Ch 7

We arrive at Tenjin-Ya and upon entering the meeting room I see Ginji and smile warmly at him. He catches my gaze smiles at me then a look of shock suddenly runs across his face. He looks at Oodanna then back at me and back at Oodanna.

"Master you didn't tell me you-" Ginji starts before being interrupted

"Later Ginji" Oodanna says calmly, "Now is not the time"

Ginji nods and goes to sit on a pillow on the floor a few feet away from where Oodanna sits. As promised there is a screen next to Oodanna's seat, inside there is a pillow to sit on, a blanket, and my own personal tea pot on a hot pad. I look at Oodanna and smile at him, "It will be ok, I'm sure this meeting will go smoothly."

We take our places and a man with a black and purple kimono is being dragged into the room by the guards. They toss him onto his face in front of Oodanna. He is an older man with grey hair, his face full of fear. He is covered from head to toe in some kind of liquid.

"Please Master of Tenjin-Ya I implore you to forgive my family's actions, they had a bit too much to drink and destroyed a few of your rooms." He cried as he bowed to Oodanna.

I looked at my husband, his face was stern and his eyes cold. His arms were folded across his chest. "Daikichi you and your family have been long time customers at our Inn, but destroying two levels of the Inn is something I cannot ignore."

"Yes and there is no excuse for my family's foolishness, please use me as collateral for their debt." He whimpers as he presses his forehead further into the tatami.

Oodanna shakes his head and sighs, Ginji is calculating numbers -I could only assume for the debt analysis-. Then Oodanna's gaze meets mine, he looks annoyed at this situation.

"Master" I pipe up, "May I have a word with you and Ginji." I plead through to screen.

Daikichi jumps at the sound of my voice, I don't think he had any idea someone was behind the screen.

Oodanna nods and Ginji motions to guards to take Daikichi to a separate room right off the meeting room.

"Yes my dear, do you have any solutions to this?" He asks me sweetly.

"Ginji how is Moonflower doing? I am sure you need some help with the Inn growing in popularity lately."

"If I am being honest Aoi, we could use you back at the helm of Moonflower. The customers keep asking about you." Ginji pipes up happily.

I shake my head, "At this time I do not think I am well enough to be seen by the guests, I think Daikichi should help you with Moonflower while I am away. He can help with dishes, cleaning and anything you feel necessary." Ginji looks down at his hands his face saddened by my words.

"Hahaha, there she is." Oodanna chuckles. "Well that seems fair, he will pay off his families debt by working at Moonflower for Aoi in her absence."

"Oodanna…" Ginji whispers.

Oodanna shakes his head, "We will talk later, that is not of concern at this moment." He says sternly putting Ginji in his place.

Ginji nods and motions the guards to bring Daikichi back.

"Well Daikichi it seems we have come to a solution for you, curtesy of my Ogre Bride." Oodanna motions towards the screen at me. "You will help Ginji at Moonflower for 1 year."

Daikichi looks up at me and bows "Thank you, I will not let you down. I will work hard for your wife Master of Tenjin-Ya."

"Daikichi one more thing," Oodanna pauses, "Your family is no longer welcome at Tenjin-Ya, you are only allowed to repay your debt."

Daikichi nods in understanding. He is soon waved out by Ginji and the guards follow him out of the room.

"Master now that that is handled I can take the rest of the meetings." Ginji says cooly.

I stand up to stretch my legs, "Aaah" I walk around to stand by Oodanna.

Oodanna smiles warmly at me and grabs my hand. Its warm to my cool fingertips.

"You were kind as always my dear, maybe I should of left you at the house." He chuckles.

Ginji looks shocked, and his gaze glued to our hands. "Aoi…so my suspicion is right"

I look at Ginji then back to our hands to meet his gaze. There it was again, a small Ogre fire just around our hands. I grasped my neck to look for the pendent. It wasn't there. Oodanna gently squeezed my hand to reassure me.

"Oodanna what is going on with this fire?" I ask feeling dizzy as the flame intensifies.

"Breath slowly my dear, you will be fine. This is sort of normal." He tries to reassure me.

"For two Ogres" Ginji mumbles.

"Huh?" I squeak panic fills my voice.

"When two Ogres preform the ceremony when the newlyweds hold hands or touch a soft Ogre flame envelopes them both at the same time to show that they are connected to one another." Oodanna says shrugging it off.

"The fact that she is human and this is happening is surprising, and only a small flame is present. Oodanna what did they do to you two?" Ginji asked skeptically.

Oodanna shook his head, "I do not wish to speak of it, I can't…" he trails off.

"They had us drink some kind of tea, and it transformed the Master." I explained.

"They what?" Ginji gasped surprised.

I looked at Ginji slightly confused. "Is that not a normal ceremony?"

