Book of Names


Every being (with three exceptions) goes somewhere when they die. The place they go when they die depends on a few conditions of which are listed below:

Are they human or not

Were they good or bad or neutral while alive

Did the deeds they do after life change where they go if they don't follow their Reaper once death has occurred

The places these souls go are divided into three places:

Heaven – Good

Hell – Bad

Purgatory – Non-human (includes beings that were once human but weren't when they died i.e. vampires and werewolves)

Souls that were neutral go to the place most fitting upon their death based on deeds. A soul who killed a lot may get into Heaven, depending on the reason they kill and if said reason matches with God's Plan.

No one knows what God's Plan is except God Himself. Don't bother trying, you won't figure it out.

Each of these three places has a book upon entry for dead souls. The living or soulless don't need to sign. These lodgers keep track of important details upon the entry to their afterlife. Mainly, it keeps track of names and makes sure that they are sorted into proper order, disorder or just to mark them off the list of the living. They are also asked to leave comments in a comments section below their information.

In Heaven there are two types of soul:

Human (Good or Neutral)

Benevolent or repentant spirits

In Hell, there are three types of soul:

Human (Bad or Neutral)

Human (Sold their soul to a crossroads demon)

Unrepentant spirits

Purgatory gets everything else, bar the three exceptions.

The three exceptions are:

Angels – Natives of Heaven and God's second made children. These beings run Heaven and don't have souls. They have in place of souls, Grace. If an Angel's Grace is destroyed, so is the Angel. A dead Angel goes to the Empty.

Demons – Demons run Hell and are made there. Demons are what is left of tortured and corrupted human souls twisted into something else. If a Demon soul is destroyed, they don't go back to Hell, they go to the Empty.

Pagan Gods – Any God thought up and made into being by the belief and faith of humans. Basically, any God that does not answer to the name Chuck Shurley. They cease to exist when they die.

There is a Book in each place separate to those of the normal Book of Names. In these Books hold the names of those saved or destroyed by the Winchester brothers, Sam and Dean. They are not separated because of any special qualities these souls may have. They are separated because, once Sam returned to hunting (an event both sides had been waiting on for years) both Heaven and Hell decided to keep a tally to see who gets the most kills. Purgatory joined in after the first Name was added into Hell's Book. They couldn't resist the competition.

Herein lays the records of those Books.

Records Keepers of Heaven, Hell and Purgatory. Left nameless in the hopes to never end up in here ourselves.