Disclaimer: I do not own Bonanza or any of the Cartwrights except for Jenny. I just play in their world.

Authors Note: I am so, so sorry it has been so long since a update. Please forgive me and thank you for your patience.

Nine year-old Jennifer Cartwright slightly giggled as she squirmed on the chair where she was sitting.

"Jenny, keep still or I'll mess it up." Little Joe said as he placed a hand on his little sisters shoulder to stop her from squirming, he continued to pin her braid up onto her head as he chewed on his lip, contemplating on if it would stay put or not.

"Hurry up you two, or we'll be late!" Hoss, the twos older brother called through the door impatiently as he slightly shuffled his feet while he waited. He was eager to get to the dance in town, so he wished they would hurry.

Once Joseph had Jennys braids pinned in place he stepped back and he surveyed his work then he nodded to himself in satisfaction.

"Done!" Joseph announced as he placed his extra hat on top of his little sisters head and a amused smile came onto his face as he watched her stand up pushing the tan colored hat down onto her head and then looking down at her choice costume.

The three had decided to dress up as a trio of bandits, each one dressed in a button down and britches, complete with the boots, hat, vest and bandanna. As well as Hosses pistol, and the younger two were donning some wooden pistols that Joe had carved for them, tucked into the waist band of their britches.

"Well, what do ya think?" Jennifer asked as she looked at her older brother with a half grin.

"Hmm," Joseph said as he pretended to look his little sister over. "I think that, it's best we get going or the dance will be over before we get there."

Jennifer nodded in agreement and she threw the door open much to Hoss' relief and the three walked downstairs where their pa and eldest brother waited.

The two men looked up as the younger kids walked down the steps and they both chuckled as a grin came onto their face.

Benjamin Cartwright stood, closing the book he was reading, "Read to go?" he asked as he made their way over to them as a chorus of "Yes pa." greeted him.

He nodded in response and he looked at the oldest one of the trio, "Now Hoss keep an eye on Little Joe and Jenny. Make sure they stay out of trouble and don't be too late getting home." he instructed firmly.

"Yes sir." Hoss said seriously as he gazed at the younger two then he slightly gazed towards the door anxiously.

At this Benjamin couldn't hold back his chuckle and he stepped to the side, "Alright go on, and have fun!" he said and he chuckled again as he watched the trio bustle out of the door to where their horses waited.

Benjamin followed them outside and he watched as the three mounted up and he laughed lightly at the loud whoops they all gave as they took out of the yard at a gallop, going to Virginia City.

Benjamin shook his head as he chuckled watching them disappear as Adam walked out and he stood beside Benjamin placing a hand on the older mans shoulder.

"I hope they don't burn down the barn." Adam said seriously as he crossed his arms walking back into the house.

Benjamin followed his oldest son inside and he sighed as he made his way to his desk, "I asked Roy to keep an eye on them so they shouldn't do too much damage. Hopefully." he said as he opened his ledger and he took a look at a fund that he kept tucked aside for when his bunch got into trouble. Which happened more often then not.

To be continued...