I wrote this story on a whim I had. I finished Index II and fell in love with the Misaka sisters. I got an idea and I liked it, so I wrote this within a week or so. I've only watched the Railgun and Index animes, and some of the Railgun manga, so my knowledge of the world might not be as advanced as those of you who have read everything. But hey, this is fanfiction, so I can have a little leeway. One thing I found out while researching for this story was that the light novels and manga are apparently in a different canon than the anime. Well, I can use stuff from both universes I suppose.

For those who have read my other story, Swimming with Mermaids, posting this doesn't mean I am abandoning it or anything, I'm just spicing things up and posting something different to keep things fresh. This will help me write SwM chapters because I won't get burnt out or anything.

Inspired by "A Certain Defective Sister" by KageYami

Italics without quotations = internal thoughts

"Italics within quotations" = English Words


A young Nunotaba Shinobu looked on at the metallic tube. It had a window that ran vertical, revealing a yellow liquid that had bubbles floating through it. In the liquid, suspended by various tubes and a harness was a slumbering infant. It was female with a small tuff of light brown hair. There was a small mask connected to a tube over the infant's face, covering the mouth and nose.

Subject is fully formed. No visible defects. Vitals appear normal. She thought, writing down on a piece of paper attached to a clip board.

The chamber she was in was fully metallic, like the tube the infant was in, with only dim white lights illuminating the area. Behind Shinobu was a large window made of plexiglass, with various men and women in white lab coats observing.

Shinobu stopped writing her notes and looked back up to the infant, her expression neutral. The DNA from Candidate 001: Misaka Mikoto appears to be completely stable and viable for future production. One last test is required to confirm this hypothesis.

Nine months ago, Misaka Mikoto was 'convinced' to donate her DNA to 'help sick children'. In actuality, her DNA is being used for what has been dubbed as Project Radio Noise. The goal of said project is to make clones of Misaka Mikoto for military purposes. For testing purposes, the first clone would take a normal amount of time, 9 months, to develop. This was to ensure the quality and stability of the DNA blueprint provided. If the sample proved sufficient, by producing a healthy and stable clone, then work on producing accelerated clones, and the trouble that came with that process, could begin.

"Initiate waking procedure." Shinobu said calmly.

The room started glowing yellow with warning lights flashing, and alarms blaring. "Initiating Radio Noise Waking Procedure." An emotionless, robotic voice said. "Draining Amniotic Fluid."

Slowly, liquid drained out the metal container, leaving just the suspended infant.

"Initiating Decontamination." Said the robotic voice as a shower of water sprayed over the child, cleaning what was left of the yellow fluid.

"Proceeding To Final Waking Procedure." Slowly, liquid began to flow away from the infant through its face mask. After a few moments, the flow stopped, and the face mask was then removed, revealing the infants bare face, which then began to twitch. The infant then began to let out a little noise, before breaking out into a full-on wail, which was muted through the metal cylinder it was in. That didn't last as the container opened with a loud hiss, and the cries of a baby filled the chamber.

Shinobu stared at the newborn, newly made, baby with slight fascination. Subject exhibits normal behavior. No defects detected after waking procedure. Conclusion: Phase 1 is Successful. Phase 2: Accelerated cloning can proceed. She thought, writing down on her clipboard.

While she was distracted writing her notes, a group of people in lab coats came in, with one of them carrying a metal box. The child was unhooked from the harness that held it, and put in the small metal box. "It seems the test is successful, and we can move on with the project." Said one man in a lab coat. The metal box lit up in lights, and small screen on it turned on, projecting data about the infant, "Yes, the subject's DNA is proving to be stable and showing no sign of cellular degeneration. The DNA blueprint is approved for the next stage."

Shinobu looked up from her clipboard to see the infant, that had now stopped crying, and was just mumbling uncomfortably. "What do we do with the Subject now that it has proven to be a success." Shinobu questioned in a neutral tone.

