I looked into the heartbroken eyes of Alice Cullen for another second before turning around and bolting. My four paws carrying me farther and farther away from the vampire, the woman I was so madly in love with, away from my true mate and imprint. My feet pounding against the packed soil as her musical voice called out for me, begging me to stop, but I didn't, I couldn't, not when I knew she deserved better. I was after all flesh and blood, blood, always came down to my blood. She couldn't kiss me the way she wanted because of my blood, we couldn't have sex because of my blood, her blood lust. So I ran. Gave her what she needed after another argument about, yup my blood. How it was to dangerous, how she could hurt me, kill me. She couldn't, I know she couldn't, wouldn't.

That was 15 years ago, but it happened again now, it happened almost every night, right before I lurched forward awake with sweat pouring down my face mixing with the tears. God I missed her, so much it hurt, mentally and physically, I was always in pain. But she deserved someone she could kiss, make love to, just be with without worrying about hurting them.

I know what your thinking, Alice? Yes Alice. When dickward left me on the forest floor alone, I freaked, especially when Laurent made an appearance. Then and there BAM I shifted into a huge, like bigger than the La Push pack, wolf. Snow white fur covered my body, there was a few blue stripes throughout it as well, definitely not a natural wolf. A little studying and help from Jake we found a legend of the elemental Weres. Yup you heard right, I can control water in all of its forms. With the packs help I began to live again, Charlie was happy and so was I, I grew maybe 2 or 3 inches along with my hair. I became stronger and more toned, my balance issues practically nonexistent. Sam tried to get me to join the pack which I declined, Jake tried to get me to go out with him, I declined. That was it though, my high school friends welcomed me back to the living, and most importantly, I got over Him. Turns out I was so wrapped up in him I didn't realized I preferred the company of women. Then they had to fuck it all up and come back, one look was all it took. I was running through the forest near my house when something hard slammed into me. I knew immediately from the sickly-sweet scent. "you're on our side of the line mutt." Rose hissed out at me as her family joined her. Now another thing that has changed, my attitude, I wasn't the same weak human for them to walk over. So I shifted back fully clothed, awesome part of the magic bringing them with us super handy. "and your on my property bitch." The family gasped at the sight of me along with the words leaving my mouth. "Bella" the broken whisper had my eyes shooting over to the pixie, my world froze, she was broken, her eyes were darker as if she hadn't fed I weeks. The look in them as if she lost her world. And I wanted to do anything I possibly could to make her smile again, "your alive."

"Bella Love is that really you?" I had to laugh at the fools charming awestruck tone.

To speed things up a little, I put the little bitch in his place and left. Eventually I began to speak to them little by little, apparently Alice's visions of me went black and they wanted to see if I was still alive. I laughed bitterly at that, if they cared they wouldn't have left two sadistic vamps after me. Edward continued to annoy me and win me back while I got closer to Alice again. One night things went from one thing to another and BAM were confessing our love for one another. She was the only one I wanted, I trusted, I tolerated the others to an extent but they weren't my family any more, they left and gave up that right. Finally Edward demanded why, and I told him, among other things, he lost it and attacked her. I nearly ripped his throat out. Esme was to busy trying to play my mother again and Carlisle, well he was so wrapped around Edwards finger, convinced I was mad and confused, that we would work it out and be together soon. However all was not good, Alice and I fought continuously while trying to take it to the next step. Surprisingly it was Rose who became my friend and tried to help, but we just snapped and said hateful things, and I ran.

I made it to the center of Canada before we collided. It was another wolf larger than even me, what got my attention though as we circled each other teeth barred, was the light blue mixed in her light grey fur. She seemed to see the same in me her face showing surprise she quickly shifted back into a beautiful girl. Long brown hair curling down to ger mid back with the same light blue swirls winding through it as her wolf. She was tall maybe 5"9 and dressed in tight light blue jeans painted on her ending I snow boots, her torso covered in a grey sweater, I could see part of a tattoo on her neck. Her voice heavily accented in what I presume was English, it was welcoming. "Come on now shift back so we may speak pup, I mean no harm as long as you don't." letting out a little growl at being called pup I shifted back onto two legs. "there we go, I apologize for growling, been so log since visitors have dared to cross onto our lands meaning no harm. And considering you're so young you didn't know twas claimed."