He shook his head, "Not for human and ogre marriages. That explains a lot." Ginji snaps his gaze to Oodanna. "She needs to know what is happening, it will effect you both soon enough."

"Ginji" Oodanna growled.

I feel the fire growing, its starting to burn underneath my bandages. I let go of Oodanna's hand and wince in pain. Oodanna kneels down to my eye level, he's saying something but I cannot hear him. The pain is unreal. "Please make it stop!" I cry. "It hurts!" The Ogre flame has covered my whole body now. My vision blurs and everything starts to fade as I fall to the ground and then everything is dark.

"Aoi!" Its Oodannas voice.

"Oodanna…" I mutter.

"Ginji get the medical staff" Oodanna barks.

I feel weightless, and a slight breeze is running thorough my hair. I can't move, my body feels like it is on fire. I hear a door slide open and I feel something has been draped over me.

"Aoi, I need you to stay strong my lovely" Oodanna's voice echos sweetly somewhere in the distance.

I hear a door slam shut, Oodanna's voice is muffled in the distance, he sounds concerned and angry.

The door opens up and I hear light footsteps near me, something is placed next to me as well.

"Master of the Inn, I rushed over as soon as I could." Came a calm voice.

"Please, help her Doctor." Ginji pleaded. "She went through an Ogre Ceremony and has been ill every since returning."

"I see she is enveloped in a Ogre Flame as well, but where is the Master of the Inn?"

"He stepped out to cool off." Ginji mutters.

"This is indeed perplexing, I have some medicine to keep to flames at bay and from burning her…but it will be excruciatingly painful to take." The Doctor mumbles while fidgeting through his bag.

"Ooda-nna-" I can hear myself mumble. My cheeks feel wet, am I crying? What is going on? Why can't I move?

I feel something poke me, it feels like ice is running through my veins. My body starts to convulse in pain. I feel more tears stream down my face. "Sstop" I cry.

The door slams open and I am being embraced, it feels warm and safe. "Im here Aoi, shhh" Oodanna's voice rings through my ears like a bell. He wipes my tears away.

"Master of Tenjin-Ya, I don't think it wise to do that. It could harm the effects of the medicine that was administered." The doctor scolds

"I cannot sit in the other room while my Bride is withering in pain, I will always keep her safe." Oodanna says in a stern voice.

"it is your fault she is in this situation!" Ginji shouts.

"I do not disagree with you Ginji I take all of the blame, but I do not think it is trying to turn her into an Ogre." Oodanna quips back.

"Its either turning her into an Ogre or it is going to kill her." Ginji scoffs. "I have seen it before."

"My Aoi is different from the other Ogre brides from old times." Oodanna whispers as he clutches me closer.

"Hmmm, what if?" The doctor mutters to himself lost in thought.

I feel the pain and burning subside. I start to see silhouettes amongst the light in the room. Oodanna is embracing me, Ginji is leaned up against the wall on the far side of the room, and a man I can only assume is the Doctor is near the bedside. He is a small man, the size of a child. But he looks wise and kind. He smiles warmly at me once he notices my gaze.

"I am glad to meet you Ogre Bride." His eyes are a lavender shade, and his hair silver. I could easily mistake him as human if I didn't know any better.

"Aoi" Oodanna breaths a sigh of relief.

I lean into Oodanna and I feel calm, "Doctor what were you thinking earlier while my husband and Ginji were squabbling?" I whisper.

He looks at me in a puzzled look then slams his fist in his open palm, "Ah yes I was thinking that you were not turning into an Ogre but in fact you are harboring an Ogre."

"Hhuh?" I say puzzled.

"Hahaha so this is all over a Ogre being smuggled in under our nose?" Oodanna laughs.

The Doctor smiles, "I am certain that is what is happening based off of the events that have taken place while I have been here. I will leave some more medicine in case this happens again." He hands Ginji a handful of vials. "In all my years of taking care of Ayokashi I have never came across something like this. Please Master of Tenjin-Ya I would like to monitor your wife and her progression."

"You are one of the best Doctors around and it seems you are telling the truth. It is fine with me" Oodanna says happily.

Ginji is sitting on the floor looking defeated. "Master, I am so sorry…I didn't know…"

Oodanna raises his hand to silence Ginji "We will talk about this later, right now all that matters is Aoi and our child is safe and sound." He says looking at me warmly.

"Wait our what? We… pregnant? But how?" I stutter.

"Its simple Aoi, during your ceremony you two conceived a child. Something that has never been heard of with a human and Ogre. Usually one cannot mate with a different species and conceive a child. Could it be her powers made this possible?" He says drifting off into deep thought.

I look at Oodanna his eyes full of love, kindness, and joy. He grasps my hand gently, I feel a small flame flicker from somewhere within. I guess a child with you wouldn't be a terrible thing my love. I can't wait to see what kind of father you turn out to be.