Obito looked at his maybe female student, and for a second he saw a girl with brown hair and a shy smile. The white lynx turning an orange shade and a Caracal was by her side. Blinking and the image was gone, but it still left him uneasy, reminding him of his mistakes. He tightened his hold on her open file. While waiting for Kakashi to show up, he had wanted to watch how the team interacted with each other.

"Her daemon sure is possessive of her, he is looking at her every other second to make sure she is still there… is she avoiding touching the boys?" Obito's hand came upon Ayla's head, between her two ears, both were silent once more. It was odd that she went so far out of her way to not touch them, maybe she was shy? Signing Obito couldn't help but wondering what Sensei was thinking about mixing such a team. He stopped breathing altogether when the Lynx turned and looked out at them. The hair on his neck stood up, it felt like the albino feline was looking directly at them. He couldn´t have unless he was a sensor, but that couldn´t be right either since Sakura herself wasn´t one.

Sasuke sat beside Naruto as they intruded themselves, petting Jina's ruffled feathers. He had always thought that Sakura was spineless, bowing to the demands of her daemon. Looking at them now, he began to wonder if it was the other way around. Tobi-san acted like many shinobis who had been in war or had been an ANBU for far too long. Sakura responded to it unconsciously, it seemed. It was like the lynx was afraid someone would take her away. Tobi reminded him a bit of Itachi-nee in so many ways, that it left him feeling just a bit uneasy, she was just two years younger than him after all.

Not only that, but any girl not a fan-girl of him or Naruto were odd. She got the best grades in basically everything, not physic and teamwork, she really sucked at teamwork, it was like she wasn't sure how to work with another person. Sometimes when people talked with her, she looked surprised and always thought about her words before talking. Tobi didn´t even bother with others, not really, barely even talking to Sakura with words. Yet, yet Sasuke was very hesitating in saying that they weren´t close. If anything, he didn't really know if he had ever seen a pair so close before.

She hadn't been named rocky of the year. Think of how it would look, a civilian was better than the clan heirs. Sasuke bitterly accepted the title, everyone in the classroom knew it was a hollow title. He hadn't earned it fairly. Politic usually was nothing but pretend and empty words after all. Sakura hadn´t cared less about it, which made it even worse, apparently their rivalry had been totally one-sided all these years.

It was a bitter pill to swallow to know that she had been in the center of his world, but that he meant nothing to her. The hurt was indescribable since she was so real, never anything more or less that she what was, always standing by it no matter what. So, who could blame him for waiting to make friends with that kind of person? Hurt to anger easily and hate when she was so disliked by everyone else. Even if a very small part still wanted to befriend her it was easily pushed to the back of his mind.
Naruto had always known about their female teammate, how could he not? She had pink hair and an albino lynx after all. They were outsiders, unknown and that made them a danger. He snared at the thought of her, he knew how Sasuke had had the one-sided rival towards her, he had seen how he would sometimes hesitant and look toward the girl when doing group assignments. He understood in some way Sasuke's need to try and befriend her, but Naruto would be dammed if he allowed that to stop him from protecting his best friend.

He didn't trust her, a life full of kidnapping, assignation, and people using him as a steppingstone, and she hurt his friend, which in itself was just unacceptable. She wouldn't even touch their hand, going to great length to avoiding touching at all. Did she think she was better than them?

So they sat there awkwardly waiting for their sensei to come. With Sakura cuddling with Tobi, Sasuke looking defeated, hurt and angry at the same time and Naruto growling at the third party.

When Obito and Kakashi finally appear before their maybe future students, Obito was more worried about Kakashi than the kids. He saw the moment that he went stiff for nothing more than a second before relaxing again. Kakashi was very close to Naruto and tended to be very overprotective of him.

So Obito took charge and began to introduce himself.
"Well, my name is Obito and this is Ayla, I like helping people when I pass them by, meeting up with friends and eating dinner with sensei. I dislike those that leave their teammates behind or unnecessary cruelty".

He looked at the kids while elbowing Kakashi in the ribs.
"I'm Hakata Kakashi this is Kenzie, I have many likes and dislikes, and my dream has got nothing to do with you brats"

Kakashi pointed towards Naruto and finally got his attention after cleaning his taught.
"I Naruto and this is Sky, I like ramen, training with dad and teme when he isn't being a jerk! I want to become the next Hokage I dislike the 3 minutes you have to wait, studying, oh lectures from mom and someone"
He was glancing at the young girl who wasn't even looking at him. Obito, send a prayer to the kami hoping to survive this.

Sasuke, thank his soul continued where Naruto left off before without any order to do so. Even if he was also glancing at Sakura.
"Hn, I'm Sasuke and this is Jina. I dislike most things and like even less. I have someone I want to surpass with my own power, before becoming Anbu captain before taking over the police station."
Poor Sakura, unaware of the others looks happily introduced herself, most likely not feeling the bad atmosphere in the air. Obito couldn't even look at her without seeing all his mistakes and had to look away. Before a single word left her mouth, however, Tobi took over and wasn't that just fucked? He stood a protective stand before her.

"I'm called Tobi and this is Sakura, she likes reading, water, training and spending time with my parents! I dislike the heat, especially doing summer, too big crows and noise. Our… dream… our dream is to protect Konoha and her people, no matter the price" Explosive, heat, flames, helpless, pain, blood, dying, alone, alonealoneALONEALONE! He growled before turning his back on them in a way that made everyone feel dismissed.

Tobi watched as the black-haired man tried to form a sense of normality. Informing them that they were meeting the next day early to have a tryout at training ground 7. Both men left quickly after that.

"Neh, Teme… why do you think dad put us on the same team as that weirdo?" Naruto fisted his hands and put them in his pockets. Sasuke looked at Naruto then sky, Sakura unsettles most, even him it seemed. While Sky also disliked the girl, she was above badmouthing her, seeing was Sakura had never really done anything bad. She stayed silent in the backpack looking at Sasuke.

"I remember dad once told me that they let the civilian pass to put them on teams with clan children. The civilian was then used as meat shields to protect their clan teammates" He didn't think the Hokage would do that, but it has been seen before with the older teams. It didn't mean that it wasn't a good point. The sky looked disappointed at him. Ayla spread her wings a bit to show her own displeasure with Sky.

Turning around he could have sworn that he had heard someone, seeing that it wasn't the case they kept walking.

"But seeing as we got two senseis I doubt that."

When Sakura finally returned home, after running from Naruto and Sasuke, she opened the letter her parents had had send her. They apologized for being unable to return home in time and hoped that she had passed. That even if she didn't, they still loved her anyway and she would just learn from her mistakes and try again.
The money was put away and she took the cake, that she had made the day before, and went to her room after locking the door. It seemed a bit big now that her parents wouldn't be eating it with her. Tobi looked at her for a moment before jumping onto the bed to sit beside her waiting for her to cut him a slice. As she took the first bite the cake tasted almost bitter.