AN: Wow, can't believe that this week just flew by! I'm both sad and happy to see this event come to an end. (I'm mentally exhausted, lmao) Sooooo many amazing and super kind artists and writers contributed to this amazing ship and Ahhh! I've been trying to keep up but that just means I have a plethora of fics to read and catch up with. Uhuhuhu. ;D

Happy reading~ :D

Day Six: Ten Years Later


When Katsuki was five: he fell in love for the very first time.

It was in the starting days of their blossoming romance on the beach that he gave Ochako a kiss.

It was meant to be on her cheek but the little girl had moved, resulting in the gentlest of brushes against her lips. Their parents awed knowing what had just happened between the two children. And when their dads had to carry both sleepy children who were holding each other's hands causing both males to walk side by side. They were nestled against the two taller figure's chests – their moms giggled, walking behind as they watched the two children struggling to hold onto each other once they made their way back to their separate cars in the parking lot.

The little boy knew that this was it. Once she got in her car, he wouldn't be able to see her until months later when their families would have a joint family vacation yet again.

Ochako's a country girl.

Katsuki's a city boy.

Both lived miles upon miles away from each other.

As his own mom lightly pried his hand away from his secure hold on the little girl, he let a sorrowful frown mar his drowsy innocent face. On that day, he vowed that someday when he's older – he'd never have to say goodbye to Ochako ever again.

When Katsuki was fifteen: he learned what true jealousy is.

Ochako being Ochako had gifted their entire middle school class graduation gifts. It wasn't much, just handmade heartfelt written letters with a small yellow rose to signify friendship. She knew that she wasn't going to see a good majority of their fellow classmates due to them choosing less prestigious schools to attend.

He knows he shouldn't feel jealous because it wasn't like she'd see any of these losers ever again with them both getting accepted into U.A. the best number one school that any kid would be lucky to get into but that still didn't stop his blood from boiling at the sight of one male classmate corning her outside in the hall.

Katsuki had gone downstairs to the courtyard's vending machines to buy himself a canned iced coffee and a strawberry milk for his girlfriend. Going up the stairs to their classroom's floor, he pauses mid-step when he finds said girlfriend politely trying to escape the persistent male's hold after giving him his card and rose from the plastic bag she's carrying with her. He watches them like a hawk, ready to blast an explosion in the jerk's face but he knows his Angel – not a single bit of her is fragile.

"I'm sorry I can't accept your feelings" he hears her tell the student, "I'm already dating someone"

Damn right she is.

The male's face drops and in that moment, he gives her the opportunity to walk around him to leave. He doesn't say anything to her relief, not wanting to stir up drama in their remaining weeks.

Katsuki makes his presence known, swiftly looping his free arm around hers taking her by surprise. "You're coming with me" he tells her as she skips a step to keep up with his hurried pace being led back down the stairs. She already knows that he's taking her to their secret spot behind the large oak tree in the courtyard. It was the only tree, favored by everyone for its shade but during class hours it was empty.

Ochako knows they should've made their way back to class but she's curious already knowing he's in a mood. Their break had just ended as they dodged other students making their way up while they were the only two going down.

Once down to the tree, she knows he's going to pull a kabedon on her. Placing her back against the bark of the tree, he rests his free hand to the side of her head. Scarlet red eyes bore into her own toffee brown. His lips curl into a snarl, clearly bothered with her kind acts. "Why did you give that undeserving asshole a gift?" he asks in a low voice, trying to not jump ahead of himself. He knows she doesn't have eyes for anymore else – that's not what makes him feel jealous though.

She uses her free hand to caress his cheek as he briefly closes his eyes to savor her touch. He pecks her inner palm and opens his eyes again to see the amused look on her face. He knows that she's figured it out already. "Because I haven't given you yours yet, right?" she teases while her padded thumb massaging his soft skin in circular motions.

He scoffs, rolling his eyes but he refuses to directly confirm her suspicions.

She giggles and let's go of him to use both her hands to rummage through her held plastic bag for his own. "Here, you big baby" she hands him the only card shaped differently than the other regular rectangular ones. His is cut in the shape of a heart and contains a fresh red rose rather than yellow.

His signifies love.

"My heart's always been yours, Katsuki"

When Katsuki turned twenty-five just recently: he learns what matters the most to him.

Only three important things matter the most to him in his life.

The first: becoming the number one pro hero.

The second: his girlfriend, Ochako.

The third: his parents Mitsuki and Masaru.

Everything else matters a whole lot less in comparison on his scale.