"no im sorry I didn't know, I was just running through."

"Running through? Me think not pup, you were running from." My mouth dropped open as she smirked, "come now, your safe here, non who wish to live cross these borders. Tis nearly impossible." Now listening to her speak I her accent sounded older. "you coming pup?" looking up I see she had begun to walk off through the trees. "what is your name?"

"Bella" I murmur. "Hmm if you say so, I am Katie then." After walking about 30 minutes we came upon a cabin, a huge cabin. It had a wrap around deck, a waterfall fell into a pond to the side as a river wound through the trees and out. "wow."

"I take it you like?"

"it's beautiful."

"thanks, it's one of our favorites." Before I could ask the door swung open and a young girl no more than 3 came bounding out. "whatcha got there Katie?" she asked as I took in her mess of ebony curls, a sliver of red in them as it was pulled up in a pony tale. Her eyes were a bright green unlike Katies brown ones, they held that childlike bounciness in them as if she was always happy and bubbly. There was a ring of yellow around them as well. "dinner." Was Katie's answer bringing me up short as my feet stuck to the ground. Both girls burst out laughing as a tall older woman came out shaking her head. "she's kidding dear don't worry." Her words automatically calming me. "I'm Marcella, what brings you out here?"

"running" was Katies reply for me sending a wink my way. "I see, and your name?"

"It's Bella maam."

"Bella? Are you sure?" she asked with a raised eyebrow, knowing look in her eyes, and instead of the obvious, telling her I know my own name I actually thought about it. I had hated the name since they left, that didn't change when they came back. So I looked her in the eyes "Izz, my name is Izz." giving me a smirk "well the it is a pleasure to meet you Izz. Please come in, you must be tired and hungry."

"yea lets fatten her up!"


"Sorry nana." She pouted and to had to laugh at the look on her face so she stuck her tongue out at me. The young girl was introduced as Kali, she showed me where the shower was so I could clean up, when I got out there was a new set of clean clothes. It was while eating with the three women that I had to ask, "why are you doing this for me? You don't know me and I trespassed."

"if you had meant harm you never would have ran into Katie or even made it this close to our house dear. Besides you are one of us, if you cannot count on your own kind when in need then who can you." I took a few more bites while thinking on her words, "what do you mean I wouldn't have ran into her?" Katie looked toward Marcella before answering. "Our land is warded. Those who mean harm cannot pass. Unless they are strong enough to break it of course." She giggled. "and no offence pup, but you aren't."

"are you gona continue to call me pup?"

"probably" was her simple reply. My retort was interrupted when the front door opened and a booming voice yelled out "Katie you here!"

"the kitchen you don't have to yell!" she yelled back. "we caught another scent on our land-well hello." his deep voice caused my eyes to shoot up to his ice blue ones. "what do we have here?" amusement was leaking from his every pore. And damn this dude was huge, muscles straining under his tank-top revealing his tattooed arms, a mop of pale blonde hair, green and brown mixed atop his head falling to his shoulders and in his face. Marcella must have taken pity on me "this is Izz. Izz this is Justin, and that is Angel." The last name brought me out of my awestruck staring and to the far wall where the last girl was leaning. She was in a word, breathtaking. I have felt the Alpha pull from Sam before but never felt the need to obey him. With her, this girl, I felt every ounce of it, I felt like I had to make sure she was ok, listen to her every word, obey her every command as I locked eyes with her bright greenish yellow ones slightly covered behind her bangs. Pushing that thought away forcefully I take in her appearance, her long hair was a even nix between black and red and currently straight down her back. She wore tight leather pants and thigh high boots with one inch heels bringing her up to like 5'10". A red corset finished her outfit showing the right amount of cleavage. "Nice to meet you all." I spoke never taking my eyes off of this girl. "what were you doing on our land child?" her musical voice demanded answers yet it never rose. "running." An elegant brow rose into her hairline "from?"