"Since the DNA is stable, we can move on to producing accelerated clones. The accelerated clones will be at an age we like and be ready to program. As for this one…" The man looked down at the child, his expression emotionless, "We have no use for it. Testament is only useful for minds ready to receive programming information and make proper use of it, and this subject's brain will not be ready for the machine for several years. Trying to program this one's mind would be like running an operating system on a computer that does not have the necessary hardware to run it. We do not have time to wait for it fully grow to an age where it can be effectively programmed, and even then, it would consume a vast more resources to program it at an older age. If we programmed it at an older age with it having a personality already in place, it might contradict the Testament information and cause serious problems as you mentioned at the beginning of this program. It would also take an unnecessary amount of resources to sustain it while it takes years to grow full size. As such, it will be disposed of effectively immediately. But I think you already have concluded this, Nunotaba-san" The man said in a neutral tone, no signs of conflict in his voice over what was going to happen.

"Indeed." Shinobu said in English while nodding, no emotion in her voice. "May I be the one to dispose of the subject? Because it is almost time for me to leave to go home, and it would be more efficient to the Radio Noise Project if I were to handle this while the rest of you prepare for the next stage."

The man thought for a moment, then nodded, very well Supervisor Nunotaba." He handed over the metal container which held the infant to Shinobu. "Enjoy the rest of your night. Congratulations on the success."

Shinobu gave him a nod and headed towards the waste disposal area. While walking, she stared at the baby, who was now still, resting peacefully. An uneasy feeling welled within her as she looked at the innocent being she held. She walked past the door to the research team locker room, that held the personal items and stopped. The baby opened its eyes, revealing rich brown irises. It then brought its hands out and reached for her, touching the glass of the tube separating them before falling back to sleep. Something inside Shinobu sparked, her expression flickering briefly to one of confliction and concern before she forced herself to return back to normal.

A thought entered her head. A

She sighed.

What am I even thinking of doing? She thought to herself. I shouldn't be growing attached to what is essentially Guinea pig! A few more moments of staring, she felt her heart grow heavy, an instinct she didn't knew she had flared up. The accelerated clones might turn out to be nothing but test animals, but this one… this one has the potential to grow into its own person. Potential to be free from what its successors, its 'Sisters', will be subjected to. Shinobu swallowed heavily and made up her mind.

She walked into the locker room and found the gym bag where she had put all her stuff in. She cleared out a lot of the clothes in her gym bag. She then put the metal container that contained the child in her bag. I'll be back. I need to set some things up first. She said in her head, looking towards the sleeping infant. She grabbed the clothes she took out of the bag and stuffed them up her shirt, and then used her jacket to conceal herself. She then proceeded to go another room that contained metal boxes similar to the one that contained the child. She put her clothes in an identical metal box and headed towards the disposal room, where she dumped her clothes down a chute at angle that obscured them fully. Next, she headed to the security room, where a lone man sat in front of a multitude of screens.

He was sleeping.

As always, sleeping on the job, Shinobu thought, unimpressed at the man's ineptitude. She silently went up to one of the computer terminals, and quickly started editing the security footage.


Later that Night

The child, no the Baby Girl, was now in a basket with blankets. Shinobu was wearing a hoodie that covered her features. She walked down the calm street that was dimly lit by the street lights overhead. She then stopped in front of a gated building. She looked at the baby girl one more time, which opened its eyes, "I'm sorry it has to be this way, but at least here, you can potentially have a normal life." She put the baby in front of the gate, "I know you won't remember this, but…" She hesitated a little, unsure what to say in such a situation, "… Grow up safe… You will be the only naturally stable clone the will come out of the project. Perhaps the only one with real emotions. Maybe one day we will see each other again…. Just maybe." With that Shinobu pushed a button, which emitted a loud buzzing sound, and sprinted away into the night, only glancing once more over shoulder, for some reason she felt like she was going to throw up and her eyes vison was a little blurry. She quickly vanished into the dark, leaving the child to the care of others

Little did she know, the baby girl she left was smarter than she appeared and understood her words perfectly.

