p dir="ltr"emstrongI'm sorry for the last update:( I got busy in classes :( and this chapter is short + writing in a hurry ;_; /strong/em/p
p dir="ltr"emstrongI'm sorry for any grammatical errors /strong/em/p
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p dir="ltr"Raph's eyes were fixed on the door and he was constantly bouncing his foot up and down. His eyebrows knitted together in worry and confusion./p
p dir="ltr""I'm telling you Leo! I don't know what's in his mind..."/p
p dir="ltr"Raph shifted the phone from his left ear to the right and rubbed the sore spot. It had been 15 minutes since he was talking to his older brother on phone./p
p dir="ltr"'...How did you find out again?' Leo asked him./p
p dir="ltr"Apparently Raph was concerned about his 'usually gloomy' little brother, who had started coming home more late but fresh than ever. Donnie would even ask for another plate of food, which was impossible uptill now./p
p dir="ltr"He was more active than ever./p
p dir="ltr"More bright./p
p dir="ltr"More attentive. /p
p dir="ltr"And when Donnie had asked Raph for training, the hot head couldn't take it. He immediately knew something was up./p
p dir="ltr"He immediately knew he had to some research, to keep his little brother safe./p
p dir="ltr"So Raph decided to follow his little brother. He spied on Donnie right after his classes and needless to say, he was shocked. He didn't expect his little brother to be friends with a kid./p
p dir="ltr"Who was that kid anyway? Raph thought of that question over and over but what concerned him the most was that Donnie would teach the boy some tricks and then be on his way./p
p dir="ltr"Oh, almost forgot to add the knocked out dude in the detail, that Donnie would regularly do./p
p dir="ltr"Why was he willingly picking up fight with that guy and teaching the kid?/p
p dir="ltr""I told you Leo, I went after him!"/p
p dir="ltr"'Did you see the face?'/p
p dir="ltr""Both? No!... I can't usually be near. Donnie would probably sense me. So I have to stay far!"/p
p dir="ltr"'Understandable...'/p
p dir="ltr""So what do you think?..."/p
p dir="ltr""I think let him be a-"/p
p dir="ltr""ARE YOU NUTS?!"/p
p dir="ltr""Ac-"/p
p dir="ltr""Wait, wait...YOU ARE NUTS!"/p
p dir="ltr"'Can you let me finish atleast? And don't yell, you're gonna disturb the neighbours!"/p
p dir="ltr"Raph scoffed./p
p dir="ltr"'Look Raph, you mentioned that Donnie beats down the guy...means Donnie's strong compared to him. And if Donnie feels like he's happy being friends with the kid then isn't it a plus point?'/p
p dir="ltr"Raph raised an eye brow. He could he Leo shuffling papers on the other side of the phone./p
p dir="ltr""Explain..."/p
p dir="ltr"'Raph, You said Donnie's been active and happy. What else could you want? Let him be happy...'/p
p dir="ltr"Raph opened his mouth but closed. Couldn't get words out of his mouth./p
p dir="ltr""..."/p
p dir="ltr"'I think it's ok and plus he has you to look after his back,right? Just keep an eye on him and be glad that it isn't something serious...'/p
p dir="ltr"Leo sounded like he was trying to convince himself./p
p dir="ltr""I... don't know. I don't trust anyone "/p
p dir="ltr"Raph heard Leo sigh loudly. Wanted to ignore the statement but couldn't./p
p dir="ltr""Then be by his side and what's the pattern again?"/p
p dir="ltr""After every two days. like if the kid shows up on Monday Tuesday then the next two days he won't...then he comes back on Friday and Saturday..."/p
p dir="ltr"'What does Donnie do on the free days?'/p
p dir="ltr""Just sits with a blank face, or sometimes read a book. But he's not gloomy, that's for sure!"/p
p dir="ltr"Leo hummed and was about to say something when Raph heard the door open with a click and his little brother peaked in, before fully coming in view./p
p dir="ltr""Oh hey Raph. I'm home!" Donnie said as he loosely let his bag pack slip down./p
p dir="ltr""Yo, I can see that!" Raph said with a toothy grin. He liked how Donnie had started annoying his presence when ever he entered the house. Donnie walked forward and noticed Raph had the phone on his ear./p
p dir="ltr""Leo?"/p
p dir="ltr""Yup..."/p
p dir="ltr"Donnie blinked twice but remained composed./p