"my mate." From their shocked looks they weren't expecting that answer. "explain." And so I did, from the very beginning. And I have been with them ever since, 15 long years.

But they never stopped, not the dreams. Not the voice I would hear calling my name in the forest as I hunt or train before quickly changing directions. But the dreams, they haunted me the most as I sat here panting. "are you alright?" the quiet voice asked from the shadows of my door. "yes, I didn't mean to wake you."

"that's quite alright, I wasn't sleeping very well either anyways." Angel has her own past that keeps her up at night. Without another word she crawled into my bed and wrapped my shaking form in her arms soothing me immediately. Angel is out Alpha, our Queen, and an amazing one at that, she took me in, they all did when I had nowhere else to go. She puts us before herself, and she stands with us, not behind us like Sam would making the pack do his dirty work. So wrapped up in her warmth and safety I fell asleep quickly. Waking up however was different yet a common occurrence. There was no longer just us two in my king sized bed but 5 of us. Katie and Justin seemed to sneak in during the middle of the night and Kali had piled in on top. The contact helps, its necessary for our kind, Angel explained it was probably why I lost it a lot before. We were usually always touching someone else in some way.

That also explained why Kali ended up on my lap as we ate breakfast that Marcella, mom had made us. "what are you doing today Kali?"

"me and Katie are gona go for a run and hunt. Wana join?"

"no thanks I went yesterday. Have fun though. And be careful."

"Always" they both yelled as they bounded for the door. Now when I called Marcella mom I meant mine and Angels, considering Justin is mated to Katie who, like Kali are Angel's daughters. Marcella officially adopted me after a few months of my stay and I couldn't be happier. Well I could, if I had my little pixie with me.

Alice POV

15 years! 15 years she's been gone after running form me. My mate ran from me. When I find her I'm going to strangle her I swear. And then I'm going to smack some sense into her before begging for my own forgiveness. I know I'm also at fault here, but she didn't have to run. 15 years I have searched for her, I knowing I was close, catching her scent before it would disappear again. I know she's somewhere here in Canada but damn she's good at hiding. I'm not the only one searching, we all are. Even Rose who has come to call her a little sister is searching with me. So is Emmett when he isn't looking for his own mate, yes Rose and him aren't mates. Even Edward and Carlisle are looking, though for different reasons. Edward still believes he has a claim on her, blaming me for chasing her away, Carlisle believes him of course. He's the only one who buys the golden boys BS. Esme can't stand either of them right now, but we are a family so we were all searching for our lost member. That was what we were doing when we ran into them. Two wolves, one was huge and a beautiful light grey with light blue swirls reminding me of my Bella's. the much smaller wolf was pitch black with red paws, it was slightly hiding behind the bigger one who growled menacingly. My ex brother growled right back though it sounded like a little bitch compared to the wolves. Stepping forward slightly I did what my father should have done immediately, raising my hands before the wolf could leap "please wait we don't want a fight." This wolf looked at me teeth still barred though I saw recognition. "were just looking for someone that's all. We mean you no harm." Before my eyes she changed back onto two feet, I watch disgusted as my "brother" ogles this woman standing in short shorts and a tank-top in the snow, her brown hair blowing wildly in the wind, brown eyes hard as the ice she stands on. "and if this someone doesn't wish to be found?" her musical voice carries easily through the wind, "that may be but I have to try." I was as surprised as my family when her lips turned up slightly. Before I could think on it Edward yelled out "that fucking dog just imprinted on Emmett." My eyes shot to the smaller wolfs' wide ones locked on Emmett when I got the vision "NO!" but I was to late Edward had already leapt for the black wolf just as the girl crouched snarl on her lips a ferocious growl leaving her throat as the wind picked up. He never reached her though, a white wolf now hovered above his form on the ground teeth barred ay his throat. Blue swirls through the fur, her teeth itching to close around him as she pinned him to the ice. She was still as beautiful as ever, my wolf, and she was pissed beyond anything I have ever seen. Emmett took one step to see if the young wolf was ok only for Bella to turn her snarl on him, freezing him to his spot. "B-Bella what are you doing get off me my love." With narrowed eyes she shifted back one foot planted on his chest. My Bella now stood there so different, her hair now had pure white and blue swirling around the chocolate much like the wolf's. "there is one vampire allowed to call me that. And it is not you." She turned her back on him taking the young wolves head in her hands "you alright Kali?" she murmured so lovingly my heart broke.