A middle-aged woman with dark hair and wearing pajamas came up to the gate and opened it. "What is it this time you darn ki-"She cut herself off when she noticed the baby in the basket left at the front door. She sighed, "…another one left at the door." She picked up the basket to inspect the child. She noticed a note left on the baby and grabbed it with her free hand. Using the porch light, she inspected the note, "Please Take Care. Her name is Machiko." She read out loud. The note also had a birthdate that indicated it was born a week ago. She looked at the kanji used to spell the name and then to the baby, "'Lucky Child'? I don't why you would be named that, considering the situation you are in now." The woman said, ignorant of the circumstances of the child's birth. She sighed tiredly, "Very well, let's get you inside." She brought the baby with her, closing gate door behind her. Next to the gate door was a plaque that read "Asunaro Park".


You know, waking up with giant blurry people dominating your vision is an experience. But then realizing you are in the body of a helpless newborn baby that from what I can tell, is a test tube baby, is even more an experience. I am lucky that my career path required me to learn Japanese, otherwise I would have had no freaking clue what was going on.

Apparently, from what I could piece together from the brief moments of speaking I heard, I was an inch away from being a literal dumpster baby, most likely the most expensive dumpster baby ever, almost thrown in the trash to die and rot away.

Man, talk about morally questionable. I was lucky to be saved by the dark blue blob that sounded like a child, which I guess to be like nine or ten years old… By the way, what is a ten-year-old doing with crazy, up-to-no-good scientist guys?

Doesn't matter. I owe her my life… Or new life I suppose….

That's weird to think about….

This is going to suck. I'm going to have to go through schooling again, re-obtain my degrees, which took several years, thousands of dollars, a book's worth of theses and crippling student debt to acquire. It makes me have PTSD just thinking about all the papers I would need to write.

…Great! It's making my body cry, because that's the only thing babies can do show discomfort. And now I'm being comforted like a baby… Oh wait, I am baby, heh.

Just Awesome. Like Really Awesome! Couldn't be Better!

I wonder what my name was again, my old one…. Hmm, that's disconcerting. I can remember physical characteristics, places, people, and pretty much everything else, but my own name? Nope!

I think I heard the blob lady that picked me call me "Machiko".

Hmm… Yes, I think I like it.

I guess I can just breeze my way through school at an accelerated pace. No need to dumb myself down and spend 20 years in school again. No thank you, 10/10 would not try again. Although, it might be awkward though to be in classes with people over twice my age in college level quantum mechanics… Still better than twenty years of schooling. I already have all the schooling I need, it would be a waste of time to do all over again.

But first, I need to figure out how to move.

That'll be fun.


It turns out that if you really put your mind to it, and put in more effort than average, you can achieve early results, even if your limbs are essentially limp noodles that move on their own. After an indiscernible amount of time (hey, it's hard to tell time when your life consists of taking naps every couple minutes), I managed to get my limbs under control. Unfortunately, I have no muscles whatsoever, so I can't do much with them, but it's a start. I feel like that lady from Kill Bill who spent her time in the back of a truck commanding her limbs to move, but instead of spending a few hours, it took me a few months. The whole experience made me feel like a human potato.

I bet I had a few hairs turn grey from the sheer frustration.

My vision is finally good enough to see properly though. It was like having blurry vision after waking up that lasted several months. And once I was able to stay awake for more than five minutes, I was able to discover some information by listening to the TV in the other room and various conversations of a Ms. Shigenomori on where I had ended up. Apparently, I am in some place called "Academy City", more specifically a place called Asunaro Park in district 13. I guess this place is where people just dump abandoned children, which are referred to Child Errors.

Wow, very harsh. It sounds as if our very existences are mistakes or invalid, or something… Well I guess in my case, that's probably true. Not every day you get reborn into some advanced test tube baby…

Anyway, I don't ever remember being such a place in Japan called these names, but for some of this information I am gathering is ringing some alarm bells in my head, but for the life of me, I can't figure out why. I'm pretty sure I've heard these names before, but I can't put my finger on it… Well not my actual finger, still don't have that amount of precise control yet, but you know, my metaphorical finger.