He's officially been a pro hero for five years, not having taken him very long to get out of the sidekick/rookie status in Best Jeanist's agency. Lately he's been thinking more and more about maybe opening up his own with Ochako but nothing's set in stone yet. He hasn't even done the one thing that his mom has been nagging him nonstop to do for the past three years – propose to his girlfriend.

He loves her, god, does he love her.

But anytime he's tried finding the right time to pop the question, she's either being shipped off to another part of Japan or he's the one going overseas. No matter when he tries to do it, whether it's when he cooks them a romantic dinner for an at-home date night or when they take a rare vacation out somewhere – their separate agencies never fails to call them or a random villain attack stops him in his tracks. It's like the universe itself was telling him that they're better off staying committed to each other without the ring but he wants it.

He badly wants to be able to call Ochako his wife someday and see her take on his last name.

Katsuki has never been the type to half-ass anything he does. He doesn't want to take the easy way out and just go to the family registry to get married. If being a traditionalist makes him a prude in modern unorthodox times – he wants to do it, dammit.

It's during a nasty villain fight with a skilled katana wielder, a villain dressed in a tattered black and gold kimono that Katsuki finally makes up his mind. The villain sluggishly roams around the emptied streets as if she were a ghost, eyes closed with a sinister smile plastered on her brightly painted red lips. Her quirk flows through her katana causing anyone who gets sliced to fall into a narcoleptic spell.

Uravity is playing her defense card, cautiously trying to get as close as she can to the villain to take the katana away from the woman. She's using broken off car doors to block her from getting cut and when the villain shreds the metal car doors into pieces, Ochako quickly aims projectiles of construction signs her way.

Ground Zero is a further distance away, clicking the button of his blue-tooth earpiece to answer whoever was so urgently calling him at a time like this. "Talk!" he gruffly replies wanting to get back in the fray so Ochako wasn't left alone to deal with the villain even if he could see that, that damn nerd Deku just made his way to her for added assistance.

He's trying to focus on the voice in his ear but it's hard when he's straining his other ear to hear Ochako hastily inform Izuku on the kimono woman's quirk.

"Have you popped the question yet, you Lil' Shit?!" he hears his mom's voice booming in his ear. Usually he'd give her the time of day to bug him but right now in a high-level villain takedown, he doesn't have the time for her bullshit. "A bit busy here, Old Hag!" he barks, ready to hang up on her. He's told his parents, more his mom, and his close friends to never call him using this line – only for emergencies.

Mitsuki isn't stupid, she can clearly see her son on the breaking news on t.v. but that still doesn't stop her from calling him to nag him on something that should've happened long ago. She knows that he carries the ring on him at all times and quite frankly, she's tired of waiting on him to give her Ochako officially as her daughter-in-law.

Suddenly the heart-shaped pink diamond wedding ring on a silver band in his right pocket weighs a ton. He knows his mom wants him to stop making excuses and cut to the chase and that she may or may not be rushing him to give her grandkids too. He's been far too focused in his steady pace of climbing the top spots of the monthly hero rankings to reach number one that he hasn't put his girlfriend as the number one priority, always second to his career goal.

His mom doesn't say anything else, just gives him this annoying 'hmmm' rumble of her throat that he hates with a passion. It always makes him feel like she's silently judging him for something. Hanging up on her, he runs closer to the fight. Seeing that Ochako pulled back behind Izuku to make a shield out of steel pipes to block the katana's blade from piercing their skin.

Izuku himself super-charged his quirk to aim for the villain's legs by focusing kicks to her sides. The ghost-swaying woman moans as if she's in pain, switching her attacks to swing her katana in front of her like a pendulum causing him to high-jump back a few steps.

Ground Zero can see that both Uravity and Deku are struggling to get close to the villain let alone take her katana away from her. "Getting real tired of your shit!" he growls to himself, fisting and un-fisting his palms to propel his body towards the villain like a human speeding rocket with his arms balancing behind him. Before he can directly barrel his way into the woman, he drops his quirk, free-falling for a second before he changes the direction of his hands and uses his explosions right in front of him to create a tornado of heat while he firmly extends his right leg out and tucks his left into him to crash straight into the villain.

The sluggish woman with her eyes closed wasn't expecting an aerial attack as she gets knocked a few blocks back from her position. Her katana slips from her grasp as she wails for it. Katsuki runs with the leftover momentum of his speed to throw a net of adhesive grenades on the ground all over the distance he can cover to stall her from easily coming back to retrieve her sword.