"what's going on here Bella?" came from my brother and it only caused her to tense at the demand. "what's going on is you just attacked a child! What's going on is you attacked not just any child but our Alphas. And by right we should kill you for it. What's going on is I can't stand that name coming out of your mouth so I would shut if I were you!" his mouth flopped open as he stuttered for a response, then this huge dude came out from the trees behind her, and I mean huge. "Ma wants to know what's taking so long, but I can see you were, preoccupied." His deep voice boomed as his ice blue eyes surveyed us impassively, until they landed on me then he smirked, "so you're the face that haunts our betas dreams I presume. Hmm perhaps we should take this elsewhere Izz?"

"yes lets. Follow me, or don't."

We followed silently for 10 minutes before I couldn't take it anymore. "do you not have anything to say to me?"

"nothing that could make what I did right." She murmured. "you could explain why." Letting out an exasperated sigh "if I could change what I am for you Alice I would, But I can't! I am Were, I will always be Were. Blood will always flor through my veins. I cannot give you what you need nor want. So yes I left ok, I ran like some coward. Because I had to give you a chance to be happy!"

"you idiot!" startled her till she stopped walking, I full blown smacked her, and then I launched myself at her crashing my lips to hers. She didn't push me away, I thought that was a good sign, but it took some coaxing for her to kiss me back. Ad it was ruined by two deep voices "that's hot" followed by two smacks to their heads. Oh how I missed her, the feeling of her warm lips on mine, her hot tongue warring with my ice cold one. The way she would fall asleep in my arms, or the ways her eyes would twinkle when she woke up in them. "I want you. I need you. And I will do anything to keep you." I murmur against her lips as her eyes searched mine. Her eyes however shot up as soon as he yelled "put me down!" turning I look up to see my dumbass brother floating in midair flopping around trying to grab something. My beautiful mate looked toward the girl from before who wore an innocent smile with a "really?"

"what he was trying to sneak up on you." she shook her head and continued to walk. Another 30 minutes we came upon a beautiful sight, a waterfall spewing into a pond as a river heads past us. Beside it was a rustic cabin with a deck all around it, it was perfect. And on the porch I saw the silhouette of two women. The young wolf began to run forward, then all of a sudden she was running on two feet and right into one of their arms murmuring "I'm sorry." She looked about 16 with a mass of ebony curls. Both women regarded us warily, "my oh my you have some explaining to do my dears."

"The Cullen's." Bella answered the older woman. "are on our land why?" the other who had her hands around Emmett's mate spoke bitingly. She had black and red hair up in a pony tail and her eyes were a bright greenish yellow, and they held things I was sure I didn't want to know. I almost missed Rose's gasp as she looked at this woman with such love and devotion in her eyes. Bella however didn't as she turned to this woman with a raised brow. Her gaze was solely focused on my sister though as she spoke two words "well fuck." Bella and this giant dude started to crack up laughing as they clutched their sided.

"perhaps we should take this inside then." The older woman spoke her tone much softer and wary. The other woman finally looked away from Rose quickly taking the younger girl in her arms and walking inside without another glance. My Bella let out a little sigh before linking her arm with the other girl from earlier and heading inside. Following them with a frown on my face we walk into the large living room and take a seat on the L shaped leather sofa that took up the center I front of the huge flat screen and multiple gaming systems. There was a wooden staircase spiraling up into the ceiling and a hallway leading to what I'm assuming is the kitchen.