It will probably come to me at the worst possible time and cause me to make an ass out of myself.


I need to focus on walking and talking now. I really want to scare the crap out of people with an unnerving intelligence a toddler shouldn't have.


I take one large, wobbly step forward. I don't fall over. Grinning, I move my over foot. I don't fall over. I continue my momentum, and like a bicycle, I start relearning how to walk.

Play the victory tune! I am no longer a potato!

I managed walking at eight months. With my new-found freedom, I will finally be able to explore the facility I was living in!

"Shigenomori-san, Machiko-chan is walking!" A young woman who is standing in the play area cheers. She looked to be in her early twenties, had long brown hair and wore glasses that covered her pail green eyes. If I recall, she was a volunteer caretaker that came by often, bringing the one the one thing that transcends space and time…Pizza Hut!

At first, I thought nothing of it. I assumed I was still in the same universe, but after watching the TV from a distance, I've been noticing that things were off, like Academy city splitting Tokyo in half, and the fact the year is 2008 apparently, but there is no mentioning of the news that I remember happening around this time. Another thing was that pretty much every fast food brand was a knock off, except for one…

Somehow, of all the things to bring into this world, Pizza Hut remains eternal. All the other brands I've seen in this place have been spin-off names. MocRonall's, Moonbucks Coffee, Sentucky Fried Chicken… Benny's… This world cracks me up.

My situation keeps getting more interesting, isn't it?

"Oh, that's wonderful!" Says the principal, Shigenomori-san, "Machiko-chan has always been a fast learner! She's walking a full month ahead of normal!"

The two women started to gush over my achievement, which provided the perfect opportunity! While they were distracted, I walk to the gate they always have erected to stop me and other explorers from going too far away from our child-friendly environment of padded walls and foam floor mats. They are still happily discussing my progress as I encounter the bane of all little children. A child-proof lock. Luckily for me, I am an Adult! I start fumbling with the mechanism, which is a challenge due to my size and lack of dexterity, but I manage to get it open with a small 'click'.

Haha, Free at last!

I make a dash to the hallway, making my legs carry me as fast as possible. I am almost out of the child area when I am suddenly picked off the ground, and made to face the principle, "Now, Machiko-chan, just because someone left the gate unlocked, doesn't mean you can run around the school like that. You can get hurt." She says in cute tone of voice. I felt a small static shock when she picked me up, which made me flinch a little.

I swear, this place must have super dry air or something, because I've been shocking myself like crazy.

I make a pouty face towards principal.

"Ok sweetie, time for lunch!" She says cheerfully.

I try struggle out of her grip, because baby food is disgusting to a normal person, but it proves fruitless as she carries me to the feeding chair.


At two years old, I had finally gotten to what parents call the 'terrible twos', where kids have temper tantrums and really test their parent's patience and sanity.

I don't throw tantrums, I prank people. The reason? Well as a two-year-old, I have impunity from being blamed for them. After all, what two-year-old carefully places ketchup packets underneath the toilet seat, or even better, lays saran wrap over the toilet bowl so when someone goes to do their business… well, you know what happens.

It goes everywhere!

My favorite is the good old 'upside down glass of water' trick. That one really perplexes the adults, because I'm pretty sure most kids don't learn that until they are much older and explore the wonderful world of the internet.

Yes, you would think someone with a Doctorates would be mature. You would be right! However, I think I have the right to act however as I damn please with my current situation! I can save being an adult when I reach that age again. For now, I'm going to exploit the heck out being a kid!

I hear a shriek from the bathroom, which causes me to giggle.

A grown man, one of the teachers, runs out the bathroom looking like he is on fire.

"Someone put wasabi powder on the toilet paper!" He shouts in pain, clutching his behind.

God, I am an evil person, aren't I.

