"Baby girl." Joe smiled as he was hugging Iris. Cecile came to hug her too, only because Ralph insisted on holding Jenna. Their hug broke and Caitlin came in from the lab.

"Iris, all your tests are good, there are no more chemicals in your system. You and Ralph can no longer be controlled by Thorn, wherever he may be."

"Thank God." Iris sighed. Immediately when her hug broke with Joe and Cecile, Barry came to her side.

"We should all go home and get some rest. We've been here for over a day." Cisco said, and the rest of Team Flash agreed.

"We're happy you're home, Iris." Caitlin smiled. Iris smiled back and Ralph nodded.

Iris beamed as she was back in her loft. The scene was the same except Barry was there and she was safe. An overwhelming feeling of relaxation surrounded her body. Barry came up behind her and gave her a bear hug.

"Words can't describe how happy I am that you're safe. Thorn and Puppetmaster are still out there though. But I will never let you out of my sight again."

"I missed you too. I'm so sorry that I stabbed you." She replied softly. Barry shook his head.

"You were hypnotized. Don't even try to apologize. All that matters is that you're back." He broke from the hug. Iris felt something rumble in her stomach.

"I-uh… I think that I'm hungry." She spoke absent-mindedly. Was she really hungry?

"I'll go get something special." Barry kissed her on the cheek and ran out the door. She felt her stomach rumble again and she ran to the bathroom.

As another wave of nausea after the vomit came, she finally realized what was happening. Puppetmaster was kind to her for a reason. He lost his daughter. Iris had thrown up and August had giver her a pillow and food. She brushed her teeth, getting the vomit smell from her mouth and she changed.

"It's okay." She whispered. Her hand went to her belly. "We're safe now."

Notes: Hi guys! I want to thank you so much for reading this! I love writing fics like this and I hope you guys enjoyed. If you couldn't tell at the end, Iris is pregnant! I've been foreshadowing this from the beginning, so you should go back and see all the hints! If you want a sequel of Barry finding out or just a sequel, in general, please just tell me.