me, a look of confusion flashing across his face for a split second.

"You're too cute." A smile covered his face, gentle not mocking. "You really haven't done this before, have you?" The crimson was so deep on my face I could feel myself radiating heat. "Dude, trust me. This was your first time, it's not mine. I know what I'm doing and, well, I know what's running through your head right now too. Everything is okay. I promise."

"As long as you're okay," I muttered, looking anywhere but him.

Gripping my chin lightly, he placed is lips to mine. "Can you help me with my jeans? Unless… you want to sit me on that chair again?" I watched his eyes flash mischievously and I couldn't stop myself mirroring his smile. We fell into another kiss, holding one another close.

I did want him back in that chair.

Yeah, I didn't know what the hell I would do, but I couldn't deny the want.

Despite what he would say, it was enough for today. I didn't want to hurt him further.

Eventually we parted. I pulled on my pants and trousers quickly before helping him with his jeans. I cursed at the skinny material – it was an absolute bitch to get them up his slender legs and gently too. All the while Lance chuckled and stroked my hair as I fumbled with his zipper and button.

We regarded one another for a long moment before Lance interlaced his fingers with mine. With a smile, we walked together to the door slowly.

"So… have you rethought your stance on the manhandling? It's going to be hard now I know what we can do," he flirted, playboy mode switched firmly on. "My hands aren't going to know where not to go."

I sighed. Even if I said no and meant it, Lance would continue doing it anyway… but it wouldn't be unwanted. And I didn't care what anyone would say if they saw.

With a grin I left a kiss on his cheek and opened the door: "I wouldn't be worrying about your hands, Lance. I'd worry about mine."

Lance beamed as he passed me, dragging his hand across my chest as he did.

"Can't quiznaking wait."