I giggle one more time before I return to what I was doing: playing with Jenga blocks, because I could only hit the same bouncing ball or rattle the same maraca so many times before it becomes soul crushingly repetitive. Making Jenga blocks stand in weird ways was the only thing that could stimulate my brain and was the best use of my skills, obviously. Who needs data from particle accelerators, expensive research laboratories, and new theories of how the universe works!? I have wooden blocks!

…I think being a useless toddler is driving me crazy…

After a while I am interrupted by some squealing girls, "Oh my god, she's so kawaii!" I hear one gush out, sounding like her heart was about to explode.

I look to my side to see two average looking teenage girls, who appear to be around 13-14 years old. Both had dark hair, one had shoulder length hair while the other had long. Nothing special. But their outfits were anything but ordinary. They had tan vests over white collar shirts with black skirts.

Rich kids huh?

I then notice the logo and stare at it like a stupid deer staring at an incoming car. The logo is so frustratingly familiar! I just want to hit my head against a wall!

One of them notices me staring at their chest like an idiot. Thank God I can't be accused of being a pervert!

"You are probably wondering what this symbol is?" She says in a manner that all adults use when talking to babies.

"Yes, could you tell me what that it is?", I say with a clarity a two year old shouldn't have.

Her eyes sparkle with delight and she looks to her friend, "Look, Satomi, she can speak so well! She's so smart!" She squealed.

Wow, way to make feel like an animal at a zoo…

The other girl, now called Satomi, similarly squeals in delight, "I think she has future at Tokiwadai someday!"

"Tokiwadai?" I question, although with my baby vocal cords it comes out more like, "Towiwadi". I internally curse. I didn't speak much around people for a reason. While I had speaking mostly mastered, I still struggle to pronounce some words.

Satomi seems like her mind is exploding from my mispronunciation and she smiles widely, "Yeah, Cutie-pie, Tokiwadai, one of the best Middle-Schools in the city. But smarts alone won't get in, you have to be at least a level 3 Esper or higher you know!" She giggles out.

"Esper…" I say, the term ringing in my head. I feel something akin to a damn breaking in my head, and a flood of information overflows my head. Suddenly information clicks, and I know exactly where I am.

Well… Shit!

Apparently, I was staring off into space and the girls found it cute. I am brought out of my daze by an artificial camera noise. I see the girls taking a selfie in front of me as if I'm some famous person or some fancy food they just ordered and want to share with all their friends. "She's just too cute!" the unnamed girls giggle out.

"She is just the best, Yui!" Satomi agrees.

The girl now named Yui puts her phone up to me and shows me a picture of two of them with a toddler in the middle. The toddler had short chestnut hair with matching eyes, with cute adorable red cheeks and was wearing a pink outfit with frills. I wonder who it was…

Oh wait that was me. I didn't expect the first time seeing myself would be in a selfie with two girls from an anime school that had people with superpowers! And now that I look at it more, I seem to resemble a certain rail-


Upon this second bombshell revelation, I step backwards and loss my balance, causing me to fall over into my tower, destroying it and making a mess. I hear girlish giggling and the sound of phone cameras. I feel my cheeks redden with embarrassment.

What a way to find out to find out you have family.

Unfortunately, that family includes 20,000 or so emotionally underdeveloped sisters breed for slaughter and a level 5 that kicks vending machines like it is a sport who doesn't even know you exist.

I internally sigh as I lay in the ruins of my beautifully engineered Jenga tower.

There goes my plan of going to college at like age six or something.

Things just got complicated.


I'm lying in my bed, thinking about my lot in my life, and what I should do.

I've read tales of people entering anime worlds on the internet…In my previous life, which even after two years is still a weird concept to think about. Finding time to read those stories after going through college, finding a job, and going through Grad School became harder, but I still read them. I always liked the concept, but I never thought I would be thrown into such a situation. I also never expected to be thrown into anime world in which I know very little about. Sure, I watched the Railgun and Index animes, and maybe looked ahead on the internet a little to see what was coming next, but I never read the manga or light novels. Heck, I haven't seen the anime in years, so I have recollection of some of the basic plot points and some moments I found hilarious.