p dir="ltr""Tell him I said hey!"/p
p dir="ltr"Suddenly Raph busted out in laughter with the phone still in his ear. Donnie looked so embarrassed. He had an idea of what Leo might have said on the other side./p
p dir="ltr""Hahahhaha. Here! Take the damn phone. Talk to fearless already. He's dying! Hahhahhaha"/p
p dir="ltr"Donnie's eye brow twitched in annoyance and brushed his bangs away that were covering half of his left face./p
p dir="ltr""H-hey Leo..." His voice so calm and low. If was so awkward. It was rare for talk on phone with his big brother. Mostly he avoided Leo because of all the questions that Leo would shower upon him./p
p dir="ltr"It had to been about 30 seconds and Donnie just passed the phone to Raph and ran away with the most embarrassed expression he could make. Raph blinked and placed the phone back on his ear. He could still hear Leo talking./p
p dir="ltr"'... .youreatingfinerightand-"/p
p dir="ltr""Hold it hold it Leo, you scared him away. Hahhahaha!"/p
p dir="ltr"Leo sighed./p
p dir="ltr"'I can't help it. He avoids me too much and I can't help feel worried about him'/p
p dir="ltr""That's because you baby him too much!"/p
p dir="ltr"Raph could tell leo rolled his eyes at his statement./p
p dir="ltr""So anyways Leo, when are coming back?"/p
p dir="ltr""I'm still stuck in work. I think this weekend I'll be free..."/p
p dir="ltr""You think?"/p
p dir="ltr""...don't be like that Raph. You know I can't control this!"/p
p dir="ltr"Raph didn't respond./p
p dir="ltr""Ok I'll talk to you later bro. Take care of Donnie and -"/p
p dir="ltr""If you can't come home atleast try calling us once in a while. It's not like we hate you!"/p
p dir="ltr"''-I know bro... look, I gotta go now. Take care ok?"/p
p dir="ltr"Before Raph could say "ok" or "bye" the line was cut off. He didn't like it one bit. Leo wasn't at home most of the time and Donnie would come back home late. It was all frustrating./p
p dir="ltr"Raph wanted to confront Donnie about this whole situation but he wanted to be patient. He wanted Donnie to talk to himself./p
p dir="ltr"Raph decided to go after Donnie again, tomorrow. He wanted to know more./p
p dir="ltr" TMNT/p
p dir="ltr""If you keep yourself on defence then I am about ninety five percent sure that no one will be able to lay a hand on you...unless you loose your focus"/p
p dir="ltr"Donnie fixed his glasses and shoved his empty lunch box inside his bag. He was getting ready to leave. But this time he was leaving a little early than before./p
p dir="ltr""Y-youre le-leaving? Already?"/p
p dir="ltr"The boy took small shaky steps forwards and whimpered./p
p dir="ltr""Yeah I'm sorry I gotta leave soon. My big brother suspects m-"/p
p dir="ltr""You have a big brother?!" The boy's fear forgotten and his eyes brightened in amaze./p
p dir="ltr""Yeah. I have two big brothers. They are both wierd and not normal at all..."/p
p dir="ltr"Donnie mentally thanked that Raph wasn't here otherwise he would have thrown a tantrum like a baby. Donnie smiled while imagining Raph rolling his sleeves to beat him up./p
p dir="ltr""That's really cool.I had brothers and sisters too and they..."/p
p dir="ltr"Silence./p
p dir="ltr"The boy had no words. /p
p dir="ltr"Donnie looked up from his bag pack to the little boy infront of him. He observed why the boy had abruptly stopped talking all of the sudden./p
p dir="ltr""What's wrong?"/p
p dir="ltr"Donnie flinched at the expressions that the boy had on his face./p
p dir="ltr"A look of disappointment and sadness. Donnie could tell there were evidence of tears in the corner of the eyes of the boy./p
p dir="ltr"Donnie's grip on his bag tightened. A wave of anxiety ran over him. Somehow he felt like it was his duty to hig the little one and wipe his tears away. He felt responsible. He felt guilty./p
p dir="ltr""T-they we-went far-away...leaving me b-behind. And I don't e-even re-rem-rembemer them now. But, I miss them..."/p
p dir="ltr"Tears fell on the ground one by one./p
p dir="ltr"Donnie didn't know what to say. How to act. Or how to respond. He wanted to move from his spot. He wanted to utter some words but nothing came out./p
p dir="ltr"All he could manage was a simple pat on the boy's head./p
p dir="ltr" /p