The younger girl who I now saw clearly had red mixed in her mass of curls, her eyes were downcast and filled with unshed tears, they were a bright green much like the other woman's with a ring of yellow surrounding them. Her eyes never rose but she crawled over form where she sat curled up to where Bella sat down and plopped into her lap, much to mine and Emmett's displeasure. My mate wrapped her arms around her whispering in her ear. The other two woman no where to be seen. Just as we sat down there was a series of crashes from down the hallway, some sounding like shattering glass. The brunette from earlier let out a sigh before curling up into the guys side with a shake of her head. It was him who broke the silence, "sooooo, you're the Cullen's?" Carlisle finally found himself and cleared his throat "yes we are. I'm Carlisle and this is my wife Esme and our children Edward, Alice, Jasper, Emmett and Rosalie."

"Right. I'm Justin, this is Katie, Kali and you know Izz, the others our Marcella our mom and Angel."

"Angel? The one with red hair?" Rose finally spoke up taking her eyes off of the hallway where the murmuring was coming form. "That'd be her." He replied as he studied her.

Angel POV

You have got to be kidding me! How could she even ask this of me! I don't want no need a damn mate. My mother once again spoke softly in our native tongue trying to soothe me, "Angel please calm down" she spoke as I launched another glass at the wall. "This girl-"

"Vampire mother! She is a vampire!"

"so is Isabella's mate and now Kali's, does that bother you?"

"Argh I wish for their happiness you know this! But I don't need-"

"Yes you do!" I freeze, eyes wide as my usually calm and relaxed mother raises her voice a tone she seldom used before taking a deep breath. "You do need this child, you need her. You have lived far to long without a mate. Would you deprive another, her of her mate, of you?" with a groan at her words I slam another glass into the wall before storming back into the living room. I take a seat on the far end of the sofa away from everyone not looking in any of their directions. My mother follows pinching the bridge of her nose as she leans against the wall.

"Isabella your mate I presume?"

"yes mother" she replied and I saw the older Cullen woman flinch out of the corner of my eye. "this is Alice."

"well we have heard quite a bit about you young Alice. It is a pleasure to finally meet you. Is it not children?" "yes mother" and "yes nana" echoed around the room. She then turned to the giant fucker who mated to my youngest daughter, "and you young man, your name?"

"Emmett maam."

"well Emmett vampires know their mates when they meet them yes?"

"Yes maam"

"and your mate is Kali here?"


"she is the youngest of us, and so very dear to us boy. You will not live very long if you hurt her."

"if I hurt her I would beg for you to kill me maam."

"and I would happily oblige" I uttered out. "Introduce your family child." The older man stepped forward "perhaps I should do that, I am coven leader." My mother narrowed her eyes at him "as you wish boy."

"I'm Carlisle, this is Esme, Alice, Jasper, Emmett and Rosalie. My eyes lock onto her golden ones as she utters a small hello to us, to me. I looked away quickly well aware of my mothers disapproving glare, "Pleasure to meet you all, we have heard quite a bit about you."

"You as well, you are all elemental Weres? Like Bella?" I don't think I like this man.

You and me both mother, he gives me the creeps. I send my eldest daughter a smirk at her thoughts before turning my attention to Alice Cullen "I have heard you refuse to have sex with her?" I had to hold in my laugh, if vampires could blush she would be a tomato. "I can't risk hurting her."

"you can't hurt her girl." I speak with clear annoyance. "I could if I lost control!"

"dear goddess I know you are young but come on. If she is truly your mate, then no you cant. Literally. Tis impossible for one to hurt their mate in such a way. You would not lose control with her." My mother took it from there "she's right. It's impossible to be a threat to your mate, whether physical or emotional you won't hurt her." The last sentence was spoken with a smirk aimed at me. Then the creep had to speak up "I think there has been a misunderstanding, Bella is my son Edwards mate."

"the fuck I am."

"Bella love-"

"I will rip your fucking tongue out if you call me that one more time fuckward." I tried, I really did but I couldn't help it, a laugh burst from my chest at the image, Justin and the large vampire soon followed. I heard my eldest daughter let out a sigh at our antics along with my mother. The two idiots stood there mouths agape as they stared at Izz. What surprised me most was the matriarch of the coven had a small smile on her face as well and appeared to be trying to hold in her own laugh. There was no way she was that fools true mate.