"Hey, Nerd!" he calls out while keeping his eyes on the villain who he can't see due to the cloud of dust shrouding her.

"What is it, Kacchan?" Izuku cautiously asks, also keeping his eyes opened for the woman to stir.

Katsuki glances over to Ochako, seeing her slowly release her hold on the steel pipes but keeps them nearby in case the unexpected happens. He bites his dry lips and takes out the ring box from his pocket, throwing it to his girlfriend.

"Marry us" he tells his frenemy.

They haven't always been on the best terms but now in their adult years, they're slowly working to get past all their faults.

"Huh?! Y-You mean r-r-ri-right now?!" Izuku stutters being stunned by his friend's words.

Ochako herself shakily opens the ring box and gasps when she sees the gorgeous ring. As a search-and-rescue pro hero, her salary isn't as nearly as luxurious as his and she's always preferred to be cheap. The ring was beyond anything she's ever expected, beyond all the designs she's thought up in her head growing up. She always knew that she would be married to him someday but never in her wildest dreams did she think it would be right in the middle of a villain fight as they watch and wait to see if the ghost-like, samurai-kimono wearing woman would dare fight back.

"Who the fuck else is officially ordained here, Genius!" Katsuki can't hide the smile finding its way on his lips.

Izuku shakes his head in amused disbelief, just leave it to Kacchan to be wildly unpredictable. "Yeah, sure! With pleasure!" he shouts happily, thinking it's about time that his friends tied the knot. Sure, he would've preferred to do it under better circumstances but he supposes that beggars can't be choosers when it comes to matters of the heart. He rubs his own simple gold wedding band with his thumb and laughs. The fond memory of how he even got ordained in the first place and basically having a shotgun wedding with Shouto resurfacing from deep within his mind. It was a story that could wait for another day.

Katsuki walks over to her, keeping his gaze on Ochako as she stays stalk-still, unable to move as she studies the ring in her hands. "How 'bout it, Beautiful? Wanna get hitched?" he gently takes her quivering hands in his and gives her a rare smile.

Ochako wordlessly nods, slipping the ring on her thin finger, feeling the tears prickling at the corner of her eyes as she tip-toes to wrap her arms around his broad shoulders and peppers his face with kisses and a muffled cry of 'yes!'

The trio of pros can hear the villain starting to make her way back to them by the sound of grenades going off in the distance. Izuku scrambles to pull out his phone and open up the app in where he bought his license to even do this. He scurries to read the important parts and yells into his phone for it to recognize the couple's name to put it legally on the online form.

"Hurry the fuck up, Izuku!" Katsuki yells, throat beginning to pulse when he sees and hears the woman behind grow louder.

"I now pro-pro-pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Bakugou! You may… ahhh… ki-kiss the bri-bride! Oh shit!" Izuku yelps shoving his phone back into his pocket when he high-jumps with a rushed surge of power to dodge the pissed off woman's bare hands trying to claw him.

Katsuki and Ochako are in the middle of their first official kiss as a married couple when Ochako extends her hand out and uses her quirk to lift the villain's katana, maneuvering it to sneak behind the distracted woman to nick her in the arm causing her to collapse.

Katsuki doesn't know when she even managed to touch it but oh, does it turn him on to see her clever battle tactics give them the upper hand.

"Shiiiiit, Babe, I can't wait to have you all alone later tonight" he seductively growls in her ear, looking forward to their honeymoon as he gives her cheek a hard peck before running off to deal with arresting the villain.

"Stay down, Bitch!" Katsuki barks with a laugh, he doesn't care that the villain is snoring and can't hear him. All while ignoring the way Izuku is lecturing him not to taunt the woman that they just took down. Katsuki flips him off, smile never leaving his face while he chuckles, using his earpiece to alert the police.

Ochako places her hand on her hip, ring sparkling in the orange and pink hues of the sunsetting sky as she looks at her now-husband. She still can't believe that her busy work day would end with her long-time boyfriend finally becoming her husband.

At twenty-four, she can't wait to share another ten years with him. And another. And another. Forever.



Thank you to those who left reviews/followed/favorited this fic! This event really pushed me to be creative on a daily basis by coming up with clever ways in how to incorporate each day's prompt with an idea that fitted my own personal challenge of trying to interconnect everything.

Now I must tumble away to my current on-going Kacchako fic: Just Friends, Right?

You know the drill! Please R&R – it's greatly appreciated and I always get a kick out of reading your reviews/feedback. And again, please don't be afraid to – I can fluently read Spanish and partial French! Thankies~ :D