Now I am stuck with the what I dub "The Self-Insert" dilemma. Do I interfere with canon, change things up, 'fix' things, or do I avoid every character like the plague….

You know what, that dilemma is stupid, it's for fiction, and right now, I'm dealing with reality!

I live in world that has different laws of physics, which to me, both excites me and terrifies me. I don't know how much of what I know applies to this world. This means new opportunities for study!

And more importantly, I have family! I'm not just some test-tube orphan left and abandoned, I have family! Admittingly, it's not the average family, 20,001 clone sisters bred to be guinea pigs and one level 5 Esper who has no idea I exist because she was tricked into giving DNA for something I can't quite remember, but it's still family!

I have, or will have, someone to rely on…

Now, I can always run away the first chance I get and freak her out or something like that, but from what I can remember from the Sisters Arc, which was my favorite and the arc I can accurately recall in a good amount of detail, is that my sister (wow that's weird to think about) is reckless and will charge straight in if she finds out. She won't be level 5 and will most likely get herself in trouble, probably killed. I would never forgive myself if I got one of my family killed like that.

I don't want to wait until whenever canon starts. Things will get too crazy.

I think I want to meet her in school, at Tokiwadai. I don't just want to thrust myself into her life. I want to establish a relationship naturally, and when the time is right, reveal my true origin. I also want to make sure she doesn't do something stupid by herself. I remember her almost getting killed. I won't let her do this alone, not when I have just of stake in this matter as she does.

I just realized something.

I have the potential to become an Esper!

I just need to figure out how to unlock my powers, but I don't know how much opportunity I have as a Child Error to do that. If I want to look after my sisters, I need to get powerful. I can't afford not to have powerless. I want to help Mikoto-nee save the rest our sisters from being brutally dismembered. Maybe I can figure it out early. I think I remember them explaining it by substituting the current reality with your own and using Schrödinger's cat as an example.

This demands further research…

Another thing I'm wondering about, how high could I go? I'm a clone, and last time a remembered, clones have a limit of like level 2 or 3, which is not weak, but not very strong either. But, I don't think I'm any ordinary Misaka clone. The other clones are flash grown and implanted with an artificial personality. From what I can tell, I am more fleshed out. My body had more time to develop properly, and I have an actual personality developed the natural way… which is also from an alternate reality that operates on different principles from the current one I live in now… I don't know how much effect that has on Esper ability, but it must count for something…

I really need to be careful. I remember this world have some seriously screwed-up scientist moving around in the darkness. I need Esper abilities as soon as possible and train them. I need to 'level up', and not just be some disposable Orphan, but someone valuable, like Nee-chan. I need to obtain at least level 3 before things start kicking off.

I run my fingers through my hair.

Lord, why does this have to be so complicated!?

I let out a deep breath, the only thing saving me from overloading from the stress is the thought of me finding Mikoto-nee and becoming sisters not just by being of the same blood (literally), but actual sisters where we care and look out for each other and acknowledge each other's existence.

That dream puts a smile on my face.


Kazuko Shigenomori was a busy woman.

Being the principal and primary caretaker of Asunaro Park was not an easy job. Every day she had to make sure that resources for the raising and education of the child errors that were under her care were secure. While she did her best to ensure the future of those who were abandoned, not all those who come here succeed. After all, those who live here are child errors, and Academy City only provides what is adequate for them. They get enough food to sustain them, and enough education to get them to the next stage in schooling. They had no sponsor, no parents paying for better resources, or any other support besides what the staff at Asunaro give them. She was thankful that lots of volunteers came by and donate their time or even materials to help-out the children, but even then, for a child error to succeed in this city, they have to work twice as hard to counteract the disadvantages or be a prodigy, and not every child is capable of that. It was a sad truth, but a lot of child errors don't live up to their potential, and often join gangs to survive.

But sometimes… sometimes you find a diamond in the rough. And Kazuko thinks she's found the biggest diamond she has ever seen.

It all started earlier that day.

