02: Still Waiting for that Dance

A/N I don't own any of the characters, the TVD/TO universe. I only own this fanfiction. Writing this I listened to You Are the Reason by Callum Scott

His hand went around her waist, and Hayley giggled, a sound that was very unlike her and her green eyes met his own brown ones. The air between them pulsed with electricity.

"What are you-" she began to ask, confusion and curiosity written all over her face. But before she could finish her question, Elijah cut her off by spinning her outwardly, then back into his arms, a smile on his face.

"I recall owing you a dance," he said as he began swaying to music only he could hear. She smiled at him and placed her own hand on his shoulder.

"Yes, you do," she murmured softly before placing her own hand on his shoulder and lacing the fingers of the other hand with his. Spark of electricity jolted to her at the mere touch and she felt as she did the first time they danced. Back when everything was so new, when she was so in love with him. Back when he was forbidden to her because of Klaus.

Soft guitar music began playing and Hayley smiled. Jackson. Although they'd both been happy to see each other in the Afterlife and he had asked her to tell him about all that he'd missed, he understood that Hayley wasn't destined for him. Perhaps Andrea Labonair had been. But Hayley Marshall would forever be destined for Elijah Mikaelson. And, Jackson had always known that and he held no ill will for the Original. And, now he was playing a song. A beautiful slow song that Hayley and Elijah were dancing to. Finally, finally they would get their happy ending.

"Music?" Elijah asked softly, incredulously.

"Jack," Hayley replied, smiling at him. At this Elijah stilled for a moment and Hayley herself giggled yet again before explaining. "Jack is here. Well, not here, here, but in this world – afterlife as some call it. And, Josh. And, Aiden. Cami. Gia. My parents. Mary. Sophie Deveraux. Esther and Dahlia, though I haven't personally interacted with either of them. Father Kieran. Anyone who died and found peace is here."

Elijah nodded, smiling slightly as he continued to sway to the music, Hayley matching his movements. He spun her in a pirouette and she smiled at him as he dipped her over us arm. He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers softly. Hayley deepened the kiss, winding her hand around his neck, fingers tugging at his hair. He swept her in his arms then, bridal style and proceeded to kiss her senseless.

Somehow, they found themselves in his – their bedroom in the Mikaelson compound. Clothes are ripped off eagerly, his suit is on the ground by the door, her coat is next to it, then her white sweater falls to the ground, his waistcoat and tie, then her jeans and his pants until he slams her on the bed when she is in nothing more than underwear. There is a fire in his eyes that delights her and she pulls him to her in a tangle limbs and sheets and passion. He kisses her passionately, his palm cradling the base of her skull as she twines her arms around his neck, pulling him eagerly to her while her legs, slender and long wrap around his waist.

In the glow of the morning sun, they kiss, gently, his hand cradling the base of her skull, her hands wrapped around his neck.

They would watch over Hope as she grew and became every bit savior of the Mikaelsons and of New Orleans. They watched as she fell in and out of love. They watched as Freya and Keelin started their family, with Vincent's help, another branch of the Mikaelson family. As Rebekah and Marcel finale got the life they'd always wanted, as Rebekah lived her human life. They watched Kol and Davina lived happily. And, they stayed together, finally at peace.