The quirk singularity. The theory that, with each new generation, quirks as a whole grow stronger and more powerful. Majima Kokiri inhaled the smoke from his cigarette, his body eternally protected from such a simple harm. True, as odd combinations of seemingly useless quirks are brought together, they will sometimes create monstrously powerful quirks that were absent even from the first generation. Yet, from Majima's perspective, it could be seen as less of a singularity and more as a double-ended funnel. Most quirks in the first generation- His own quirk included- were incredibly powerful. Hell, even Akira was like a god back then. The only downside to this was the incredible lack of quirk users. For every powerful quirk, there were thousands upon thousands of non-quirked individuals. To try and go to war against those odds was more than suicidal, it was just plain stupid. Not even crazy old Akira would try that.

But nowadays, the world was full of weak quirks that could create something stronger than anything Akira could have made. Majima looked up from where he was sitting, his seat on the park bench having a clear view of a giant billboard, one that held the smiling visage of a true symbol. All Might's powerful form was projected in all of its glory. There were a group of children nearby, young, couldn't possibly be any older than 8. The two that stood out cheered as they too gazed at All MIght, the blonde boy's hands sparking and crackling. That caught Majima's attention. The hell kind of quirk is that supposed to be? Sparkplug? Explosion? That was a hell of a quirk. Ooh, Akira would have been drooling at the idea of a quirk like that.

But it was with a curious raise of his brow that Majima looked at the other child, the one beside the explosion boy. He couldn't make out what this one's quirk was, which was unusual. Mutation quirks are easy to spot, and transformation type quirks normally get stuck in a sort of "Half Activated" for the first few years until they child can get them under control. As for emitter types, the blonde kid was the perfect example. Uncontrolled flare-ups, normally coinciding with strong emotions. Yet the green haired kid displayed none of the traits for any of these classes. Interesting. Could he be quirkless?

Possibly? The quirkless still made up about 20% of the population, but they're normally much, much older than this boy. How odd. Majima shrugged his shoulders as he stood up from the bench, flicking his cigarette away. With a snap of his fingers everything stopped. The wind, the trees, the birds, the people. Only Majima was left, as he walked over to the group of children, frozen in their excitement. He glanced over at the green child, noticed his eyes and his freckles. Looked a bit familiar, almost reminded him a bit of Jin from back in the day. Good kid. Shame what happened to him.

Majima walked away, his head filled with thoughts of old friends long since turned to dust.