Kazuko was in her office, handling paper work, drinking large amounts of coffee, maybe pulling some hair out due to stress.

The usual.

The door creaked open, and she heard small footsteps walk in. She looked up from her mountain of paper work to see one of her favorite kids, not to say she likes some kids over others or anything (but if she were to be honest, she would be one of her favorites for sure), standing in front of her desk.

It was the newly turned four-year-old Machiko, with her shoulder length brown hair, hazelnut eyes and adorable red cheeks.

Machiko was a very interesting girl indeed. She had proven to be a very fast learner. She was walking a good month before another child in her age group and mastered it in no time. Speaking was the same way. She would always take her time to enunciate words correctly and had very little problems with grammar or sentence structure, and she was speaking in complex sentences in no time. A lot of the time, she would be grinning and laughing, like a normal child her age, but Kazuko would look closely into her eyes, and she could tell the girl was way smarter than she let on. The girl would seem to be bored with the normal, everyday toys they had laying around, and would start getting a mischievous glint in her eye. Machiko would often hide in ambush for caretakers, or volunteers and suddenly pop out to scare them, or sometimes even set up simple pranks like changing the labels on containers and cupboards. Kazuko assumes she is trying to imitate the serial pranker who keeps putting plastic wrap on the toilet bowls and ketchup underneath the seats.

If she had the budget for it, she would definitely buy security cameras. Dang jerk is ruining the kids!

"Shigenomori-sensei?" Machiko questioned out loud, getting her attention. Her face was a bit more serious than normal.

"Ah, yes, Machiko-chan, did you need something?" Kazuko said in a kind and positive voice, hiding her tiredness.

"Can I start school early?" Machiko asked simply.

Kazuko shook her head, "I'm sorry Machiko-chan, but preschool starts in a few months and we can't just have it for one person." She put on an apologetic smile, "I'm sorry sweetie, but you are going to have to wait."

The little girl sighed, "Well I wasn't talking about preschool, I meant regular school."

Kazuko's eyes widened, before she let out a small giggle, "I'm sorry Machiko-chan, but you are much to young for tha-"

"Five plus five equals ten. fives multiplicated by five is twenty-five. Twenty-five multiplicated by twenty-five is six hundred and twenty-five. The fourth root of six hundred and twenty-five is five. Five divided by five is one." Machiko cut her off and rapidly went through a sequence of simple (by adult standards) math problems. "I can start doing multiplication tables if you want." Machiko offered in a bored tone before reciting basic multiplication tables.

All Kazuko could do was drop her pen and stare at the girl in shock.

W-Where? When? HOW!? She thought. When did she learn all this? How did she learn all this!? Kazuko wondered before she remembered something one of the caretakers reported. One of them spotted Machiko reading math and physics books late at night, but when they reported it to Kazuko, she could believe she was reading and comprehending it and was just looking at it because she was interested in what the bigger kids brought to school every day. She learned multiplication and even roots from those books!? How!?

Unfortunately for Kazuko, she was wrong. Machiko had learned those simple concepts over two decades before she was born. What little Machiko was looking for in those books were any changes to the basic laws of physics, and possibly information on Esper science. Unfortunately, little Machiko did not find what she was looking for.

"Shigenomori-sensei?" Machiko's worried tone snapped her out of her shock.

Kazuko composed herself and smiled, looking at the child. Maybe she just has really good memory. There's no way someone that young could have learned that. "Ah, yes, sorry about that Machiko-chan, it's not every day you have someone so young start reciting math equations like that." Kazuko said, rubbing the back of her head. She then bent down and started rummaging through the drawers in her desk, "Come on… Where are you…" She mumbled herself. "Ah-ha! Found it!" She said triumphantly as she held a up a thick packet of paper and put it on her desk. "This right here is a placement test. This will determine what grade level you will start in." She explained as Machiko got on the tip of her toes to look at it.

Kazuko took a sip of her coffee, I think she just memorized some of the math in those books without really understanding it. However, with such impressive memory like that, and what she has demonstrated with her speaking skills, I pretty sure she can easily fit into first or second grade. Kazuko thought as she watched the young girl pick up the packet and inspected it.

"Do you have a pen?" The girl said casually, not intimidated by the heavy packet of paper, causing Kazuko to almost spit out her coffee.

She's actually serious huh? Kazuko nodded and handed her one of the many pens that laid across her desk. "You are going to have to do in here, to prevent any kind of cheating." She pointed to a chair.

The girl started walking to the chair, "Oh, and Machiko-chan…" She is stopped by Kazuko, "you have candy wrapper stuck to the back your head…" She pointed out.

The girl mumbled something in an annoyed tone before ripping the piece of plastic off her head. She tried throwing it away from her, but it stuck to her hand. She started violently trying to get the wrapper off her before she finally just crumbled it up and stuck it in her pocket. Kazuko could tell by her body language she was embarresed. When she sat down to take her test, she could see the red tint on her face, causing the older woman to laugh.

Kazuko watched her for a few minutes before went back to her own paperwork. Seconds turned into minutes, and minutes turned into almost an hour. Kazuko had ran out of coffee at this point, and was about to take her break when a loud 'plop' startled her. She looked up to see Machiko standing in front of her and the large exam packet on her desk.

Huh… I almost forgot she was here… That was pretty fast…She thought as she stretched out her limbs, cracking her neck. "Ok, Machiko-chan, I'll have this graded sometime by the end of tomorrow." She said with a yawn.

The girl smiled and nodded before she walked out of Kazuko's office, presumably to return to what she was doing beforehand.

Later that night, Kazuko slumped her shoulders and took a deep breath of relief. All her paperwork was done and neatly stacked into a pile. "Oh, Kami-sama, I thought I was going to die!" She started cracking her neck, letting out small breaths of pleasure from the sensation. She sunk into her chair and looked at the clock. It was almost 11 o'clock. "Huh, that took longer than expected…" She prepared herself to get up before she noticed one last piece of paper work that had gotten knocked to the floor. "Huh, I thought I was done for the night." She said as she picked up the thick packet of paper and inspected it.

It was Machiko's exam packet.

"Wow, I almost forgot this was here…" She looked at the clock and then back at the packet, an sighed. "Might as well…" and pulled out the answer key from her desk and began.

By the time she got to the end, she had goosebumps and felt like she drank a shot of expresso. She wiped some sweat from her brow and put her pen on her desk.

She…She scored near perfect scores in every category except Esper studies… I don't know whether I should celebrate or throw up because I'm so excited. Kazuko was visibly trembling with energy. She was at a loss for words.

I think the only reason she didn't score a perfect score is because any Esper related studies at the elementary level are taught by specially qualified teachers to make sure all students get a sufficient primer for the Power Curriculum Program and ensure success in developing abilities. Books on Esper development are also tightly controlled as well, to make sure they aren't stolen by rival programs that might want to exploit the secrets. That's the only reason I think Machiko-chan didn't score so well, still, she did pretty well for what I assumed were educated guesses. Kazuko's mind was buzzing with excitement.

Machiko-chan has a chance, a real chance of going far and succeeding! She thought as she turned on her desktop computer. If her potential ability is just as impressive as her exam scores, she has real chance to show the world that Child Errors are not mistakes, but just as capable as everyone else! She started typing into her computer excitedly.

I will do everything within my power to help you succeed, Machiko-chan. I have no doubt you will make Asunaro Park proud!

I hope I got character personalities right, or at least close enough.

I felt like this chapter had a lot of monoluging, but I find it hard to describe stuff from the perspective of someone who is in a baby's body. As Machiko stated, babies are like sentient potatoes. Their bodies move on their own, they have blurry vision and technically can't see color for a while and they take lots of naps. I promise to have more scenes of Machiko actually doing things in the future chapters.

I don't how often I will be able to update this, as University is starting soon and I have another story to write for, but for those who are reading this note, I will tell you that I won't abandon any of my stories, no matter how long it takes me to get off my ass and write.